2013 is almost over, which means that the usual end-of-year favorite figures post is due soon. Being that I’m still not sure which figures belong on the list or in which order I should place them, we’ll first take a look at some figures that I’m thinking of ordering.

Tomo Asama from Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere
Holy crap Asama ain’t cheap. Kotobukiya seems to be trying to elevate their profile, with Daisy and Olivia being highly-anticipated products with premium prices to match, but Tomo is half again as expensive. Regardless, Tomo is my favorite Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere character so I’m going to order this figure. This figure doesn’t go quite as far as the Max Factory version, but it’s still very hard to say no to this.

Francesca Lucchini from Strike Witches
It seems like we’ve been expecting this character forever, but finally Alter has made Francesca Lucchini. She’s one of the show’s higher-profile characters, so it’s a little surprising that it’s taken this long to roll her out. As anyone who has read this website knows, I’m not very fond of anime girls with animal ears or tails, which is why I’m hesitant to order this figure. On the other hand, I do already have Charlotte, so I’m not above making exceptions, and as Charlotte and Francesca are often depicted as best pals, it feels like I ought to complete the pair. Further, Francesca has a lovely pose in which her crotch is clearly the center of attention. I’m thinking about this one and leaning towards picking it up; though if I do, then I suppose I’d also feel compelled to look for Gertrude, I guess.

Margit Suzuki from Native’s Creator’s Collection
I already own Hotori Yoshii, so getting Margit is pretty much a no-brainer. International customers interested in this figure can preorder it directly from Native’s web store.

Charles D’Artagnan from Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls
There have been a ton of the characters from Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls but strangely, Charles has been left out. Finally, someone is releasing one and it looks … rather odd, to say the least. Rather than adapt her anime appearance, MegaHouse is going with this version by Raita, the artist whose work was also featured in Native’s Sister Misa figure. It’s a very unusual concept, reminiscent of MegaHouse’s earlier version of Sen Tokugawa in that both strongly depart from their usual design. I kinda like it, though I think I would have preferred it if she were wearing a leotard rather than a free-hanging flap wedged between her legs. Unfortunately, this figure is a Japan exclusive and the Hobby Japan preorder period is closed, so I’ll have to find some other store to order her from.

Charlotte Dunois from Infinite Stratos 2
Azone has picked some obvious (the Madoka girls, Inori Yuzuriha, the Haganai girls, etc.) characters for their 50 centimeter tall doll line, and a few not-so-obvious ones (Sigui, Girlfriend, Saber – though only because Volks had already done several dolls of her). As one of the fan favorites from Infinite Stratos, Charlotte falls in the first group. She looks really cute here, with an appealing smile and a nice uniform. I’m thinking about picking her up, as I’m fairly happy with the way Inori turned out, but I might wait a bit more to place an order, just so I see some owner pictures of their recently-released Yagyu Jubei doll; Azone’s promo pictures tend to feature considerable variance from the final product.

Akane Isshiki from Vividred Operation
I got interested in Vividred Operation because of this promotional image. I figured a fanservice show predicated on cute schoolgirls in booty shorts would be a good thing, but I suppose one should never underestimate the tenacity and ability of anime studios to screw things up. As it turns out, the show is some sort of magical girl show, and I thought their magical girl outfits were pretty silly, so I lost interest. I do like the character designs otherwise, though, which is why I’m thinking about picking up this figure, unless Good Smile Company’s version gets a big discount, which I’m kinda expecting. Even so, I think there would be room for both on my shelf.

Kozue Sakakibara from T2 Art Girls
Tony has had a great year, at least in terms of figures; Alter’s done a couple, Alphamax has done a bunch, and now Dragon Toy is adapting his work. They appear to be trying to out-do everyone else in terms of lewdness and Kozue is no exception, given the way they modeled the fluid dripping onto her lowered underwear. I ordered this figure right away and I’m very much look forward to getting her.

The Muse of Range Murata from JC.com
Like quite a few people, I became acquainted with Range Murata’s artwork through Last Exile. I loved the aesthetics of that show, except for perhaps the vanships, which I thought could stand to look a little more aerodynamic and less like a flying Twinkie. Last Exile did get a sequel or follow-up but besides that, it seems he’s been editing a series of artbooks titled Robot. At any rate, I’m glad that Alter is making a figure based on his art; it reminds me of the figures that Alter put out more often in the past, and it reminds me of some of the anime I watched in the early 2000s, which is when I got back into the medium after having ignored it for a few years. The fact that she’s 1/6 scale makes her even more perfect. The only thing I’m wondering about is what the significance of JC.com is; punching it into a web browser takes you to the Journal Communications (publishers of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel) homepage, who certainly have nothing to do with Range Murata or anime in general.

Yae Shoubi from T2 Art Girls
Having already made a number of ero figures based on Tony’s work, Alphamax is set to do it again. I wonder if they’ll ever go back to Fault!! and do figures of Mio and Rika but well, this isn’t bad, either. Yae looks great but what really gets me is that puppy dog look. I’ve liked all of Alphamax’s ero figures and I’m sure I’ll like this one as well.

Miku Hatsune from Vocaloid
It appears that these racing Miku figures are an annual thing, and why not? Miku is always a popular character and they generally look good, though I wasn’t too enamored of last year’s version. I did like the 2011 version, though, and this version a lot like her, with a high-cut leotard and sleekm glossy gloves and socks. She was apparently designed by Saitom; he’s known for his ero work but he’s also done the character designs for the upcoming CG anime movie Expelled From Paradise, which will undoubtedly lift his profile. Anyway, Miku looks nice here, nice enough that I’m considering ordering her. Three things give me pause, though: I hate her hat, I’ve got too many Mikus (I’ve still got that Love Is War figure in my closet, unopened; it’s been sitting there for around two years), and it seems like every Good Smile Company figure gets a big discount if it doesn’t sell out right away. In rebuttal, “too many Mikus” is a very arbitrary argument and if price were a significant rationale, then I ought to own a lot fewer figures than I do. That leaves just the hat, which I truly do not like. We’ll see.

Naoe Kanetsugu from Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Bride
At first glance, this figure looks very similar to the one Alter released some time back, except she’s standing up and she’s a lot larger, being 1/6 scale. Those two things go a long way in perking my interest. On the other hand, her face looks a little off, and that’s problematic. This is a figure where I’m going to need to see more pictures to decide whether I want it or not.

Mio Kisaki from Walkure Romanze
I expected Walkure Romanze to be Princess Lover! with jousting lances. Being that I didn’t like Princess Lover! very much, I wasn’t inclined to like Walkure Romanze much, but to my surprise, I enjoyed it very much. I liked all of the major characters, even Mio, the epitome of the noob-shielded-by-plot-armor archetype. Her figure interprets the phrase “bikini armor” in a literal sense, and she looks great. I’m very much looking forward to this figure.

Ryuuko Matoi from Kill La Kill
I haven’t yet watched Kill La Kill, mainly because of its anachronistic production values, but I do like the character design concepts. Phat Company is rolling out this figure of lead girl Ryuuko Matoi and I very much like the way it looks. The trouble is, I’m sure it won’t be the last figure of Ryuuko, and I don’t have tremendous confidence in Phat Company’s capabilities. I don’t think I see anything objectionable about this figure, but I also think I’m going to need to see some more pictures to make a final determination.

Saber Extra from Fate/Extra CCC
Saber is one of the most popular characters around. What’s more, her portrayal has usually been dignified; she’s usually refined, elegant, conservative in sexualization, and even androgynous – all anomalous traits in today’s hormone-charged anime culture. But now, we’ve got Saber with tits! And a wedding-themed bondage catsuit! And a cutout that shows off her ass crack! And even better, this is a different Saber, even though she looks just like the other Saber, aside from the tits, so the old Saber’s purity is still inviolate. Isn’t this Japanese anime thing awesome? Ahem, anyway. I figured somebody would make some figures of Saber’s new PSP-based alternate universe persona, though I thought that there’d be more figures of Red Saber by now (there’s one by Clayz, which seems mediocre, and I passed on it because I thought Good Smile Company would inevitably make one, but that hasn’t come to pass and now I wonder if I should have bought it). I like this design even better, though. The only thing I would prefer would be that this figure by 1/7 scale to fit in with Good Smile Company’s figures, but regardless, Saber Bride looks fantastic.

Cammy from Street Fighter
Cammy was one of the first figures I purchased, and I’ve been waiting for someone to make a version of her in her Delta Red outfit. I didn’t think I’d be waiting this long, but finally Kotobukiya is making a PVC version of her in her original outfit. She looks great, though she doesn’t look at all like her Shunya Yamashita-designed concept art; rather, she looks a helluva lot like Panty. Being that the Bishoujo lineup is aimed at Western audiences, I’ll probably pick up this figure from an American retailer.
I like Mio Kisaki a lot. Good thing she’s got a properly sized head. What got me (Aside from the obvious reasons) are her boots. They’re so perfect to kick ass 😀
Indeed! There are a lot of high-heeled fighter girls here … Mio, Cammy, Saber, Chuck D … as it turns out, I guess Celia’s head size didn’t bother me as completely as I first thought. <.< I enjoyed Walkure Romanze a lot, so I hope they do the other girls, especially Akane
The only one here on my list is Franchesca. I already ordered her, along with Perrine. I have Sanya and Eila already. The Miku vaguely tempts me, but I already have one of her (not a race queen, though) — undecided. Their prices often drop after release anyway, it seems.
Titty Saber is also kind of tempting, but I also have one of her already, albeit not nearly that gorgeous. I also don’t really care about Fate in general, so I should save my money and give her a miss. I’m sure you’ll be able to get some very creative shots of her, anyway.
I’ve been feeling somewhat foolish seeing all these figures that I’ve got boxed up that have gotten big-ass discounts, especially Yuria Misaki, so I’m leaning towards waiting on that Miku. I’m sure it won’t be difficult to find and even if the price doesn’t drop, I can’t say that I’m dying to own it or anything.
I’m looking forward to titty Saber for sure. I did enjoy Fate/Extra, even though it’s a horrible, horrible game with an awful combat system. Somehow, the atmosphere of the setting was very enjoyable, and I liked red Saber a lot; she’s got quite a bit of sass and spunk, unlike the original Saber.
Glad to see you preordered Kozue, as I’m greatly looking forward to the review!
Ever since I stumbled across this site a few months ago, your reviews have helped me make a few purchasing decisions with a little more ease than before. Not to mention your photo’s are breathtaking, giving a sense of class to the more “trashy” ero figures that I am a fan of.
So with a tip of my hat, I commend you for your unabashed contributions to a hobby that I love so much.
Thanks for all the kind words! I’m very glad to have been of help. Haha, yeah, I try to take every set of photographs seriously, even if I’m basically doing a porno shoot on my desk.
Hi Tier,
I wonder how do you manage to store as many figurines with you.
I have a lot of shelves. A lot of my figures are still boxed up, too.
I was very surprised that Saber Bride was getting a figure so quickly. I was really hoping Good Smile Company was going to release a 1/7 Saber Extra to go with their others and I’m still kind of holding out… I actually own both the Clayz and Gift Saber Extra versions but neither fits well with the Good Smile versions since the Clayz version is 1/6 scale and the Gift version is 1/8. Neither of them have a dynamic enough pose to go with the others either. Not that any of this has stopped me from ordering the new Saber Bride from Alphamax but I’d love to see Good Smile Company continue to make 1/7 scale Saber figures.
Yeah, that’s what I was hoping, too … I was a little bit disappointed that motorcycle Saber is 1/8 scale, since that makes her slightly undersized. Saber Bride’s figure is listed as a relatively tall 22 centimeters, so that’s something, at least. I’d certainly like to see GSC (or Alter) take a crack at Saber Extra; either version would be fine with me, both versions would be even better.
You probably also a large house because there are about 500 figurines on your blog. This is awesome. I just started collecting them (I also collects Gothic figurines style “Luis Royo”) and there are many that I like. But I will not be able to store everything at home.
I’m looking to get both Tony’s. Given the fact that both sculptors, Shunji & EGG, done a great job in the past (Sasara, Tsuneko, and Fault! lineups), I’m more than hopeful for those. Except, um, for the gooey thing down on Sakakibara.
Thank you for another fruitful year in the Armada, especially those articles on figure lighting. And if writing the Year in Review troubles you, how about making it Top 10 instead of 5. I think I can wait a bit. 🙂
Haha, that bodily discharge is awesome. It’s awesome (and somewhat mystifying) that one can buy such a thing.
Thanks very much for the kind words! I’m planning to do more photographic-centric posts in the future (and will try to get all the photo posts organized under one section soon). Hopefully they will be helpful, too.
After the Kobato figure I’ve received from Koto Im waiting how their
next batch of releases will turn out before I’ll order something from them again.
Tomo looks promising, though. I wish her face wwould be more visible from the front,
I like the booby, but still.
I waited for Lucchini in the shape of a pretty figure, wild loli’s are fun.
I think she’s really good, but I didn’t place my order so far. *cries* I already sold
Charlotte to Hawaii. Gertrude is my fav SW figure from ALTER it’s cute, dynamic and the guns are badass.
Margit Suzuki is similar to Yoshii, I didn’t noticed that small boobs were exposed.
Too bad the glasses aren’t on her nose, I guess I’ll pass, she’s pretty cute but I’ll rather wait for a certain Native figure.
Thats Charles D’Artagnan from Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls! seriously, has the designs anything in common aside from jumping boobs XD
Im glad that ALTER’s Akane Isshiki has these cute buttocks like they supposed to be,
not the tame GSC figure. I know Akane is a little dumb, but she’s adorable in terms of looks,
she looks best in her jersey bloomer combination.
I love GK adaptions and I loved this certain GK for quite a while, so Im happy to see
The Muse of Range Murata as PVC she’s beautiful, I need more promo pictures before making a preorder with their unpredictable delays I don’t want to strain myself more through the year with this.
Naoe from New Line, huh? The face is a bit off, but it’s a great body ^^.
I really want Hakufu from New Line, but can’t her for the price I can justify,
On ebay she ranges from 115 – 150€ + shipping.
I was rooting for Mio in Walkure Romanze, her energetic yet slightly airheadedness was charming. The bikini in the anime was much hotter imo, the yellow one that accentuated her boobs so nicely ;D
This figure here looks better than small head Celia, but I would like different Mio without armor.
Ryuuko Matoi has such a pretty dress, also nice to see a figur appear while the show is still ongoing and fresh, not 7 month afterwards + delay. The only thing is that this pose hides most of the good stuff *lol*. I like Phat Company’s figures for their sturdyness and that they are close to the prototype versions, sometimes they could be sculpted with slightly finer details, but overall they deliver good figures.Maybe I’ll order Matoi, she looks interesting enough, but there will be probably more figures of her soon or in 7 months.
This Saber looks good with a more fetish related dress, no it’s a cool and stylish dress of her. It’s funny that I always find Saber figures interesting that are different from her usual appearance ^^
Happy New Year ^_^
A good plan. I’m sure it won’t help to know that Daisy seems to have the same skin thing as Kobato does. It doesn’t bother me much myself, but I did notice that her skin looked different while I was looking at her in the box. I do understand why a lot of people do not like it much, though.
Aww, separating the couple ;_; If you did get Lucchini, anyway. I’ll be honest, I’d try to sell Charlotte myself but if I get Francesca, I suppose I’d have to keep them together, just because.
Margit is also a teacher like Hotori! I’m not really sure I buy that – they both still look very much like middle school students to me – but I’m sure they will look great together, too.
Haha, yeah, I saw Charles up on Akibahobby or Moeyo and I was like, “Hey, that’s a neat figure.” Then I saw that that was supposed to be like Charles and I was like “WTF???” They really do not have much of a resemblance at all … even the swords are wrong.
The Muse is definitely one of the figures I’m most looking forward to. I’ve bought a lot of stuff before (back in my artbook collecting days) just because Range Murata’s art was in it, so ordering the Muse was a no-brainer to me. She’s a little expensive and I doubt she’ll make her first release date, but I’m sure she will be more than worth the money and the time.
Haha, yeah, I saw a lot of people didn’t like Mio much because of her plot armor, but I liked her. Her tiny little yellow bikini was awesome too. Too bad she went with a more conservative suit for the school show. I was pulling for Akane but I liked all the characters almost equally. The only character I didn’t like was Fiona and she wasn’t too important, anyway.
Indeed, that’s sort of the thing I noticed with the Ryuuko figure, too … she’s got this awesome dress that’s basically a crop top and panties but being hunched over like that hides all the stuff in front. I do agree that there will probably be many more figures of her so I think I’m also inclined to wait and see.
I’ve still got this idea for Wacky Saber week. I’ve got a bunch that could qualify … that E2046 Saber with the umbrella, the casual wear one with the short shorts and camisole, the one with the motorbike, and of course, gangsta lean Saber. Oh, and I’ve also got not one, but two Golden Caliburn figures here, too. You’ve seen one, the one that’s not available in stores.
Happy new year to you! I hope you stay happy, healthy, and that none of your packages get seized by customs XD
nice outlook for this 2014 year.
that Ryuuko Matoi will definitely within my list as well!! too bad we do not have much choice from other manufacturer for now, but I will hunt each one of her version I think ^^’
btw, Happy New Year 2014 Tier, wish you (and the guys here) all the best!!
Happy New Year to you and to everyone else who comes across this page! I bet we’ll be seeing a lot more Ryuuko Matois very soon, especially with the winter Wonder Festival convention coming up soon (next month, I think). She’s the sort of character I could see both GSC and Alter making figures of, and I really hope they do.
When did Native start accepting international orders? I wasn’t particularly interested in Margit, but the usual proxy service surcharge has always given me pause when considering Native figures, so it’s very encouraging to see that they might be giving international customers a direct line to their products going forward.
I was eager to see Alter’s Lucchini, as she’s my favorite Strike Witch, but I’m disappointed with the final design. The crotch-centric pose just knocks you over the head with how conspicuous it is. Lucchini is well known for wearing shimapan, and the sculptor probably wanted to emphasize that trait, but this has to be my least favorite pose that they’ve used for one of the Witches.
The Muse is so much goodness. Alter. Range Murata. 1/6 scale. Ass-centric pose. She was an easy day-one preorder.
Alphamax’s bride-Saber is tempting. I’ve been waiting for some nice figures featuring Saber in her bride outfit and red dress and Alphamax seems to have a higher profile than any other company that’s taken a stab up to this point. I’m not sure I like how slutty Saber looks here, though. Yes, I get that the Extra outfits are more sexualized that canonical Saber, but none of the artwork I’ve seen brings that impression out quite like this figure does.
Earlier this year; they took international orders for Ran Misugi and one other character (a Santa Tsuji-designed figure, I think, though it wasn’t Super Sonico). It’s great that they’ve opened up their store to foreign customers. Now they need to start printing their instruction sheets in English, too.
Haha, yeah, I thought it was hilarious how every major vector in Lucchini’s construction leads straight to her crotch. I guess it was pretty much preordained that this would happen; I remember her official dakimakura cover was extremely lewd, too.
I’ve seen some art that shows Saber Bride getting felt up by that one black mage girl who looks like Sakura but isn’t supposed to be Sakura (I think). It’s pretty funny how, since they could sex up the regular Saber, they just invented a clone in a red dress, and then they put her in a boob-baring catsuit.
The only one on this list I really want is Tomo, who looks awesome. This actiony pose fits her and shows of the entire suit and the weapons in grand fashion. Kind of prefer this to the more silly Max Factory version, and I think she’s one of the better Horizon figures overall (not that there’s much competition). That said, she’s crossing the line of what I’m willing to shell out for a figure so hard that it’s not even funny anymore. That price is insane, and makes her an immediate no for pre-ordering. I get the feeling I can pick her up for way cheaper later anyway, and I’d rather not be filled with self-loathing in case I bought it at full price it when that happens.
Of the other figures, there’s only three I know the characters of (well, Saber too, but this is a ‘different’ Saber so screw it), which is a requisite for buying a figure. First there’s Ryuko from Kill La Kill…but to be honest, while I like the goofy fun of the show, the outfit looks really, really dumb. I would very much prefer her with that school uniform outfit of her (complete with that leering eye), so I’m skipping this and every other figure in this outfit.
Then there Akane Isshiki, who looks cute, if not somewhat plain. The show she was from was complete garbage even by the genre’s standards though, so I can ignore her without remorse. The same goes for Kanetsugu – not only is there the fact that Alter’s version kind of looks the same only way better, but, well, I’ve kind of lost interest in that one as well. The second season was awful enough to actually make me do that, which is rather impressive, in a way.
My own pre-order list is looking rather empty as of now (some Tales figures and Tharja), so I’m hoping Wonfes can conjure up some stuff to make me enthusiastic again.
Yeah, I’m kinda wondering if she’ll show up cheaper at a US retailer, too, as Kotobukiya seems to handle their own international distribution, at least for some of their products. If I weren’t so fond of the character or the show, I’d probably pass on it, at least until the price dropped to a more customary level.
Haha, I love Ryuuko’s outfit, so that’s a big plus in her favor in my evaluation. I’d probably skip any figure of her in her school uniform; I think I’ve got too many figures of girls in sailor suits, anyway.
Hopefully Wonder Festival is nice. I didn’t see a whole lot I wanted to buy from Comiket last week; some of my favorite circles put out compilation books, which makes me wonder whether they weren’t prepared for the winter convention, and a bunch of others put out Kantai Collection stuff, which is nice, but man, I’m kinda ready to move on to the next big trend already. I’m hoping that Wonder Festival is a little different, though I can’t help feeling a little pessimistic; it seems like everyone always saves their best stuff for the summer conventions.
I think it’s a personal thing, really – the past Wonfesses seemed to vary in the amount of interesting stuff they had on offer, and the season didn’t have much to do with it. Can’t say the summer Wonfes last year had more stuff I was interested in compared to the winter one, for example. Same with Comiket, which is mostly about what’s popular at the moment, and so it depends on whether I watch the popular stuff or not. I don’t care much for KanColle myself because of it (as it’s some browsergame or whatever), but maybe that’ll change once the anime airs.
Yeah, that’s true, it’s probably just my imagination (especially since summer Wonder Festival tends to coincide with SDCC and Anime Expo). I like the Kantai Collection character designs but it seemed like almost every doujinshi circle I follow did a KanColle book this winter. (That said, I’m looking around for a nice dakimakura cover of one of the characters. I think I’d prefer Nagato, Yamato, or Kongo, but I’m open to any.)
A pretty good list…Margit is a nick pick…seeing how good Hotori and their previous Cat Lap Milk figure…Native is getting more and more promising in delivering a great figure (minus the takeda hiromitsu – misugi, and Raita – sasaki-san figure)
Lucchini is no brainer…definitely the best compared to the rest of SW figure…but i decline to pick it due to the “must collect em all” mind set…i can’t afford to buy the rest which i find lack of appeal compared to Lucchini
The two Tony Taka figure is a hit or miss for me…i definitely love his artwork, but at the same time, i kinda get bored of his style…Even when he excel in drawing a sexy clothing and sexy pose to complement the lack of facial expression…it still not giving me the vibe.
The Saber biker/wanderer/bride/S&M is a nice one…but i guess i’m not that interested since Saber got too many figure (like Hatsune Miku) it feel redundant to have em all, there is not much i can display on my shelves…So variety is what i need, not legion.
Miku racing….again? its nice, but same reason as above…
Akane Isshiki…kinda plain, it look nice, but didnt fully show her asset…
Mio Kisaki…i like this one, especially the polka dots swimsuit…but her counterpart Celia, looked like deadpan mannequin with disproportion body compared to Mio (her lower body is 1.5 longer than top body…people who have legs fetish might like it, but i find it disturbing)
Cammy, while i enjoy playing SF3 and SF4…owning this figure just doesn’t click for me…the figure itself is nice…but it feel abit like western figure line…and i’m not so fond with those “Hot Toys” stuff despite its articulation point is over 9000
I have Mio and Tony’s MP srut girl as preorders. The “playful girl” Yae Shoubi by Skytube, well i’m still on the fence due to funding issues lol!
Concerning Mio and your comparison to Celia, well on my part, the “small head” proportion of the latter is more or less an optical illusion of sorts. Checked her up myself, she is such a divine goddess……….truly befitting the position of President of the Student Council (somehow the screw hair reminds me of Shiraki of Bible Black). Her pose with her D-cup treasures further accentuates the illusion but when you look at her on the side, the proportions are just right. Cobra Kai’s works never fails to amaze.
So hard to choose. Cammy is in the pipeline and so is “Nero” in that bride outfit…….d@mn. I’m kind of disappointed with the Native figure……….kind of bland.
Funny that you mention Celia, we might be talking a little more about her here, soon.
So you also have her…the Daikii version. Good choice. The one by Kaitendo looked good but was less lewd. I like lewd looking girls better lol!
Yeah, plus I’m less fond of the sitting-down pose. I guess everyone’s got their odd things that they prefer with figures; with me, I prefer big figures, and figures that are standing up. This Celia does, at least, fit those two things. I haven’t actually spent a lot of time looking at her so I guess I’m still working out how I feel about the head.
Yay! I Look forward to your photo presentation.. Btw, this is where both Celia and Mio are based on
Pic 1
Pic 2
Internet hiccups. I traced this pic at amiami where both figs in questions were based on.
Yeah, I remember seeing that picture on Danbooru or one of those booru sites; it got me pretty interested in the eroge, even though I didn’t have a great impression of Princess Lover! I’ve seen a picture which has the other girls in that swimwear and armor combo; I hope they continue making more figures based off those designs.
Take a look at this. My review on MP Girl Kozue Sakakibara. Pics not in your calibur of course………..
She looks pretty great; I need to get around to reviewing her already. (Well, in the larger sense, I need to get back to doing reviews of any sort, really.)
can’t wait for magit suzuki,