Chizuru Mizuhara from Rent-a-Girlfriend (Santa Bikini de Fuwamoko Version)

Chizuru Mizuhara from Rent-a-Girlfriend

Happy Christmas, everyone. There’s no more appropriate time of the year than now to look at this figure of Chizuru Mizuhara, the female lead of Kanojo, Okarishimasu or Rent-a-Girlfriend. The original manga has been spectacularly successful, with over thirty volumes published and derivative anime and live action television series having been broadcast. I am told by friends I trust that the series is actually pretty bad, in that nothing of consequence actually happens in it. This isn’t an uncommon problem with anime and manga stories, but even when it is so, we can still enjoy the character designs for what they are, and that’s another reason we’ll look at Chizuru.

Chizuru Mizuhara figure

Chizuru Mizuhara is the professional name of Chizuru Ichinose, a college student who works as a rental girlfriend. She meets the protagonist when he contracts her services, and as one might guess their relationship develops beyond its original transient and commercial nature to one built on a fondness for each other. I’m not sure if the story goes anywhere beyond that. I’m also not certain if Chizuru actually wears a costume like this at any time in the series.

Chizuru Mizuhara figure

This figure is manufactured by a company named Hakoiri Musume in 1/6 scale. I’m not familiar at all with this company but they’ve been in business for at least five years, it appears. They’ve also made another figure of Chizuru in the same mode as this one, but with her looking forward instead. I didn’t buy that one, though mostly because I forgot about it when I was submitting preorders; I do like the way it looks.

Chizuru Mizuhara figure

Chizuru is dressed in a skimpy Christmas-themed bikini, with the top undone to reveal her bare back. It’s a very sexy outfit, but it’s quite cute as well.

Chizuru Mizuhara figure

She’s looking back at the viewer while covering her breasts, hair splayed out wildly. Her pose conveys a sense of movement and energy, but it also means there’s really only one good viewing angle to display her.

Chizuru Mizuhara figure

That said, she still does look great from other angles.

Chizuru Mizuhara figure

It’s no surprise that a Santa costume comes with a Santa hat. However, Chizuru’s hat looks rather stiff and I don’t think it fits very well on her head, so I don’t use it.

Chizuru Mizuhara figure

Chizuru has a really cute expression on her face, with palpable embarrassment and consternation being evinced.

Chizuru Mizuhara figure

Her base is actually a gift box with some loose plastic balloon-shaped accessories. The box is flimsier than it looks, but that’s not too big of a problem; the more important thing is that it accentuates the effect of this figure, where it looks like Chizuru is emerging from her gift box prior to securing her outfit.

Chizuru Mizuhara figure

I’m not familiar with either the manufacturer or Rent-a-Girlfriend in general, but I like this figure a lot. Chizuru looks quite sexy but this is also simply a fun figure to look at. Chizuru’s nervous frown and her embarrassed pose add a lot of character and expressiveness to the figure; this is particularly nice being that I’ve heard these qualities are somewhat lacking in the actual series. Nonetheless, I’m happy to own this figure, and I do ask myself every now and then whether I should buy the second version of Chizuru.

Chizuru Mizuhara figure
Chizuru Mizuhara figure
Chizuru Mizuhara figure
Chizuru Mizuhara figure
Chizuru Mizuhara figure
Chizuru Mizuhara figure
Chizuru Mizuhara figure
Chizuru Mizuhara figure
Chizuru Mizuhara figure
Chizuru Mizuhara figure
Chizuru Mizuhara figure
Chizuru Mizuhara figure
Chizuru Mizuhara figure
Chizuru Mizuhara figure
Chizuru Mizuhara figure
Chizuru Mizuhara figure
Chizuru Mizuhara figure
Chizuru Mizuhara figure
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6 Responses to Chizuru Mizuhara from Rent-a-Girlfriend (Santa Bikini de Fuwamoko Version)

  1. TomTheCat says:

    Merry Christmas from me too! A very cute figure indeed. Every now and then a figure catches my eye, and often it turns out to be Chizuru Mizuhara. I haven’t purchased any of those yet, but I quite enjoy looking at pictures of them. Your photos are no exception, excellent as always. Too bad that the viewing angle is indeed limited to very few degrees. It’s funny that in some pictures the white trim on her bikini bottom reminds me of a bunny tail, lol
    (You wrote her name as “Minuhara” in the second paragraph. You may want to change that.)

    • Tier says:

      I hope you had a great Christmas! And thank you for the kind words 😀 And the correction, too … I rushed this post out hoping to get it done on Christmas, and it was still a few hours late … and full of errors, as not only did I mess up the spelling but one of the photo links was broken too. Sigh. Oh well, at least posts are rolling out again.

  2. wieselhead says:

    Merry Christmas 🙂
    That is a great christmas themed figure, a lot of harmless fanservice.
    The figure does everything right, he overall presentation and the expressive facial expression are just great. Her bodyline is really great, there could be a bit more here and there, but there also must be thinner women on the planet.

    when I first read the anime description I literally freaked about the fact what rental girlfriend actually indicates. Sure when you choose money over dignity do such jobs XD

    • Tier says:

      Thank you very much! Ahahahaha, yeah, the name of the series is humorous but I’m not sure it is doing it a lot of favors. Though I remember reading a news article about a rent-a-dad business in Japan, so maybe girlfriend rentals are a thing, too?

  3. Tsunami3k says:

    Ah, finally a figure that have before the review allowing me that rare opportunity to dodge the regret of a missed/forgotten/skipped figure that these shoots so often instill in me. Excellent coverage as usual, doing full justice to the figure at hand and comprehensively covering all of the nuances of this particular pose and composition.

    In the end, I think I’m OK with one particular angle being decidedly more flattering than the others given the potency of that viewpoint. The little balloons are so great!

    • Tier says:

      Thanks very much! And it’s good to talk to you again (and deepest apologies for the late response, I have been so lazy). Are you still collecting figures and taking photos? So many people I used to admire and talk to from back in the day seem to have moved on from the hobby.

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