Dakimakura Review – Shizuku Sawatari from Bishoujo Mangekyou -Wasurenagusa to Eien no Shoujo- (NSFW)


Happy holidays to everyone. The usual five favorite figures of the year post will be coming soon, probably a couple of days later than usual since I haven’t even photographed three or four of the figures that will probably be on that list, and there might be a figure review post before that depending on whether I have any problems assembling and setting up my new computer (specs here if anyone is curious).

Holiday time means that it’s also winter Comiket time, and although Comiket is obviously a doujinshi convention first and foremost, a variety of goods typically are displayed there – posters, music albums, video games, and, notably, dakimakura covers. I started collecting dakimakura covers not too long after starting up this site (nearly six years ago now) and back then, they were highly niche items that were quite difficult to acquire. These days, they are still somewhat niche but they are also much easier to find. This pillowcase, for instance, was bought right off of Hobby Search, with none of the contortions typically needed to procure unusual hobby goods.


Shizuku Sawatari is the principal female love interest in the H-game Bishoujo Mangekyou -Wasurenagusa to Eien no Shoujo-. This game is the second game in Omega Star’s Bishoujo Mangekyou series, which probably doesn’t mean very much to the international audience. Likely of greater interest is the artist who illustrated the game and this pillowcase. Happoubi Jin is a very well-known anime artist who has worked in the industry for many years. His most famous work is probably Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo, which later received a nice H-anime adaptation. I have the dakimakura cover of Mafuyu Orifushi, and it’s interesting to note how, even though Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo is not at all a mainstream title, a very large number of anime fans know who Mafuyu is.


This pillowcase measures the typical 160 centimeters by 50 centimeters. Also like many dakimakura covers, it is manufactured by A&J and is made of two-way stretch spandex material.


The front side is not really all that risque, showing less skin than you’d typically see in a normal television anime like Cross Ange. However, the image is still quite attractive. Although a lot of anime character designs tend to look the same – there’s only so much you can do with big eyes, minimally-sized mouths and vestigial noses – Happoubi Jin’s style is instantly recognizable.


The reverse side is rather more naughty, but maybe less so than one might expect. Shizuku’s body is mostly on full display, with her large breasts being the center of attention (their size is a little unusual since she’s supposed to be a gymnast, I think).


It’s pretty cute how her necktie has slipped down around her arms and under her bustline. One of the interesting aspects of Happoubi Jin’s style is that it’s not always easy to tell what sort of emotion is being expressed on a character’s face. That seems to be the case here as well.


Far be it from me to weigh in on Japanese censorship laws but I think it’s a little silly that one can illustrate vaginal secretions but can’t draw in the genitals themselves. This actually isn’t all that unusual for Happoubi Jin’s work, though; I recall seeing a dakimakura cover for a character from the game Classy Cranberry’s (an Atelier Kaguya game rather than an Omega Star product, if I remember right) and the image had a Barbie doll crotch. At least there’s a little definition here, but it’s a little disappointing to see since Happoubi Jin is probably best known for his ero art.


But at any rate, it’s still quite a nice pillowcase. It’s unfortunate that Happoubi Jin’s artwork hasn’t gotten many high-quality figures; a company called Milk Pot has actually made a figure of Shizuku and the Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo characters, but the quality seems to leave a lot to be desired. I think you have to go all the way back to Orchid Seed’s Rider figure (no relation to the Fate/stay night character) to find a good one.

Anyway, happy holidays again to everyone and if I don’t get that figure review cranked out before the end of the month, happy New Year, too. Not to me, though; New Year’s Day is by far my least favorite holiday.

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20 Responses to Dakimakura Review – Shizuku Sawatari from Bishoujo Mangekyou -Wasurenagusa to Eien no Shoujo- (NSFW)

  1. TomTheCat says:

    This is a nice daki indeed. I like the faces on both sides, even if they don’t convey that much of an emotion. The overall art is also very appealing. There are a lot of people who like unhooked bras 😉

    I hope you had pleasant holidays, too. And I wish you a Happy New Year because as I understand it, New Year wishes are not meant only for New Year’s Day but for the entire year. And there’s nothing wrong with wishing you success and everything for next year, or so I hope 😀

    • Tier says:

      Indeed XD Hopefully Happoubi Jin’s work gets a little more love in terms of merchandising. He’s gotten quite a few H-anime based on his work but more figures would be nice.

      The holidays have been nice indeed, mainly in terms of getting away from work. One of the reasons I dislike New Year’s Day is that it’s basically the end of the holidays. But I will certainly be happy to accept good wishes for the whole year XD (And I’m going to need them since I’m hoping to find a new job and to buy a house this upcoming year.)

      • TomTheCat says:

        Ok, dreading New Year’s Day as the end of the holidays is fair enough. All the more reason for wishing you a good, successful and smooth year.

        Finding a proper job is always a gamble. I’m currently at my fifth job, which isn’t even as bad as it could have been considering that I’ve been working for 24 years now. There are (almost) always things that you like, but also things that you dislike about a particular job. Problem is, mostly you don’t know these things beforehand…

        And buying a house – jeez, that’s one major commitment. You’ll need all the luck and good wishes you can get to find the “right” one…

        • Tier says:

          Thanks very much XD I’m still at my first job (other than internships) so I don’t have much experience switching workplaces. My current job is very comfortable in the sense that there’s a lot of slack, but that’s also a major part of the problem; there’s not much opportunity for advancement, the pay is awful, and my commute takes an hour each way. The nice thing is that I can take my time looking for a new job; I don’t need to jump at the first decent one I find. That’s a really nice change from the last time I was job hunting.

          Yeah, I have to admit that I don’t really regard home ownership as being all that desirable but I think it’s the best option; I dislike renting a lot. I don’t have a family of my own and I don’t really feel all that compelled to start one so that does remove a number of considerations from house searching; basically my major interest right now is price.

  2. Wieselhead says:

    I love putting pc’s together, quite a big processor ^^
    I don’t understand why I keep commenting on blogs during my holidays, I think I have nothing better to do and not enough money for getting technical gadgets to play around this and the upcoming month lol, but your hug pillow reviews are often worth a look, like this one here. This is indeed a pretty art style, the soft nearly pastel color palette makes the girl beautiful. Cool that there is a Game with her 😉

    I like both sides, she has a great looking body. Hmmm… maybe she has a really tiny vagina XD I don’t mind the lack visible holes, actually. I still enjoy looking at the backside with the girl messily undressed and aroused, lying around with her fairly sized boobs. I definitely like this Dakimakura ( ̄▽+ï¿£*)

    A Happy New Year to you in advance =)

    • Tier says:

      Ugh … my system building skills are really rusty, as it took me about five hours just to assemble the PC. I thought it was going to take more like sixty minutes. And now I’m downloading 150 Windows updates for the second time, as I’ve already had to reinstall the operating system.

      I think this sort of thing is okay … the other dakimakura cover that I referenced had absolutely nothing there, as I recall, which is more problematic. At least this one has a hint of it and I don’t mind that as much.

      Thanks very much XD A happy day after New Year’s Day to you, too!

      • wieselhead says:

        I think it’s always difficult to get back into the hardware scene after a while, to see what is good and what is outdated, I don’t follow hardware sites regular, anymore. At my Last major upgrade finding the right case took most of my time, though but the Cooltek CTC JB-W2 looks great now ;D

        Oh reinstall really sucks, was it unable to start after your new hardware?

        thx ^^

        • Tier says:

          Yeah, it felt a little weird to be assembling a system again, since it’s been five years since I built my last machine. I was surprised at how few components go into a build now; I still remember building a computer that had a separate sound card and NIC.

          Nah, I had to reinstall the OS because I messed up the partition settings while formatting the drives; it put this system partition on the wrong drive, and I get really neurotic about the way my computer is configured. Things seem to be going okay now but I’m going to have to downgrade my Windows installation since I, uhh, borrowed a copy of the OS from work and that really wasn’t a good idea.

  3. Aya says:

    Happy new year Tier,
    I should think of new PC soon since used mine for around 5 years already ^^
    I like the art and the naughty Side really awesome, I like the unhooked bra ^^, and I more take attention onto the bra and panty instead her genital LOL

    • Tier says:

      Thanks very much, happy New Year’s Day to you, too XD My current (and soon to be retired) PC is right at five years old, I think; I bought it not too long after I started this website, since my previous computer couldn’t really handle Photoshop too well. I expect my new machine will be really nice for photo work.

      Haha, yeah, the other details are really nice as well XD I like her face as much as her clothing, Happoubi Jin always has a lovely way of rendering faces.

  4. Phil~ says:

    Nice, X99! 32GB DDR4!

    And to think that I paid $460 for 4GB (1x 4) DDR2 Corsair Dominators back in 2008 :p
    That’s going be beast of a system.

    Oh nice daiki 😀

    • Tier says:

      I’ve always compromised on my computers … I figure this time I’d try to go all-out (though not as all-out as I could have, since I went for the “budget” Haswell-E processor). Haha, yeah, electronics prices are pretty funny; I remember my first college computer (a Dell 333 MHz machine) cost about as much as what I paid for this rig.

      • TomTheCat says:

        Electronics prices, indeed… I remember one time in the mid-1990s, I delivered a CD writer (Not a CDR-drive yet, mind you) to a company named Liebherr. You might know them, they’re making excavators, cranes and other heavy machinery. I think they intended to burn their instuction manuals onto CDs. This CD writer cost 10,000 deutschmarks then, wich were someting like 13,000 dollars at the time.

        On an other occasion, in the early 1990s, I brought an HP RS computer to a university’s computer center. This was the first tower case PC I’d ever seen, desktops were the order of the day. I had this humongous box on my trolley, and two students I met in the aisles asked me if this thing had a 386 processor. I truthfully told them: “No, that’s a 486!” and they were left dumbfounded. Oh yeah, this beauty cost 20,000 DM. Any modern smartphone would probably outperform it today, but back then It was indeed cutting edge…

        • TomTheCat says:

          Terribly sorry, but I mixed up today’s €/$ exchange rate with the then DM/$ rate. 10,000 DM wouldn’t have been 13,000 bucks, but “only” about 7,500. Still a hefty price, innit?

        • Tier says:

          Ah, I don’t think I know that company; the only mining equipment manufacturer I know of is Krupp, and only because they make those huge Bagger vehicles. That is pretty awesome XD I remember getting a CD burner for my birthday back in 1998; it was a 4x write, 2x CD-RW write drive. It broke right away; I still have a big distaste for HP products because of that.

          The technology we have today is amazing but I have to admit I kinda miss those old days, when you had to fiddle with an AUTOEXEC.BAT file and when you could tweak things because hardware lagged behind software. I was just thinking a few days back about how I never had a Voodoo 2 card in any of my computers and I wondered what that was like back in the day.

  5. zzzzzy says:

    This Daki is really beautiful! Is this series an ero-game only or is there any H-anime? Cant find anything on Nyaa or Baka.bt =/
    I like the vagina tease. and the art is really nice!

    • Tier says:

      It’s only an eroge right now; you can find information about it at VNDB (I think there are character profiles written up there). There is no anime adaptation of it yet but I guess it wouldn’t be too surprising if it got one someday, since several of the artist’s other H-games received hentai anime series.

    • Tier says:

      Wow … and I thought those pillowcases with the arms that could hug you back were peculiar … and yet, I have to admit, there’s some part of me that is not surprised in the slightest.

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