Tag Archives: Figures

Golden Darkness from To Love-Ru Darkness (Bunny Version)

Golden Darkness from To Love-Ru Darkness

It’s time to look at bunnygirls. The first one we’ll examine is To Love-Ru’s inscrutable, bibliophilic murderess with the protean physiology: Konjiki no Yami, or Golden Darkness. She is one of the most popular characters in the To Love-Ru series and it’s not difficult to see why. The To Love-Ru characters have been getting some love from figure manufacturers in recent months and it appears that FREEing is going to do a series of figures comprising most of the principal cast. Yami is the first of this line to hit the market, so it’s only appropriate to look at her first.
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Velvet Crowe from Tales of Berseria

Velvet Crowe from Tales of Berseria

Despite being a longtime fan of JRPGs, I didn’t play a Tales game until Tales of Vesperia was released on the Xbox 360. I enjoyed it a great deal, and I was happy that its later release on the PlayStation coincided with a plethora of figures from Alter. That satisfaction subsequently evaporated when they never released a figure of Judith, undeniably the best character in the game. Nonetheless, I’ve since bought a few of their figures, including Milla Maxwell, who looks very nice, and Alicia, whose low-key role in Tales of Zestiria kindled its own form of discontent. I’ve also obviously bought this figure, which is from Kotobukiya, curiously, rather than Alter.
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Preorder Outlook L

It’s the fiftieth preorder outlook post! That number is not of any particular significance other than that people like round numbers like that, but I really did not think this site would be running long enough to get to the fiftieth such post. Nor did I expect that when I sat down to write this post, there would be over twenty figures listed in my notes; it seems like a dozen appealing figures have gone up for preorder in the last few weeks. Therefore, I’m cutting this post to the first ten on my list and I’ll write about the remainder in a week or two.
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Umr from WIXOSS

Umr from WIXOSS

Happy International Women’s Day! These days, the anime industry is the light novel and mobile/web/card game adaptation industry, and thus it shouldn’t be a surprise that the character that this figure portrays comes from one of those categories. This unfortunate reality is a major reason why I don’t watch much anime at all anymore, but at least they typically have attractive characters. Such is the case here with Umr, this unusually-named little girl with a most peculiar sartorial sensibility. We’ll observe this auspicious day by taking a look at this most dignified and well-dressed little girl.
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Ran Kohinata from the Art of Misaki Kurehito (NSFW)

Ran Kohinata figure

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Scathach from Fate/Grand Order (Plum Version)

Scathach from Fate/Grand Order

Once upon a time there was a porno game called Fate/stay night. It was very successful, spawning a vast multimedia franchise. Over the ensuing years, its naughty parts were quietly played down. It thus gained a reputation for presenting its plot with dignified, sober gravity, and this story was breathlessly analyzed by its many devotees across an uncountable number of internet posts. Some might label all that as being obnoxiously pretentious but nobody can deny that Fate/stay night is a transcendant title.

That said, no matter how fervent the fanbase, puritanical portrayals don’t move swag. Type-Moon is presumably aware of this, which might explain why the older (in franchise terms) version of Lancer got little love from goods manufacturers while Scathach and a number of new, sexed-up female characters from Fate/Grand Order are all the new hotness. It is perhaps a bit unseemly, but nobody can claim to be surprised, either.
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Preorder Outlook XLIX

Bah. I definitely had intended to post more stuff on this site but life has a habit of getting in the way, so I don’t apologize or even feel too badly about the dearth of content. That’s not to say that the infrequent posting schedule hasn’t had a detrimental effect on my life; being that I have a policy of not displaying figures until I’ve reviewed them, I have stacks and stacks of unopened Hobby Search boxes containing figures from the last couple of years. They’re taking up a lot of space and I want to see the figures that I’ve bought, so more posts will be coming soon.

A lack of posting on a personal website sometimes indicates a downturn in the site owner’s life, but I have to say that life is going pretty decently, aside from the results of the recent election in the United States (though I’m slowly getting over that). I got a new job earlier this year that pays quite a bit more than my previous one, and more importantly gets me away from my former employer’s management, which had driven me insane for the better part of two years (the reduction in posts the last couple of years was due in large part to stress and fatigue from that job). I got a new car last month – it’s literally nothing special but I like it a lot. I recently found out that sports photography is a lot harder than it looks. I’m burning out on World of Warcraft again – despite the recent release of its latest expansion – and that can only be a positive thing in my life. My fantasy football team has strung together seven straight victories after starting the season 0-5 (and losing my first round draft pick to a knee blowout). Life is pretty good, but life is better with new figures, so let’s take a look at some of the ones I’m considering picking up.
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Eleonora Viltaria from Lord Marksman and Vanadis (Bunny Version) (NSFW)

Eleonora Viltaria from Lord Marksman and Vanadis

FREEing has been rolling out the bunnygirl figures, but we haven’t looked at one in a while. Further, today is Halloween, a day celebrated by the wearing of costumes and distribution of sweets, so we’ll observe the occasion by taking a look at Eleonora Viltaria, whose fetching and immodest bunnysuit provides for no insignificant amount of eye candy.
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Preorder Outlook XLVIII

Welcome to the bunny girl edition of the semi-regular preorder outlook. I keep saying that I don’t particularly care for bunnysuits but I continue to order FREEing’s figures (actually, it’s more the gigantic size that I’m partial to – I probably wouldn’t care for them if they were 1/8 scale), and they’re certainly well-represented here; not a good thing at all for my wallet given how spendy they are, but that’s always been something that figure collectors need to adjust to.
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Fuyuka Yukishiro from Sword & Wizards: The Emperor of Sword & Seven Lady Knights

Fuyuka Yukishiro from Sword & Wizards

Having no idea what Sword & Wizards: The Emperor of Sword & Seven Lady Knights might be, I naturally turned to Google and was discouraged to learn that it’s a series featuring a male student at a wizard school who is markedly weaker than his female classmates in magical talent but compensates for this deficiency with his expertise in some other important ability. Utterly groundbreaking; I can’t imagine that we’ve encountered this premise before. Sarcasm aside, the covers, at least, show quite a bit of ass, which would be promising if not for the fact that it’s a text-heavy light novel series instead of an anime or a manga. Perhaps an adaptation will be forthcoming. But in the meantime, we can admire one particular character – Fuyuka, whose backside we’re looking at here.
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