St. Louis from Azur Lane (Light Armed Version)

St. Louis from Azur Lane

Azur Lane has grown from relatively modest beginnings as a thematic competitor to Kantai Collection to a multimedia powerhouse in its own right. Its array of conspicuously – and shamelessly – sexy characters no doubt plays an outsized role in its success and apparently, no character’s fan art has a higher proportion of lewds than USS St. Louis. Few Azur Lane characters also have as many skins as St. Louis, and it appears that most of them are going to be receiving figures in the future. However, being that this is the first figure of St. Louis, it’s only apropos that it features her in her default outfit.

St. Louis figure

St. Louis is voiced by Yoko Hikasa, the actress who also voices Rias Gremory in High School DxD, and she portrays both characters in much the same manner: both characters are composed but flirtatious, assertive but compassionate, and both care deeply for their families. In St. Louis’s case, this mostly means USS Helena and USS Honolulu, the two characters most closely associated with her.

In real life, USS St. Louis was a Brooklyn-class light cruiser that served throughout World War II. She was later sold to the Brazilian Navy, being renamed Almirante Tamandaré. The current USS St. Louis is a Freedom-class littoral combat ship; given the significant problems experienced by ships of this class, she probably will not have a long service career.

St. Louis figure

This figure is manufactured by Alter and was originally released in March 2022. She was subsequently re-released this month, but this particular figure does come from the initial production run. St. Louis is sculpted in 1/7 scale and stands about 25.5 centimeters in height. This is the “light armed” version, which lacks St. Louis’s rigging – that is, the array of floating ship hulls and gun turrets that surround Azur Lane (and Kantai Collection) shipgirls.

St. Louis figure

St. Louis is noted for her scandalous outfits – most notably her Luxurious Wheels skin, which is essentially a rhinestone-studded towel draped over her breasts and torso – but her regular outfit is particularly revealing in its own right. St. Louis wears a short, sleek, figure-hugging dress with a series of argyle cutouts along her hips. Her right thigh-high is imprinted with “CL49”, representing her CL-49 designation.

St. Louis figure

Her dress is conspicuously short, revealing a tantalizing section of her backside. She is wearing a thong under her dress; the waistband of her panties is made visible by the diamond cutouts of her dress.

St. Louis figure

Her dress also shows a prodigious amount of sideboob, which is most appropriate since St. Louis is one of the most generously-endowed characters in Azur Lane.

St. Louis figure

St. Louis’s hair is tied back in a ponytail that’s canted towards the right. Her hair is colored an attractive powder blue, and the tint transitions to a purple towards the tips.

St. Louis figure

One of the things I like the most about this figure is the way St. Louis’s dress fits on her body. It’s not a flat and undetailed; rather, a number of creases convey how thin the fabric of her dress is supposed to look, and the contours of her body are readily discernible. I also like how the dress is nearly translucent over her breasts.

St. Louis figure

I also like St. Louis’s confident and friendly expression. She’s often lewded in fan-drawn art, and I can’t say I mind that very much, but it’s not completely accurate to her character. Rather, her personality is akin to a flirtatious but caring older sister type rather than the hormone-crazed nymphomaniac she’s often drawn as (admittedly, USS Bremerton tends to suffer this issue even more).

St. Louis figure

I have a particular bias towards the Eagle Union characters in Azur Lane, and so I’m particularly glad that Alter – one of my favorite figure manufacturers – produced this figure. Indeed, I think I would say that St. Louis is my favorite character in all of Azur Lane, and so I esteem this figure all the more. It’s the best representation of St. Louis that I can imagine, and it’s one of my favorite figures in my collection.

St. Louis figure
St. Louis figure
St. Louis figure
St. Louis figure
St. Louis figure
St. Louis figure
St. Louis figure
St. Louis figure
St. Louis figure
St. Louis figure
St. Louis figure
St. Louis figure
St. Louis figure
St. Louis figure
St. Louis figure
St. Louis figure
St. Louis figure
St. Louis figure
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9 Responses to St. Louis from Azur Lane (Light Armed Version)

  1. Wieselhead says:

    Glad to hear that ST. Louis conquered your heart.
    I only got Javelin – Picnic version so far, but I also love how she turned out.

    ALTER did a great job with their Azure Lane releases so far. Seems like Azure Lane also turned ALTER into an ecchi figure manufacturer, since a lot of the popular characters are curvy or how the youngsters say thicc, some characters are also quite naughty or just wear skin revealing outfits to get the commanders attention.

    ST. Louis is a pretty girl in a stripper dress before the show starts.
    I think no one can deny how alluring this hentai character bodyline is,
    she looks just beautiful and gorgeous, accompanied with a very cute face.

    The color of the outfit is cool and the tight fit makes it interesting to look at.
    The transparent effect is well done, but I can’t believe ALTER made it, since it is naughty.
    I was talking to a friend about that all Eagle Union cruisers are dressed like sluts XD,
    but he corrected me and said that they should resemble these Pinup girls more or less.

    I’m glad you bought the version without guns, I rather like looking at the characters without those,
    it’s unnecessary expensive, takes up lots of space and is often extra fragile.

    • Tier says:

      I’m really happy with Alter’s Azur Lane figures; I’ve photographed St. Louis and Baltimore but I have their first Takao figure as well as Honolulu and they both look great. I should probably review both of them already.

      Haha, yeah, the Eagle Union cruisers definitely have some revealing outfits đŸ˜€ They look great; I would really like to see Brooklyn, Helena, and New Orleans get figures but I’m not sure if that’s going to happen. But at least Reno is getting a lot of love.

      The space issue was the main reason I bought the light armed version; I just don’t think I have the space to display the figures with their rigging, and I definitely agree that I prefer looking at the characters without the gun turrets anyway. Plus some of the rigging designs in the game have gotten really absurd recently (looking at you Northern Parliament characters with rigging the size of Attack of Titan monsters).

  2. TomTheCat says:

    This is indeed a very nice and shapely figure. Is it me, or do all the women in Azur Lane have the same body type? (It probably IS me, because I only notice those who please my eyes, lol…)

    • Tier says:

      There’s actually a pretty big variety of body types in Azur Lane! đŸ˜€ But this sort of shape is probably the most common, I think. It’s funny that you mention that though cuz I’ve spoken to some other gacha gamer friends and some of them are like “Azur Lane, is that the game with all the lolis?” I guess Azur Lane does have a fair number of lolis …

  3. soulsamurai3222 says:

    Thank you for giving this the attention it deserves! I always though her default skin was underrepresented givin how sexy it is! Keep up the great work man

  4. Phil Brownlee says:

    Love this ship so much. Cant wait for her Luxerious wheels skin. Do you have any more Azur Lane figures on order?

    • Tier says:

      I do! Uhh, a whole bunch, I think; off the top of my head I have ordered the Baltimore race queen figure from Apex, the 1/4 scale Taihou and race girl Shokaku and Zuikaku figures from Mimeyoi, the Atago and Takao race queen figures, Bremerton’s kung-fu outfit and the Baltimore schoolgirl figure from Alter, the tennis dress Bremerton from a manufacturer that I can’t remember right now, and Reno’s cheerleader and bunnygirl figure. Plus I have Black Prince and Prince of Wales waiting for review here, along with Eldridge, swimsuit Takao, wedding dress Enterprise, and Honolulu. I may have missed some!

  5. Plastigoji says:

    Hey there just recently discovered this site (if I have before I don’t remember) but I love your reviews, of which I own several of. St. Louis here is an exceptional figure and I’ve got Honolulu as well. Sadly I’ve had to unload some figures as of late due to various reasons but these 2 are on my “don’t want to get rid of” list.
    Do you still own all the figures you have reviews of?

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