Colidis from the Art of Citemer Liu

Colidis from the Art of Citemer Liu

The year 2024 has not given me an auspicious start, as I managed to come down with my first case of COVID a few weeks ago. Happily, the symptoms weren’t too serious aside from a crushing sense of fatigue and intermittent but persistent coughing spasms, both of which I still experience to some degree. But the more germane aspect of 2024 is that it is the Year of the Dragon, and as such the first review of the year is of a dragon girl. This particular girl is named Colidis and comes from an illustration drawn by the Chinese artist Citemer Liu, who is perhaps best known for his Overwatch, League of Legends, and Genshin Impact fan art. Colidis, however, is an original design of his and she apparently has two sisters, or compatriots at least, and I believe they’ll both be getting figures at some point. I’m looking forward to them since Colidis is a really spectacular and distinctive figure.

Colidis figure

The full title of this figure is “Claritas Draco Bellatrix Feminina”, and while I don’t know Latin I think this means something like “Glorious Female Dragon Warrior”. Although Colidis comes from an illustration, we have a small bit of backstory, provided by her product listing. She’s apparently the second daughter of a demon dragon named Purgatory and she’s a masochist who enjoys being ridden and whipped by heroes. However, she’s very scary when she gets angry. There’s not a lot to go on, but this brief description makes this character a lot more fun.

Colidis figure

Colidis is manufactured by DCTer and is sculpted in 1/7 scale, standing about 23.5 centimeters in height. In terms of body proportions, she looks smaller than most anime-style 1/7 scale figures since she uses a more realistic design, and she would appear to be quite tall if she stood up straight. Nonetheless, this is still a decent-sized figure.

A curious aspect of this figure is that the small stone blocks surrounding her feet are actually part of her body rather than part of the base. I think she was designed this way for stability reasons, particularly being that she’s wearing some very tall high heels. That said, her feet do we have a tendency to pop out of the base anyway.

Colidis figure

Colidis’s design has a number of interesting and unique features, including her outfit. Colidis is sheathed in an unbelievably tight purple bodysuit; virtually nothing is left to the imagination as her suit conforms to every curve and crevice of her body. She wears some sparse armor, basically comprising pauldrons on her shoulders and a series of plates running along her tail.

Colidis figure

She also wears some cuffs on her wrists and ankles, presumably to accentuate the bondage theme of this figure.

Colidis figure

And she wears a gag, presumably a bit gag to go along with the theme of this figure. Her teeth are clenched around it though they aren’t particularly detailed, which I think is a good thing; realistic teeth tend to look very unsettling in figures and illustrations, in my view. Colidis’s gaze is directed sideways through narrowed eyes, which gives her a very sexy appearance that contrasts with the peculiar circumstances she finds herself in. She’s drooling uncontrollably, with a small pool of spittle gathering near her cleavage. I think that’s the first time I’ve seen something like this on a figure, and it looks really neat.

Colidis figure

I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen a saddle strapped to a character in a figure, too. It’s not too obvious from the front and in fact, when I first viewed the illustration I did not even notice it, and I had to spend some time figuring out just what it was when I saw the figure.

Colidis figure

She’s also holding a leash. Gazing below that, Colidis’s breasts are large and shapely, each wrapped perfectly in her bodysuit.

Colidis figure

As is her backside, which is further emphasized by her forward lean.

Colidis figure

Her wings, tail, and horns follow the purple motif of this figure. Her wings are rather tattered; whether that’s a result of combat or her recreational activities is left unanswered.

Colidis figure

Her hair is styled in twintails, but they’re wrapped around her horns, which I think is a really cute touch.

Colidis figure

I think Colidis looks amazing, so much so that this figure was one of my favorite figures of 2023. Her body looks amazing and her outfit is very sexy. The bondage theme is unexpected and a ton of fun. All of those aspects combined with the fact that I have a thing for dragon girls makes this figure one of my favorites in my collection, and I’m very much looking forward to the next figure in this line.

Colidis figure
Colidis figure
Colidis figure
Colidis figure
Colidis figure
Colidis figure
Colidis figure
Colidis figure
Colidis figure
Colidis figure
Colidis figure
Colidis figure
Colidis figure
Colidis figure
Colidis figure
Colidis figure
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3 Responses to Colidis from the Art of Citemer Liu

  1. David Pulver says:

    Nice photography, and a very interesting figure design! Not keen on the gag or whatever but the coloring and details were striking.

    I hope you are fully recovered from covid!

    • Tier says:

      Thanks very much! Yeah, the gag and the bondage elements are a really curious feature to include, since they’re not immediately obvious. Well, the gag is, but the first time I saw this figure, it took me a little while to figure out what it actually was.

      It took me a couple of weeks but I’m mostly recovered; even that cough has mostly gone away, I think. Though then again, there was a time a few weeks back that I thought I had beaten it, but then it came back with a vengeance. I hope that doesn’t happen again.

  2. Rene Hernandez says:

    After all these years glad to see your still adding new figures

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