If you collect anime stuff, it’s hard to avoid getting stuff from Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha. Unless you really dislike that franchise, that is; I know a couple of people who fall into that category and I can certainly understand why they feel that way, since I tried to watch the show and found it a bit difficult to get through. Nonetheless, I do like the character designs a lot, particularly Fate’s, and while my collection of Fate figures isn’t particularly large, I seem to have a lot of them given that I don’t have a strong affinity for the show. Curiously, for a long time I didn’t have anything featuring the lead character, apart from a couple of doujinshi. I’ve ordered her actsta figure but while I wait for that, let’s take a look at another thing that I’ve recently acquired that features her likeness, though perhaps not in a way familiar to fans of the show.
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