Tag Archives: Orchid Seed

Princess Milk from Hime to Boin (NSFW)

Princess Milk from Hime to Boin

Of late, collectors of ero figures have much to be happy about. Alphamax has produced a number of quality hentai figures, Native’s goods are now far more accessible (at least to those who live in the countries that they ship to), and Daiki Kougyou is their usual eclectic self. It’s a little surprising, then, that it seems like Orchid Seed has lost a little luster during this interval, at least with respect to their status as a maker of ero figures. For one thing, they’ve shown a surprising reluctance to implement the sort of fully-explicit nudity that Native and Daiki Kougyou are well known for and that Alphamax has, quite surprisingly, energetically embraced. Also, they’ve never been a prolific figure maker, except perhaps in terms of producing recolored variants of existing products, and yet they consistently tease collectors at hobby conventions with numerous unpainted prototypes and artwork of planned future figures. Princess Milk was one such figure; it’s been four years since collectors learned of Orchid Seed’s plans to make her. It feels a little strange that, after she’s manifested merely as an illustration at so many Wonder Festivals, she’s finally here.
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Alleyne from Queen’s Blade (Orchid Seed Version) (NSFW)

Alleyne from Queen's Blade

When figure companies produce products of characters from shows with large casts, it’s typical for them to make figures of most, if not all, of the principal characters. Such a move is logical; after all, figure collectors are, well, collectors. This figure is anomalous, then, as it’s the first and only figure of a Queen’s Blade character that Orchid Seed has ever produced. It seems like an almost random decision for them to make this figure, as it doesn’t resemble much of their past catalog, but then, when a figure looks this nice, I suppose quality is the only explanation that is needed for this figure’s existence.
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Yuki from Maid Bride (NSFW)

Yuki from Maid Bride figure

We’ll take a break from the sci-fi bodysuits and turn instead to everyone’s favorite figure type: ero figures. This particular figure is named Yuki; she’s a character from the ero-manga Maid Bride, which can claim the impressive feat of having spawned three figures from just the artwork on its dust jacket. I’m a big fan of the artist, as are a lot of people, so it’s great to see more of his art getting the 3D treatment; let’s take a look at how this figure turned out.
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Super Sonico from Nitroplus (Bondage Version) (NSFW)

Orchid Seed Sonico Figure Review

Every now and then, you will see a whole bunch of figure makers schedule figures of the same character or from the same series all at about the same time. This happened with Ignis a few years back, when Alter, Orchid Seed, and Max Factory dropped their figures within a few months of each other, and with Haruka Takamori, when Alter, Volks, and Kotobukiya all released figures that looked very similar to each other, all at about the same time. And now it’s happened with Sonico, although Orchid Seed’s Sonico looks very much different than Yamato’s Sonico. Both of Yamato’s Sonicos, actually.
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Eleanor Mercer from Honey Blonde (NSFW)

Orchid Seed Eleanor Mercer from Honey Blonde Figure Review

Many of the figures I reviewed early this year were fighting girls but now we are seeing a glut of swimsuit girls. Following Nadeko is Eleanor Mercer. Like Nadeko, Eleanor sports a sunny expression that is sure to cheer up everyone. Unlike Nadeko, Eleanor radiates pure sex appeal – or wanton sluttiness, depending on your particular lexical inclination. Nothing wrong with that, of course, and because of that Eleanor offers an impression distinct amongst all the other swimsuit figures on my shelf.
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Ameri Kawai from Tayutama: Kiss on my Deity (NSFW)

Ameri Kawai from Tayutama Kiss on my Deity Figure Review

Feels like I’ve been doing nothing but ecchi stuff for the last month. And looking back at my past entries, it seems that’s exactly the case. Oh well, I surely didn’t start this site to be all-ages friendly. Next figure review should be tamer, but let’s take a look now at Ameri, a little girl who presumably is much older than she looks.
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Seira Orgel from Chaos;HEAd

Orchid Seed Seira Orgel from Chaos;HEAd Figure Review

I’d planned on wrapping up my reviews of Alter’s Ikki Tousen figures by doing a writeup of Kanu Unchou, but then I got Seira in the mail and I figured that the world doesn’t really need another Kanu review right now. Accordingly, I decided I’d photograph Seira first, being that I’m still trying to think of a way to shoot Kanu without making it look utterly boring.
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Elf from Lineage II

Orchid Seed Elf from Lineage II Figure Review

Being someone who dislikes world PVP combat in MMO games, I didn’t have much interest in playing Lineage II when it first came out. However, I loved the character designs, particularly the female dark elves, and eventually I gave it a shot. I liked my dark elf fighter’s starting costume very much, but even that wasn’t enough to overcome the monotony of the gameplay and I called it quits after my free one-month trial period.

I still like the character designs though, and I’m glad to see several figure manufacturers bringing sculpts bearing their likenesses to market. Orchid Seed is the latest to do so, and here we have the elf. No name, no character class, just Elf – although one can infer from her staff that she is some sort of finger-waggling, babble-chanting spell-flinger, as these sorts of conventions are eternal in this genre.
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Seena Kanon from Shining Wind

Orchid Seed Seena Kanon from Shining Wind Review

Sometimes when you first see a figure, you know right away that you’re going to get it regardless of price or difficulty of acquisition. You religiously scan all the figure news sites for the latest scoop, you load up Japanese pages and run them through Google Translate and do your best to interpret the results, you count down the days until its release date, and above all, you fervently, feverishly pray to all the gods above and below that the manufacturer please, please, please doesn’t screw it up. How many times have you’ve seen a figure’s prototype shots, excitement building unabated, and then, when the production sample photos come out, felt anticipation displaced by distress, lust metamorphosing into ire as you wonder, “How the hell did this happen?”

Then, when you get your shipping notice, you hope that maybe you overreacted, that your concerns were unmerited, and that your pretty little anime figure will rekindle the love for it that you first felt.
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Lancer from Red Stone

Orchid Seed Lancer from Red Stone Figure Review

MMORPGs seem to be quite popular in Asia. This is particularly true in Korea, from whence a dizzying array of titles have spawned. Some – such as Lineage, Aion, and RF Online – have been published on this side of the ocean. Others – principally free-to-play games – haven’t received a formal release in the United States. Red Stone falls in the latter category, and I hadn’t ever heard of the game before I saw pictures of this figure. While I have minimal experience playing Korean MMOs, I do like their character designs, which are almost always awesome. The lancer girl passed the eyeball test with little difficulty, and now here she is.
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