Satsuki Amamiya from Comic Aun (NSFW)

Satsuki Amamiya from Comic Aun

SkyTube figures are always a lot of fun to review, so let’s take a look at one of the newest characters in the lineup. This girl is Satsuki Amamiya and she comes from the artwork of Misaki Kurehito, whose portfolio has provided SkyTube with numerous muses for adaptation into three dimensions. As is frequently the norm with SkyTube’s products, this figure integrates an attractive and sexy character with an impressive level of technical excellence and an outrageously lewd presentation which, in this case, has Satsuki apparently sucking down a glob of semen. It’s an interesting design choice, to be sure, and one that might be difficult to explain to most audiences.

Satsuki Amamiya figure

There’s really nothing more to this character aside from this illustration done for the cover of Comic Aun, so we’ll skip over the background material and go straight to the figure. Being a 1/6 scale figure, Satsuki is a shade under 25 centimeters in height. She can be presented in three different states of undress and also comes with one accessory, a chocolate covered banana-looking confection.

Satsuki Amamiya figure

The source artwork shoes Satsuki as appearing fairly impassive as she swallows the slimy trail of ooze, and this expression is rendered faithfully on the figure. Her lack of emotion elevates the impression imparted by her activity, and that impression will probably vary by viewer. Some might find it comical. Others might be perplexed. I imagine a fair number of uninitiated observers will be palpably disgusted.

Satsuki Amamiya figure

That said, the goo need not necessarily be ejaculate or similar material. She comes with a hand-held snack, which is also highly suggestive but is at least obviously some sort of dessert. As such, it would be plausible to presume, particularly as Satsuki could be dressed up for a festive occasion, that the slime is some kind of sugary treat.

Or you could just leave the chocolate piece in the box and make it so that she is obviously cleaning up an enormous load of spooge. It’s up to you.

Satsuki Amamiya figure

Satsuki’s clothing removes easily, and if you’re desiring a less modest look for Satsuki, there are a few options. For one, you can open up the bottom part of her kimono, which does provide for full-frontal nudity as she is not supplied with panties.

Satsuki Amamiya figure

You an also simply remove the bottom part of her kimono entirely, leaving her naked below the waist.

Satsuki Amamiya figure

Judging by my site stats people are always interested in close-ups of crotches so here is the obligatory vagina shot.

Satsuki Amamiya figure

And here is what she looks like from behind.

Satsuki Amamiya figure

I imagine most people will be first look at the nudity and the mucilaginous string she is nibbling on but her outfit is very nicely designed. The printing on her kimono is actually quite intricate given its relatively small physical size.

Satsuki Amamiya figure

Her hair is also quite detailed, though one odd thing is that the tip of her side ponytail is colored purple. I had to look at the source art and it’s actually much more prominent there than in the figure. That said, I think that might have been the result of the artist employing dramatic and hard-edged light rather than Satsuki actually having two-tone hair. But who knows; I don’t think it detracts from the figure and it’s not immediately obvious, anyway.

Satsuki Amamiya figure

As is the case with most of SkyTube’s figures, Satsuki looks fantastic. She is sculpted extremely well, as one expects from the company. The lewdness of the figure is presented in a markedly casual way – also a common theme for SkyTube, particularly when it comes to figures based off of Misaki Kurehito’s artwork. Overall, this is yet another fine figure in their product lineup.

Satsuki Amamiya figure
Satsuki Amamiya figure
Satsuki Amamiya figure
Satsuki Amamiya figure
Satsuki Amamiya figure
Satsuki Amamiya figure
Satsuki Amamiya figure
Satsuki Amamiya figure
Satsuki Amamiya figure
Satsuki Amamiya figure
Satsuki Amamiya figure
Satsuki Amamiya figure
Satsuki Amamiya figure
Satsuki Amamiya figure
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7 Responses to Satsuki Amamiya from Comic Aun (NSFW)

  1. BaB says:

    Ooh she’s gorgeous, love how they sculpted those breast, and that slightly flipped drap near her left hand is a nice touch. Though I wish they’d make the goo more creamy like the original illust lol. Thanks for the reviews!

  2. Cristian says:

    Beautiful figure

  3. mechgouki says:

    Hi Tier. I don’t know if you ever sent your figures back to their boxes for storage due to lack of display space, but I did.

    I realized that Skytube figures are very prone to fungus in stored condition. Particularly matte surfaces. (Happens to Daiki as well. But for some reason no megahouse of mine had fungus.)

    Also, a few of my Skytube figures had part of their skin paint eroded, when they are stored with direct contact with their underwear.

  4. bostonbrandon says:

    “It’s an interesting design choice, to be sure.” LOL

  5. DASD says:

    she`s so cute and really enjoying her own treat 😀

    i wish i had her …
    it`s difficult choice between her or chun-mei … :3

  6. Cole Keagy says:

    Where can I buy this

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