Tag Archives: Native

M ~Histoire d’M~ from the Art of Ama Mitsuki (NSFW)

M figure

Happy Christmas all; I hope you’re having a good, happy, and healthy holiday season. First, a personal update: it’s been a busy past couple of months for me, though in a good way. I took a trip to Vegas a few weeks back which was a great deal of fun, I’ve gotten my booster shot, I’ve got several figures photographed and awaiting reviews, and I’ve played a bunch of gacha games, which is not a particularly healthy habit but I’m enjoying them nonetheless. I’m planning on doing a five favorite figures of 2021 post, and that should be going up shortly after New Year’s Day. I’ve got a bunch of figures from gacha games (my newest favorite genre of figures) to review as well as a bunch of hentai figures; I’ve been meaning to photograph the two BINDing Kuroinu figures, among others, though their aftermarket prices have me thinking maybe I’d be better served keeping them boxed up. But we’ll take a look at a different hentai figure today, which was released back in April of this year, if memory serves.
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Dame Valerie from the Art of Shinsuke Inui (NSFW)

Dame Valerie figure

We took a look at The Literary Type a couple of weeks back, but that wasn’t the only figure that Native released last month; they also shipped this figure, on the same day no less. This character is named Dame Valerie and is based on artwork done by Shinsuke Inue; it depicts a young female knight caught in a rather compromising position.
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The Literary Type from the Art of Akemi Mikoto (NSFW)

The Literary Type figure

It’s been 457 days since the last time I reviewed a hentai figure. That changes now, starting with this figure of a girl called, strangely enough, The Literary Type.
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Magic the Gandhi from Rance 10 (NSFW)


We’ll pick back up with another Native figure, this one considerably smaller than the last one we looked at. This haggard-looking young girl is Magic the Gandhi, an unlikely-named character from Alicesoft’s famous Rance series. In normal times she’s a magician, a princess, and a romantic interest of the series’ titular anti-hero. As can be surmised, the circumstances she is depicted in here are not indicative of normal times.
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Erika Kuramoto from Zettai Junpaku Mahou Shoujo (Bunny Version) (NSFW)

Erika Kuramoto from Zettai Junpaku Mahou Shoujo

Despite being an avid consumer of all manners of news concerning the coronavirus epidemic, somehow it escaped my notice that Japan Post has suspended the delivery of parcels via EMS to the United States and that means I will not be getting any new figures until perhaps next month. As such, the only thing left to do – aside from abandoning this site, which I already feel pretty badly about and do not wish to perpetuate – is to review some older figures. Let’s begin with one of the biggest and most in-your-face in terms of callipygian excess, Erika Kuramoto from the doujin series Zettai Junpaku Mahou Shoujo.
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Ade-Sugata I from the Art of Mibu Natsuki (NSFW)

Ade-Sugata I from the Art of Mibu Natsuki

Native has recently been busying themselves with rolling out new figures for preorders. Undoubtedly the most anticipated is Olga Discordia, and for obvious reasons, but another dark-skinned girl has become available, and that’s Homare’s Ade-Sugata II. That name implies that there was an Ade-Sugata I, and of course there was, and that’s who we’re looking at here. Ade-Sugata isn’t an actual name; rather, it means something like “charming body” or “alluring figure” or somesuch. That this character has no name is going to make it harder to talk about this figure, but we’ll make do as best we can.
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Oshitsuke from the Art of Ishikei (NSFW)

Oshitsuke from the Art of Ishikei

We have for our examination today the latest and greatest from those inscrutable minds at Rocket Boy and Native. Unfortunately this lady has no name, being that she is simply given the title OSHITSUKE; doubtless lowbrow observers will snicker at the phonology but true collectors are certainly possessed of more refined sensibilities. Her sobriquet is perhaps more properly rendered as Oshitsuke Musume, which means something like Pressing Girl, which of course is basically what she is doing, at least in one of her poses. We will just call her Oshitsuke today, which doesn’t really make much sense but it’s not our fault that Rocket Boy did not give her the dignity of a name.
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Dva from the Melon Books Hermaphrodite Tapestry (NSFW)

Dva from the Melon Books Hermaphrodite Tapestry

Native has been so prolific that there are days where I get one of their figures in the mail and am not immediately sure what it is. This inundation of porno figures is of course due to them being not just a producer but also a distributor for a number of relatively new manufacturers, such as Rocket Boy – who are the minds behind the figure we’re looking at here, named Dva. This Dva unsurprisingly has no relation to the likely more-famous Dorito-gobbling teenaged mech jockey from Overwatch but is instead based off of an illustration done by Ban!. He’s a talented artist with an easily identifiable (and sometimes well-imitated) style – and a pronounced predilection for penises. That proclivity carries over to the figure, which indeed comes with not one, but two penises, both modestly and agreeably packaged in an opaque black baggy, which is where they will stay, at least in my collection. I try to provide a comprehensive overview of the figures I photograph but in this case – and in any other case where actual schlongs are depicted – we ain’t having that, and those interested in that sort of thing will need to go elsewhere to satisfy their curiosity.
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Slingshot Babe from the Native Creators Collection (NSFW)

Slingshot Babe from the Native Creators Collection

Ero figures are all the rage these days, and Native is amongst the best at producing them. They are apparently not the best at naming them, however, and so this girl is simply known as “Slingshot Babe.” This generic moniker is perhaps not nearly as off-putting as Compact Hog, but it’s still fairly impersonal.
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Nurse Momoi from the Native Creators Collection (NSFW)

Momoi from the Native Creators Collection

Back in the day, getting a Native figure was a rare and exciting moment. The thrill has been lessened somewhat by the proliferation of excellent sexually explicit figures – particularly those from SkyTube – but nonetheless, Native is still amongst the best at what they do and opening up one of their figures is still a happy thing – and this site, of course, is all about happy things. This particular figure, of the mononymous Momoi, espouses a medical theme, a first for Native, I believe; that’s a bit odd to observe, as nurses are as much a part of the hentai repertoire as tentacles, maids, and catgirls, all of which have had representatives in the Native catalog for years.
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