Kasumi Yoshizawa from Persona 5 Royal (Lucrea Version)

Kasumi Yoshizawa from Persona 5 Royal

We’re looking at another telegenic girl in a leotard: this time it’s Kasumi Yoshizawa, one of the newest additions to the Persona universe. I’ve yet to play Persona 5, despite it being a game that I was very much looking forward to, despite the fact that I own two copies of it (the original game and its expanded Royal release), and despite Persona 3 being one of my favorite games of all time (I rank it third or fourth, behind Phantasy Star II, Wasteland, and alternating spots with Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic depending on how I feel on any particular day). In lieu of actually playing the game, I can at least appreciate the look of its cast, starting with Kasumi here.

Kasumi Yoshizawa figure

Being that I haven’t played Persona 5 yet, we’ll skip discussing Kasumi’s character background and go straight to looking at this figure. She’s manufactured by MegaHouse under the label name Lucrea. No scale factor was provided for this figure, but she’s about 22.5 centimeters in height counting her upraised ponytail, making her appear to be sculpted in 1/8 scale. Given that the art style of Persona tends towards slender, willowy characters, she’s noticeably diminutive compared to her contemporaries.

Kasumi Yoshizawa figure

One thing I do know about Kasumi is that she’s a gymnast, and thus she’s depicted wearing a rather fetching black leather leotard. Setting off this somewhat risqué design choice (by puritanical 2020 standards, anyway) is a cropped jacket and glossy thigh-high boots, both in matching black. The effect of her ensemble gives her an elegant yet sexy look, tinged with more than an insinuation of fetish styling.

Kasumi Yoshizawa figure

The red of her gloves and her hair provides a sharp contrast to the monochrome of her outfit. Overall, her look is austere yet graceful. I’ve noticed that the styling of the Persona 5 characters is a good deal more provocative compared to the Persona 4 characters; the latter stuck mostly to conventional school uniforms with spectacles, whereas the Persona 5 characters dress in bodysuits, kinky boots, and spiked shoulderpads.

Kasumi Yoshizawa figure

Kasumi’s flashing a playful V gesture over her face, but her look is serious rather than playful, adding to the more mature look of her design.

Kasumi Yoshizawa figure

I found it interesting that her weapon is a sword. There’s sort of an unofficial rule in RPGs that the main character gets a sword and that the supporting characters use anything but a sword but nonetheless, Kasumi has a sword. It looks surprisingly practical; it’s not unusually oversized or ornate for a video game weapon.

Kasumi Yoshizawa figure

Her stance is reminiscent of a floor dance routine, or so I believe, being not all that familiar with gymnastics.

Kasumi Yoshizawa figure

Circling back to Kasumi’s outfit, I would be remiss if I didn’t provide a shot of her backside, so here it is.

Kasumi Yoshizawa figure

Kasumi comes with two accessories, one being this facemask. The front of her face swaps out; the detachment seam in her hair is quite obvious.

Kasumi Yoshizawa figure

The other accessory is a removable hand with the facemask attached, so that she can be posed lifting it up like a visor.

Kasumi Yoshizawa figure

Of course, nothing is stopping you from displaying both at the same time, other than that doing so would make you a weirdo of some sort.

Kasumi Yoshizawa figure

I really like this figure, though the one aspect I would have changed is that I wish this figure were larger than it is. Kasumi has a great design and it’s translated very well here. I really should play this game sometime. It’s unfortunate that my queue of games that I want to play is so extensive.

Kasumi Yoshizawa figure
Kasumi Yoshizawa figure
Kasumi Yoshizawa figure
Kasumi Yoshizawa figure
Kasumi Yoshizawa figure
Kasumi Yoshizawa figure
Kasumi Yoshizawa figure
Kasumi Yoshizawa figure
Kasumi Yoshizawa figure
Kasumi Yoshizawa figure
Kasumi Yoshizawa figure
Kasumi Yoshizawa figure
Kasumi Yoshizawa figure
Kasumi Yoshizawa figure
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13 Responses to Kasumi Yoshizawa from Persona 5 Royal (Lucrea Version)

  1. ProbablyNotMyRealName says:

    New review! Not familiar with the character, but glad to see the review.

    Not sure what’s up, but the last four lines of the review are hyperlinks for “Kasumi Yoshizawa figure” that lead to page not found errors for “https://www.tentaclearmada.com/images/figures/kasumi-yoshizawa-megahouse/kasumi-yoshizawa-##.jpg” where ## is 27 through 30.

    • Tier says:

      Thanks! Oops, and thanks for mentioning that … I cut some photos out of the set during the final edit but I forgot to remove the hyperlinks from the post.

  2. Bostonbrandon says:

    It’s nice to see you posting regularly again Tier, and I worry that should you decide to play Persona, well.. we might not hear from you for at least another year. Also, I enjoyed the very unnecessary and unexpected double mask shot. I can’t help but think of the Don Johnson sunglasses meme 🙂
    Seriously though, my wife played that game for the better part of a year and I can still hear their voices!

    • Tier says:

      Haha XD Yeah, I haven’t gotten sucked into a story-based game in a very long time but Persona 5 is one of the games that could do it, I think. Though that reminds me that I never actually finished Persona 4 … I got pretty much to the end, made an incorrect dialogue choice after a long cutscene that resulted in a premature game over and I never got back to it. I ought to get back to it one of these days. It sounds like your wife enjoyed Persona 5 if she played it that long so I’ll take that as an endorsement that I should unpack my PS4 and fire up the game one of these days.

  3. mechgouki says:

    Hi Tier, I happen to like figures like Cammy etc.

    What do you think of this Code Geass CC figure in leotard?

    myfigurecollection (dot) net/item/781947

    It’s pretty cheap but not bad imho

  4. mechgouki says:

    Hi Tier, CC in pilot suit is a good leotard figure, pls take a look tell me what u think

    • Tier says:

      Hi, I think it looks pretty good. I’m not too familiar with Banpresto’s figures – I think I own one – but assuming it’s not that expensive, it looks alright to me.

      • mechgouki says:

        Will you be getting one? Its fairly low cost, and she looks good in leotard.

        Normally my collection is the man of culture kind, buy I felt this was not bad and inexpensive.

        • Tier says:

          I don’t think I will, though maybe I’ll take a look at prices once the shipping situation from Japan to the US gets resolved. I actually have two figures of CC in a leotard, the MegaHouse one that was released not all that long ago and the FREEing one of her in a bunnysuit, where her butt is up in the air. I’ll probably review the MegaHouse one but I’m not sure if I’ll photograph the FREEing one.

  5. mechgouki says:

    One thing I liked about the EXQ one is that her leotard is narrow. As in really narrow.

    The Megahouse one doesn’t quite compare. You should take a look at the EXQ one if you get a chance.

    • Tier says:

      I’ll take another look at it, I didn’t spend a lot of time examining the pictures. I think I really do like the MegaHouse figure though; it’s got a great pose. I enjoyed looking through some of this figure’s MFC comments, too.

  6. Phil B says:

    Persona 5 is in my top 5 games of all time. Highly recommend! Playing though 4 Golden again myself, as I never finished it (I finished the original back in 2011). Both are great games. The QOL in 5 makes it a better game to play though

    • Tier says:

      I need to get my PS4 set up one of these days. It’s kinda silly (and maybe a little sad) how I have both a PS3 and PS4 that I’ve never unboxed. It’s good to hear that P5 has quality of life improvements, though; as fond as I am of P3, the idea of having your party members controlled by the computer seems very strange in retrospect.

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