Tag Archives: Preorder Outlook

Preorder Outlook XLI

It’s been a couple of months since the last preorder outlook post, so let’s take a look at some of the figures I’m thinking about buying. There’s no Alter figure on this list, which has become a depressingly regular occurrence of late. There’s quite a few porno figures, which has happily become a much more common thing in the last couple of years. Sometimes I have to wonder whether this is really all that healthy for the hobby or anime in general but well, social norms change rapidly. On to the preorders.
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Preorder Outlook XL

It’s been a couple of months since the last preorder post and I was a little worried that this post would be overly long. To my surprise I only found six figures that have gone up for order that I am interested in, or at least interested enough in that I’ll pay a full-price preorder rather than wait for a price drop. I figured I’d get this post up anyway, though, and then I’ll post the long-delayed favorite figures of last year post early next week, and that will be followed by some porny Tony Taka figure reviews, of which quite a few are in the queue.
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Preorder Outlook XXXIX

Happy Black Friday to everyone. Unfortunately for me, the most attractive deals I’ve found have been discounts on character services for a couple of free-to-play MMOs, which is a little depressing. Nonetheless, that doesn’t mean that I don’t have anything to spend my money on, and so instead of pursuing instant gratification, let’s take a look at some upcoming figures that are available for preorder.
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Preorder Outlook XXXVIII

It’s the end of the month and that means it’s time for me to think about which figures I am contemplating ordering. I didn’t think there would be too many candidates this month but to my surprise, the figure companies have been very busy. There’s Daisy’s sister, a girl in a dominatrix pose, a girl with no name, a many-tentacled god, and of course, a couple of Kantai Collection figures, though it’s a little discouraging how few of them impress.
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Preorder Outlook XXXVII

The hope was to get a figure post up before the weekend but since paint and plaster take way too long to dry, we’ll talk about some upcoming figures that I’m thinking about ordering instead. We’ve got a few figures from the big new sexy thing – Kantai Collection, of course – and a few from some storied, old-school series. The great thing is that most of these figures are pretty big; I think there’s only one 1/8 scale figure on this list, actually. Let’s take a look at them.
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Preorder Outlook XXXVI

This past weekend was Wonder Festival and San Diego Comic Con weekend, which means a lot of cool new stuff was shown off to the world. Accordingly, it seems like a good idea to look at some cool new figures that have gone up for preorder in the last month. Sometimes I include figures in these posts that I give only a marginal chance for me to order, but this month, I’m quite fond of all of the figures listed here, and it’s going to be difficult to pare the buy list down.

A programming note: reviews have been very sparse here the last couple of months. That’s partly due to my innately lazy nature but it’s also due to some real-life issues that unexpectedly popped up early last month. That caused a great deal of stress but fortunately things seem to have stabilized. Unfortunately I have less time to do figure reviews now than I used to, which means that I’m not going to bother with elaborate backgrounds for a number of my figures. This is the way I’d prefer to do it, anyway, since complicated backgrounds introduce a number of problems in taking pictures and divert attention from the figure, which is something I’ve never liked. With this in mind, I’m hoping to get around to some reviews for some older figures; there are a bunch where I had some ideas in mind, but I don’t think they are practicable, and I might as well unbox them and get their photos done already.
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Preorder Outlook XXXV

It is time for that monthly examination of figures that have recently been put up for preorder. It’s a mix of figures this time, with a few of the usual companies – Kotobukiya and Max Factory in particular – unrepresented. Hopefully they have some neat stuff to show at Wonder Festival, which is just a few weeks away already. Where does the time go? (Spent slacking off, in my case.) Anyway, let’s take a look at the upcoming cool things.
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Preorder Outlook XXXIV

It’s time to take a look at some upcoming figures that I’m contemplating ordering. The trend in pricy figures unfortunately seems here to stay, and there are a few figures (such as Max Factory’s Kongo) that I would buy if they were cheaper. I suppose that’s what the bargain bin is for, though. Let’s go ahead and examine the figures that I think are worth full price.
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Preorder Outlook XXXIII

A number of figures have been announced recently, including many that we saw at last month’s Wonder Festival, so let’s take a look at some that I’m considering ordering. Most of them are very pricy, which unfortunately seems to be the norm nowadays, and for some reason most of the ones listed here have ship dates crammed into August. Happily for me, I’ve got some credit card points and a larger-than-expected tax refund to draw from, and that should cushion the checking account shock a bit. Meanwhile, let’s get going with the post.
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Preorder Outlook XXXII

A couple months back, I mentioned how the improving JPY/USD exchange rate was making figures more affordable, at least to American customers. However, figure companies seem intent on spoiling that happy situation by affixing insane prices to their products. I remember when gangsta lean Saber caused a stir due to her 26,000 yen price tag (she also sparked some controversy due to her idiosyncratic sculpt, but we’ll talk more about that in the future), but at least she partially justified her cost by being 1/4 scale. Now, it’s not a rare thing for 1/7 scale and even 1/8 scale figures to come in at around 15,000 yen, which is, well, insane. Nonetheless, that is the reality we are faced with, so instead of complaining, we’ll take a look at some figures I’m thinking about ordering.
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