Nurse Momoi from the Native Creators Collection (NSFW)

Momoi from the Native Creators Collection

Back in the day, getting a Native figure was a rare and exciting moment. The thrill has been lessened somewhat by the proliferation of excellent sexually explicit figures – particularly those from SkyTube – but nonetheless, Native is still amongst the best at what they do and opening up one of their figures is still a happy thing – and this site, of course, is all about happy things. This particular figure, of the mononymous Momoi, espouses a medical theme, a first for Native, I believe; that’s a bit odd to observe, as nurses are as much a part of the hentai repertoire as tentacles, maids, and catgirls, all of which have had representatives in the Native catalog for years.

Momoi figure

This figure is based on an illustration by Saitom, perhaps best known in recent times for doing the character designs of Rakuen Tsuiho: Expelled from Paradise (and whose protagonist we looked at late last year) and of the Mage in the animated series Bikini Warriors. His work was also adapted for one of SkyTube’s somewhat recently-released figures, which depicts an anime girl doing a kimchi squat in the kitchen. I’ve got this figure in my closet and we’ll take a look at it in the future.

Momoi figure

As mentioned, this figure is manufactured by Native and is sculpted in 1/7 scale. She came in two editions, a less-expensive version which lacked the medical examination chair, and this version, labelled the standard version, which includes the furniture. She also comes with a nurse cap, a fragile-feeling stethoscope, and a pair of panties.

Momoi figure

The level of lewdness is always a good place to start when critiquing a Native figure, and it’s obviously quite high here. Momoi is sculpted in a reclining pose, legs spread with her outfit in a disheveled state. Typically for an anime nurse, a combination of a short dress and lingerie comprises her uniform. Her underwear, however, doesn’t include a bra; nothing is provided to cover up her breasts.

Momoi figure

A quick note about her panties; they are provided, they are sculpted well enough to fit tightly enough to look inconspicuous, and so if you do want to avoid the full frontal exposure for her, there’s that option. They are, however, a pain in the ass to fit, and I didn’t want to bother with them; I tend to think that electing for a more modest presentation is somewhat missing the point when it comes to displaying a Native figure.

Momoi figure

One welcome aspect of this figure is that the instruction sheet includes an English translation; I think I’ve only ever seen Orchid Seed provide an English-language sheet with one of their figures, and this is the first figure from the Good Smile Company corporate family to do such. It’s a nice touch and I’m happy that they’re continuing their outreach to English-speaking collectors.

Momoi figure

Anime-style artwork typically features certain characteristics that renders the style of some artists indistinct from others. Saitom’s work, however, tends to have certain distinguishing marks that makes his style a little more recognizable. The eyes are the principal clue; they feature his characteristic thick and sharply-inclined upper eyelashes and are spaced widely apart.

Momoi figure

One expects a realistic portrayal of anatomy from a Native figure and they do not disappoint; her showy pose, well, shows everything.

Momoi figure

Her pose, while highly erotic and very pleasing to look at, does present some limitations when taking pictures of her, though; since her posture and the medical chair block much of her body from view, the only really good angle for observation is directly in front of her. This is obviously not a big deal with typical display, but it does make photography a bit more uninteresting than it should be for this sort of figure.

Momoi figure

Speaking of the chair, it’s a very interesting prop in its own right.

Momoi figure

Rather than being a static set piece, it features a surprising amount of articulation so that Momoi can be made as comfy as possible while sitting for her examination. The back reclines to a full horizontal position, and the foot and leg supports are adjustable as well.

Momoi figure

Other accessories include a stethoscope which I didn’t bother with and her nurse cap, which is held in place by a magnet on her head. The thermometer that she is ostentatiously licking is fixed in place.

Momoi figure

Momoi is another fine example of Native’s prowess in making ero figures. Her pose and seductive smile perfectly exemplify the erotic nurse archetype perfectly, and her spread legs and large breasts are well in keeping with Native’s reputation for quality and titillation. This figure is certainly a great addition to my collection.

Momoi figure
Momoi figure
Momoi figure
Momoi figure
Momoi figure
Momoi figure
Momoi figure
Momoi figure
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25 Responses to Nurse Momoi from the Native Creators Collection (NSFW)

  1. Aya says:

    Mr president don’t do much today XD you trick us with the first picture … ahahaha
    One of the best erotic figure i saw the chair also fill an awesome H fantasy XD looks will be an useful piece for maybe another figure 8D

    • Tier says:

      Hahaha, yeah; I wanted to do more but the sizes don’t match up at all. The one shot I included only works because Momoi has a big anime-style head so they don’t look too far out of scale at first glance (but you can see how his hand is about three times larger than hers). Yeah, I didn’t expect the chair to be as cool as it is; I’m sure I’ll be using it again at some point.

  2. Sienar3 says:

    Generally I want my figurines to show shyness or reluctance, so I guess that was a bit of letdown for me. Which is why I think more alt. face-plates should be made available, although I have utmost respect for Saitom & of course, Native. Well, I get more than enough shy ladies per year so I can’t really complain.

    I thought a certain cliche like speculum could have been included but that’s not the case it seems. Mmmmm.

    • Tier says:

      I like shyness, but I like this sort of explciit sluttyness too, if that is a word (WordPress’s spell checker doesn’t think that it is). A speculum would’ve been a great addition; oddly, if this were a SkyTube figure, I’m sure such a thing would be included. I still have to marvel at the lewdness of some Alphamax figures.

  3. dammit!

    This was one native figure which I wanted but was oblivious to the fact that you have to pre-order from their site so I ended up missing the window by about a week after I found out! Kinda jealous of you right now since the 2nd hand market is rather expensive!!

    Oh well, live and learn…

    • Tier says:

      Ouch; yeah, I’ve missed out on a bunch of figures myself, including a couple of the Bikini Warriors figures and some of the Amakuni stuff, just because I forgot to put in preorders. And I guess there are no guarantees that the ones I did order will actually be fulfilled. I really miss Tokyo Hunter; their store made keeping track of these things so much simpler.

  4. wieselhead says:

    Yeah, Momoi has a stunningly naughty expression, I love it (°◡° ♥). The confidence in her lewd roleplay makes the figure interesting and attractive for me. flustered and aroused masochist anime girls can also look very appealing as figure material, but this nurse Momoi is so cool.

    I expected the thermometer to be no fix item, unfortunately it can’t be put in funny places.
    Speaking of that her vagina looks relatively small compared to the figures dimensions.

    I passed on the chair since I’m poor, but good to that it’s not a static, but moving object instead ^^ The figure is great overall, I really got what I expected, she has a sexy body and her face is pretty =)

    • Tier says:

      Indeed XD I also like how she looks older, but not that old. And yeah, it’s definitely too bad that the thermometer can’t be moved to different places XD It would definitely have some good uses.

  5. Steve Chen says:

    As a medical supervisor, I would give Nurse Momoi a failing grade due to her unsanitary actions with the thermometer! Lol!

    • Tier says:

      Haha XD You’d probably have to fail that one Orchid Seed nurse too … I forget her name but she’s in the review archives here, she keeps her pens and medical instruments in an unusual place.

  6. Cerberus says:

    I don’t have this one but I agree it is truly a masterpiece even evaluated by the average standard for Native. I did get the other Saitom girl from Skytube. One problem for that one is the bikini + apron seems a little bulky, a common problem for cast-offable figures, similar as the very hard to install panties here.

    Seems like the examine chair could fit with many other erotic figures, especially with the articulated back. And when I was thinking about this I realized almost every scaled figure from Native comes with some pretty nice little furniture: school desk with Tony’s banana girl, Touko’s toilet, bath tub from Super Sonico, vaulting box from the gym girl….and many more. Now I start to understand why Native wants to make their small 1/12 scaled figures ….they probably just want to sell those bed with fabric sheets to figma owners.

    Talking about Skytube and Native. Based on the new product shown on the recent Wonder Fes, it seems that Skytube has got a couple of really interesting figures coming up that are based off very popular hentai manga covers/illustrates: this one by Hisasi and this other by Taketa Hiromitsu, even this police girl by Misaki Kurehito. These are very recent art works and I’m really impressed by how fast Skytube plans for new product and get the authorization. They are doing great to catch what’s trendy. While looking at Native’s new product, for sure they have interesting ones from popular hentai artists as well. However their choice of characters seem less recognized to me, or maybe these characters are original ones made just for them specially.

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, personally, I kinda would prefer not to bother with castoff options anymore. Just make it one or the other.

      Native almost always seems to provide nice accessories, but I toss most of them back in the box since they’re kinda superfluous to display. This chair is really nifty, though; I’m sure it will come in handy again in the future.

      Also, personally, if Native wants to make 1/12 scale porno figures, they should make ero Figmas <.< I'm not a big Figma collector but I'd probably buy them XD Ah man, that squatting figure reminds me that I have that one similar-looking Native figure laying around here, waiting for a review (as I recall, I wasn't sure how to apply the body writing decals; I think they were pressure-sensitive or something but I'm not sure on that and I'm really brave enough to experiment). Actually, I have a bunch of Native figures waiting for review (the chemistry teacher, the military girl with the gun, and the squatting girl). Yeah, I was pretty surprised that they lined up so many fan-favorite artists; it wasn't long ago that I was wondering if Misaki Kurehito would get a figure adaptation of his work, and now SkyTube has a bunch in the pipeline. I've said this a lot recently, but it really is a great time to be an ero figure collector.

  7. mechgouki says:

    Hi Tier. Will you be doing a review for Rocket Boy’s Mary figure?

    Rocket Boy and Native are the same company, right?

    • Tier says:

      Funny that you should ask!

      <.< Yeah, she'll be getting a review at some point. Hopefully soon, though I don't really have any background ideas for her, so I'll probably go with something simple. The preorder page said Rocket Boy was a separate "up-and-coming" company, but I would guess they have some affiliation with Native/Max Factory, if only in terms of product distribution.

  8. Kass says:

    One of my favorites. Momoi is certainly well made and stands out between all my figures, she’s very good in like every way and her chair is brilliant. I just think that she’s too big to be a 1/7 lol which is good XD she’s certainly very leggy 😉 i also love her shiny nipples and the fact that she doesn’t have way too many accessories like the way it is with other native figures. She’s a bit difficult to pose on the chair the way it is in the included user manual or it isn’t just possible.. I like playing with chair so much it’s very nice XD awesome review as always and dem pictures lol always flawless hahaha keep up the good work 🙂

    • Tier says:

      I wish she were bigger XD Then I could’ve used one of my 1/6 scale dolls in conjunction with her. Yeah, I definitely didn’t mind that she didn’t have a lot of accessories or a complicated castoff system. I used to like removable clothing in figures, now it’s just kind of a hassle, especially if the figure is difficult to disassemble. Fortunately Native is pretty good at implementing those things.

  9. Tian says:

    I agree that Native’s gotten kind of meh for me but this figure looks great! Looks like they did a nice job on her face, and of course the lewdness level is just about right. I missed out on this one but oh well, there will always be others.

    • bostonbrandon says:

      Don’t fret, there’s always ebay! Lol, but seriously, has anyone noticed that most of Natives figures are now immediately available as a knock off? As someone who regularly trolls ebay I took notice of this around the time Cat Lap Milk came out; but, even some of their older figures (fakes) are now being cranked out at an exponential rate on ebay.

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, and there’s always SkyTube. I mean, if you had asked me three or four years ago what sort of figures I would like, I’d probably have answered with something very similar to what SkyTube is making now (though hopefully they do a tentacle figure someday).

  10. Bigbang says:

    Very nice figure. Is there any chance to purchase figures from u?

  11. bostonbrandon says:

    As a former American Red Cross employee (love nurse ver figs!) I would have snatched this up immediately but the price was just too high. I love her but the examination chair was a must and it simply made her go beyond what I am currently comfortable spending on a non-grail.

    • Tier says:

      Haha XD Yeah, with such a huge selection of figures out there, it’s easier to not automatically impulse-buy. There have been a lot of figures recently that I would have bought without a second thought a few years back, but there’s so much stuff that I don’t feel too badly about passing them over.

  12. Pedro says:

    I propose , instead of ´´obama´´ ,couldn´t there be Alfred Neumann , the retarded of MAD magazine ??…..just a more likable Imbecile . No political issues involved;;;;;;such a interesting figure mixed with ´´that´´ image is lamentable .

  13. phs says:

    can u make a review of nurse kotone?

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