Ping-Yi from T2 Art Girls (NSFW)

Ping-Yi figure

Apparently I haven’t reviewed a Tony Taka-designed figure since Freesia, which is confounding since I think I have at least a dozen Tony figures in hand and in the review queue. Clearly there is much work to do; we’ll start by taking a look at Ping Yi, a figure from SkyTube’s ostensible premium line.

Ping-Yi figure

I’m not sure what Ping Yi’s provenance is; there is a source illustration though I’m not sure whether it actually predates the introduction of the figure. Regardless, Ping Yi is, as mentioned, a member of SkyTube’s premium lineup, which is unimaginatively named STP. I think she was the first such figure in this series, having been released in December of 2017, and the second – Jin-Lian, the blonde girl with the pipa and hilariously incongruous golden dildo and butt plug – being released just a few days ago. Frankly, the premium tag seems like a bit of a misnomer to me, though not due to any deficiency of quality or workmanship; this figure’s artistry is impeccable. Rather, virtually all of SkyTube’s stuff is fantastic, even those not specifically marked as being “premium.” For my purposes, the STP label just means I have to buy the figure from a proxy service, which is a tad annoying, and that there will be more parts to fiddle around with, which can be considerably annoying.

Ping-Yi figure

This figure measures about 15.5 centimeters in overall height, not counting the base. It includes a bevy of accessories and optional parts, resulting in a wide variety of possible display options. This versatility is both impressive and at times confounding, as we’ll talk about in a bit.

Ping-Yi figure

Ping Yi is not just the first (to my recollection) STP figure, she’s also the first of what will be at least a trio of figures centered around a theme of Tony-designed girls wearing cheongsam dresses, accompanied by musical instruments, and being penetrated by dildos. The designs are reminiscent of the Kotobukiya fairy girls Daisy, Annabel, and Freesia in that they comprise a mild-mannered black-haired girl, a more mature-looking blonde girl, and a perky, younger brunette. I have Jin-Lian on order – she’s on the airplane from Japan to freedomland as I write this – but I don’t know if I will order Chun-Mei, the third figure in the lineup. I don’t think she looks as good as the first two and I don’t really care for both her hair buns and her pubic hair. Technically the preorder period closed a couple of weeks ago so there isn’t much time for me to change my mind.

Ping-Yi figure

The face is typical Tony Taka, though she’s quite attractive despite the homogeneity of his designs. She does come with an optional face, which I suppose is part of what makes this a premium-label figure.

Ping-Yi figure

And here is that face. I don’t like this face as much, though its expression does better reflect what this figure is all about.

Ping-Yi figure

If anyone needs a clue as to what that means, this end right here shows what is arguably the main attraction of this figure.

Ping-Yi figure

Some might say that the elegant elements of this figure take pride of place over its more salacious aspects, and that’s fair. Certainly her dress is quite lovely, with its glossy white color, black trim, and its varied hues of blue providing a wonderfully subtle color scheme that perfectly complements the mood conveyed by this figure. Her instrument – a zither called a guqin, from what my Wikipedia research tells me – is similarly exquisite, though the one flaw on my copy is that I’ve done something to knock the strings askew and I’m not quite certain how to reset them. Otherwise, it’s executed very well.

Ping-Yi figure

The incongruity of this figure’s elegance and palpable perversity is perhaps its most interesting quality. We’ve seen this before with Matsuri Tougetsu and it worked very well for SkyTube, and so it’s not surprising that they’ve gone back to this theme. The guqin adds an extra layer of curiosity, as there seems little reason for the subject to penetrate herself while cradling her instrument. Why she is doing so will undoubtedly be the first question that a casual viewer asks when first glimpsing this figure. (The second might be either, “How much did this cost?” or “Why did you buy this?”)

Ping-Yi figure

Given the thematic duality of this figure, it is only appropriate that the dildo that Ping-Yi is pleasuring herself with a run-of-the-mill phallus with a clitoris stimulator. Its modern design and startlingly bright pink color clash mightily with the classical motif effected by the rest of the figure, and this contrast works very well to emphasize the dichotomy of tone presented here.

I can’t believe it slipped my mind to take a photo of Ping-Yi’s distended vagina sans inserted dildo, but it did, to my enduring shame. This will be rectified this whenever I photograph Jin-Lian.

Ping-Yi figure

Amid all this talk about naughty bits and sex toys and awkward masturbation, it should be noted that Ping-Yi can actually be displayed in a non-explicit manner; it’s just a colossal pain in the ass to do so. She does come with panties, which are actually just a plastic piece that fits (and that’s being optimistic) over her crotch and rear. Her bust can be swapped out to display her either covered up or bare-breasted. And if displaying her impaled by a dildo is a bridge too far, she can be displayed with an unstretched vagina. There’s something for everyone here, though it’s far easier to display her less clothed.

Ping-Yi figure

And one last quirk regarding this figure; most figures that are sculpted kneeling don’t actually need bases, but Ping-Yi does. She’s very front-heavy and so will tip over if left unsecured. The base has a small transparent plastic pylon that hooks over her right ankle and keeps her in place.

Ping-Yi figure

This is an exceptionally lovely figure. The concept is interesting in itself, assuming one displays Ping-Yi in R-18 mode, which I’d imagine most people who own this figure will. The manufacturing quality is, as expected, second to none. There is little to criticize – assuming one isn’t trying to cover her up, which was a source of some consternation while I was preparing the figure for photography – and a whole lot to like here. Perhaps the only deficiency that one might lament is that she doesn’t feature anal penetration like Jin-Lian. Truly, what a time to be a figure collector.

Ping-Yi figure
Ping-Yi figure
Ping-Yi figure
Ping-Yi figure
Ping-Yi figure
Ping-Yi figure
Ping-Yi figure
Ping-Yi figure
Ping-Yi figure
Ping-Yi figure
Ping-Yi figure
Ping-Yi figure
Ping-Yi figure
Ping-Yi figure
Ping-Yi figure
Ping-Yi figure
Ping-Yi figure
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20 Responses to Ping-Yi from T2 Art Girls (NSFW)

  1. Aya says:

    What a beauty Regardless 😀
    So as i can see there is optional part of new hip without hole and the Toy ? still underwear of course.
    Jin lian with golded nunchaku XP with many purpose, well in hentai part what interesting about chun mei is it’s using flute instead of usual toys ^^

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, she comes with two hip portions, one with a “normal” vagina and one that is all gaping. Her panties – which are just a plastic piece with no waistband – fit over her crotch to cover her up so if she’s displayed in work safe mode, she still looks normal but anyone who knows about this figure knows that her sculpt is still fully explicit underneath.

      The mailman delivered Jin-Lian today and she sure does look great. I guess I should try to review her soon instead of with a half-year delay.

  2. I like that the site is being updated.
    I have always liked Tony Taka’s figures, especially the T2Art…

    • Tier says:

      We’ll see how long I keep it up! I bet I go back on a one-post per month schedule soon enough.

      The funny thing is that I remember some years back – around the time all those Shining Wind/Tears figures were coming out – I was really tired of Tony Taka figures. I definitely don’t feel that way anymore.

  3. DASD says:

    nice review.

    this STP line from alphamax is like love hate things to me, that “premium” .. makes me … “blaahh” -_- , though i`ve already set my eye on Urara (one of the stp line, still prototype with discounted ass so far -_- ).

    let see … t2art girl huh, beautiful as always – though every face from tony art looks the same to me … lol. but damn that body and expression, its nicely done.
    since i`m not a hardcore fans of tony, so … pass + conserve “ammo” & wait for WF 2018.

    • Tier says:

      There definitely was a ton of nice stuff at Wonder Festival. I was kinda surprised at how much porno stuff there was and how little Kantai Collection stuff I saw, though maybe I just wasn’t looking for it.

      • DASD says:

        yep, most porno stuff still dominated by native and skytube. no lechery, OFE, Q-six or maybe i missed all of them, but hell that roketboy announce a cowgirl figure (insta buy next 2019/20).
        and i saw another drunkard lewd figure from STP line this time … lol.
        and nope, no massive kantai stuff, just some and many fate GO series and some vocaloid figs.

        i just realize if you put ping-yi, chun-mei, and jin-lian together on one stage while being watched by “mr. president” would be great … :v

        • Tier says:

          I have to figure out where I put the president, I was looking for him recently and I couldn’t find him. The one I used for the Yayoi shoot (to cover up her boobs) is actually my other, backup president doll, which isn’t dressed since I snapped one of his arms and had to glue the joint back together.

          • DASD says:

            please do look for him 😀
            i ended up buying some action figure lately because of him and some of your photos with him around. it would be bad having massive 1/6 accessories from native and skytube just lying around without someone use them …. LOL.

          • Tier says:

            He’s probably buried under some figure boxes. I need to find him since I’m thinking of doing a review that would feature him heavily (not positive if I will do it since the item to be reviewed isn’t actually a figure, but it might be of some interest to this site’s readership).

  4. TomTheCat says:

    What times we must be living in when you put together a review of a porno figure and forget to include a picture of you-know-what XD

    Regarding Jin-Lian: I don’t have mine yet, but I’ve seen plenty of pictures already. I’m keen to see if you address the one issue that I have with her. Strangely, I haven’t seen it mentioned by anybody but myself, and also strangely, nobody picked up on it… In my eyes, it’s a weird decision by SkyTube, and pretty obvious in the available picures.. (And no, I don’t mean the anatomy which has both orifices passing horizontally through the buttcheeks…)

    • Tier says:

      Clearly that sort of thing has just become normalized. That’s probably not even a joke nor an exaggeration at this point, actually.

      I do have Jin-Lian here though I haven’t taken her out of her box yet; I had hoped to do the review yesterday but I felt lazy. I’ll see if I see anything too peculiar about her, though I’m pretty sure I’ve made up my mind that she’s awesome. Though the funny thing is, I don’t think she’s my favorite figure that I’ve gotten in the past seven days …

  5. Tsunami3k says:

    I regrettably decided to give RightStuf another shot after a multi-year hiatus that was inspired by enduring an insufferable cancellation ratio in a prior era. My Jin-Lian preorder with them got canceled this week so I’m pretty fucked on getting her now.

    While I preordered Ping-Yi from another domestic seller (the limited blue variant), now I’m starting to get paranoid as, even still, I have yet to get Tougetsu Matsuri either so, if for some reason that gets canceled (and domestic sellers are the first to get screwed if there are shortages) then I’m getting super far behind on my SkyTube harem. (Never mind that I’m also way behind on several Native/Magic Bullet girls because of Anime Island’s implosion.)

    The white Ping-Yi looks excellent so I hope fortune will favor me in getting mine in as well. Embarassingly enough, I only belatedly realized for both this and Jin-Lian that they were as racy as they were. I just liked that they were cute Tony girls posing with traditional instruments. Not that I’m complaining…

    • Tier says:

      Wow, that is really crappy. I’d probably never shop their again if that had happened to me, and given that their prices for manga and Blu-rays are higher than anywhere else, I guess there’s not a lot of reason for me to be looking there for anything anyway. I really hope that you get your figures; they are all fantastic. Though I imagine you weren’t the only person who saw the cute anime girls playing instruments without noticing what was going on further down.

  6. wieselhead says:

    This is a beautiful figure with a great looking outfit.
    The Tony Taka design has been adapted quite nice and impressive, her detailed blue eyes are just mesmerizing, I also like her aroused face quite a bit. The context with the instrument is hilarious, maybe she got bored during practise, …what a bad girl XD

    You know of my aversion of these optional sex toys, Alphamax probably thinks that the figures will get sad without their sex toys. In this figures case I can tolerate it a bit more, since she is drilling herself actively, I would even go so far to say that she looks cute that way.

    Of course I would still prefer the less lewd display option, the “pulling at” the lower end of her dress arm looks amusing.

    …and thx for leaving a few comments ^^

    • Tier says:

      I guess playing the zither can be lonely! It’s sort of funny how Alphamax is just chucking out porno figures left and right now. I wonder if they’ve gotten any criticism at all for how sexual their figures are, particularly for characters that don’t really seem to need it, like this one XD

      You’re welcome! I’m sorry about not commenting earlier. I’d meant to write something but then I put it off for a day and then another and all of a sudden two months had past and I’m like “Oh damn.”

      • wieselhead says:

        It`s indeed funny. At least they give the buyer a chance to decide what level of lewd they want. Although some people don`t want these ecchi options at all XD

        It`s ok, I really do appreciate it anyway. I know, sometimes I can`t keep up with my daily tasks and plans as well. Otherwise I would posted a lot more in the last month.

        • Tier says:

          Indeed! Well, I’m curious as to how far figure makers will go and if they will provoke a backlash if they do something that people consider tasteless. I’m still a little surprised that all the porno figures from Native and Alphamax have been received so well.

  7. lonelycat87 says:

    So pretty.. especially that transparent hair and skirt.
    As always thankyou for the photos.
    Though Im end up not buying her because her face is too “Tony” XD.
    I think chun mei is cuter, and flute play is irresistible.
    Did order jin lian, hope can get mine soon, cant wait to see your review!

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