Dva from the Melon Books Hermaphrodite Tapestry (NSFW)

Dva from the Melon Books Hermaphrodite Tapestry

Native has been so prolific that there are days where I get one of their figures in the mail and am not immediately sure what it is. This inundation of porno figures is of course due to them being not just a producer but also a distributor for a number of relatively new manufacturers, such as Rocket Boy – who are the minds behind the figure we’re looking at here, named Dva. This Dva unsurprisingly has no relation to the likely more-famous Dorito-gobbling teenaged mech jockey from Overwatch but is instead based off of an illustration done by Ban!. He’s a talented artist with an easily identifiable (and sometimes well-imitated) style – and a pronounced predilection for penises. That proclivity carries over to the figure, which indeed comes with not one, but two penises, both modestly and agreeably packaged in an opaque black baggy, which is where they will stay, at least in my collection. I try to provide a comprehensive overview of the figures I photograph but in this case – and in any other case where actual schlongs are depicted – we ain’t having that, and those interested in that sort of thing will need to go elsewhere to satisfy their curiosity.

Dva figure

This figure does not have much of a backstory insofar as I am aware so we’ll just jump into the usual litany of specs. This figure is nominally sculpted in 1/6 scale, though she is rather large for the size in my estimation. She comes with a large plastic base sculpted to mimic beach sand, as a fair number of bikini figures do, though she obviously doesn’t require it to keep her sitting upright (though I’d still use it just to minimize the chance of her bottom getting stained by whatever other surface one might seat her on).

Dva figure

As mentioned Ban! has a fairly distinctive style, particularly in regard to the shape of the eyes – generally tsurime in nature, in anime parlance – as well as providing for a defined lower lip. This style carries over well to three dimensions, as the figure’s face is easily recognizable as being from his work. Dva has a very seductive look that fits well with both his style and with the theme of this figure. In my mind, there’s quite a bit of similarity between Dva and Nyotengu from Tecmo’s Dead or Alive, which I would guess is not entirely an coincidence as Nyotengu is something of a temptress and femme fatale herself.

Dva figure

The pose is obviously a major highlight of the figure, set as it is to highlight Dva’s, uhh, manhood, which we won’t be going over here. She still looks pretty good with both her bikini and without, though. The bikini part is simply a little patch that covers her crotch and can be popped out after prying it up. The pasties over her nipples are magnetic and so they stay in place quite well, and are very easily removed for those who prefer a more risque presentation, which I’d imagine is everyone who bought this figure.

Dva figure

That said, the pose generally only works from the front view; from any other angle you notice that her limbs and hair aren’t entirely flush on the surface of the base. It’s a problem a lot of sitting, reclining, and lying figures have. It’s one reason why I much prefer figures that are standing.

Dva figure

This is an obvious point but Dva has some absolutely gigantic breasts. Chest fans will find much to be happy about her (doubly so if such fans also happen to be penis fans).

Dva figure

The obligatory close-up shot of her vagina, which is reasonably anatomically accurate as far as this scale size can allow for. No anus is depicted for those who might be wondering. As one can see her thong doesn’t actually extend all the way between her legs, which is a little unfortunate, though you likely won’t ever notice in normal viewing. In all other respects her bikini is very well-painted, though; bikini straps this thin often provide a good deal of opportunity to go wrong in painting but that is not the case here.

Dva figure

There’s one other accessory that I did not photograph, though this was more out of laziness than anything; she’s got some large bangles that you can hang off of her ankles. Her left leg detaches below the purple strap above her foot, which is actually a bit annoying on mine as the fit is a little loose.

Dva figure

Overall, I think this is a pretty good figure though to be honest, it’s one I think I could have skipped. I mainly bought it because I like Ban!’s work, but SkyTube and Native have more figures based on his illustrations in the works, and I think I like them better. I’ve become less fond of figures that are sitting down, partly because of the issue mentioned above but primarily because I don’t really enjoy photographing them as much, and photography is a big reason why I collect figures. But it’s still a good figure, hermaphrodite or not.

Dva figure
Dva figure
Dva figure
Dva figure
Dva figure
Dva figure
Dva figure
Dva figure
Dva figure
Dva figure
Dva figure
Dva figure
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16 Responses to Dva from the Melon Books Hermaphrodite Tapestry (NSFW)

  1. TomTheCat says:

    Thanks a lot for reviewing her! As always, your photos are awesome. Should you really be interested in selling her, I, for one, would be very interested 😀

  2. one of the best figures that has come out this year without a doubt

    • Tier says:

      She seems to be quite popular! I imagine she has a ton of appeal especially because of her particular appendage. It’s not quite my sort of thing but I’m sure futa fans are pretty happy with this and all the other upcoming Ban!-designed figures. What a time to be a figure collector.

  3. 1337Goldfire says:

    In the past few years figurines like this have become amazingly detailed, this is certainly no exception. I should get around to buying one.

    • Tier says:

      It’s pretty amazing how figures have come along. I remember when it was tough to find a figure with exposed nipples and now that’s just absurdly passe. If this is the sort of thing you’re interested in collecting, there’s never been a wider variety of designs and themes.

  4. Aya says:

    I am not interested but of course i am curious about “that” from this figure XD especially how to attach it is it magnetic too lol okay won’t bother asking XD
    She looks perfect with or without it

    • Tier says:

      There’s a socket in her crotch; the penis parts and her vagina plust the strings of her bikini bottom are actually separate pieces that plug into that socket. It’s a pretty nice design, actually.

  5. wieselhead says:

    She looks gorgeous, I love her face. I really like her seductive gaze, the nice big boobs, the pose and I’m a fan of bikini figures with the feeling of summer anyway. The shiny nipple covers look quite good, although her bikini top made of strings doesn’t make too much sense, then.

    Unfortunately, I noticed her penis after I took a second and a closer look ahaha 🙁
    Glad to see that you can display her as real woman, too. I don’t hate futanari, but for figures I prefer 100% woman. Still sextoys in general or in this case 2 optional penises in the figures box are enough to scare me off XD I actually found her penis a bit too intimidating lol
    …and how should I explain it to friends or family. Nevertheless she looks like a stunning figure overall. I’m glad that you reviewed the figure and took these nice pictures of her, even when you skipped the grotesque parts 😀

    • Tier says:

      Ahahaha, yeah, I don’t really go looking for futanari stuff so sometimes I get fooled when I see an attractive anime girl and don’t immediately notice the penis poking out from her crotch. I’m not sure how one would go about explaining to friends and family why one owns a girly figure with a dick, but it would at least spark a conversation.

      It really doesn’t feel like summer should be this close but it was 90 degrees this weekend near Washington, DC. I could swear it was pretty close to freezing here just a few weeks ago.

  6. bostonbrandon says:

    I think that she may have most realistically detailed vagina of any figure to date. That being said, it’s kind of a shame as if I were to ever pick her up I’d definitely be displaying her with the other option.
    Also, I have to say that I’m a little let down that you didn’t include any shots of the penis or penis’. Does she come with two? I understand that it’s not your thing. After all your website subtitle is “Things that make me happy”, but I just had to voice my disappointment.

    P.S. I’d like to purchase those parts if you’re willing to sell them. I sent you a message on myfc earlier.

    • Tier says:

      Haha, yeah, deciding whether to photograph the optional parts was a a little bit of a struggle for me. It’s funny but I think I’m a little less enthused about this figure than most people; I’m really surprised at how much love she’s getting, and I wonder how much of that is due to the novelty of having a futanari figure from a very well-regarded manufacturer (and distributor).

      I did get your message, and sorry that it took so long for me to reply. Unfortunately someone expressed interested in buying the entire figure a day before I got your PM and Dva may be off soon to a new and loving household, but I’ll let you know if things don’t work out.

      • bostonbrandon says:

        In all seriousness I felt like you responded rather quickly. Though I’d certainly appreciate you letting me know if the sale doesn’t go through.

        • Tier says:

          Well, unfortunately the penis parts are definitely not available as she is off at her new home now. Doubtless her new owner will appreciate her special features more than I did!

  7. Timothy says:

    Really good photos and writeup.

    I picked up the tanned version of this figure last month, came here while looking for nicely taken photos of the normal version that weren’t the manufacturer ones.

    Now iam debating if I should try and find this version as well..

    • Mechgouki says:

      Hi can I ask if the tan version is pvc?

      I have seen a few figures, if they have a very dark and glossy body, they will use white plastic and spray paint over it, as opposed to using the usual pink flesh pvc.

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