November has been a spectacularly unproductive month for me, for a variety of reasons, most of which stem from the fact that I am unrepentantly lazy. Regardless, it’s been a couple of months since the last preorder post so here is a list of figures that I am thinking of ordering. Unlike most of these lists, where I don’t actually order most of the figures I write about, I’m actually thinking of ordering almost everything on this list; the only one that might not be purchased is Asmodeus.
Reviews will resume very shortly, as I have a stack of figures that have arrived recently. First up will probably the one half-naked Gantz girl and I’ve also got a figure of a half-naked loli (and another girl who could pass for a loli) waiting next.
Also, I have quite a few 1/4 scale figures from FREEing – mostly bunnygirls from To Love-Ru and Muv-Luv, but also their Elizabeth Mably and Angela Balzac figures – and a few Western statues that I had planned to review but now am not sure if I will. I have the feeling that people are not that interested in them and I’m curious to know whether anyone would be saddened if did not review them. Throughout the lifetime of this site I’ve taken the stance that I plan to review every figure that I buy, but being that they seem not that popular, I wonder if that uncompromising principle may be outmoded.
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