Tag Archives: beat blades haruka

Narika Shihoudou from Beat Blades Haruka (Stand Pose Version)

Narika Shihoudou from Beat Blades Haruka

First, a couple of random thoughts: I recently logged in to my Hobby Search account and saw this, which has caused me to consider whether I want to continue receiving figures while Japan Post is not dispatching parcels to the United States. Second, I recently turned forty, which ought to give me pause and compel me to think about the direction my life is going, including whether I am wasting too much time and money on pervy plastic anime figures and gacha games. I’ve actually found that getting older has made me more comfortable with who I am, though; I’ve found myself being less unsure of the path I’ve taken and more content with where I am. The lack of updates here has less to do with me falling out of love with this hobby and more to do with me being lazy and having photographed some uninspiring figures that I don’t feel that compelled to write about.

And that leads me to talk about this figure: this is Narika Shihoudou, one of the three main heroines of the eroge Beat Blades Haruka. I’m always happy to see a figure from an Alice Soft property, even if it’s not executed particularly well, which is unfortunately the case here. And while I enjoyed Beat Blades Haruka quite a bit, I’d probably say that Narika was my least favorite of the ninja trio, and I don’t think I actually ever went through her route. Nonetheless, let’s go over her very quickly.
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Doujinshi Stuff Part 2 (NSFW)

I’d meant to follow up my Doujinshi and Doll Stuff post earlier, but I wanted to wait till I received the doujinshi that I recently ordered. Now that it’s all here, I can show off some of the stuff that I’ve bought. No doll stuff is included here, though; I had intended to photograph Rei and Asuka (the original Medicom Real Action Heroes dolls) doing lewd things with each other but I forgot about it. I’ll give a quick review: decent likenesses, kinda sucky for playing around with.

A lot of this stuff is from Comiket 78. Comiket is a huge convention and hentai books comprise only a fraction of what’s exhibited there, but I still like to think of it as the greatest celebration of cartoon porn in the galaxy. This is my small homage to this wonderful thing.
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Narika Shihoudou from Beat Blades Haruka

Alter Narika Shihoudou from Beat Blades Haruka Review

Alter’s Narika is a figure that I’ve been anticipating since she was announced. I really like Alicesoft’s character designs and given Alter’s history of producing superb figures, I had high expectations for Narika. As usual, Alter does not disappoint, as they’ve made another amazing figure.
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Subaru from Beat Blades Haruka

E2046 Subaru from Beat Blades Haruka Review

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Haruka Takamori from Beat Blades Haruka

Alter Haruka Takamori from Beat Blades Haruka Review

Haruka Takamori is the protagonist of Beat Blades Haruka, an erogame made by Alicesoft (NSFW). I played through part of the game, and under my direction poor Haruka often ended up being explored and abused in ghastly ways. No doubt my lack of comprehension of both Japanese and the game’s mechanics contributed to her inferior battle performance. Beat Blades Haruka has very nice artwork, but I was hesitant to pick this figure up because I thought the face didn’t look entirely accurate to the game graphics.
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