Fuyuka Yukishiro from Sword & Wizards: The Emperor of Sword & Seven Lady Knights

Fuyuka Yukishiro from Sword & Wizards

Having no idea what Sword & Wizards: The Emperor of Sword & Seven Lady Knights might be, I naturally turned to Google and was discouraged to learn that it’s a series featuring a male student at a wizard school who is markedly weaker than his female classmates in magical talent but compensates for this deficiency with his expertise in some other important ability. Utterly groundbreaking; I can’t imagine that we’ve encountered this premise before. Sarcasm aside, the covers, at least, show quite a bit of ass, which would be promising if not for the fact that it’s a text-heavy light novel series instead of an anime or a manga. Perhaps an adaptation will be forthcoming. But in the meantime, we can admire one particular character – Fuyuka, whose backside we’re looking at here.

Fuyuka Yukishiro figure

This figure is sculpted by Kotobukiya in 1/8 scale and stands about 22 centimeters from base to the tip of her mechanical ear-like protrusions; she’s quite a bit taller if you include her lance. That said, this isn’t a particularly large figure; looking at some of Alter’s Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girl figures, for example, Fuyuka is a little bit slighter in terms of body build.

Curiously, Amakuni is producing a figure of another character from this series; I wonder if it will be of similar size to this figure.

Fuyuka Yukishiro figure

The artist for Sword & Wizards is Niθ (responsible for the character designs of Demonbane, Blassreiter, and Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls, amongst others), whose distinctive style is evident here, though not as much in the design of Fuyuka’s face. Rather, her outfit shows a number of his trademark features, such as ribbed straps, knee-high socks, and a strategically-placed cutout that reveals the cleft of Fuyuka’s buttocks.

Fuyuka Yukishiro figure

This is a particularly complex figure, especially from the likes of Kotobukiya, who I can’t recall making many figures with this many parts. A considerable amount of assembly is required to put this figure together but it’s not too difficult to get her ready for display.

Fuyuka Yukishiro figure

Amogst her parts is her weapon, which is something like a lance crossed with a Saturn V.

Fuyuka Yukishiro figure

And she has two little mechanical arms, which appear to hover around her like options in Gradius. Having no familiarity at all with the source material, I’ll refrain from speculating as to what purpose they serve.

Fuyuka Yukishiro figure

There’s an obvious ice theme going on here, and she’s got these little shards of ice which look dramatic and impart a sense of directionality to the figure.

Fuyuka Yukishiro figure

Fuyuka’s wearing a leotard with a plunging cutout in the front and a thong back. It is quite pleasing to the eye, to say the least. Her boots are a little odd-looking, being that the angle of her feet is in line with her legs. The prominent positioning of her left foot emphasizes her distinctive footwear, lending this figure more of an exotic feel.

Fuyuka Yukishiro figure

She’s also got these mechanical ears, which I don’t particularly care for but do look cute, I suppose. One of the ears on my figure is very loose but seems to not be actually damaged, so I guess it’s not a problem.

Fuyuka Yukishiro figure

Fuyuka’s expression conveys stern determination, which complements the wintry motif of her design. Notably, her redheaded counterpart (coming soon from Amakuni) has a more cheerful and friendly expression, so I’d guess that they are meant to be contrasting characters. I wouldn’t be surprised to be wrong, though; the characters from Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls were quite unlike what I expected them to be based on their figures (should Sword & Wizards ever get an anime adaptation, I’d imagine the humor will be slapstick and lowbrow and the characterization to be as substantial as Fuyuka’s skirt).

Fuyuka Yukishiro figure

The pose is obviously a highlight of this figure’s design, giving viewers a good view of Fuyuka’s face, her cleavage, and her ass. It combines sexiness with action in a manner that doesn’t look unnatural or artificial.

Fuyuka Yukishiro figure

On a technical level, this figure is put together fairly well; I didn’t notice any major issues (though as usual, I don’t inspect the figure closely for manufacturing flaws). Her suit has an attractive glossy finish which gives her look a futuristic sensibility while her skin tone has a conventional matte color, unlike a few Kotobukiya figures which have had somewhat shinier skin.

Fuyuka Yukishiro figure

This is a very lovely figure, one that I’m very pleased to have in my collection. I’m a big fan of Niθ’s style (as my collection of Samurai Girls figures attests) and this one is a fine adaptation of his work. It’s a little irritating that the line is split between two manufacturers, one of which is not easily accessible to overseas customers, but at least Kotobukiya did a great job with Fuyuka.

Fuyuka Yukishiro figure
Fuyuka Yukishiro figure
Fuyuka Yukishiro figure
Fuyuka Yukishiro figure
Fuyuka Yukishiro figure
Fuyuka Yukishiro figure
Fuyuka Yukishiro figure
Fuyuka Yukishiro figure
Fuyuka Yukishiro figure
Fuyuka Yukishiro figure
Fuyuka Yukishiro figure
Fuyuka Yukishiro figure
Fuyuka Yukishiro figure
Fuyuka Yukishiro figure
Fuyuka Yukishiro figure
Fuyuka Yukishiro figure
Fuyuka Yukishiro figure
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11 Responses to Fuyuka Yukishiro from Sword & Wizards: The Emperor of Sword & Seven Lady Knights

  1. Nefae says:

    I like posse of this character, details are great, one of my top in precision. I’m glad to see the two difference background, and I hope that you will use it more times.
    Keep going, your fan from Poland.

    PS: This skirt should be used in every school as a part of uniform 🙂

  2. Gutiman Reggae says:

    simply beauty!

  3. BostonBrandon says:

    That last shot sold me, beautiful photography! Also, the rocket lance holds a special place in my heart as I have an affinity for weapons that seem to border on the ridiculous/irrational. Also, *pulls out soapbox* I have to say that there seems to be an unfounded criticism being thrown at Kotobukiya. I don’t know. I’ve always been pleased with my purchases, but I seem to read a lot of comments from people who don’t feel the same.

    • Tier says:

      Ridiculously-sized or styled weapons seems to be a common Nitro+ theme. And yeah, I definitely agree with you about that, though I suppose they make so many figures that I can’t say that I’m too familiar with a lot of their stuff (I don’t think I’ve personally reviewed any of their Bishoujo figures in a couple of years, for example). I recall that Yamato got a lot of the same sort of criticism back when they were in business, and I never quite understood that since I was a fan of a lot of their figures.

  4. wieselhead says:

    As this interesting figure was announced I totally thought it was made by Alter, to learn that it’s a Kotobukiya product was quite surprising. Although judging from several pictures, the quality still does not show the difference directly, she looks really great (*^▽^)/. I always like the designs of Niθ, the faces and eyes are attractive and beautiful, too. Also the sexy direction of the outfits is good stuff. Fuyuka has a lovely bodysuit, the skirt with the obvious cutout can be considered a bit silly, but with such a fine butt no one should complain, I’m also happy to see her thighs ;D

    She looks very attractive and in full view the sculpt of figure and the other parts it looks cool and impressive. I was interested in the red character from this series, unfortunately it’s clearly
    expensive and surprisingly the preorder period passed me completely unnoticed. Is it just me
    or does Fuyuka looks much better?

    Your pictures are great ^^

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, I thought Fuyuka looked a lot better than the red girl, whose name I do not recall off the top of my head. The motorcycle theme of the other figure was a little odd too (even though I was a big fan of the transforming motorcycles from Robotech/Mospeada). Plus I really didn’t want to deal with the proxy thing; it’s kind of a hassle now.

  5. Adam says:

    Nice review! You successfully sold me on Fuyuka. This figure caught my eye when it was announced, but didn’t garner quite enough interest to merit a preorder; I think in part because Sword & Wizards is wholly unknown to me. I hadn’t realized that Niθ was involved with this series, but he hasn’t lost a step as Fuyuka’s outfit really sells the figure.

    Fuyuka arrived a few days ago and I agree she’s a terrific figure. This is among the best work I’ve seen from Kotobukiya and Fuyuka should prove to be one my favorite purchases of the year. She does take up a fair amount of shelf space, but we do at least have the option of displaying her without the mecha-arms.

    • Tier says:

      I’m glad to be of help! I guess it also might have helped that she’s been in Amiami’s bargain bin for a while now – along with a bunch of other figures that I paid full price for but haven’t even unboxed yet. She does look really great though and I have no regrets – I like almost everything that comes from Niθ and it’s a big plus that it comes from a normal manufacturer and retailer, rather than one I’d need to go through a proxy service to buy from.

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