It’s been a few months since the last one. This list is already way too long and I’ve spent a lot more time writing it than I thought it would take, so let’s get to it.
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It’s been a few months since the last one. This list is already way too long and I’ve spent a lot more time writing it than I thought it would take, so let’s get to it.
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Heh, I said in the last preorder post that I’d get it up in a week or two. Whoops. In the meantime, this post has swollen to twenty figures either preordered or receiving strong consideration for my cash money. I think this might be the longest preorder post I’ve ever written so let’s get to it.
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It’s the fiftieth preorder outlook post! That number is not of any particular significance other than that people like round numbers like that, but I really did not think this site would be running long enough to get to the fiftieth such post. Nor did I expect that when I sat down to write this post, there would be over twenty figures listed in my notes; it seems like a dozen appealing figures have gone up for preorder in the last few weeks. Therefore, I’m cutting this post to the first ten on my list and I’ll write about the remainder in a week or two.
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Bah. I definitely had intended to post more stuff on this site but life has a habit of getting in the way, so I don’t apologize or even feel too badly about the dearth of content. That’s not to say that the infrequent posting schedule hasn’t had a detrimental effect on my life; being that I have a policy of not displaying figures until I’ve reviewed them, I have stacks and stacks of unopened Hobby Search boxes containing figures from the last couple of years. They’re taking up a lot of space and I want to see the figures that I’ve bought, so more posts will be coming soon.
A lack of posting on a personal website sometimes indicates a downturn in the site owner’s life, but I have to say that life is going pretty decently, aside from the results of the recent election in the United States (though I’m slowly getting over that). I got a new job earlier this year that pays quite a bit more than my previous one, and more importantly gets me away from my former employer’s management, which had driven me insane for the better part of two years (the reduction in posts the last couple of years was due in large part to stress and fatigue from that job). I got a new car last month – it’s literally nothing special but I like it a lot. I recently found out that sports photography is a lot harder than it looks. I’m burning out on World of Warcraft again – despite the recent release of its latest expansion – and that can only be a positive thing in my life. My fantasy football team has strung together seven straight victories after starting the season 0-5 (and losing my first round draft pick to a knee blowout). Life is pretty good, but life is better with new figures, so let’s take a look at some of the ones I’m considering picking up.
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Welcome to the bunny girl edition of the semi-regular preorder outlook. I keep saying that I don’t particularly care for bunnysuits but I continue to order FREEing’s figures (actually, it’s more the gigantic size that I’m partial to – I probably wouldn’t care for them if they were 1/8 scale), and they’re certainly well-represented here; not a good thing at all for my wallet given how spendy they are, but that’s always been something that figure collectors need to adjust to.
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The exchange rate is tanking – thanks UK – but the business of purchasing figures continues apace. I’ve left off a bunch of exclusive figures since I’ve lost track of most of them, but I may wind up getting them down the line, if I remember to order them. In the meantime, it’s been a fairly busy month due to real-life stuff but reviews should be continuing soon.
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It’s been too long since the last preorder post and there are way too many figures to discuss. I’ve left off Japan-exclusive figures, since there are so many that I haven’t yet looked at the ones that I might be interested in. It doesn’t help that I don’t yet have a reliable source for ordering exclusive figures, though Nippon-Yasan is currently packing up my Bikini Warriors pally figure and I’ll see how that goes.
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Happy New Year’s Day, or at least it will be New Year’s Day throughout the world by the time anybody reads this. Personally, New Year’s Day is far and away my least favorite holiday; it’s the formal end of the holiday season, the last holiday that I get off from work for nearly half a year, and of course, it’s a stark reminder of all the things that I failed to complete in the previous year, most of which revolve around this website. Oh well. The usual, annual five most favorite figures post will be coming along shortly, and I wonder if anyone can guess which figures will be on the list (hint: the post is delayed because I haven’t actually photographed most of those figures). Meanwhile, this seems like a good time to do a preorder post, being that the last one I wrote was four months ago. Whoops. I usually try to do these monthly, as they tend to get very lengthy if I write them less frequently, and that’s definitely the case here; therefore, I’m going to blast through these quickly and with a little less commentary than I usually provide. I know I’ve missed a bunch of figures as well, particularly ones sold directly by the manufacturer or those that are Japan-exclusive.
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I’ve been writing this post off and on for a week, and it seems like at least one new figure that I’m interested in has gone up for preorder each day that I’ve meant to post it. Enough is enough; I think I’ve forgotten to include a number of figures I’m interested in but those I’ve overlooked will get included in next month’s post. For now, here’s what I’m thinking about ordering:
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Welcome to the >10,000 yen edition of the preorder outlook, in which almost every figure here sports a five-digit price tag, even though none of them are particularly large or overly elaborate. Indeed, quite a few of these would’ve cost perhaps 7,500 yen a few years ago – but then, the USD-JPY exchange rate was far worse, so I suppose it works out to about the same cost. It doesn’t quite feel that way, though. Regardless, if I’m disinclined to pay those prices, there’s nothing to do but to quit the hobby, and since I’m not about to do that, let’s take a look at some of the figures that have caught my eye in the last month.
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