Fairy Garden Annabel from Tony’s Heroine Collection


A few years back, Kotobukiya released Daisy, which became one of my favorite figures. Since then, they’ve released two more panty-clad fairy girl figures, also derived from Tony Taka artwork. They are generally referred to as sisters, though they don’t actually look much alike; Freesia, the shorter, younger-looking sister was released just over a month ago, while Annabel, the tallest of the trio, was released last year. We’ll look at Freesia shortly but today, it’s Annabel’s turn.


As far as I can tell, Daisy, Annabel, and Freesia are original characters created for various artwork collections that Tony Taka has contributed to. Nonetheless, it can be inferred from those images that she might have a flirty, playful personality, perhaps something like Reiko in Fault!!, which was also illustrated by Tony Taka. As for what “Fairy Garden” means, it sounds more like a place than something that describes a person, and I have no more idea what it denotes than I do for Daisy’s Peacekeeper moniker.


This figure is produced by Kotobukiya in 1/6 scale. The figure itself is around 27 centimeters in height and overall height is about 32 centimeters, thanks to its elevated base. Like a number of other Kotobukiya figures, Annabel’s feet is actually anchored to her base, or more precisely, to a narrow green core which slots into the larger bell-shaped base. I’ve occasionally moved Daisy around only to see the white outer base fall to the floor.


Perhaps the most frequent criticism leveled against Tony Taka is that his characters’ faces aren’t particularly distinct. It’s a reasonable point, though one could argue that is simply an element of his style, and it’s not actually that accurate with respect to the three fairy girl siblings, as a quick glance at them reveals that they have three differently-styled faces. Notably, Annabel’s upper eyes slope downwards, giving her a more mature and bewitching look than her sisters, who appear more playful than seductive.


There is nothing timorous or demure about her outfit, though. Like her sisters, Annabel wears an open, transparent gown over an abbreviated and sheer baby doll dress. There are a couple of flowers placed along on the opening of her dress and on her shoes that look like daisies, which is an interesting touch; perhaps she has a sister complex, as is such a common theme in contemporary anime.


She also wears high-cut pink panties, which are quite cute. They appear to be the skimpiest panties amongst the three siblings, with Daisy’s being noticeably more conservative.


Her panties are similarly racy in the back.


Unfortunately, Annabel doesn’t really have that large of an ass, which is disappointing; considering how nicely-designed and sculpted this figure is, it would have been nice if she had more definition in her backside.


Looking at her from a rear or side angle also shows how her hair is made of a glossy material that fades to translucency towards the tips. It’s not really an effect that I like very much; I prefer the more standard, solidly-colored and matte-finished hair that most anime figurse – including Daisy and Freesia – feature.


I’m not sure which species of butterfly Annabel’s wings are modeled after, but they are obviously more pointed and sharply-angled than Daisy’s and Freesia’s, which complements the sharper look of her face. The way the pink fades into blue tones is very nicely done, and the bold black outlining is also eye-catching. The stylized hearts along the lower parts of her wings are also quite cute.


Surprisingly, the size of Annabel’s breasts are on the conservative side. It seems like if an anime-style cast includes an older blonde girl, she often gets the largest rack. That could still be the case here but to my eye, all three girls seem to have similarly-sized busts.


Instead, Annabel’s sex appeal is largely generated by her provocative outfit and from her pose, in which she seems to be curtsying while cocking her head playfully or inquisitively. The darker colors of her clothing – particularly the purple shade – also seems to lend more of a spicy edge to her look compared to Daisy and Freesia.


I am a big fan of Kotobukiya’s Daisy and I’m just as fond of this figure. It’s not quite perfect – I’m not too thrilled about the translucent hair or the lack of prominent ass curvature – but even so, I think I would say she’s my favorite of the three. It’s a very tight evaluation in my mind, though, and in the end, I suppose it doesn’t really matter; Daisy, Annabel, and Freesia all look fantastic.

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17 Responses to Fairy Garden Annabel from Tony’s Heroine Collection

  1. Sienar3 says:

    Love the highlights in those. Wow, I think it’s safe to say it’s pretty rare for Tier to shoot a 360-rotation series with white backgrounds. Quite an honor, Annabel. Well, as far as I know the sisters haven’t got any expansion in any way above artworks, however Annabel surely stands out.

    The sisters could have used some top-of-the-line skills and materials, like, namely Skytube or perhaps Native, then that would have been some magnificent work, considering the artworks from Tony. Maybe even better than those up and coming ballerina sisters this summer. With a bonus base plate for all three maybe. Ooooh. Because, yeah, they look so glamorous together as they are.

    Tony sensei just released another book for Shining franchise a few days ago, which I ordered one, with a quite intriguing cover art of course. It’ll be interesting to find out the future figures among those artworks in there; I hear Kirika is in dire need of proper materialization. Because, well, from GSC’s Eriri to the DragonToy’s new Reiko, who dares to argue those fascinating blondies. Moarrrrr.

    • Tier says:

      The white background was actually due to laziness more than anything XD I didn’t prepare an appropriate ground surface for the figures to stand on, which is why I didn’t use the foliage background for the full-body shots. It was good practice, though; I like the clean, distraction-free look of the white background but I don’t use it often.

      It would’ve been pretty amazing if SkyTube had produced these figures and made them more adult in nature, though I’m pretty happy with their current level of sexiness. I’m really looking forward to the two ballerina figures, though.

      Kirika does indeed deserve some nice figures, or at least ones that are easier to get than being packed in with a video game.

  2. icelava says:

    “I’ve occasionally moved Daisy around only to see the white outer base fall to the floor.”

    I coated the feet base with clear nail polish so that it’s a tighter fit and won’t loosely fall off.

    • Tier says:

      That’s a good plan. Actually, I guess I could maybe just gaffer tape the core to the outer shell on the inside, or maybe use some Blu-tack or something.

  3. Tian says:

    Koto did a great job on these girls for sure. She looks beautiful under the lighting setup you have here. The combination of the delicate details of her outfit, the design on her butterfly wings, and the curve of her body all catch light in interesting ways.

    • Tier says:

      They really did, I’m impressed by how nicely they turn out. In the past I’ve kinda tempered my expectations regarding their products but the fairy girls and some other figures (like Olivia) have been very, very nice.

  4. Kass says:

    I love that figure! One day when I’m not always broke i will buy all 3 fairies because I really like them XD amazing pictures i love how bright and colorful they are and the white background really brings out the best in that figure, good job! 🙂

  5. wieselhead says:

    Kotobukiya had a good idea with these colorful butterfly girls, they are all very appealing and nice. The mature appearance of Annabel is great, her pretty face shows some flirty confidence, also the pose has a great articulation that expresses a seductive intention. Her outfit still looks fairy worldly sweet even when everything has a more sexy direction, the panties are indeed lovely ^^.

    I join you in being dissapointed by her buttocks dimensions, with such tight panties it’s nearly a sculpting crime not to add more volume haha.
    Maybe there will be a Fairy mum someday ల(*´= ◡ =`*). That said displaying her from the front is apparently more common and she looks beautiful from there without a doubt.

    Since devoted girls with middle insanity levels always have a place in my heart I find Freesia very attractive 😀

    You took very pretty of this charming figure.

    Just a short question at the end, does Annabel have the same skintone as Daisy?

    • Tier says:

      Haha, yeah, I was a little nonplussed when I saw how flat her rear is. It’s particularly strange since Freesia has a pretty nicely-shaped ass. A fairy mother would be hilarious, it’d be pretty neat if they made such a figure with broad hips and a generously-sized bust, as all anime moms seem to have.

      No, I think Annabel’s skin tone is more pinkish, a little more lifelike than Daisy’s (and more like most other figures from other manufacturers). It doesn’t look too weird like some of Kotobukiya’s figures from a year or so ago did.

  6. bostonbrandon says:

    Very happy to see that you decided to review Annabel, great shots as always. While not the biggest Tony fan I really like this series and hope to some day collect all three girls. Annabel is definitely my favorite but they are all beauties nonetheless.
    I thought your comments about TT’s girls always looking the same or alike were pretty amusing and accurate. There are plenty of other artists who have that repetitive style in their artwork but I’ve always particularly thought of him as the Japanese Milo Manara in that regard.
    I know it isn’t your thing per se, but I hope that once Freesia arrives you’ll consider taking a couple of group shots.

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, I figure that there’s not a ton of room for innovation to start with when it comes to anime-style faces, and it’s a little unfair to fault an artist for sticking to one style. I’m not too familiar with Milo Manara’s art, other than he’s done some covers for Marvel comics (including a Spider-Woman one that got pulled when the Tumblr morality police learned of it), but that seems like a reasonable comparison; you already know what you’re going to see before you view artwork by either illustrator.

      Indeed I did take a couple of group shots. They’re weren’t easy to get in the same frame since their wings get in the way, but I figured I needed to get the sisters together for a front view and a back view.

  7. Cerberus says:

    So glad this post finally came out. She is indeed the sexiest of the three. She just look more grown and seductive. I definitely like her dark gloves and stockings best. And you are right it’s her lingerie and pose that made her look so sexy rather than just bust size. She’s my favorite of the three for sure. I like her overall color theme too especially the contrast of blonde hair and purple/pink wings

    The only complaint again is just her shoes. Couldn’t really understand why they have to put shoes on her. I’m glad they got Freesia better looking shoes, at least something you can definitely see women wearing. I’m looking forward to your Freesia review now.

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, I think Annabel definitely has the most striking color scheme of the three; the pink wings particularly stand out. Haha, you’re definitely right about the footwear, too; I’m not a big fan of the loose-fitting booties that Annabel and Daisy wear (which is one of the reasons I didn’t photograph their feet). Freesia’s sandals are a lot cuter in my opinion.

  8. Tsunami3k says:

    Koto and Tony made some instant classics with these designs. It doesn’t hurt that they’re also nice, detailed, plentifully produced and affordable 1/6th scales. Mine’s still on order from a domestic shop but I pretty much insta-opened her sisters which is a rarity for me so I really look forward t completing the trio with this lovely blonde.

    • Tsunami3k says:

      I believe I just committed derpukku. For whatever idiotic reason I had decided that this was Freesia. Gah, I though she looked too familiar to be a preorder. Yeah, so I’ve had her out for a while and Freesia is my pending girl. Those antennae were a pain, particularly the right one which was tough to square up with its receptacle. It fit fine but they’re small enough to likely snap with relative ease.

      No slight meant towards your photos, they’re great as usual, but this is one of those figures that is just so darn photogenic that it seems like every shot is a keeper.

    • Tier says:

      Haha, I have to admit that while writing up Freesia’s reviews, I either got their names mixed up or I just completely forgot them. I didn’t have too much difficulty with the antenna though the wings were a little bit of a hassle for me to slot through the locks of their hair.

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