Maya Kamiwazumi from Fault!! Service: Aratanaru Rival (DRAGON Toy Version) (NSFW)

Maya Kamiwazumi from Fault!!

There have been a lot of Tony Taka figures release this year: Shining series Tony Taka figures, cute Tony Taka figures, but in my opinion, the best Tony Taka figures are the pornographic Tony Taka figures. That’s exactly what we’ve got here; this is DRAGON Toys’s Maya Kamiwazumi, the cold, purple-haired heroine of Fault!! Strangely, none of the figure manufacturers seem all that enthusiastic about making a figure of Mio Sugiyama, the series’ spirited, spunky little sister character. Even hobby companies can surprise us from time to time.

Maya Kamiwazumi figure

Maya is the newest girl introduced in Fault!!, though that’s a relative term as the series is a couple of years old now and, strangely, no follow-up episode to the single-volume Fault!! Service Aratanaru Rival anime series seems to be forthcoming. The anime ended on a tense note, depicting a physical altercation between Maya and blonde girl Reiko Date Wingfield, and it’s a little disappointing that we’re not going to see them patch up their relationship with the ménage à trois scenes shown in the eroge’s CG sequences.

Maya Kamiwazumi figure

This figure is manufactured by DRAGON Toy in 1/6 scale. Maya is about 18.5 centimeters in height despite being on her knees, making her a fairly large figure. Aside from an alternate apron piece, she comes with no additional accessories, not even a base.

Maya Kamiwazumi figure

While the original cast of Fault!! is composed of friendly girls eager to receive the semen of main character Shuuichi Sugiyama, Maya is an aloof, assertive alpha girl. That’s not particularly obvious from the look of this figure, though; Maya has an anxious expression that conveys little of the confidence and self-control that she displays in the anime. Her nervousness is sort of a typical state for a hentai anime heroine, though, and it works pretty well with the rest of Maya’s design.

Maya Kamiwazumi figure

One odd thing is that her eyes have a pinkish hue, at least on my particular figure, as if paint bled over from her skin tone during the manufacturing process or something. I’m not sure if my figure is an exception, though I’d imagine not. It’s a little off-putting, but it also makes it look like she was crying, which might be an appealing bit of innuendo, depending on one’s perspective.

Maya Kamiwazumi figure

Her skin also has a dusting of pink color where shading would be expected. It’s fairly subdued, though, and the overall effect gives her skin a low-contrast, pastel tone.

Maya Kamiwazumi figure

Speaking of receiving semen, mentioning it might’ve been a silly joke but as a matter of fact, Maya actually has done just that, as can be discerned from a quick examination of her crotch, where leaking fluid is pooling on her panties. This exceptional detail is similar to DRAGON Toys’s earlier Kozue Sakakibara figure, and if it’s going to be a recurring feature of their Tony Taka figures, I certainly approve. Her genitalia also looks a bit puffy, and one may derive whatever conclusions one wishes from that.

Maya Kamiwazumi figure

No instruction sheet is provided to guide the owner in disassembling this figure, but the procedure is reasonably easy; Maya separates high at her waist and it’s not too difficult to figure out how to get her apron on. The bowtie behind her back doesn’t seem to be secured in place, though; it’s just held there when you reassmble her upper and lower halves together around it.

Maya Kamiwazumi figure

A few years back, the explicit aspects of this figure would be shocking, but now – as strange as it may sound – this figure is fairly unremarkable; we’ve seen Tony Taka figures, we’ve seen figures of Maya, and we’ve seen figures with simulated ejaculate before, and there’s not a whole lot new here. That’s not to say I don’t like this figure, though; I do like it quite a bit, more than the older Alphamax figure, although for a figure this lewd, her look feels muted. Aside from the pink-toned eyes, though, she’s well-made and she looks good, and there was a good bit of fun to be had while taking the pictures here.

Maya Kamiwazumi figure
Maya Kamiwazumi figure
Maya Kamiwazumi figure
Maya Kamiwazumi figure
Maya Kamiwazumi figure
Maya Kamiwazumi figure
Maya Kamiwazumi figure
Maya Kamiwazumi figure
Maya Kamiwazumi figure
Maya Kamiwazumi figure
Maya Kamiwazumi figure
Maya Kamiwazumi figure
Maya Kamiwazumi figure
Maya Kamiwazumi figure
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14 Responses to Maya Kamiwazumi from Fault!! Service: Aratanaru Rival (DRAGON Toy Version) (NSFW)

  1. Sienar3 says:

    As someone already own Sakakibara, I didn’t really need to order one – although I do think she’s fairly good enough on her own. I don’t know.. maybe blue-purple hair ain’t quite universally attractive as brunette or blonde. *shrug*

    Well perhaps that’s her fate-meant-to-be-destiny, like the crescent moon-shaped stuff on her hair, standing on the other side against Reiko the Sun. We’ll have another Maya next February from Skytube only to be overshadowed by Saeki in the following month, which I dare to say a masterpiece already. (Oh dear no. I’m taking sides)

    Anyway may the force be with Tony sensei, Tier, and the Armada, and please tell me you’re getting ready for the ‘BEST of 2015’ post *drumroll*rimshot* :3

    • Tier says:

      That reminds me that I haven’t yet ordered Ai. Or Maya, actually. And nothing wrong with taking sides, picking the best girl is a time-honored tradition in these sorts of shows (me, I’d go with Reiko).

      Thanks very much! The 2015 favorite figures post is indeed coming very soon; I did get the pictures wrapped up and I think the list is set, unless I change my mind on #5 again.

  2. Steve Chen says:

    You didn’t take a pic of her pudenda? Compared to the MP gal with the leaking “lips”, Maya’s more detailed in molding.

    • Tier says:

      I actually forgot. I’m either getting old or seeing plastic vaginas just isn’t as big a novelty as it used to be (or more likely, I was just lazy).

      • Steve Chen says:

        Very out of character Tier. Hope you weren’t sick or something. But yes, the pudenda has some roughness detail added compared to the first MP girl.

  3. Kass says:

    Despite my fondness of dragon toy i passed on that figure. I think after reika kitami dragon toy has been slacking off, i can feel they aren’t putting much thought or creativity in their figures because in that particular maya figure i think they just took that lower body part from that air hostess figure like you said, no new idea no creativity. Their latest figures currently in preorder too aren’t that good and by that i mean not as attractive and sexy as reika and rika from bible black. But I really can’t pass a judgement on that figure by comparing it to figures from bible black after all maya is a tony taka inspired figure and the level of explicitness doesn’t compare to bible black and such lol overall i can say it’s a cute figure just that there isn’t much new about it.

    • Steve Chen says:

      Waaaaaaay more detail in her pudenda compared to the Military Police girl figure. That I guarantee.

      • Kass says:

        That’s good really she’s a newer figure after all, tony figures sure came a long way it’s nice to see them getting more details in certain areas lol

    • Tier says:

      This figure is sort of on the plain side but I’m not going to go as far as to cast aspersions on the rest of their lineup. I really like the Oda Non figure they’re doing; I’m definitely getting that.

      • Kass says:

        The oda non daiki is making is so gorgeous too I’m definitely getting that one hopefully her lingerie piece actually looks as good as in the pictures and not turn to be impossible to keep in place like the walkure romanze bikini pieces.

        • Steve Chen says:

          Another Oda Non figure by Dragon Toys. Warrior woman Madea (I think that’s how it’s pronounced). She’s like QB Branwen on the hotness scale only tabasco suce hotter.

          • Kass says:

            The figure has a monster with tentacles too that’s right up Tier’s alley lol and speaking of tentacles i took a chance and preordered the lechery hentai series vol. 3 that other blue and dark red color version, i think the paint job looks more appealing and the variety of accessories it comes with is interesting… I don’t have a tentacles figure yet this will be the first in my collection XD

  4. Steve Chen says:

    Oh “that” kunoichi by Lechery? She has that extra “feature” that I like and also preordered one.

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