First, a housekeeping note; I’ve enabled SSL on this website, in accordance with Google’s dictate that websites should now encrypt communications between host and client. I think this occurred without problems but if anyone notices any errors, I’d appreciate it if you’d drop me a line. Also, Wonder Festival was this past weekend and I don’t really do an impressions post, but occasionally people are curious as to what I thought about it, so I figured I’d post my feelings here in a stream-of-consciousness fashion: there sure were a lot of porno figures there. I really hope these STP figures aren’t too expensive since there’s a lot that I would like to own. A lot of these figures are emphasizing the ass of their respective characters, which is a nice change from the usual practice. Not that 2B figure from Flare, though; I guess it would have been too much to hope that REFLECT would’ve given her a little more definition back there. There’s not as much Kantai Collection stuff there as I thought there would be. Wasn’t the Kantai Collection anime supposed to get a second season? Oh no, I kinda want to buy another Ban! hermaphrodite figure, and I just sold off my first one. It’s an injustice to humanity that Cross Ange never got any figures. I was hoping someone would show off a new tentacle rape figure but I suppose not. No bestiality figures here either, which is a little disappointing; that felt like the next logical step given the sorts of figures we’ve gotten in recent times. There was at least that one figure of the girl with the torpedo inserted in her body; that was neat. I’m going to need to make more money.
Anyway, let’s look at some of the figures I’m thinking about preordering. I left a few off that I haven’t quite composed my thoughts on, like the Lechery figure in wrestling boots and the A+ figure of the blonde maid; I figure I’m behind on these posts so I’ll just save writing about them for next time.
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