Hell Seducer from the Shungo Yazawa Original Figure Series (NSFW)

Hell Seducer from the Shungo Yazawa Original Figure Series

I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m the only reviewer to cover this figure. However, despite its obscurity, I’ve known about this figure for quite a long time. In fact, I’d go so far as to call it a holy grail figure; I’d even been thinking about looking for the garage kit and trying to assemble it myself, as I never expected it to become available in a prepainted format. Much to my surprise and delight, it has, though courtesy of a manufacturer that I have no personal familiarity with and whose back catalog does not at all inspire confidence. But then again, when you’re working with a leering skeleton feeling up a naked, chained-up girl, how can you really go wrong?

Hell Seducer figure

This figure was originally sculpted by Shungo Yazawa years and years ago. It’s not actually the first figure of his that I own; that title goes to Yamato’s Felicia Andress, which really wasn’t as good as I had hoped it would be. Nonetheless, I do like his style, so much so that I tracked down a photo book of his creations. Here’s a picture of the original garage kit:

The original model apparently did not have sculpted hair; rather, it had artificial doll hair, as did the aforementioned Yamato figure. Being that it was so poorly-executed on the Felicia figure, I’m not sorry that the manufacturer dispensed with it here. It also came with a less elaborate background, but the remainder of the design appears to have been retained.

Hell Seducer figure

This figure – and I’m not sure whether “Hell Seducer” refers to the girl or the dude – is manufactured by a company called Blackberry, obviously not to be confused with the Canadian smartphone manufacturer. Previously, they’ve produced some uninspired figures based on Happoubi Jin’s art, including a couple of Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo’s Mafuyu Orifushi, who really deserves something from a maker like Alter or Max Factory. This figure is a big departure from their earlier work in terms of style and theme, and I really wasn’t confident that they could pull it off.

Hell Seducer figure

First, the dimensions; this figure is produced in a solid 1/6 scale. The girl is about 26.5 centimeters in height, which seems about right given that her torso is bent forward. The whole thing is about 36 centimeters in height overall, and it’s all integrated into one unit; neither the girl nor the hooded dude are detachable from the base, and thus the figure is ready to display right after unboxing it.

Hell Seducer figure

This figure is listed as being made of PVC and polystone; Hobby Search’s product page suggests that only the background is polystone and not the figure, but I’m not positive about that. Regardless, I’m not about to try any elasticity tests to see if the figure can flex like PVC. Everything does feel heavy and substantial, though.

Hell Seducer figure

The girl is obviously sculpted in a realistic manner, which is something that doesn’t always go well; I’ve seen a number of Western figures, particularly of comic book characters, that looked off to me because the realistic look is so much less forgiving than an anime, comic, or cartoon style. In terms of body proportions, I think this girl looks great; she has a long, lithe body with generous hips and quite a large bust. Her pose accentuates the length of her legs and thrusts her rack straight out, which are certainly two ways to make the female figure look more attractive (1990s era comic book artists used to do this all the time).

Hell Seducer figure

Looking at the figure from a normal viewing distance, I like her face as well, though it doesn’t look quite as good upon a close inspection. The lipstick is a bit heavy-handed and the eyeshadow application is strangely striated; it doesn’t look bad from afar as the streaks blend together, but up close it’s rather peculiar. Her eyes are closed, which blunts some of the emotiveness of the figure but dodges the obvious problem of badly-executed eyes, which could have destroyed this figure.

Hell Seducer figure

The coolest part of this figure, of course, is simply the theme it represents, which is, of course, a naked girl collared and chained to a wall while being groped by a hooded skeleton dude. Obviously this is not something that one sees all that often, even in anime, where the general rule of thumb is that anything goes. Then again, while this sort of thing is not that common, anime figures have become more blatantly sexual in the last couple of years, and this just seems like a contemporary example of an ongoing trend. (Contrast the direction that anime is going with the more conservative approach taken by Western video games and comic books in recent times.)

Hell Seducer figure

Up close, one can see that the skeleton is one happy guy. The workmanship on him is actually really solid; I’m impressed at how his teeth have a glossy sheen that looks like dental enamel, while the rest of him is a dull, matte color.

Hell Seducer figure

I suppose this is why he’s so happy; he’s definitely got a death grip on her tit.

Hell Seducer figure

Not gratuitous enough yet.

Hell Seducer figure

Still not enough.

Hell Seducer figure

Despite this figure’s explicit presentation, neither her vagina or anus are visible, and it’s not actually easy to tell what orifice his fingers are going into, or if they’re going into one at all.

Hell Seducer figure

The background comprises a stone wall, which doesn’t look quite as good as either the girl or the dude; it looks quite a bit like plastic. It does do the job, which is the best that can be said for it.

Hell Seducer figure

It does have this elaborate ornament mounted overhead, though; it’s got horns, bat wings, and a spoon-shaped indentation in its forehead, like a Cardassian from Star Trek.

Hell Seducer figure

It’s also got this liquid spilling down and congealing on the floor. I suppose it’s intended to be blood, though it looks nothing like blood, if you ask me. It’s more useful in giving some context to the skeleton dude, I think, since he’d otherwise look like he’s phasing through the wall like Kitty Pryde.

Hell Seducer figure

I’m definitely not ashamed to say that I think this figure turned out great and that I like it a lot. I expect that I’m going to be alone in that assessment, as this figure is esoteric in theme, to say the least, and its realistic styling may not appeal to anime fans, whose sensibilities are sometimes wholly circumscribed by that genre. I’m still surprised that this figure got the mass-market treatment, but I’m very glad that it did, and hopefully we’ll see more figures with this sort of bondage theme in the future (Q-six obviously has one of Taki Minashaki’s character Rie Kawai in the works, which looks very nice).

Hell Seducer figure
Hell Seducer figure
Hell Seducer figure
Hell Seducer figure
Hell Seducer figure
Hell Seducer figure
Hell Seducer figure
Hell Seducer figure
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14 Responses to Hell Seducer from the Shungo Yazawa Original Figure Series (NSFW)

  1. Tian says:

    hah I’m really glad you reviewed this figure. It’s definitely a Tier figure. The lady looks nice except for her hair. It looks way too noodly. If she did have an anime look they probably could have simplified the piece and not define so many strands. But otherwise, the realistic look does have its own appeal. I do wish her right foot was visible… no real reason, just would have liked it that way.

    Now that I think about it, this figure must be representing a moment in this woman’s life where Skeletor is just popping in for a grope. That’s… kinda funny.

    • Tier says:

      The hair does look pretty straggly. I don’t know if the figure is made of polystone but I kinda notice that a lot of polystone figures don’t have great hair; I’m not sure why that is. I think I’d also prefer that her foot be visible, mostly because I’m not too enamored of the way that blood looks.

      Haha, yeah, it kinda seems like she’d just be chilling out against this wall and then bam, this skeletal chikan comes popping in to cop a feel. You could make a pretty good hentai OVA out of this sort of scenario.

  2. wieselhead says:

    It’s something from the fantasy, gothic department, the style is distinctive and it looks nicely done actually. With some nitpicking the girl involved could be hotter and more volume in the hair could have been added. So she’s just the random dungeon girl, actually, she slightly resembles Anne Hathaway.

    Skeletor might be depressed that his genitals are long gone, still he has some vigor left XD

    • Tier says:

      She does have that full-lipped look. I would’ve liked a little more volume in the hair, too; the original doll hair had a little more loft and I think that looked better. That could just be my fondness for 1980s fashion sensibilities, though. Skeletor might not be the man he used to be, but at least he looks like he’s having a good time XD

  3. Aya says:

    Now this grotesque Fantasy, and make me wonder how the hell seducer d*ck looks like , if he ever have one LOL XD just kidding but the girl expression seems to enjoy it 😛
    But somehow I like the concept, Since I love wild hentai fantasy ahaha, What i should i called the theme erotic-horror ?

    • TomTheCat says:

      He’s got a Boner, of course! LOL

    • Tier says:

      I think erotic horror sounds about right; those two genres often go hand in hand, I think. I think this is a really neat concept, too; I admit I have this thing for pretty girls and not-so-pretty assailants, like tentacles or monsters or skeleton dudes. There’s not really enough of that sort of stuff in hentai (even tentacles, strangely enough, since tentacles are often considered facetiously synonymous with anime).

  4. Cerberus says:

    Not bad having some different flavor after many anime style figures. I would love the hair sculpted instead of using doll wig, if it is done more carefully. but I like the broken dungeon wall of the GK version better.
    I wonder if you also like stuff from Neca or Mcfarlane. Never see you reviewed any. They surely have a lot of skull dudes, chains and shackles but not very many naked girls perhaps.

    • Tier says:

      I actually have a couple of figures by those manufacturers; I have NECA’s Psylocke statue (sadly in very poor condition now; it didn’t survive my move from my college apartment intact) and McFarlane Toys’s Dorothy, which I thought about reviewing way back in the early days of this site. I never did since there’s this huge divide between Western and anime figures and the preferences of their collectors, but maybe it’ll make an appearance here one of these days. I think it probably will, in fact; I’ve never photographed Dorothy or her pals and now I’m curious how they’ll look.

      • BostonBrandon says:

        Dorothy was a fantastic figure who I wanted dearly but wasn’t sure about purchasing as I still lived at home back then. Oddly enough, when my parents visit these days, they hardly raise an eyebrow to my much more overly erotic figures.
        I’m sure that I could track her down easily enough on ebay but I wonder if she would still hold the same appeal as sadly my standards have forced me to scrutinize quite a few of my figures that were picked up in the beginning.

  5. Tsunami3k says:

    Perhaps I’m mostly an anime/game/manga-centric figure guy but I’d be hard pressed to find any fault with those amazing breasts.

    • Tier says:

      They are pretty neat! Particularly in how, uhh, squishy they are presented here; that’s kind of an uncommon thing amongst figures, I think.

  6. BostonBrandon says:

    I recall you mentioning this in a preorder roundup and am so thrilled that you reviewed them. This is a figure that I would have glanced at with appreciation but wouldn’t have really considered for purchase. So you have my thanks for this as I doubt I would have been able to find such in depth pics anywhere else.
    I’m so glad they chose not to use the synthetic “real” hair and instead sculpted it, which in my opinion serves the figure far more. Also, the skeleton having tooth enamel is incredible and the way they have been able to connect his squeezing hand to her bosom is truly masterful. I am reminded of Native’s Chie figure who’s finger was ever so lovingly inserted into herself.
    I think my only complaint could really be that her foot isn’t more engulfed in the red liquid emanating from the wall. Girls covered in slime and blood can be attractive if done properly. That being said I laughed my ass off at your Kitty Pride observation.

    • Tier says:

      I haven’t gone looking but I am nearly positive that I’m going to be the only person reviewing this figure on a website, which would be too bad since I think it’s a really neat figure with a long history. I didn’t even think about it, even though I took a close-up picture of it, but yeah, it really looks odd how her foot seems to be sliding over the blood pool on the floor, as if it had set into resin or something (which is what it looks like, I guess).

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