Happy Christmas all; I hope you’re having a good, happy, and healthy holiday season. First, a personal update: it’s been a busy past couple of months for me, though in a good way. I took a trip to Vegas a few weeks back which was a great deal of fun, I’ve gotten my booster shot, I’ve got several figures photographed and awaiting reviews, and I’ve played a bunch of gacha games, which is not a particularly healthy habit but I’m enjoying them nonetheless. I’m planning on doing a five favorite figures of 2021 post, and that should be going up shortly after New Year’s Day. I’ve got a bunch of figures from gacha games (my newest favorite genre of figures) to review as well as a bunch of hentai figures; I’ve been meaning to photograph the two BINDing Kuroinu figures, among others, though their aftermarket prices have me thinking maybe I’d be better served keeping them boxed up. But we’ll take a look at a different hentai figure today, which was released back in April of this year, if memory serves.
Like a number of Native figures, this girl unfortunately is not graced with a name, so like a spymistress from a Bond movie, we’ll refer to her simply as “M”. Miss M is based on an illustration from Ama Mitsuki, well-known in times past for his artwork of Kantai Collection characters. More recently he’s drawn characters in contemporary couture, particularly in streetwear, sportswear, and office lady styling. He’s also drawn a fair number of characters in erotic bondage scenarios, and it’s this category that is most relevant to collectors of hentai figures.
M is sculpted in 1/6 scale and measures approximately 17 centimeters in height. Like many figures from Native brands, she comes with a variety of additional accessories which we’ll take a look at it in a bit. Her base is a very large mirrored disc; its size is excessive but the reflective quality does provide benefits that we’ll also examine.
Characteristics of Ama Mitsuki’s style include narrow, wide-set eyes, pale and subdued color schemes, and relatively realistic hair tones and styling. His idiosyncrasies are evident here, though I don’t think I would claim that it’s immediately obvious whose artwork this figure represents. M’s default face shows anguish, embarrassment, and perhaps pleasure as well – all appropriate reactions given her present circumstances. Twintails give her a more youthful and therefore spicier appearance.
She comes with an alternate face with closed eyes; this look exchanges the expressiveness of her eyes for a more intense visage of ecstasy. I prefer her with her eyes open but the face with closed eyes perhaps better complements the themes of this figure.
Those themes include bondage, masochism, and eroticism, and as such, it should be no surprise that this figure does not offer a way to avoid displaying explicit nudity; her breasts are always revealed, unless one improvises something by oneself. She does come with removable panties; however, those panties are really just a strip that runs between her legs. They look pretty terrible from any angle but the front and I’m not so sure they look that great there, either.
This figure comes with not one, not two, but three sets of hips and legs; I’ve never seen a figure offer this many additional lower bodies. Two torsos come with panties pulled down to her knees and something I hadn’t quite thought about is how odd it is for her to be wearing two pairs of panties at once.
One torso comes with this classy item firmly ensconced in her vagina; I presume it’s meant to be a realistically-formed dildo but one could assume it’s a disembodied penis that she is straddling, possibly making this one of relatively few figures that I can think of that depict intercourse.
Another torso features a butt plug inserted into her anus. The level of lewdness here is maybe higher than it is with the dildo, but it’s also less obvious.
Also less obvious is that she has detachable hands that allow for a few different poses. Here, her hands are posed cupping her buttocks.
She can also be posed with her wrists cuffed and chained. Interestingly, she’s also shackled to her butt plug, which seems a little impractical but does play up the submissive aspect of this figure.
M’s base is very large, but it’s also very reflective and thus affords a good look at this figure’s details.
I really like this figure a lot; the theme is very appealing and while its level of explicitness is not immediately apparent, it is nonetheless quite high. The variety of display options adds a fun element of customization according to your preferences. Native’s bondage-themed figures have generally been excellent, and M keeps true to that standard.
Happy Holidays Tier. Always nice to receive a lewd surprise on Christmas
She is a lovely figure! One I’ll be looking for on the secondhand market to be sure. Though, the three sets of legs makes me concerned that the price will end up spiraling out of control.
While her over all appearance is fantastic (man, that buttplug), I keep coming back to her shoes! Sometimes it’s the little things I suppose.
Thanks! I hope you had a great Christmas and New Year. I’ve found it difficult to guess which Native figures are going to shoot up in price in the aftermarket; I didn’t think the Kuroinu figures would be enormously valuable but they are, while the Mahou Shoujo BINDING figures didn’t seem to appreciate much. Hopefully you get to pick her up if you go looking for, she’s a great figure. Oh, speaking of her shoes, I put her extra legs back in the box but I’m pretty sure her feet are in different in the torso that has the dildo, which I thought was interesting; I had expected that all the legs would use the same sculpt.
Hi Tier, why don’t you collect Okayama figures? You don’t like stretchy pussies?
I don’t think I’ve ever seen one that I liked enough to buy.
Happy New Year Tier XD
so 3 kind of torso included ? hmm at this point i can see some silicone or rubber parts used on ero figure torso in the future maybe alternate one so we can use the toys lol
Happy new year! I hope your holidays were fun. Yep, three sets of legs … I appreciate getting extra body parts like this since it usually means the figure is easier to set up and disassemble, which is a big thing for me when I’m sitting there trying to photograph a figure and confused as to how to remove clothing or accessories.
I have a bootleg like this, she was sold as “soft body” and all of her is covered in soft rubber. bought it not knowing that was a red flag for a cheap bootleg. I wish legit figures would do this, it’s pretty cool!
Interesting; I know of at least a few figures that have had soft body parts. One of them was an Alter figure, now that I recall, where the breasts were squishy; it was kind of a weird thing for them to do, I thought.
Hey Tier, what gacha games are you playing these days? I’m still playing Azur Lane, the SSSS Gridman collab was awesome, finally have Rikka as a shipgirl.
My main game’s still Epic Seven, though the PVP meta right now is pretty discouraging in my opinion. My second game is probably Counter:Side, I like it a lot, though I’m fairly casual about it (I have a bunch of characters at max level, but I don’t really know how to optimally gear them so I’ve gone with my best guesses). I also started up Arknights, though I admit I am really terrible at it. I still play Azur Lane though not as much as I used to; I did like the collab a lot, though I’m gonna have to check how I should be gearing Rikka. I tried doing world 14 and got absolutely crushed so I guess I won’t be grinding for New Orleans any time soon (which makes me sad; I really like YD’s artwork). I also recently started playing Punishing Gray Raven since I heard there’s a Nier Automata collab soon and I’m also thinking of getting back into Genshin Impact, which I played for only about thirty minutes and probably didn’t give it enough of a fair shake.
Looking at this a year later, I believe the second pair of “panties” is actually a menstrual pad? maybe?