Reika Shimohira from Gantz: O (Sword Version)

Reika Shimohira from Gantz: O

Union Creative’s Hdge Technical Statue lineup is an eclectic grouping but the figure we’re looking at today isn’t too different from Motoko Kusanagi, the last Union Creative figure we looked at – that is, female, sexy, scantily-clad, and sourced from a sci-fi series. The Major, of course, was recently featured in a big Hollywood movie (that, by most accounts, wasn’t particularly well received). The figure we’re looking at today is of Reika Shimohira, one of the stars of Gantz – and more specifically, Gantz: O, a CG-animated feature-length film released last year. The series features significant thematic similarities – notably, that of hapless participants forced by a sadistic entity to struggle for survival – to some other big motion pictures, and its blend of graphic violence, action, drama, and fanservice would be quite popular in current times. One wonders whether Hollywood will someday seek to put its own Western-style spin on the Gantz franchise.

Reika Shimohira figure

Reika Shimohira is one of the main protagonists of the series. If I remember correctly, she does not show up in the television anime, however, having been introduced in the manga at a relatively late date. She is a singer and a model who is killed and then finds herself trapped after death by an enigmatic entity who forces her and others to hunt and kill aliens in a sort of sadistic game. As is common in the puzzle-survival genre, the participants must battle not only with the more immediate and lethal threats to their lives, they must also contend with more philosophically existential questions, particularly regarding the aims and nature of their jailor.

Reika Shimohira figure

This figure is manufactured by Union Creative in 1/7 scale. That scale seems about right, as Reika is about 24.5 centimeters tall at her head and 26.5 centimeters tall overall, including her sword handle. This figure is basically ready for display right out of the box; all that is needed is to place her on her base (a plain black disc) and to place her sword in her hands.

Reika Shimohira figure

This is actually the second Reika figure that I received; the first was also by Union Creative, and is basically the same figure except Reika is fully clothed in a black bodysuit and is holding a gun. I ordered that figure first, but when I saw this figure (which was announced a few weeks later), I decided to get it as well. I was a little annoyed by that, since if they had been announced simultaneously, I likely would have skipped the more clothed version. However, it still looks good and I suppose I don’t feel too badly about spending the money to get it.

Reika Shimohira figure

That said, figures of sci-fi girls in skintight catsuits are not particularly uncommon, though Reika does fill hers out in sublime fashion. This figure, however, is rather more unusual in that her suit is pared down to a minimal leotard or one-piece swimsuit, complete with thong back. Quite a bit of the artwork of Gantz features its female cast in this sort of garment and as Reika’s profile has risen in stature, this adaptation of her Gantz suit has become something of a hallmark for her.

Reika Shimohira figure

The most obvious aspect of this figure is the prominence of Reika’s ass. It’s certainly one of the best features of the figure and her outfit does nothing to conceal it. Her unusual pose, with her back arched in a starkly exaggerated manner, achieves the trifecta of having her face, breasts, and buttocks visible all at once.

Reika Shimohira figure

Continuing with the salacious highlights of this figure (and why not, lewdness is one of its preeminent selling points), Reika’s outfit shows off her large breasts. This is one of the recurring features of many of Gantz’s female cast members – I remember that the anime’s female protagonist, Kei Kishimoto, was noted for the impressive size of her chest.

Reika Shimohira figure

Thigh-high socks, a pair of sporty shoes and gloves complete Reika’s ensemble.

Reika Shimohira figure

Reika’s gaze is a bit blank, as if she is staring off into the distance. Her facial expression also doesn’t convey much feeling. A more emotive look might have been more compelling, but I guess this sort of vacant look isn’t unappealing, either; this way, the viewer can draw his or her own conclusions as to what Reika might be feeling at this moment.

Reika Shimohira figure

Some figures come with elaborate weaponry but this is not one of them. Reika’s sword is rather plain, with a black blade that doesn’t show much in the way of detail. I don’t think this is a particular bad thing, though; with some figures, the weapon is a highlight, but here, it’s merely an accessory, allowing all the viewer’s attention to be focused on the figure instead.

Reika Shimohira figure

And that is as it should be. This is a superb figure of a property has endured and gained an international fanbase without getting much attention from figure makers. Reika looks fantastic, with the sculpt emphasizing all her salient points. Motoko was a nice figure but in my view, Reika is a great deal better. Having examined this figure, I find myself more encouraged about owning both Reikas; I suppose I’ll get around to reviewing the other in the near future.

Reika Shimohira figure
Reika Shimohira figure
Reika Shimohira figure
Reika Shimohira figure
Reika Shimohira figure
Reika Shimohira figure
Reika Shimohira figure
Reika Shimohira figure
Reika Shimohira figure
Reika Shimohira figure
Reika Shimohira figure
Reika Shimohira figure
Reika Shimohira figure
Reika Shimohira figure
Reika Shimohira figure
Reika Shimohira figure
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22 Responses to Reika Shimohira from Gantz: O (Sword Version)

  1. TheKillerAngel says:

    A lot of people have given UC flak for producing sub-par figures. Do you think their recent releases have improved enough for that reputation to no longer be warranted, or are they still hit and miss?

    • Tier says:

      I’m not really sure. Motoko had some issues, Reika seems very good from what I can tell; probably the only thing I would have preferred to be changed might be her facial expression. I don’t have any more of their figures preordered but it will be interesting to see how Mumei turns out. I think I’d feel comfortable ordering their figures, though; they seem to be fairly close to what they show in their prototype photos, and they provide a lot of close-up shots. It’s nice that they’re not trying to hide anything there.

      • TheKillerAngel says:

        Will you be doing another Preorder outlook post? What did you think of the latest WonFes? I know you aren’t into Idolm@ster and Love Live (I’m guessing because the character designs are predominantly cute rather than sexy), but any thoughts on the boatloads of Fate figures that were unveiled there?

        • Tier says:

          Yeah, I definitely will, though I’d like to get at least one or two more reviews in to space them out. There actually are a couple of Idolmaster figures I’m interested in (Phat Company’s Fumika, which I don’t know if I will order since August is packed, and the Hot Limit Uzuki figure, though I don’t think that showed up at Wonder Festival). The array of Fate figures … man, there’s an assload of them now. I don’t really know which characters are which, too. I generally like the character designs so I’ll probably get the ones that interest me (like Alter’s Scathach, I think I saw someone – probably Aniplex – with a nice Ishtar figure, too), but I’m sure I’ll be passing a lot of them over. If FREEing ever starts making them as 1/4 scale bunnygirl figures though, I’m doomed.

  2. BostonBrandon says:

    Reika is a lovely figure; one I did not pre-order for two reasons. One: I was/am poor, and two: I really didn’t like the way her face sculpt came out. I loved the manga and found that she was not representative of Hiroya Oku’s art.
    I’m also pretty confused as to why there haven’t been more figures tied to this franchise considering it’s popularity. Great shots as always, you really nailed it with the “trifecta” pictures.

    • Tier says:

      Ha, I hope your situation changes for the better. Yeah, I haven’t seen the CG film but I’d guess that this is closer to that design than as she appears in the manga. Personally, I would’ve liked it a bit if her eyes were angled downwards just a little bit, so that she could make eye contact with the viewer a little more easily instead of gazing off into the distance. I did notice that FREEing apparently has some kind of 1/4 scale Reika planned, and I am doubting that it’s a coincidence that such a thing appears after this figure has gotten a lot of acclaim. I wonder what sort of bunnysuit she’ll appear in; it’d be kinda cool if it were a fanciful take on her Gantz suit.

      • BostonBrandon says:

        Just when I thought I was done with FREEing’s bunny girls!

        • Tier says:

          I’m trying to be more selective about which ones I’m interested in but it’s so hard. I’ve ordered the two Muv-Luv girls, I’ll probably get Mikan and Yui, and I’m kinda interested in Lucifer and Asmodeus, along with Reika. This is going to be expensive.

  3. Gutiman Reggae says:

    I loved this figure…Can be undressed?

    • Tier says:

      Nope, unless you want to start breaking pieces. Of course, there is always the modded figure option, for anyone who wants to spend a lot of money.

  4. TheDuskwalker says:

    That’s some grade A midriff and booty.

  5. Aya says:

    So Union creative made 2 Reikas, i just realized because I only remember seeing the one with Gun, but swords seems more suitable in this pose XD since it’s not “show” accurate i guess an exclusive
    Since you own both I thought Will see both side by side in last picture ^^ and probably they can swab weapons ?

    • Tier says:

      We’ll see both when I review the other one! Which hopefully will not be too long from now. I would guess that their weapons can be swapped out though I can’t say for sure as I have not actually opened up the regular figure yet.

  6. wieselhead says:

    Oh I should watch the CG-animated movie ;D

    The figure has a great body, I like the contrast between her juicy butt and these sporty legs.
    The skimpy outfit is also nice, although I prefer the full suit version a little.

    But… man these are the most static eye decals I’ve seen on a full priced figure, it’s a bit sad since the face looks really good aside from that.

    • Tier says:

      Ahahaha, yeah, the eyes are pretty lifeless. I guess this pose might present some difficulties for the designers; the FREEing Kay bunnygirl figure has a similar pose, and I’m not sure what’s going on with her eyes as well. At least that figure also has a nice butt, though not quite as nice as Reika’s here.

  7. Fish says:

    That’s a pretty sexy figure. I wish I would have picked her up now.

  8. Jamie says:

    Wow, what a lovely bottom this figure has. Thank you so much for the review, the photos you take are superb.

    • Tier says:

      Thanks for the kind words! This is a really great figure, and I’m really looking forward to when Anzu Yamasaki comes out, since I think they’ll look great together.

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