This should be the last preorder post of this year, and it’s an odd one as there’s nary an Alter or Good Smile Company figure to be found in it. I’ve seen some speculation that Good Smile Company’s quality is falling off, and I suppose there’s some justification to that, given that some of their products have had some egregious errors (like Black Rock Shooter – that reminds me that I still have to paste that star on her ass) and others just fail to impress (like Inori, whom nobody seems to really love, which I guess is only appropriate for a character from a show like Guilty Crown). I don’t really know if I fully subscribe to that idea, but then, I only buy their scaled figures, and not a lot of them at that. Alter, though – they’re just not making a lot of stuff I’m interested in buying. That makes this post a peculiarly FREEing-dominated outlook, and given my poor initial opinion of them, that’s a trend I’m having some difficulty adjusting to.
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