Jin-Lian from T2 Art Girls (NSFW)

Jin-Lian from T2 Art Works

As good as Ping-Yi is, I felt that Jin-Lian would be the true prize of the series. With high expectations comes the possibility of bitter disappointment, but I felt that SkyTube could pull it off, seeing as how they have become one of the preeminent figure manufacturers in the hobby. And pull it off they did; after seeing Jin-Lian with my own eyes, I can confidently say that this is one of the best anime figures ever made.

Jin-Lian figure

First, some background: this figure is the second of SkyTube’s Premium line to be released, and the second overall in this series; the third – Chun-Mei has not yet been released, and the preorder period for her just closed. There is an alternate version of Jin-Lian available, which has her dressed in a red and gold cheongsam; I think I like this version a little bit better, but they’re close to even in my eyes. Certainly I wouldn’t be unhappy if I could only pick the red version.

Jin-Lian figure

Jin-Lian is sculpted in 1/6 scale and stands a bit over 25 centimeters in height. She comes with an assortment of alternate parts and accessories, which we will examine in a moment. Her base is elaborate and quite large; normally I don’t pay much attention to bases but the patterning is impressive. However, as Ping-Yi’s base is about the same size, and being that she needs her base in order not to fall over, it’s difficult to display them close together.

Also, I had some difficulty placing Jin-Lian on her base – the design is one where you have to flex the figure’s legs slightly in order to get the feet slotted over the pegs, and it’s a bit difficult to get a good grasp on her ankles due to the ribbons placed there. These ribbons are very fragile and a good deal of care is warranted to avoid inadvertently snapping them off her legs.

Jin-Lian figure

Let’s just start with the overall look; what a fantastic job SkyTube did with this sculpt. Her body proportions are exquisite, with long legs, a large bust and more curves and arcs than trigonometry class. The slits of her dress show the broadness of her hips and the pronounced swell of her ass.

Jin-Lian figure

Tony sometimes gets railed by anime fans for using a recurring style for his characters’ faces. This consistency carries over to figures, of course, and sometimes it’s difficult not to feel indifferent to his lack of adventurism. Jin-Lian, though, has a lovely face, and though the obvious hallmarks of Tony’s style are there, I’m not sure if I’ve seen another Tony figure (and there are a lot of them out there) with this sort of expression. There are a lot of different emotions that can be read into her look, and I’ll leave it up to the viewer to come up with one’s own interpretation of what she’s feeling. Her eyes are a striking light blue color; the paleness of her eyes provides for a stark contrast to the intensity of her gaze.

Jin-Lian figure

There is an alternate face, which offers a less equivocal expression; here, Jin-Lian shows stark embarrassment and distress. There is good reason for her to be feeling that way.

Jin-Lian figure

Jin-Lian can be dressed in a relatively modest manner, though the back of her dress has a cutout right over her buttocks, which means that she is not quite a family-friendly figure. A small pair of panties is provided – it’s actually just a piece of plastic that goes between her legs and is held on by friction.

Jin-Lian figure

It can be omitted, revealing her bare backside and vagina, though then the ribbons and waistband running along her hips don’t make a lot of sense.

Jin-Lian figure

Alternatively, she can be displayed in a far more sexual form. A separate lower body piece is provided with gaping orifices that allow the insertion of these two included dildos, which are connected by a short length of chain.

Jin-Lian figure

How gaping are those orifices? This is how gaping.

Jin-Lian figure

This display mode is both lewd in the extreme and hilarious given the elegance of the rest of the figure. Figures have been getting more and more pornographic over the last few years but many companies – particularly mainstream ones – have shied away from depicting penetration, yet here is a very dignified and classy figure with objects inserted into both her vagina and anus. That SkyTube would make such an exquisite figure with such obscene elements is worthy of admiration.

Jin-Lian figure

While we’re on this subject, it might as well be mentioned that her breasts can be swapped out for one that shows her nipples. Her arms can also be detached, and alternate left and right arms are provided. One right arm is raised over her head in a stylish pose while the other is meant to cover her mouth; one left arm is meant to support her musical instrument, while the other is bent backwards, cradling her anal dildo.

Jin-Lian figure

Generally speaking, her two faces and sets of arms are meant to be used with either her more modest display mode or with her pornographic display option, but there’s nothing preventing you from mixing and matching. Personally, I kind of like this configuration best, with her stern face and no musical instrument.

Jin-Lian figure

And of course, with her dildos.

Jin-Lian figure

Like Ping-Yi, Jin-Lian is apparently a musician, though unlike her compatriot, it’s not an essential element for display. While Ping-Yi’s pose would look curiously awkward if you took away her zither, Jin-Lian’s alternate arms mean that her instrument – a pipa, from what I can tell – isn’t necessary. Indeed, it can’t be displayed if one uses her left arm that’s supporting her dildo, as her lute has nothing to keep it standing; it can only be kept upright by having the hand of her other left arm rest on its headstock. Note that that is not true of her sex toys; they will happily stay in place by themselves so if one wanted to display Jin-Lian with both the lute and while being penetrated, that’s certainly an option.

Jin-Lian figure

Jin-Lian is wearing a beautiful black cheongsam with a gold floral pattern. The lower part actually has a gradient that transitions from solid black to a translucent magenta color. I usually don’t like this sort of gimmick – particularly with hair, I am not a big fan of figures having translucent hair – but here it’s executed with skill and surprising subtlety.

Jin-Lian figure

We’ll conclude by noting that Jin-Lian has an interesting hairstyle; it may not be immediately obvious but her hair is actually tied up in a very long side ponytail, which ends in a corkscrew just above her knees.

Jin-Lian figure

In my view, Jin-Lian is one of the best figures ever made. Even if she lacked the more salacious elements present here, this would be a superb figure. With the more sexualized display options, this figure becomes transcendent. The sculpt is astonishingly sexy, the display options are varied, and the erotic theme is sublime. I know that I’m just repeating myself, but I’m still amazed by how well this figure turned out. I own over five hundred PVC figures and Jin-Lian may be the best of them all.

Jin-Lian figure
Jin-Lian figure
Jin-Lian figure
Jin-Lian figure
Jin-Lian figure
Jin-Lian figure
Jin-Lian figure
Jin-Lian figure
Jin-Lian figure
Jin-Lian figure
Jin-Lian figure
Jin-Lian figure
Jin-Lian figure
Jin-Lian figure
Jin-Lian figure
Jin-Lian figure
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14 Responses to Jin-Lian from T2 Art Girls (NSFW)

  1. DASD says:

    nice review tier …. omg, she`s so gorgeous. i like how those clothes done. she might be the best from the other two. and the colour variant (red ver) seems a bit dull without gradient colour (or maybe i didn`t like bright red). i`m going to stalk her at local shop … -_-

    let see … imagine there mr president behind …. with 1st option right hand, 2nd expression & 2nd option left hand, and revealed & inserted dual down there …. hmmmm 😀

    • Tier says:

      I did actually find my doll of the 44th president so I guess I can bring him back sometime. Maybe he’ll make an appearance when I review the other Matsuri Tougetsu figure.

  2. I like these figures that do not need to undress them completely
    your photos no longer take them in high resolution in full screen?

  3. Canas says:

    Both Tony’s face and skytube’s work is excellent.
    But to be honest, the cheongsam came into being centuries after the deaths of PingYi and Jinlian, and the Japanese used to refer to Chinese girls as bun heads and cheongsam.
    Although a bit self-indulgent, I hope they can change their stereotypes a little.At the same time, I also hope that people in my country can have more contact with foreign countries.

    • Tier says:

      Ahahahaha, I didn’t really think too much of the cultural depictions here – probably because I’m a Japanese-Korean person who is entirely American in culture. That said, I do agree that it would be nice to see more thoughtfulness in the way characters from other ethnicities are portrayed. I dunno why American girls in anime always have to be blonde, big-titted, and brainless, for instance, or why German girls are always stern and humorless. (We’ll leave aside the fact that if you substitute big-bellied rather than big-titted, you’d describe the political leadership of both countries right now.)

  4. TomTheCat says:

    Thank you for this review and the beautiful photos. What you’re showing and commenting on in picture #08 is what I was talking about in a post somewhere else on this site. Why didn’t Alphamax simply make this slip completely cast-off-able? They’ve done it often enough with previous figures, so I wonder what the problem was.

    I will admit that moulded-on strings capture the look of cutting-into-the-skin strings more realistically, but I must also admit that I had a very specific display option in my mind: As “tame” as possible, with “only” the slip missing. Any casual observer would ask themselves “Hmmm, that dress is cut very high above the hips, and it seems like she doesn’t wear any… hang on, she doesn’t!?!”

    I’m aware I can use the optional lower body instead to get the same effect (And then some, lol), but I didn’t want to embarass her on that level. Oh well.

    Another thing is the anatomy, which I also hinted at already. She’s standing upright, although she’s sort of trying to push her ass out. But even if you consider that, the lower one of the “gaping orifices” is about where the average human being would have their anus. The upper one though, no way. In all the porn I’ve ever seen, there never was an anus halfway up the crack. And I haven’t even started on the angle with which those orifices are exiting the body. The upcoming STP figure with the flutes is much more realistic in both regards (Location and angles)…

    Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to badmouth her. She’s an incredibly awesome figure, and I’m glad to own her.But if Alphamax foil my display plans with those moulded-on strings, the alternate body should at least have proper anatomy >_<

    An entirely unrelated question: When commenting, the last few times I always had to enter my name and email anew, while previously they always were pre-entered. Did you do something with the cookies on your site or is it an issue on my end?

    • Tier says:

      I’d forgotten that you mentioned that you were curious if I’d notice that flaw, and I almost missed it; I didn’t really think about it until I noticed that she came with panties, and that those panties didn’t actually have a waistband. I kind of wonder what the percentage is of people who use the less-lewd display option versus the display option with the big gaping orifices and sex toys. A while back, I would have expected more people to go with the latter, but having seen the warm reception that SkyTube figures have gotten, I’m imagining that a lot of people would have liked to display this figure in the manner you describe. Personally, given that this figure was a direct-order piece, I think they should’ve just left the panties out altogether.

      Haha, yeah, now that you mention it, her vagina and anus are placed too far towards the rear. I hadn’t thought about it at all – probably because I’ve seen so much hentai artwork in which the orifices are not placed correctly – but it’s pretty obvious with how the dildos are angled almost horizontally. It doesn’t diminish my admiration of the figure, but it is something interesting to remark on.

      I recently changed the URL from http to https, in accordance with Google’s tacit insistence that websites should be made secure (most desktop web traffic I get is from the Google Chrome browser). I think that might have something to do with it, but I would guess that functionality should be restored if your browser prompts you to remember you username and e-mail.

  5. lord_frivolous says:

    I missed the preorder for this character but thankfully it seems to be available second hand. Will be travelling to Japan next week so I’ll pick it up at Mandarake or some other place. There seems to be another version available with red dress but I think the black one is nicer.

  6. wieselhead says:

    congrats on three gape figure posts in a row! XD

    Well, I’m glad that you are so happy about her.

    “one of the best anime figures ever made.”maybe that’s not my summary,
    but I can’t decide about that anyway, otherwise I would probably buy less figures.

    When I see Jin-Lian standing there in full view, she looks indeed stunning, its a pretty Pin up pose.

    It’s such a beautiful design already and again it’s optimally scandalous again, when seeing her crude dildos my butt somehow hurts XD It’s too funny, who at Alphamax decides those things?

    • Tier says:

      Thanks! XD I’ve still got at least one more figure with a big gaping orifice to review. Ahahaha, yeah, I guess you have to be comfortable with some of the things on this figure to be happy with it. I do wonder the same thing; are there a bunch of marketing people at Alphamax who sit around a coffee table and say, “These holes need to be bigger, can we make them bigger?”

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