Tag Archives: photos

Playing With a Lightbox

I’ve only been taking pictures for a few months, so I’m not all that expert at photography. My photoshoots are mostly trial and error (a lot of trials and almost as many errors) as I shoot off a few pictures, change a setting, shoot more pictures, and then transfer them to my computer to examine what’s different.

I’ve wanted to experiment with a light-colored background as an alternative to the black cloth that I use for most of my pictures. I tried using a sheet of white muslin as a backdrop in some of my earlier pictures, but the results were so poor that I’ve stuck with the black background. Years ago, I read an article detailing how to build a lightbox, and I tried it out then and it didn’t work too well for at least a couple of reasons: one, I only had one lamp, and two, I had no idea what white balance and exposure were.
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