Bertille Althusser from Walkure Romanze More & More (Daiki Kougyou Version) (NSFW)

Bertille Althusser from Walkure Romanze More & More

Daiki Kougyou’s figure of Noel Marres Ascot went up for preorder last week, fully half a decade after their Celia Cumani Aintree figure was released. Let’s take a look today at the hotheaded and aristocratic Bertille Althusser, the third figure to be released, way back in September of 2015.

Bertille Althusser figure

While not a main character – or even a romantic option, at least not until the fandisc Walkure Romanze More & More was released – Bertille is the catalyst for the events in the game and its anime adaptation. Early in the story, an unfortunate incident between her and Mio Kisaki results in Bertille demanding satisfaction in the form of a joust, and that leads to all sorts of hijinks involving Takahiro Mizuno, the game’s protagonist. Bertille then steps out of the story for a while, but she apparently gets her own love route in the aforementioned fandisc, and she even gains a rival in the form of transfer student Alice Weinberg, who appears to be just as crazy as Bertille is.

I enjoyed the TV anime of Walkure Romanze quite a bit, and I’m a bit sad that no United States company has licensed it for distribution in North America. It was a pretty silly show but the girls were likeable, the protagonist was a decent guy (if completely devoid of personality, which is pro forma in romantic visual novel adaptations), and the character designs were quite appealing. I suppose the other thing I’m sad about is that it has never gotten a hentai anime OVA adaptation like its predecessor series Princess Lover! did.

Bertille Althusser figure

This figure is manufactured by Daiki Kougyou; it is sculpted in 1/6 scale and stands about 29 centimeters in height, or an even 30 centimeters with the base. Bertille’s sculptor is Toshirou, a long-time veteran of the industry who has sculpted a number of figures I own, including the aforementioned Celia and gangsta lean Saber, whom I hope to finally review soon, being that FREEing is rolling out their own 1/4 scale Saber and I feel like I ought to review the original. No accessories are provided and the base, as is typical with Daiki Kougyou figures, is a plain black circle.

Bertille Althusser figure

When I reviewed Celia, one of the things I wasn’t too thrilled about was the figure’s body build, which took great liberties with her design. That is, she was a good deal thicker than she actually is. That doesn’t bother me as much now, and being that Q-Six is rolling out their own Walkure Romanze figures that are much in the same vein as Daiki Kougyou’s but with slimmer proportions, I feel like I can enjoy these figures for what they are. Bertille does have a fairly plump look here, with prodigious curves, very broad hips, wide thighs and exceptional breasts. It’s a good look overall, I think, and I’m interested to see how Q-Six’s Bertille compares, being that she’s scheduled for release later this month.

Bertille Althusser figure

Bertille – and all of Daiki Kougyou’s Walkure Romanze figures – is wearing some sexy bikini armor, which is quite literal in its implementation. Unfortunately, the bikini looks pretty terrible; it doesn’t fit well, and the thong is actually just a flap that covers up the top of the cleft of her ass. That at least makes it easy to remove; no instructions are provided but if anyone should happen to be interested in buying Bertille, her top detaches on the bottom of the right cup and her bikini detaches on the left side of the top of her thong back.

Bertille Althusser figure

Instead, Bertille looks a good bit better wearing just her thigh-high greaves, gauntlets and pauldrons. Bertille is a fancy girl from a wealthy family and thus her armor is quite distinctive; it is colored in sort of a rose gold tone with silver accents and filigree. The detailing is astonishing, from the wings on her shoulders to the flower ornamentation on her legs. Obviously the main highlight here is her naked body but the armor is equally as pleasing to look at.

Bertille Althusser figure

As a girl with a patrician complex, it’s only fitting that her hair is magnificently ornate. She’s got corkscrews framing her face, a French braid encircling her head, a big bun, two ahoge poking up and back and more tendrils of hair projecting from her nape.

Bertille Althusser figure

Speaking of the nudity, Bertille’s vagina is sculpted but there’s not a great deal of detail there. Obviously this figure is three years old and SkyTube has set the bar quite high in terms of explicitness, but this is still a little disappointing. I am curious to see what Q-Six’s Bertille looks like in this regard.

Bertille Althusser figure

Bertille has a pretty face which doesn’t particularly reflect her excitable nature, but she looks good anyway. She’s know to be well-endowed but her breasts are quite a bit larger here than they are shown to be in the source material.

Bertille Althusser figure

Going back to the armor, even the plating over her fingers is detailed. It’s truly impressive.

Bertille Althusser figure

As is her thickness.

Bertille Althusser figure

I picked up this figure a year after its release from Mandarake, being that I wasn’t sure how much I liked the curvier style presented here. I like it quite a bit now; this figure of Bertille is very sexy and extremely well executed, particularly with respect to the armor and the hair. I’m a big fan of the theme espoused here – that is, nearly-naked girls in plate armor – and I’m happy that there are so many figures that revolve around this concept, with Bertille being no exception. I wonder if Lisa will ever get a figure, though?

Bertille Althusser figure
Bertille Althusser figure
Bertille Althusser figure
Bertille Althusser figure
Bertille Althusser figure
Bertille Althusser figure
Bertille Althusser figure
Bertille Althusser figure
Bertille Althusser figure
Bertille Althusser figure
Bertille Althusser figure
Bertille Althusser figure
Bertille Althusser figure
Bertille Althusser figure
Bertille Althusser figure
Bertille Althusser figure
Bertille Althusser figure
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31 Responses to Bertille Althusser from Walkure Romanze More & More (Daiki Kougyou Version) (NSFW)

  1. Aya says:

    From straight look do you think the bikini molded for her body improved compared to earlier version of walkure romanze stuff from daiki kougyou like celia maybe ? still looks unnatural for me

    • Tier says:

      Nah, the bikini still looks bad in my opinion. Akiko’s swimsuit looks even worst. I still need to photograph Mio and Akane and I think they were done by different sculptors, so maybe their swimsuits will look better. Regardless, I think all the Daiki Kougyou Walkure Romanze figures look best naked, I expect I’ll think the same of the Q-six figures, and I’m not too sure about the A+ figures since I haven’t seen much of them.

  2. Nargle the Lesser says:

    Hot damn! This is the exact body type I like. Very nice!

  3. wieselhead says:

    Omg, she is beautiful! (。’▽’。)♡

    I like many VN adaptions, even with a lame plot, I think the characters and their interactions are sweet and entertaining. unlike the VN adaptions is seriously crap like Dies Irae, what the hell did I watch.

    As Bertille Althusser was in stores I was curious about how she would turn out. Unfortunately I never decided to order her in the end, it’s actually great that you reviewed her now. I think she looks extremely nice especially the face and the corkscrew strands.

    she looks gorgeous in your pics. Everything about her looks marvellous, even the imperfect fit bikini XD. Nude with fancy armor looks very pretty. All the better that I like her level of curvy a lot, her hips and backside look so great, I need her!

    • Tier says:

      Ahahahaha, I had thought about watching that since I vaguely remember seeing some game CGs for that and I thought it looked interesting, but I have not heard many people say that they liked it. That’s too bad. Walkure Romanze was a lot of fun, I thought; it was pretty silly and I guess Mio’s jousting got too good too fast, but I really like these sorts of stories where some rookie gets into a hobby and makes friends from that. It’s probably why I’m enjoying watching Harukana Receive right now.

      I actually didn’t like her much at first; she was way too thick in my opinion but my feelings have changed in the last couple of years, and I’m really happy with how she looks. She’s definitely a great figure to pick up if you come across her XD

      • wieselhead says:

        Mio was a natural talent at jousting, but I like these sorts of settings a lot, too. Add a charming cast and I will probably like it 😀
        The Dies Irae VN might be a lot better than the anime, but immortal Nazi’s inside a weird nonsense plot were not nice to watch.

        Harukana Receive is fantastic, a really sweet show about sexy volleyball. Haruka and Kanata are a nice “couple”

        Haha I just need 15k to catch her on mandarake, I expected a better deal, but I would love to add her this year nevertheless.

        • Tier says:

          I guess I’m not too surprised that Japanese entertainment companies don’t seem to think that sympathizing with or portraying Nazis as taboo as the rest of the world, but it’s still disappointing. I have to admit I’m still bothered when I see Nazi-affiliated characters in anime, like the German shipgirls in Kantai Collection or the German pilots in Strike Witches and such. (Admittedly, I own a figure of a character named Adolf so I guess I shouldn’t be one to talk.)

          Harukana Receive is a fun show, though I guess not a whole lot actually happens in it. That’s okay with me, though. I enjoy those sorts of shows; it’s kind of funny, but other shows I’ve liked are Angelic Layer, Beck, and Cross Ange, which are wildly different shows but all revolve around basically the same theme.

          I hope you’re able to get her. It’s a really fine figure; the level of detail is really astounding. And of course the nakedness is nice, too.

  4. Nefae says:

    I really like the shapes of the character, it is very different from other figures. I love these details with winged armor, colour are perfetct, unfortunately, the bikini color does not match the rest.
    Perfect contrast of the wall to the character, but I think the floor could be better.
    Lighting is simply perfect.
    The figure jumps into my second place in the top 10
    Thx a lot for pictures.

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, the purple bikini is a little strange. I think black or something would’ve worked better, or maybe white and gold. I dunno. I didn’t think a lot about it since I knew it wouldn’t be staying on for very long XD

  5. Bring some extra accessory, like your spear?

  6. bostonbrandon says:

    While I don’t have any real interest in Walkure, Bertille reminds me of Solange from Code of Princess who I have enjoyed since her debut.
    Also, I have to say that all of these posts in rapid succession are wonderfully shocking! Please keep the steam up!

    • Tier says:

      I’ve been meaning to play Code of Princess since it’s on Steam. I seem to recall that it was getting an HD upgrade so I probably ought to check on that.

      Thanks XD I’ve been making a concerted effort to get reviews going again, I don’t feel that great about having done one post per month for basically two years. Hopefully I can keep this up.

  7. Chen says:

    I’ve got both the Qsix and this one. Daiki’s face sculpt wins me over but I do agree with you on Daiki’s thong design choices. They then to cheat with their “wedgie” look. The Qsix version is a solid thong all the way to the backside.

    Body wise, the Qsix version is slimmer lean muscled look. This one is more meatier. Also, the former’s face sculpt, though a beauty itself, is kinda off.

    Daiki wins this round (especially the ABS PVC materials used)

    • Tier says:

      I’ve got the Q-Six one but I haven’t taken a look at it yet. I’m curious as to how the body looks compared to the Daiki one; their Celia figure looked pretty good. The face on the Q-Six figure did look a little less interesting than this one, from what I could see in the promo photos; she looked like she was staring aimlessly into the distance. I’ll have to see if she looks better up close when I photograph her.

      • Chen says:

        Above average design choice for her face while their Celia was on the mark.

        • Tier says:

          I think I saw some pictures on MFC; yeah, I think I’d agree that the Q-Six Bertille is pretty but something isn’t quite right. I haven’t unboxed mine but it looked like she was staring blankly into space, which is a little odd. I’ll have to see if it looks different in person.

  8. Baabaa says:

    I got the brown version, very nice. It’s so tall it makes my other figures look tiny.

    Is it just me, or is the bra impossible to remove? Seems like the corkscrew hair and armor are in the way.

    • Tier says:

      Her head detaches from her neck; unfortunately Daiki Kougyou never includes instructions with their figures so it’s not all that obvious. But her top comes off easily once her head is removed and the clasp is separated.

      • Baabaa says:

        I wish I’d read your reply sooner! I only discovered the head removal after doing it for another figure of mine, and realizing most figures have the same design in mind. I think the braless Bertille displays nicer.

        On a separate note, your site’s inspired me to start my own figure website and Instagram account. The tricky part will be spacing posts out so I don’t run out of figures too soon!

  9. Pingback: Bertille Althusser: Walkure Romanze (NSFW) – PVC Waifus

  10. Hunter23 says:

    Anybody know how to cast her off? Don’t know how to remove her bikini top and thus the plastic underneath. Any help will be much appreciated as I don’t want to damage the figure.

    • Hunter23 says:

      Solved the cast-off problem but for the life of me cannot put her bikini top clasp back in place.

      • Tier says:

        Yeah, as I recall, it was nearly impossible. I didn’t intend to display her with her top on so I didn’t worry about it, but they definitely did not make it easy to re-attach the clasp.

        • Hunter23 says:

          Do you own the Mio and Noel figures from this series and if so do you plan to do reviews on them?

          • Tier says:

            Yeah, I actually do; I definitely want to review them, though Noel moreso since Mio is unfortunately way smaller than the other figures for some reason. I also have a couple of Q-Six figures that I intend to review, too.

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