Yukina Himeragi from Strike the Blood

Yukina Himeragi from Strike the Blood

We’ll take a short break from all the lewd, explicit porno figures that we’ve been looking at and instead cover something that’s maybe a half step removed from being a porno figure. This is Yukina Himeragi, the lead girl of the poorly-reviewed anime and light novel Strike the Blood. Normally I prefer to buy figures whose characters I know something about, either with respect to their personalities or the source material that they come from, but in this case I have to admit I had scarcely heard of the character or the series. In all frankness, I really bought this figure for three reasons; her lack of clothing, her distressed expression, and her thematic resemblance to this Kuroyukihime figure, which I like a lot.

Yukina Himeragi figure

After looking over what Strike the Blood is about, I think that I’m better off not having watched it. It is apparently about a guy who happens to be a vampire and a girl who is sent to watch over him, and eventually helps him out by supplying her blood (and of course, developing into his romantic interest). The general consensus seems to be that Strike the Blood lies somewhere in that unfortunate position between mediocre and totally forgettable. It’s too bad, since the premise has some promise – there have certainly been some good vampire stories in pop culture worldwide – but it seems that like so many light novels that receive anime adaptations, there is a lot of room for improvement. Oh well. Personally, I think the best televised anime to involve body fluid sucking was Seikon no Qwaser, which was pretty silly but at least tried to do something interesting with its central conceit, and the best anime to feature vampires was of course Kyuuketsuki. Aside from the second episode, that is, which was just terrible.

Yukina Himeragi figure

This figure was manufactured by Chara-Ani and distributed by Ascii Media Works, making it (I think) the first figure I own from other company. It’s sculpted in 1/7 scale and measures around 16 centimeters in height. She does come with a circular pink base but somehow I forgot to include it in the photographs.

Yukina Himeragi figure

Yukina is apparently a strong girl and a skilled combatant, but you definitely wouldn’t know that just from looking at this figure. Here, she’s on her knees with her jacket shrugged off, her panties rolled down, and a fairly unnerved expression on her face. She looks quite vulnerable here, which may not be the most accurate depiction of her, but she still looks great.

Yukina Himeragi figure

Here is a closer look at her low-rise panties. She might want to go up one or two sizes. They do look nice, though, and the stripes add a splash of color to an otherwise monochromatic design. While this figure is obviously fan service-oriented, the producers of the anime seem to have no compunction against using Yukina’s sex appeal in their promotional materials to lure viewers and move merchandise. It certainly worked on me.

Yukina Himeragi figure

Her jacket is not all that interesting by itself, but the way it is flared out adds a bit more visual interest to a figure that might otherwise look a little staid – or at least as staid as a figure of a half-naked girl can look.

Yukina Himeragi figure

Here’s Yukina with Kuroyukihime. They are of similar size and obviously, feature a similar theme of having a girl in her underwear kneeling down. They make for a telegenic pair.

Yukina Himeragi figure

There’s always a bit of trepidation when buying a figure from a manufacturer that I have no experience with, but Yukina looks pretty good to me. We’ve been looking at SkyTube and Alter and Native and Amakuni figures recently and perhaps Chara-ani is not at that level, but I don’t see many problems here. Indeed, she doesn’t really look out of place when alongside Kuroyukihime, and Max Factory is obviously one of the better manufacturers in this field.

Yukina Himeragi figure

This is a pretty good figure of a character that I didn’t really know anything about. She’s pretty sexy and would obviously have a lot of appeal for those who prefer more petite characters. Her outfit is agreeably limited and her panties are appealing. And of course, she complements Kuroyukihime well. All in all, this is quite a nice figure.

Yukina Himeragi figure
Yukina Himeragi figure
Yukina Himeragi figure
Yukina Himeragi figure
Yukina Himeragi figure
Yukina Himeragi figure
Yukina Himeragi figure
Yukina Himeragi figure
Yukina Himeragi figure
Yukina Himeragi figure
Yukina Himeragi figure
Yukina Himeragi figure
Yukina Himeragi figure
Yukina Himeragi figure
Yukina Himeragi figure
Yukina Himeragi figure
Yukina Himeragi figure
Yukina Himeragi figure
Yukina Himeragi figure
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8 Responses to Yukina Himeragi from Strike the Blood

  1. wieselhead says:

    Ah I remember that show, I liked it quite a bit, it had an old school way of storytelling and a few trashy elements here and there, but a decade earlier and it would have probably been a hit.
    The western anime audience became so demanding or lost taste anyway XD

    Yukina has an appealing appearance, although I wonder why she makes such a face,
    maybe the male lead dropped his pants and she just acts flustered. The way she shows her petite youthful body is very nice and striped panties are great anyway.

    Kyuuketsuki really had potential to become one of the better hentai titles, put part 2 was just crappy mayhem

    • Tier says:

      That actually makes it kind of appealing, I’ve been feeling nostalgic for some of the anime I watched a while back. There’s not a lot of contemporary anime that interests me.

      It is too bad I sold that Native futanari figure, otherwise I could have paired them for humorous effect, to show why Yukina looks so shocked XD

      Ahahaha, yeah, the second episode was so bad. It was really a shame since I liked the first episode a lot. The egg scene is always going to be classic.

  2. I love Yukina,I like your sensual pose
    you have a good figure,I like photos with high pixels where you can zoom

  3. morganwestridge says:

    Nice figure and the two do work well together…

    Strike the Blood is actually pretty decent. Its low ratings are likely the result of current anime fans not like etchii action shows. The general progress is actually a lot like A Certain Magical Index with the lead guy being a competent brawler and hanging around with a powerful group of pretty strong female martial artists/priestesses, computer hackers, and other competent but sexy companions as they fight a weird collection of supernatural and technologically-enhanced foes in a complex political set up of rival organizations. It’s not really a pure harem type of s how: the focus is on combat action and semi-nudity.

    • Tier says:

      Interesting; that actually sounds pretty appealing to me. As much as I generally like the idea of harem shows (more for the fanservice than anything else, admittedly), they get pretty annoying as time goes on since they can’t really move beyond having all the girls fight over the one guy. Maybe I’ll watch the first couple of episodes and see what it’s about; if it’s anything like Seikon no Qwaser, I think I’d probably like it.

      • DPL says:

        It takes an episode or two to fully develop the way the story is going, but after that it’s consistently decent; the recent OAVs are pretty good as well (and have a bit more casual nudity during action scenes). It’s a less fan-servicy than Qwaser overall, but then again, what isn’t?

        • Tier says:

          Well, that sounds promising, maybe I will give it a look after all. It probably can’t be worse than most of the shows on TV these days and I have a fondness for some trashy shows (like Seikon no Qwaser and Cross Ange) that weren’t all that popular with anime fans.

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