Yayoi B. Lutwidge from Hapymaher (NSFW)

Yayoi B. Lutwidge from Hapymaher

Mangagamer released the English-language – and uncensored – version of Purple Software’s Hapymaher last week and being that this figure of Yayoi was released ten months ago, now seems as good a time as any to take a look at it. Another justification for doing this review is that Native recently released their own take on a heroine from another Purple Software game and though I skipped over that figure, it’s interesting to compare how these two characters turned out. And well, the quirky characteristics of this figure are reason enough to do this review now. I’d imagine we might not see another figure like this again.

Yayoi B. Lutwidge figure

Yayoi Barnard Lutwidge is one of the heroines from Purple Software’s visual novel Hapymaher. Purple Software’s games are usually illustrated by two artists, Koku and Hiro Tsukimori; this figure is based off of artwork done by the former, which can be seen here.

Having not played the game yet, I’ll just go with what the advertising material says about Yayoi; she’s a half-Japanese girl and senpai to the game’s protagonist, whom she enjoys teasing. I thought that if anyone were to make a figure of the characters from Hapymaher, it would have been of the lead girl or principal antagonist rather than Yayoi, but I suppose someone at Alphamax really likes this character, or thought that adapting the source artwork was too good of an opportunity to pass up.

Yayoi B. Lutwidge figure

This figure is manufactured by SkyTube and is sculpted in 1/6 scale. It is about 16.5 centimeters in height, not including the base. Yayoi comes with two hip sections, one with a normally-sized vagina and one distended to accommodate a carrot (you can’t make this stuff up). She also comes with a set of thong panties which provides a modicum of modesty but nothing is provided to cover up her breasts, and so Yayoi cannot be displayed in a family-friendly manner unless one is inclined to improvise.

Yayoi B. Lutwidge figure

The circumstances in which Yayoi finds herself in are certainly the main attraction here. She’s perched in a kimchi squat, as we called it back in Korea, with her voluminous breasts held out as they cradle a carrot. Another carrot is obviously thrust deep into her vagina. The whole setup is bizarre and yet incongruously well-executed.

Yayoi B. Lutwidge figure

Further, one might not actually notice the vegetable-cum-sex toy at first look since there is a lot of other stuff going on here. While not the lewdest aspect of the figure, Yayoi’s rack is perhaps the most eye-grabbing, at least from a quick glance. Her breasts are gigantic and balloon outwards as she lifts them up for inspection. Usage of the carrot is mandatory as her cleavage has a big gaping hole where it slots in – though given the proliferation of dildos, vibrators, and other sex toys in contemporary anime figure accessory sets, I suppose you could use one of those to plug the gap instead.

Yayoi B. Lutwidge figure

Yayoi’s face is very obviously indicative of Koku’s style; anyone familiar with the artwork of Hapymaher will instantly know who this character is.

Yayoi B. Lutwidge figure

This is technically a bunny figure, though the bunny ears may not be noticed at first, especially given how she has a pair of oversized hair ribbons and a pair of oversized locks of hair framing her face. Curiously, one of the ears has a spike-like protrusion coming from it and I’m not sure why it’s there.

Yayoi B. Lutwidge figure

Here is the alternate hip and upper leg unit; while it’s technically less perverse than the main one, it’s still quite explicit.

Yayoi B. Lutwidge figure

She does come with a pair of panties, though it’s meant to be pulled to the side so the view is still just as explicit.

Yayoi B. Lutwidge figure

And here’s the view from the back. The junction where the panties are secured can be seen; being that the upper and lower parts comprise a couple of flexible plastic strips barely over a millimeter wide that need to fit into each other, it is highly aggravating to secure them together. I would certainly recommend not bothering.

Yayoi B. Lutwidge figure

Sometimes people are curious as to how the birth canal is sculpted, and so here’s Yayoi’s. This feature is becoming a hallmark of some of SkyTube’s best figures. The faint whorl of her anus can also be discerned; as always an important component of anime figures.

Yayoi B. Lutwidge figure

I mentioned earlier that Native recently released a figure of Hotaru Minazuki from the game Amatsutsumi. I passed over it, mostly because I don’t care as much for figures that are lying down as they’re more difficult to display than figures that are standing, and they generally take up more shelf space as well, which is a resource that I am rapidly running out of. Having looked at photographs of the released figure, I was disappointed to see that Hotaru’s genitalia exhibits only minimal detail, which would seem to defeat the purpose of sculpting the figure in the pose that they chose. Contrast that to what SkyTube has done here and I would say that Alphamax wins this round handily.

Yayoi B. Lutwidge figure

This is just a superb figure all around; the sculpting is first-rate, the design is impressive, and the effect will force casual onlookers to look twice. SkyTube has perfected the art of making a figure so perverted and yet sculpted so well that collectors who normally wouldn’t buy this sort of thing might give thought to it. For those that did buy Yayoi, this figure is a spectacular addition to anyone’s collection.

Yayoi B. Lutwidge figure
Yayoi B. Lutwidge figure
Yayoi B. Lutwidge figure
Yayoi B. Lutwidge figure
Yayoi B. Lutwidge figure
Yayoi B. Lutwidge figure
Yayoi B. Lutwidge figure
Yayoi B. Lutwidge figure
Yayoi B. Lutwidge figure
Yayoi B. Lutwidge figure
Yayoi B. Lutwidge figure
Yayoi B. Lutwidge figure
Yayoi B. Lutwidge figure
Yayoi B. Lutwidge figure
Yayoi B. Lutwidge figure
Yayoi B. Lutwidge figure
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13 Responses to Yayoi B. Lutwidge from Hapymaher (NSFW)

  1. Aya says:

    Damn carrot won’t looks the same anymore…., it fit the theme but carrot instead of dildos DX slightly scary ^^
    Still Great Figure 😀

    • Tier says:

      Haha, I kinda imagine a bunch of managers at Alphamax getting together around a conference room planning out their future releases and one guy throws this picture out and everyone’s like, “Uhh, is that a carrot?” I wrote in the review that we might not see this sort of thing again but having thought about it for a week … I can seriously see Dragon Toy or Daiki Kougyou doing something as weird as this. Or even weirder. Maybe someday we’ll see a figure with an eel or something.

      • Aya says:

        well eel would be fine I remember giga pulse made one variation of princess jeanne figure giving birth …that’st what a real nightmare is ^^

        • Tier says:

          Ha, you are right; I’d forgotten about those figures (from uhh, Princess Knight Janne I think? That was a pretty good anime from what I remember). Part of me would think that’s going too far, and part of me wants to see what SkyTube could do if they decided to take that extra step. (Though first, they should do a tentacle figure. I think that’s one thing they haven’t done yet.)

  2. DASD says:

    yayoi “crazed bunny” lutwidge …. nice figure, i tempted to get her but i`ve already order yuki from diamond & zirconia that time.
    damn she`s really enjoying herself with carrot huh … lol

    • Tier says:

      I need to review that figure sometime; I was really looking forward to it but now it’s just sitting in a stack.

      She’s a girl who knows how to have a good time! It is too bad that I don’t think there’s a scene like this in the video game.

  3. wieselhead says:

    *no comment*
    I hope she washed the carrot before… XD
    To think that such a figure exists, you nevertheless took good pictures of her.
    What were your thoughts during this photoshoot?

    Her face is great, the outfit has a certain appeal. Hands and bouncy breasts are also nice,
    but the use of vegetables is beyond lewd. lol at this gaping hole, without the two carrots, I would be happier about this figure 😀 I don’t dislike it, it’s just too hardcore in my eyes.
    The Alphamax folks are funny, the characters on their own are beautiful, but they over “stretch” the insertion theme a bit.

    my critique isn’t intended to be so strict, as long as you are happy, I’m happy ^^

    • Tier says:

      Ahahahaha, it does feel like this figure crossed over a threshold that would’ve been hard to imagine just a few years ago. Personally, I think it’s hilarious but I can definitely understand how a lot of people would think that this figure is too much. I didn’t really think too much about the concept while I was doing the photographs, I guess; I’ve seen a lot worse in artwork so this sort of thing isn’t too big a deal for me. (I do hope we never see a figure that is defecating, though. Now that would be a bridge too far for me.)

      • arp says:

        Haha, you’re definitely not alone. I find her absolutely hilarious, too, and she definitely is one of my favourites in my collection. Incidentally, she is also the one figure that got me to stop buying stupid bootlegs and convinced me to pay for the real deal instead, so a win-win for everyone involved… except my wallet, of course. 😉

  4. You have a real museum with all these spectacular figures..

  5. ryzeex says:

    Wow amazing clitoris

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