Tag Archives: mafuyu orifushi

Mafuyu Orifushi Dakimakura from Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo (NSFW)

Mafuyu Orifushi from Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo Dakimakura Review

Back before I started this blog, there was nothing I wanted more than a dakimakura cover. I was elated when I got my first one, and while I got a second one in short order, I figured that I wouldn’t get many more; after all, dakimakura are some of the most impractical things to buy in this hobby. The pillow is too big to keep on my bed, I can’t actually hold it since I don’t want to get it all funky, they’re too expensive to hang on the wall, and owning even one outs you as a hardcore anime freak. Nonetheless, they keep coming out and I keep buying them, and here I have dakimakura number five.
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