It’s the end of the first month of a new year and it’s also preorder outlook time. First, though, a bit of administrative commentary: I usually do a post enumerating my five favorite figures of the previous year. I think I’m going to roll that into my site birthday post next month since I do not actually know yet what my five favorite figures of last year might be. As sad as it might sound, I haven’t actually opened most of the shipping boxes containing the figures that I purchased and thus haven’t actually looked at many of the figures I bought, and I feel I ought to actually consider them in person before I decide if they are amongst my favorites of the year.
I had intended to cut down spending on figures this year, but rising prices and the rampant proliferation of porno figures and 1/4 scale bunnygirls is severely testing the mettle of this resolution. Accordingly, it seems like many of the figures on this list are either lewd or are sporting leotards and cottontails.
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