Tag Archives: Figures

Sena Kashiwazaki from Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai NEXT (Gift Swimsuit Version)

Sena Kashiwazaki from Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai

Strangely enough, we’ve never taken a look at a figure of Sena Kashiwazaki here, despite the healthy number of candidates. In truth I only own two, this one and the similar-looking Alphamax figure, which I received some time ago. Unfortunately, when Gift announced that they were going to do one of Sena in a swimsuit, I lost interest in reviewing the older figure, but perhaps I’ll revisit it sometime in the future. For now, we’ll take a look at this figure, which captures much of Sena’s charm in a singularly impressive and super-sized package.
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Cammy from Street Fighter (Bishoujo Version)

Cammy from Street Fighter

People who’ve visited this site before may know that I’m a big fan of fighting game girls. There are less of them that I’d like, particularly of the characters from Street Fighter. Like many gamers, Street Fighter II was my introduction to fighting games, and though I did not play as Cammy very often, I appreciate her design, particularly in all its immodesty. Therefore, when Kotobukiya rolled out this figure of Cammy, it was a no-brainer to buy it, no? Well, not quite, which is a little odd, because their Bishoujo series synthesizes Shunya Yamashita’s artwork, characters and series popular amongst international audiences (including characters from Star Wars and DC and Marvel comics), and low prices. Should be a no-brainer, but I had to think a bit before buying Cammy, and while I’m happy with this figure in the end, it’s an equivocal level of happiness.
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Kozue Sakakibara from T2 Art Girls (NSFW)

Kozue Sakakibara from T2 Art Girls

Many manufacturers have made figures based on Tony’s illustrations, but today we’ll be looking at a figure from a new company that’s never made a Tony figure before. Okay, technically Dragon Toy seems to be affiliated with Daiki Kougyou and that company has been around for a very long time, but I don’t recall that Daiki Kougyou has ever made a Tony figure, either. Admittedly, that’s not all that notable in itself; after all, there are a billion figures of Tony-designed characters from a slew of manufacturers. However, despite the number of Tony figures out there, Kozue possesses a quality that transcends quantity – which is to say, perversity. Indeed, the indecency of this figure is impressive, even by contemporary anime standards, in which the bar is already set very high, or low, depending on one’s viewpoint.
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Preorder Outlook XXXVII

The hope was to get a figure post up before the weekend but since paint and plaster take way too long to dry, we’ll talk about some upcoming figures that I’m thinking about ordering instead. We’ve got a few figures from the big new sexy thing – Kantai Collection, of course – and a few from some storied, old-school series. The great thing is that most of these figures are pretty big; I think there’s only one 1/8 scale figure on this list, actually. Let’s take a look at them.
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Alisa Ilinichina Amiella from God Eater 2 (GE2 Version)

Alis Iilinichina Amiella from God Eater 2

Alisa is the most popular character from God Eater, at least amongst figure companies, and it’s not hard to see why. Since Plum released their first version of her, she’s had one more figure released by Alphamax with another in the pipeline, and Volks is apparently doing a big-ass doll of her, which looks nice. This is Plum’s second figure of her, and while it represents a noticeable improvement over their original product, it’s not without its own faults – though admittedly, some of those faults are self-imposed.
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Princess Milk from Hime to Boin (NSFW)

Princess Milk from Hime to Boin

Of late, collectors of ero figures have much to be happy about. Alphamax has produced a number of quality hentai figures, Native’s goods are now far more accessible (at least to those who live in the countries that they ship to), and Daiki Kougyou is their usual eclectic self. It’s a little surprising, then, that it seems like Orchid Seed has lost a little luster during this interval, at least with respect to their status as a maker of ero figures. For one thing, they’ve shown a surprising reluctance to implement the sort of fully-explicit nudity that Native and Daiki Kougyou are well known for and that Alphamax has, quite surprisingly, energetically embraced. Also, they’ve never been a prolific figure maker, except perhaps in terms of producing recolored variants of existing products, and yet they consistently tease collectors at hobby conventions with numerous unpainted prototypes and artwork of planned future figures. Princess Milk was one such figure; it’s been four years since collectors learned of Orchid Seed’s plans to make her. It feels a little strange that, after she’s manifested merely as an illustration at so many Wonder Festivals, she’s finally here.
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Preorder Outlook XXXVI

This past weekend was Wonder Festival and San Diego Comic Con weekend, which means a lot of cool new stuff was shown off to the world. Accordingly, it seems like a good idea to look at some cool new figures that have gone up for preorder in the last month. Sometimes I include figures in these posts that I give only a marginal chance for me to order, but this month, I’m quite fond of all of the figures listed here, and it’s going to be difficult to pare the buy list down.

A programming note: reviews have been very sparse here the last couple of months. That’s partly due to my innately lazy nature but it’s also due to some real-life issues that unexpectedly popped up early last month. That caused a great deal of stress but fortunately things seem to have stabilized. Unfortunately I have less time to do figure reviews now than I used to, which means that I’m not going to bother with elaborate backgrounds for a number of my figures. This is the way I’d prefer to do it, anyway, since complicated backgrounds introduce a number of problems in taking pictures and divert attention from the figure, which is something I’ve never liked. With this in mind, I’m hoping to get around to some reviews for some older figures; there are a bunch where I had some ideas in mind, but I don’t think they are practicable, and I might as well unbox them and get their photos done already.
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Kamael from Lineage II

Kamael figure from Lineage II

Despite its age, Lineage II has been a popular source of inspiration for figure manufacturers. Thus far, Good Smile Company, Orchid Seed, and Max Factory have made figures of its characters. That’s gratifying to see, as Lineage II has some very attractive character designs. It’s not atypical in that respect; this may be over-generalizing, but I’ve long thought that Korean MMOs – a group that also includes TERA, Aion, Blade & Soul, and Scarlet Blade Online – have some of the best character designs in video games. The Kamael is the latest such figure to be released, and it’s the third Lineage figure to be produced by Max Factory; we’ll be looking at them in reverse order.
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Preorder Outlook XXXV

It is time for that monthly examination of figures that have recently been put up for preorder. It’s a mix of figures this time, with a few of the usual companies – Kotobukiya and Max Factory in particular – unrepresented. Hopefully they have some neat stuff to show at Wonder Festival, which is just a few weeks away already. Where does the time go? (Spent slacking off, in my case.) Anyway, let’s take a look at the upcoming cool things.
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Tomo Asama from Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere (Zudon Miko Version)

Tomo Asama from Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere

As we’ve noted before, there aren’t that many figures of characters from Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere, and those that do exist are mostly from relatively minor manufacturers. Fortunately, a couple of exceptions have been recently released: Alter’s Kazuno and Tomo Asama by Kotobukiya. This happiness is tempered by the realization that those two figures may be amongst the last figures from the series to be released (Wave has a Beach Queens Kimi Aoi scheduled to drop next month, and Volks is supposedly doing figures of Kimi and Kazuno, but who knows whether those will ever materialize). A sad state of affairs, that, and it appears that figure companies are moving on to the next big thing, such as Kantai Collection, which somehow feels a bit like it’s worn out its welcome before even having arrived. The only consolation is that if Tomo is the last Horizon figure to be made by a major figure company, she is at least a very fine one indeed.
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