Fuumanin Hime Kagura from the Lechery HENTAI Series (NSFW)

Kagura Hentai figure

The conventional wisdom would have it that Japanese anime and tentacles go together like politics and corruption. As is often the case, the veracity of this stereotype is overstated; these days, even in adult-oriented media, there aren’t really that many tentacle-centric anime series and games. This is also true regarding figures; despite the name of this site, I don’t think I’ve actually ever reviewed a figure that incorporated tentacles as a central feature of its design, and that makes this post a watershed moment in the seven-year history of this site.

Kagura Hentai figure

This figure is manufactured by Lechery and was released in summer of last year; it is getting a re-release this month so now seems as appropriate a time as any to review it. It’s a 1/7 scale figure, making it a little smaller in listed scale size compared to many of their products, but it’s still a substantial figure, measuring about 20 centimeters in height and 22 centimeters in width.

Kagura Hentai figure

Kagura is constructed from some sort of resin material rather than PVC. It’s a dense, inelastic material that gives this figure a considerable sense of heft. This design choice has a couple of obvious consequences. One is that her skin tone is rather matte and darker in tint than most PVC figures; to an observer, it is perhaps the most conspicuous difference. The second is that because her body does not flex, putting her in her place amid the entwining and penetrating tentacles is an involved affair, particularly since no instruction sheet is provided. Her head and arms are separate pieces, as are the two large tentacles supporting her legs, and I found that the only way to get everything in place was to place her torso atop the tentacle base and then slide her limbs through the tentacle loops, building her up from the outside in, as it were.

Kagura Hentai figure

That said, while her assembly is relatively complex, the process is not inordinately difficult. Magnets at the end of the detachable parts ensure that each component fits properly and securely. A few of the tentacles have some elasticity, which provides a little bit of give when trying to position her, but the base’s structure is mostly rigid, so it’s both surprising and gratifying that most of the tentacles fit fairly well, with one notable exception.

Kagura Hentai figure

That exception occurs here, where a small tentacle projects from a larger tendril and – I think – is supposed to be penetrating her anus. Unfortunately, on my figure it doesn’t quite reach far enough, and I’m not sure if I can reposition the figure so that Kagura can be properly sodomized, so for now my figure simply features a gaping orifice rather than double penetration. Admittedly, one could argue that this sort of display has its own sort of appeal.

Kagura Hentai figure

The tentacles themselves look quite nice; they have the sort of muscular, vein-streaked appearance that one might expect a tentacle monster to have. To accentuate their alien presence, round nodules are spaced across their length, giving them more of a revulsive look.

Kagura Hentai figure

Kagura herself also has a very nice body. One aspect I quite like are her muscular thighs, which gives her a more sturdy look than many anime girls. Kagura is wearing something of a stylized ninja outfit, with thighhighs, some sort of leotard, and light body armor, though some elements of her outfit are a little odd. The cutout around her crotch and the way it is cropped below her breasts looks a little too clean, as if her outfit were designed that way rather than being torn out to facilitate penetration, and that’s a bit strange to think (although perhaps Kagura is just an unusually kinky girl).

Kagura Hentai figure

One of the most prominent aspects of this figure is Kagura’s tongue. It’s a little strange-looking as well; one normally associates this facial gesture with the classic eye-rolling ahegao expression, but Kagura appears to be in full command of her faculties. I know her protruding tongue is meant to emphasize the intensity of her circumstances, but I probably would’ve preferred if she had a less distinct, more standard open-mouth look.

Kagura Hentai figure

But back to the tentacles; the way they wrap around her body is also one of the most apparent facets of this figure. They also obviate the possiblity of displaying this figure sans base, as her right tit has a large groove around its circumference that accommodates a tentacle and her left tit is assiduously being worked on by another tentacle.

Kagura Hentai figure

This is a figure I like a great deal, principally for what are likely obvious reasons. The technical execution isn’t quite perfect – the skin tone is rather unusual, as it is with many resin figures, and I may need to re-assemble the figure to see if that second tentacle can enter Kagura’s rectum as it should – but the tentacle theme here is very appealing, not too mention unfortunately uncommon. Hopefully the enthusiasm that some figure manufacturers show for producing ero figures advances to incorporate this classic archetype in their future products.

Kagura Hentai figure
Kagura Hentai figure
Kagura Hentai figure
Kagura Hentai figure
Kagura Hentai figure
Kagura Hentai figure
Kagura Hentai figure
Kagura Hentai figure
Kagura Hentai figure
Kagura Hentai figure
Kagura Hentai figure
Kagura Hentai figure
Kagura Hentai figure
Kagura Hentai figure
Kagura Hentai figure
Kagura Hentai figure
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25 Responses to Fuumanin Hime Kagura from the Lechery HENTAI Series (NSFW)

  1. wieselhead says:

    This is truly hardcore! There is a certain appeal in tentacle sex, this figure is certainly a good adaption of that. Although quite extreme, it just surprises me just how lewd it is, I would have liked to have some insight in the planning process ;D The monster look convincing as well as the girls articulation, I like the arms and leg holding in particular, the portrayal of happening “double” penetration is just shocking, I’m not sure about this element.
    Her body looks nice, “hentaiish” proportions are rarely wrong in my eyes.

    I think the detailed facial expression, toungue and depth of her mouth are nicely done. An interesting feature I could have had imagined were different expressions for her in this situation.

    • Tier says:

      Tentacle sex was one of the reasons I got back into anime in the mid-1990s – tentacle sex and, strangely, Macross Plus. I have the feeling that this figure might not have been too extraordinary when they were planning it; so many aspects of anime have gotten so lewd that this sort of thing is almost typical. I’ve got some old college friends who were big fans of shows like Rurouni Kenshin but didn’t watch a lot of other anime; I have no idea what I’d recommend they watch now if they ever asked me suggestions just because so many things are so heavy on the fan service.

  2. Afreet says:

    Really like her thigh being squeezed by her thighhigh, looks real sexy

  3. Kass says:

    Wonderful figure… Sadly i had to cancel on the rerelease i had preordered for april, i have a strict policy of only one figure a month I can’t afford more and she was very pricey. I like how detailed she is! I just hate her pointy tongue lol

  4. bostonbrandon says:

    I noticed that at least one of her variants seemed to have a changeable faceplate without the Gene Simmons tongue. Did yours not have this option? Or perhaps it’s only being offered on the most recent release.

    • Tier says:

      Mine did not; mine didn’t have much in the way of options. I see the new version has multiple faces and I think a pregnant torso along with the regular torso? I kinda wish I’d held out for the newer figure, although I kinda prefer this color for the tentacles versus the bright purple.

  5. Steve Veloso says:

    I got her bote belly release. Maybe it was fate that I missed this version?

    • Kass says:

      I actually ordered her again after checking out that review the sp version. She’s very interesting I can’t wait to receive her and check out all the extra parts she comes with.

    • Tier says:

      Maybe, if you like the swollen belly look. It’s not my favoritest thing but I can understand its appeal.

      • Steve says:

        The new version has a bote belly and normal version.

        • Tier says:

          Yeah, the new one has a lot of neat stuff. I wish they’d packed that stuff in the original version, or at least the alternate face/head.

          • Steve Chen says:

            Just received SP version. SP as in it’s got the sucked nipple body and alternative erect nipple body. Alternate ahegao and non ahegao head. None right eye closed in pain head.

            Same issue with the sodomy tentacle….it won’t align. And the inju is purple. Worth the disgusting price! Lol!

  6. Sienar3 says:

    Dragon Toys have a couple of tentacles in their list; one in June and another in September. I guess they both are in good quality but unfortunately not slender enough for me to order one. Hahaha. I think I could discover a lot of fun from that blueish tentacle from Celicia though. Those three holes in the base look quite interesting….

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, I was happy to see both of those figures, since there is not really a ton to choose from in that genre. I ordered the regular version of the Oda Non figure but I wonder if I should have gone for the dark-skinned version, which I like a lot.

  7. DLo says:

    Darn yours turned out well, it seems like the product has minor differences with each manufactured piece.

    Mine is atrocious, the tentacles bend the legs too far down and so the upper part of the thigh does not look like it is attached to her body ><

    Add to that the tentacle curved around the breast looks off a bit and it's a disappointing figure for me.

  8. mistervee says:

    I just received the pink version and with a small exception of the left arm and hand everything fit nicely together (no pun intended). I think I may get the black version as well. Looking forward to more like these statues, wouldn’t mind an Akemi from Urotsukidoji (a la cheerleader scene) and maybe a stylized Evil Dead tree encounter from the original 1981 movie. Long live the inquisitive and naughty tentacle!

    • Mistervee says:

      Perhaps Lechery might consider a triple-penetration version? That would be perfect!

    • Tier says:

      That’d be pretty sweet. Maybe they could also do a figure of that one girl from Galaxy of Terror, who got molested by a very large larva, or somesuch.

      • Mistervee says:

        I always wished they would release an Akemi statue from Urotsukidoji (the teacher/cheerleader scene)

        • Tier says:

          Ha, funny, I was just watching parts of Urotsukidoji recently; an Akemi figure would be great. I also kinda like Euphora in that bondage outfit, and seeing as how Daiki is making a figure of Sigui stuck on a cross or something, if someone wanted to make a figure in that Nazi machine, I’d be interested in that, too.

  9. Anil Singh says:

    Is this for sale?
    Love to get this for my collection
    Can u tell me the price in USD

    • Tier says:

      I wasn’t planning on selling it but maybe it might be available at Mandarake or Yahoo Japan Auctions; I remember Lechery re-issued this figure not long ago in a couple of new colors.

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