Tag Archives: wave

Horizon Ariadust from Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere (Wave Version)

Horizon Ariadust Figure Review

Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere was one of my favorite shows from the fall 2011 anime season. It features a compelling setting, a likeable cast, a delightfully dense plot, and some of the nicest character designs in all of anime. Those designs, plus the sheer volume of characters in the show, would suggest that the series would be one that would get a lot of figures.

So one would think, anyway; however, it’s now been about a year and a half since the show debuted and only a handful of figures from the series have made their way to retail. Even more perplexing is that all of those figures come from Wave. Unsurprisingly, the great majority of those figures belong to their 1/10 scale Beach Queens line, but they did make one anomalous figure of Horizon Ariadust, which is what we’ll be looking at here.
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Tomomi Aizawa from Welcome to Pia Carrot!! 3

Wave Tomomi Aizawa from Pia Carrot 3 Figure Review

I own a lot of perverted figures and I’ve staked out a niche in the figure reviewing community as someone who likes perverted figures, but this figure might be the most perverted one I own. I wasn’t sure if I was depraved enough to buy this figure, and judging by the dearth of reviews, I suppose not too many other people were, either. With time running out in Amiami’s half-price shipping promotion, I finally caved in and tossed her in the shopping basket. Of course, Amiami extended the discount for an entire month the next day. That’s the way life goes, I guess.
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Kyou Fujibayashi from Clannad After Story

Wave Kyou Fujibayashi from Clannad Review

It seems like this has been a quiet month for figure releases. I think Saber Lily was the only newly-released figure I bought; I guess I also got Nana but she’s a couple months old. Black Rock Shooter and transvestite Yoko have been kicked to next month, and I don’t doubt that November’s releases are going to play the slippity slide game as well. Orchid Seed’s Seena has already been pushed back to December, and does anybody really think Alter’s Mio is going to be on time?

So anyway, without much new stuff to cover, let’s look at some older figures. Actually, Kyou isn’t that old; she was released back in August, and I’ve had her for a couple of months now. I’ve just been pretty lazy about taking pictures of her.
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