Dakimakura Review – Suzuka Takasaki from Kokuhaku Lovers (NSFW)

Suzuka Takasaki dakimakura

There is an absolutely gigantic box in my living room. We will examine its contents in great detail in the days to come but first, we’ll take a quick look at a dakimakura cover. This pillowcase is a companion piece to this one of Kanane Kurashiki, which was sold at the same time from the same place. Both pillowcases feature art by Yoshiaki Katsurai, one of the better-known artists in the ero doujinshi industry.

Suzuka Takasaki dakimakura

This pillowcase measures the standard 160 centimeters by 50 and is made of the typical synthetic spandex material that many dakimakura covers are made of (but not all; notably, Cospa’s pillowcases are made of a rougher, less stretchy material). It’s a sturdy material that’s heavier than one might expect. Sometimes people ask me what I do with all my dakimakura covers; I store them folded-up in drawers and boxes, and I’m often surprised at how heavy those boxes are.

Suzuka Takasaki dakimakura

There’s not really a ton of point in “reviewing” a pillowcase, so instead we’ll talk a bit about the character. Suzuka comes from a short comic titled “She’s My Family and My Lover.” While Kanane Kurashiki’s story was a lurid tale of drug-induced sexual enslavement with an NTR twist, Suzuka’s story is a much lighter, happier story. It features a young male student who moves in with the family of his childhood best friend. Conveniently, this family comprises three sisters: the youngest is Honami, the eldest is the cheerful Yuzuki, and Suzuka is the middle girl. Predictably, they all engage in carnal activity, with Honami revealing her affinity for bondage and domination, Yuzuki showing her maturity, and Suzuka overcoming her youthful innocence. It’s a fun story, and a bit atypical of the artist’s usual work.

Suzuka Takasaki dakimakura

One aspect I like about the artwork featured here is the bridal theme; I have to admit that this is one of those things that I like in anime illustration. Suzuka’s wearing a rather abbreviated wedding dress but the theme is obvious. Admittedly, seeing this sort of thing makes me think I should review those Momo and Ignis figures already.

Suzuka Takasaki dakimakura

At any rate, I think this is a lovely pillowcase. I really like Yoshiaki Katsurai’s artwork and style, and while I tend to think of his stories as having darker themes, I really like the happier tone of the comic that Suzuka comes from. Interestingly, it appears that Katsurai recently published a story in Comic X-Eros, the same publication from which Alphamax is making a figure of. Considering how many ero figures they’ve been making, perhaps one day we’ll see a figure based on his his ero art as well.

Suzuka Takasaki dakimakura
Suzuka Takasaki dakimakura
Suzuka Takasaki dakimakura
Suzuka Takasaki dakimakura
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9 Responses to Dakimakura Review – Suzuka Takasaki from Kokuhaku Lovers (NSFW)

  1. Orcm says:

    How did you go about purchasing that dakimakura?
    This double set looks wonderful, but I’ve not been able to work out how to actually add it to the cart, or did you do it another way rather than going through the Wanimagazine website?


    • willowywicca says:

      The pre-order window for that ended back on 17th May 2013 (as you can half-make out under the text written over it which is saying that it’s not available anymore or words to that effect). So I’m afraid you’re a bit too late for ordering it new and would need to find it being sold second-hand somewhere instead.

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, it’s long sold out. Your best bet at finding one would probably be Mandarake, Yahoo Japan, or some other secondary market source. A lot of Japanese retailers don’t accept international orders (I’m pretty sure the Wani shop does not) so generally speaking, ordering from these stores requires going through a proxy service.

  2. Galih says:

    DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN THIS THIS THIS I—-S I–S SO—-OOOOO HO—OOOTT (BLUUUUUURGH!!!!!!)……. Medic!! Medic!! This one loss so much blood!!!

    I have to say that this is a very fine art. It is very rich of colors, even the dress, the blue rose, her red eyes are very good colored.The combination of her hair color and the red shadow make the picture so colorful. Her pose really sexy and makes you want to HNGGGH!! Good job for the artist!

    If i have to point what i don’t like with this picture though, probably those gold bracelets. That’s all.

    • Tier says:

      I really like the artist’s style; he’s got a great deal of talent. Hopefully some day a figure maker decides to make a figure out of one of his characters.

  3. Tian says:

    I like that reverse side 😀

  4. Cantan says:

    Apologies as this is very off topic but have you ever managed to order directly from Evening Call?

    I tried to use Shopping Mall Japan but their ordering service doesn’t seem to work with EC’s website anymore. After a lot of trial and error I managed to register and order – don’t know whether they will ship internationally (or accept Paypal) though.


    • Tier says:

      I’ve bought a couple – Fate, Momoka, and maybe one other that I can’t recall off the top of my head. Their ordering process was somewhat haphazard as it’s obvious that it’s not at all configured for international sales, and I had a couple of minor issues (as I recall, one of my orders got duplicated and it took them a while to ship out another), but overall it wasn’t too bad a process. I also remember that their international prices were pretty high, though.

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