It’s a big month for figure releases but I’m still waiting for my Hobby Search box to arrive, so today we’ll look at an older figure: SkyTube’s Ai Saeki. This figure came out in Feburary of this year and it is, oddly enough, the third figure of Ai Saeki that Alphamax has produced; meanwhile, it appears that the twintailed tsundere Mio Sugiyama and the petite teacher Rika Hayama will get no love from figure makers. Indeed, Alphamax has a second version of this figure in the works, where Ai is wearing a black veil and underwear. I imagine this figure and the upcoming version will otherwise be the same.
This figure is manufactured by Alphamax via their SkyTube imprint in 1/6 scale. It measures about 12 centimeters in height with a base width of around 24 centimeters. A large variety of optional parts is included: a swappable left arm, a different face, a veil, an extra set of hips, and a second pair of panties. This offers a variety of display options but I’m mostly interested in the most pornographic mode, and that’s mainly what we’ll be focusing on here.
Perhaps two things are most eye-catching at first glance. The first is her outfit, which comprises a wedding dress hiked up in the lewdest manner possible. Bridal outfits have been a popular thing in figures as of late, but rarely do they look as sexy as Ai does here.
The other thing is her pose, where Ai is leaning back with her legs spread wide. This isn’t an uncommon pose for figures, but again, rarely do they look as erotic as this.
Particularly since Ai is depicted as pleasuring herself here with two fingers. It’s a very nice touch that elevates the sexiness of this figure. It can be a little tricky to get her fingers properly positioned inside her vagina; one has to put a bit of pressure on her arm to get her hand placed correctly. Indeed, that’s a thematic problem with this figure; the various swappable parts don’t fit quite as well as one might hope. At least with my figure, there are some noticeable gaps under her breasts where her torso detaches and around her thighs, where her legs can be removed.
Maybe the most annoying example of this issue concerns her garters; each garter strap slots into a hole in her upper thigh but they do not stay in place all that well. I’m not sure why they chose to design her garters this way; they don’t even seem to connect to her stockings, which just looks bizarre.
You get two different faces, one with the typical wide-eyed Tony Taka look and the other depicting Ai as being in the throes of orgasm. Both faces look pretty nice; I’m not sure which I like better but I think I’m going to use the standard face, just because I like the juxtaposition of her wearing such an innocent expression while masturbating. Incidentally, the ragged, chopped-off bangs remind me a bit of Nadeko Sengoku from the Bakemonogatari series and I think one could be forgiven for wondering if this is her all grown-up.
You also get two different sets of panties, one that fits close to her skin and one with a little more room in front; the first is meant to have her hand in front, covering her crotch, and the second is meant to have her hand thrust into her underwear. I did not take any photographs of the second set.
She also comes with this veil, which is topped with a crown made of little butterflies. It’s pretty cute but again, it doesn’t fit all that well on her head.
I think that this is a pretty good figure with a few annoying issues regarding fit. Ai looks very sexy, and there aren’t a ton of figures that depict sexual penetration, so that’s a plus in this figure’s favor. Perhaps one downside, aside from the gaps between parts, is that the pose really only works with one viewing angle, which I think makes this figure a little less interesting – though then again, it’s a figure of a girl pleasuring herself, and that’s interesting in and of itself. Overall, it’s a very nice hentai-themed figure, just as one would expect from SkyTube.
Obama is responsible for quality control
He is! Unfortunately he is technically in retirement so he is not paying as much attention as he otherwise might be.
That is a quite nice moaning face she is wearing.
Lol was she stood up or doesn’t she have the patience for the wedding night?
The positioning of the garters really looks not that convincing, also because it connects to the area where the lace is simply printed on her legs, maybe it would be better without garters sometimes. Anyway, at least her fingers seem to fit inside very well :p
Harem heroes never make up their mind so maybe Ai decided to just dress up and pretend that it’s the big day. Yeah, the garter straps look really odd to me. If I remember right, their Yayoi figure (the girl with the carrot) had detachable legs that had garter straps and there wasn’t a problem just sculpting them as part of her body. I dunno why they did it this way.
Ai has been on my radar since her first figure release, in fact almost all of her follow-up releases have been tempting to purchase as well. I get the feeling that if funds were suddenly not a problem, I would have no difficulty in swooping in and obtaining all of them.
I don’t really know anything about her beyond that she appears to be the Imari Kurumi type of girl in a harem eroge about tennis. I don’t believe that this game saw an english release however.
Her wedding dress release is all the more desirable as you said because of the digital penetration which is something lacking in our hobby. I hadn’t realized that this was a display option until reading your post today, so thank you.
She is, hmm … sort of the nice, average girl, I guess. Imari is a pretty good comparison, I think, minus the body possession and consequential penis growth. Hopefully this review helped out anyone considering buying the black dress version.
Penis growth you say? I was never able to actually finish the game as every decision I made ultimately lead to me being gunned down in the street by Rika Shiraki.
I did watch the original hentai and don’t recall that scenario either, was it in one of the sequels?
That sounds like an unpleasant end, especially coming from Rika, who seems like such a nice girl. Yeah, Imari gets possessed by Kitami in the anime sequel (New Testament, I think it was called), and so she also gets the same retractable penis that Kitami had and screws a bunch of people with it. It’s a pretty good series, I thought; the only thing I didn’t like is that Yukiko doesn’t show up. And there’s an unfortunate incident with an unnamed female character in the first episode which is a little bit unfortunate; I didn’t care for that scene, either.
I have this figure, and I’m kind of wondering how you feel about her legs.
The white of her legs feel like its made of plaster, and to be honest, I don’t believe it will stay white for long. Still better than shiny or glossy plastic though. (Shiny and transparent plastic tend to get oily with age.)
I’m not too worried about discoloration, I guess; I’ve had a few older figures that have suffered some issues as they age but most of my collection seems to be in okay shape (I do have one Yamato Macross Plus YF-19 toy that has turned an appalling yellow color, though). Now that you mention it though, some of my figures are about to turn ten years old and that might make for an interesting post, seeing how well they’ve held up after a decade out of their boxes.
Oh, and one more question.
For the EPIC figures released this year, I believe Orchid Seed’s Kokuten Tae counts as one of them.
What do you think? Any chance of getting? Not a fan of lolis?
Yeah, I like the figure, but I probably won’t pick it up myself, since as you say, I’m not a big fan of lolis. Well, not lolis that young, that is; I like the characters to look closer to middle school age at least rather than kindergarten age. I have to give props to Orchid Seed for making such a figure, though. This also reminds me that I ought to put up another preorder post this week, since I have spent this entire month doing absolutely nothing productive.