Innocent Fairy Freesia from Tony’s Heroine Collection

Freesia from Tony's Heroine Collection

The third panty fairy in Kotobukiya’s lineup is Freesia. She is evidently the youngest of the trio and thus it is appropriate that she was the last to be released – just a couple of months ago, in fact, so this review isn’t too late. Certainly not as late as Annabel’s, anyway.

Freesia from Tony's Heroine Collection

Like both of her sisters, Freesia is sculpted in 1/6 scale and stands approximately 29 centimeters in height, counting the base and her wings. She has the same circular, tapered base as the earlier fairy girls and comes with an extra pair of antennae, just in case you lose one or both of the originals.

Freesia from Tony's Heroine Collection

While Annabel exuded sly seduction, Freesia seems closer in personality to Daisy. She’s flashing an innocent smile, lending her demeanor more of a friendly tone. Her large, circular eyes make her look more youthful than she perhaps is.

Freesia from Tony's Heroine Collection

She’s standing in sort of a girly pose, with her knees fixed together and toes pointed inwards. She’s also cupping her face with both hands which gives her something of a surprised look, though quite a few people have compared her look to the yandere trance meme from the anime Mirai Nikki.

Freesia from Tony's Heroine Collection

Like her sisters, Freesia wears an abbreviated outfit consisting of a sheer dress, stockings, and a fetching pair of panties. Freesia’s undergarment is a little less revealing than Annabel’s but is surprisingly quite a bit more racy than Daisy’s, and her panties seem to be noticeably tighter-fitting as the outline of her vulva is readily apparent. Normally Kotobukiya isn’t known for this sort of lewd touch with their anime figures and it’s a little surprising to see Freesia’s cameltoe on display here.

Freesia from Tony's Heroine Collection

Freesia’s outfit has a couple of distinctive quirks. Unlike her sisters, her socks are held up by garters. She doesn’t actually wear a garter belt; her garters are attached to her panties, and one might surmise that her panties must be taped or glued to her skin to prevent the slim waistband from sliding right off of her hips.

Also, I like her footwear better than her sisters’. She wears some simple sandals rather than the loose, Christmas elf-like boots than Daisy and Annabel wear. They’re more attractive and flattering to her figure, I think.

Freesia from Tony's Heroine Collection

She also has a more complex hairstyle, with a couple of small twintails, one with a vine entwined around it. This also accentuates her youth.

Freesia from Tony's Heroine Collection

Freesia obviously has some attractive butterfly wings. I think they’re based on a monarch butterfly’s but I’ll let someone more knowledgeable make that call. They can be detached from her back if one prefers (and they need to be detached after unboxing her to remove some plastic wrap) but then she’d have some large, empty slots in her body. They wouldn’t be visible from the front of course, but I’d be bothered just knowing that they’re there and her wings look pretty neat, anyway.

Freesia from Tony's Heroine Collection

Surprisingly, Freesia has a nice backside compared to her sisters. One might think that since she’s the youngest, she’d be the most wanting in this respect, but the curvature of her ass is impressive and her panties show off a good amount of bare skin, though I was kind of hoping she’d be wearing a thong, as the original artwork seemed to suggest such.

Freesia from Tony's Heroine Collection

I’m a big fan of all of Kotobukiya’s butterfly sisters. Annabel might be my favorite of the three but this in no way disparages Freesia or relegates her to second-rung status; she looks just as beautiful as her two older siblings, and all three are amongst my favorite figures in my collection. Kotobukiya deserves a lot of props for producing such fine figures, and while I assume that this family only has three siblings, I’d be thrilled if they make more figures based on this theme.

Freesia from Tony's Heroine Collection
Freesia from Tony's Heroine Collection
Freesia from Tony's Heroine Collection
Freesia from Tony's Heroine Collection
Freesia from Tony's Heroine Collection
Freesia from Tony's Heroine Collection
Freesia from Tony's Heroine Collection
Freesia from Tony's Heroine Collection
Freesia from Tony's Heroine Collection
Freesia from Tony's Heroine Collection
Freesia from Tony's Heroine Collection
Freesia from Tony's Heroine Collection
Freesia from Tony's Heroine Collection
Freesia from Tony's Heroine Collection
Freesia from Tony's Heroine Collection
Freesia from Tony's Heroine Collection
Freesia from Tony's Heroine Collection
Freesia from Tony's Heroine Collection
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12 Responses to Innocent Fairy Freesia from Tony’s Heroine Collection

  1. Kass says:

    Oh my she’s so gorgeous <3 those fairies melt my heart i wish I could have all three they are adorable!! Lovely pictures, simply amazing 🙂

  2. Tian says:

    haha I love surprise cameltoes like with Max Factory’s Samurai, which was epic. I’m starting to wish I’d gotten these but I have a ton of Tony figures…

    Also she’s way too sweet and innocent looking for the yandere trance comparison!

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, that was a nice surprise on the samurai. That reminds me that I need to get around to photographing the psychic someday …

  3. Phil says:

    Looks gorgeous as usual. I love the color on the figs, they are the kind you could display out in the open, even with guests around.

    Hey Tier, do you have any pics of your entire current collection? That would be awesome to see I bet!

    • Tier says:

      I definitely do not. I’m not even sure how I could get my entire collection in one frame, aside from doing one of those 360 degree stitched panoramas and I’m pretty sure I don’t have the space to pull that off.

  4. wieselhead says:

    Ah, there is the “little” sister, though her body is not so little sister like (‐^▽^‐)

    Her tilted upper body pose makes mer super sweet nevertheless. To me the figure always had a yandere atmosphere, I liked the girl in Mirai Nikki a lot, so I won’t complain about that ;D
    Freesia has a nice colorsheme in yellow and orange to yellow gradient, like the sun dawn.
    It’s another adorable Fairy with a cute looking outfit and all the clovers on her outfit are very cute, too.
    I wonder if they really are Innocent Fairy in their alluring outfits, I guess it counts as vanilla fanservice XD

    • Tier says:

      She definitely seems close in age to Daisy! Tony occasionally has a naughty mind, I’d love to see these three show up in one of his Comikon doujinshi engaging in lewd things.

  5. Scott says:

    Ahh, that face…

    I was absolutely sold on Daisy (to the extent that I actually bought her!) specifically because of her pose and facial expression – to me she looks happy, kind and gentle (yet hot), in a way that you don’t often see on these figures. Yeah, I know how that makes me sound. Annabel has a slightly aloof beauty that works beautifully with her overall look, but Freesia… great body, but I can’t shake my uneasiness over that “You’d better not fall asleeeep!” look. I actually quite like angry looking figures (in context), but the kind of krazyness I’m imagining here is just too much.

    On the other hand, I have to admit they do look fantastic all together as a group, and given how unexpectedly large Daisy turned out to be when I unboxed her, I imagine the set of all three would make a quite imposing display!

    • Tier says:

      No, I think that makes sense; Freesia has a gentle, somewhat more reserved look than Daisy or Annabel, I think. Having not seen Mirai Nikki (or really knowing anything about it), I don’t readily make the connection between Freesia and the other character, so her expression doesn’t seem anything but innocent to me. They do look really nice together, though unfortunately their oddly-shaped bases and wings mean they can’t be placed as close to each other as I would like.

  6. BostonBrandon says:

    Thank you for the group shot! I’ve been dying to see them all together and it didn’t disappoint. Also, “panty fairy” …. you have real talent as a writer. I still recall your line about Alice having her panties lovingly pulled her ass and it still puts a smile on my face.
    Please keep up the great work, I know that I’m not the only one who appreciates it.

    • Tier says:

      Thanks XD Yeah, I managed to fit them all in there, probably only because I used a white background, which is my largest background option.

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