Happy New Year’s Day, or at least it will be New Year’s Day throughout the world by the time anybody reads this. Personally, New Year’s Day is far and away my least favorite holiday; it’s the formal end of the holiday season, the last holiday that I get off from work for nearly half a year, and of course, it’s a stark reminder of all the things that I failed to complete in the previous year, most of which revolve around this website. Oh well. The usual, annual five most favorite figures post will be coming along shortly, and I wonder if anyone can guess which figures will be on the list (hint: the post is delayed because I haven’t actually photographed most of those figures). Meanwhile, this seems like a good time to do a preorder post, being that the last one I wrote was four months ago. Whoops. I usually try to do these monthly, as they tend to get very lengthy if I write them less frequently, and that’s definitely the case here; therefore, I’m going to blast through these quickly and with a little less commentary than I usually provide. I know I’ve missed a bunch of figures as well, particularly ones sold directly by the manufacturer or those that are Japan-exclusive.
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