Isuzu Sento from Amagi Brilliant Park (Pirate Version)

Isuzu Sento from Amagi Brilliant Park

A pirate hat, a gun, big breasts and a skimpy bikini; sounds like the makings of a particularly fine anime figure, no? Well, in this case, the sum is perhaps a little less than the total value of all its constituent parts, but even so, a figure manufacturer would have to struggle mighty hard to screw up a figure of Isuzu Sento when she’s dressed like this.

Isuzu Sento figure

Isuzu Sento is the lead female character in the light novel series and anime Amagi Brilliant Park. She is initially the director of the eponymous amusement park as well as the principal enforcer for Queen Latifa (all hail her royal badness) Fleuranza. When hard times and chronic mismanagement threaten the future of the park, she shanghais the self-absorbed Seiya Kanie into taking over the facility’s operations. While initially reluctant to get involved, he eventually takes to the job with aplomb, as most anime protagonists do.

Isuzu Sento figure

I watched the anime adaptation of Amagi Briliant Park and didn’t feel that I had wasted my time when I was done, which is far more than I can say for too many shows that I watch in their entirety. That said, the anime was sort of a blasé affair; other than some interesting characterization on the part of the park staff, its story rarely strays from formula, and it proceeds and ends entirely as one might expect it to (which includes setting up for a potential sequel; I’m surprised that a follow-up season hasn’t yet been announced).

Isuzu Sento figure

This figure is manufactured by Max Factory and is sculpted in 1/7 scale, standing about 24.5 centimeters in height with her hat on. She comes with an alternate face which lacks the eyepatch, and her two antenna-like ahoge form a separate piece which can be removed in order to place her pirate hat on her head.

Isuzu Sento figure

Isuzu is normally seen wearing her usual park uniform, which is reminiscent of a ceremonial British army uniform sans headgear. However, Max Factory has opted to present her in the pirate-themed bikini; Isuzu wore this costume in the seventh episode of the anime, in which she unconvincingly essayed the role of a swashbuckling buccaneer. Despite only appearing in a few scenes, it’s not that surprising that Max Factory chose to make a figure of her in this outfit; if anything, it’s more surprising that more figure manufacturers haven’t, as it is obviously agreeable in appearance and Amagi Brilliant Park appeared to be reasonably well-received. (Speaking of the anime’s aversion to taking risks, there’s a scene where we’re tantalized by the possibility that Isuzu might get molested by tentacles while wearing this swimsuit. Unfortunately – but not surprisingly – this event never occurs.)

Isuzu Sento figure

In the anime, Isuzu’s demeanor is acerbic and laconic. The few figures available of her typically portray her displaying more emotion – typically smiling or manifesting embarrassment – for some inscrutable reason. Here, she’s definitely showing some anxiety or mortification as she strikes a pose. It’s kind of an awkward pose, in truth; her eyes are looking to the side while her hips are pointed to her right and her breasts are facing in yet a third direction while her torso twists around. It is well-sculpted, however, and all her proportions look correct; it’s just appears to be an uncomfortable stance for her. It does hit the trifecta of allowing her face, breasts, and ass to all be viewed at once, which may perhaps be the point of her pose.

Isuzu Sento figure

Speaking of proportions, I think Isuzu is quite attractive in that respect. Despite technically being sixteen years old, she’s got a relatively long body and robust body build that keeps her head from looking too oversized. She’s also quite stacked, which her costume makes a further point of emphasizing.

Isuzu Sento figure

From the front, her breasts are huge and appear to be bursting out of her top, which is no surprise given how small her bandeau is. They do present a balloon-like look, which is a little unrealistic. It wouldn’t surprise me if some peeople don’t find her breasts particularly attractive.

Isuzu Sento figure

Like quite a few swimsuit figures, Isuzu’s body doesn’t feature a great deal of detail, despite the surfeit of exposed skin. She does have a couple of tattoos – or at least, I think they are tattoos, though the curious thing is that they are actually raised impressions on the figure’s surface rather than simply being printed on.

Isuzu Sento figure

Here’s the second tattoo on her hip, which is not as easy to see as the one on her tit.

Isuzu Sento figure

As mentioned, Isuzu’s expression conveys an obvious sense of anxiety and embarrassment, which provides a contrast to her sexy, confident pose. It’s a cute look though personally, I would have preferred her to show her deadpan expression instead; for anyone familiar with the show, I think such a look would connect the character to the viewer more effectively.

Isuzu Sento figure

Isuzu comes with a couple of different display options. One is that her hat is removable; note that it simply fits on her head rather than being held on with a magnet, as is done with some other figures. She also has two faces, one with an eyepatch and one without. Her twin ahoge are detachable and did not seem to fit very well on my figure, and that’s one reason why I’m displaying Isuzu with her hat.

Isuzu Sento figure

The other – and probably more compelling, at least to me – reason why I’m keeping her hat on her is that her hair has this odd defect on my figure. I’m not sure whether this is a scratch or a buildup of some substance but it’s rather disappointing to see a Max Factory figure come with this sort of issue. I know for a certainty that my figure is not an unlucky exception as a number of people on MFC have observed similar discolorations on their figures.

Isuzu Sento figure

An interesting aspect of this figure is that another character forms part of the base. This is Tiramie, the lecherous, treachorous cat-like creature whose relationship with Isuzu is often a painful one. It’s amusing to see Isuzu stepping on him – there’s a peg in his back for Isuzu’s foot – but it makes her abashed expression all the more incongruous.

Isuzu Sento figure

On the plus side, giving Isuzu something to step on lets the viewer admire her marvelous hooker boots, which really are quite nice.

Isuzu Sento figure

Isuzu’s trademark accessory is, of course, her rifle. This particular firearm looks rather small; the shoulder stock appears almost vestigial. She technically conjures her weapons out of her various body parts so I suppose there’s no definite size for her rifle, but I feel like it should be larger than it is.

Isuzu Sento figure

Back to her outfit – it is probably the most distinctive aspect of this particular Isuzu figure and quite likely the main reason anyone would buy it (other than that there just aren’t that many Isuzu figures available). It’s obviously a sexy outfit, one meant to highlight all the best parts of Isuzu’s body. That is to say, her breasts – the seat of her bikini bottom hides a surprisingly large area of her backside. Personally, I think a little less seat coverage would’ve been nice.

Isuzu Sento figure

I think this is a pretty good figure of Isuzu here, but my opinion is influenced by grading it on a curve. Max Factory figures are held to a higher standard and this figure does have some issues, with the quality control problem being more vexing to me. However, Isuzu hasn’t gotten a lot of figures, despite seemingly being a popular character, and while I can’t shake the feeling that, much like the anime she comes, things could have turned out a little better than they did, I do like thie figure quite a bit.

Isuzu Sento figure
Isuzu Sento figure
Isuzu Sento figure
Isuzu Sento figure
Isuzu Sento figure
Isuzu Sento figure
Isuzu Sento figure
Isuzu Sento figure
Isuzu Sento figure
Isuzu Sento figure
Isuzu Sento figure
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3 Responses to Isuzu Sento from Amagi Brilliant Park (Pirate Version)

  1. wieselhead says:

    A good choice with this Isuzu, at first I preferred ALTER’s Isuzu adaption, but unfortunately I did not preorder her, although later it’s always an possible option. Now with seeing your pictures, this more expressive Max Factory figure appears more appealing to me.

    In the anime I really liked Isuzu, her more sturdy and buxom appearance was marvelous ♥
    Brilliant Park was surprisingly heavy loaded with fanservice, so many hot girls XD
    The figures appearance is very sexy, the flustered face is really cute and her bold outfit works great being wrapped around her body. Belly, boobs, thighs and hips have a lovely volume and smooth look. It’s often interesting to see that Max Factory adapts figures like this, when a female character wears an risky outfit in one anime episode, they will most likely make it (*^▽^)/. This Isuzu is really a nice figure, that meets my criteria ^^

    • Tier says:

      I liked the Alter figure, except that it was sitting down, so I decided not to buy it. I’m surprised none of the major manufacturers made a figure of Isuzu standing up while in her normal outfit; it seems like the sort of figure that any of the usual companies would have made.

      Isuzu was the best part of Amagi Brilliant Park, though I’m still displeased she didn’t take a dip into the tentacle pool. When the show aired, I didn’t really expect anyone to make a figure of her in this outfit since she only wore it so briefly, but I’m happy that Max Factory chose to do so.

  2. BostonBrandon says:

    I was a big fan of Amagi Brilliant Park. Though, I’m fairly easy to please when it comes to anime. Isuzu was a great character in all the usual ways and I do like Max Factory’s depiction (particularly with her eye patch) but have been waiting for another manufacturer to release something else with her usual outfit. Other show character’s were fun and its great to see Tirami included in the base. That was very funny to hear that her foot peg attaches directly to his back. 🙂

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