Shizuru Nakatsu from Rewrite (NSFW)

Shizuru Nakatsu from Rewrite Figure Review

There are scads and oodles of swimsuit figures out there, so let’s take a look at Shizuru Natsuru, one of the heroines from Key’s well-regarded visual novel Rewrite. Rewrite is notable for being an all-ages game, unlike many of their earlier visual novels. However, that isn’t stopping figure maker BEAT from interposing their own bit of raunchiness on Shizuru, as one can easily see.

Shizuru Nakatsu from Rewrite Figure Review

Key is one of the best-known visual novel developers out there. Titles like Air, Clannad, and Little Busters! will likely be familiar to even casual anime fans, and their impact on the genre stretches far beyond their own product catalog. That said, I admit I have no clue what Rewrite is about, so I’m not going to pretend that I do. I did look through some of the game CGs and I thought this picture was pretty cool:

I’m going to assume that this image has only a tangential relationship to the game’s core plot, but man, it’s a pretty cool picture. I mean, you can’t get much more awesome than laying down fire with dual submachine guns while wearing a necktie and hot pants and standing on the back of a moving motorcycle. At any rate, if you’re interested in the game itself, it has a pretty comprehensive writeup over on Wikipedia, and I’m sure Google will bring up lots of resources.

Shizuru Nakatsu from Rewrite Figure Review

Despite the popularity of their games, Key’s products haven’t gotten a ton of figures, and the ones they get usually aren’t from the premier manufacturers. That’s a bit curious, considering how influential their games have been and how many figures the characters from other VN developers – like Type-Moon and Leaf – have gotten. This figure is no exception; it’s manufactured by BEAT, which is not a company I hold in great esteem. In fact, it was pretty much the biggest reason I was hesitant to pick up Shizuru. However, I liked how Shizuru looked and the promo photos seemed acceptable; I figured that if she didn’t look much different than those pictures, then she’d be alright.

Shizuru Nakatsu from Rewrite Figure Review

Shizuru is sculpted in 1/7 scale, and though that might not be inaccurate since she appears to be a very petite girl, this is a very small figure. She’s only about 19.5 centimeters tall, and her slender, lanky frame makes her appear smaller than many 1/8 scale figures. That said, her head is noticeably large, and it’s about the right size for a 1/7 scale figure. Shizuru comes with a plain white base and no accessories, though she does have one unusual feature: her head is connected to her neck by a ball joint, allowing for very limited side-to-side movement.

Shizuru Nakatsu from Rewrite Figure Review

BEAT shipped two different versions of Shizuru; one wore a pink bikini and had an eyepatch over her right eye, and the other one is this one, which has a white swimsuit and no eyepatch. I do dig the eyepatch but I like the heterochromatic look a bit more. Shizuru has a quizzical expression; she looks shy, perhaps a bit confused, and I think it’s a cuter look with both eyes visible. As with many of Key’s character designs, her face is dominated by huge eyes, with her nose almost a vestigial part of her face.

Shizuru Nakatsu from Rewrite Figure Review

Almost as superfluous is her swimsuit, a two-piece micro bikini that is wholly inadequate for doing anything more than keeping her appearance ostensibly legal. Taking the currently fashionable low-rise design to an extreme, her waistband doesn’t even up to her hips. I’m a bit conflicted about it; I like a higher-cut style (which sadly seems to have gone out of fashion sometime in the late 1980s) but on the other hand, I definitely appreciate how minimal her clothing is.

Shizuru Nakatsu from Rewrite Figure Review

For those who don’t even want to keep her appearance at least plausibly modest, you can remove her top. There’s not a ton of detail underneath but the option is there for people who like their girly figures looking particularly young. Me, I think her clothes look sort of unbalanced with just a bikini bottom, so I le t her keep her top. If her bottom were removable, I’d probably do otherwise, but it’s not.

Shizuru Nakatsu from Rewrite Figure Review

Obviously, her abbreviated attire leaves much of her body exposed. There’s not a large amount of muscular detail there, but there’s enough that she looks pretty good, although I would definitely say she looks a lot better during normal observation than peering at her up close or through a magnifying glass.

Shizuru Nakatsu from Rewrite Figure Review

While Shizuru’s appears very young, her broad hips and long legs present an interesting contrast to her large head and modest chest. Her body build is more than a bit exaggerated, with spindly legs and a narrower waist than one would expect, but I like her look a lot; the dichotomy between her very youthful upper body and her more mature-appearing hips and legs was one of the reasons I was interested in this figure.

Shizuru Nakatsu from Rewrite Figure Review

Another reason was her hair; a lot of figures don’t have a lot of detail in the hair but Shizuru is an exception. The strands of her twintails coil around each other like helices, and the base of her twintails appears to be a convoluted knot. Her hair would probably be the most striking element of this figure if she weren’t nearly naked.

Shizuru Nakatsu from Rewrite Figure Review

Overall, I’m pretty pleased with this figure. I had very low expectations for this figure and I’m happy that she turned out quite nicely. Shizuru has a very cute appearance bolstered by more than a touch of lewdness. In terms of manufacturing quality, I wouldn’t say that she’s all that excellent – she doesn’t do too well under the macro lens test – but in terms of visual appeal, I definitely like how she looks.

Shizuru Nakatsu from Rewrite Figure Review
Shizuru Nakatsu from Rewrite Figure Review
Shizuru Nakatsu from Rewrite Figure Review
Shizuru Nakatsu from Rewrite Figure Review
Shizuru Nakatsu from Rewrite Figure Review
Shizuru Nakatsu from Rewrite Figure Review
Shizuru Nakatsu from Rewrite Figure Review
Shizuru Nakatsu from Rewrite Figure Review
Shizuru Nakatsu from Rewrite Figure Review
Shizuru Nakatsu from Rewrite Figure Review
Shizuru Nakatsu from Rewrite Figure Review
Shizuru Nakatsu from Rewrite Figure Review
Shizuru Nakatsu from Rewrite Figure Review
Shizuru Nakatsu from Rewrite Figure Review
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12 Responses to Shizuru Nakatsu from Rewrite (NSFW)

  1. Ren says:

    Love this figure and she’s from my favourite game too. xD I wish they would’ve kept her school clothes on the though, the uniforms are beautiful but this figure is cute too. 🙂

    • Tier says:

      I must admit that if she were wearing a school uniform, I would not have purchased this figure. Though I wouldn’t be surprised if someone else made a figure of her in her uniform, and that’s probably for the better, since I think BEAT would’ve bungled it if they had tried.

  2. Asa says:

    Lolis aren’t really my thing, not that I object to them on any puritanical grounds or anything, I just don’t see the appeal. But outfits like this, I find particularly distasteful. Never understood such fashion (then again, I’ve only worn one-piece “racing” style suits myself, never had any interest in bikinis of any sort, micro or otherwise).

    Still, she looks like a relatively nice figure, coming from a company I’ve never heard of. Not one I’d buy; though I did order the similarly dressed Yami. So I’m just a hypocrite I guess.

    • Tier says:

      It’s all good; principles and moralistic stances are best kept flexible. Otherwise, they just get in the way, generate conflicted mind states, and make you feel bad when they become inconvenient. And who wants to go through life feeling inconvenienced?

      But do you like the hair? I think a big part of her appeal is her hair. It’s all squiggly, sort of like her legs.

  3. Ashlotte says:

    Wow what a coincidence I just started playing this game haha…It is sad that its all ages but I’m hoping like Little Busters it will get a 18+ version instead of Clannad which didn’t. I’ve only just met this character and I can’t imagine how she gets to the point of that CG but we’ll see.

    In any case she looks great! The shading and the sculpting on her body is really delish. Shoulda taken more pictures without the ugly bikini top though Tier! :p

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, I gotta admit, I tend to play VNs more for appealing characters and ero content than anything else. I think I would much rather play a VN with ero content than one without, being that if all I care about is the storytelling, I’d probably rather read a book instead, but people seem to hold Key’s characters in high regard. That reminds me that I still have yet to watch Clannad, even though pretty much everyone has said good things about it.

      I should have! I was feeling that it was sort of perverted to do so, so I tried to keep this shoot conservative. God I am getting old.

  4. Wieselhead says:

    Woah, nice what should I say! give me a minute… 😀

    She is truly adorable, hehe such a cute figure in skimpy clothes, I like that
    I love her face with the puzzled look, it’s especially cute with the posing of her hands. Her overall pose appers rather simple at first but it makes her appear quite lively and the details on her body look convincing. There isn’t much cloth involved, but the tiny ribbins are very pretty.

    Im not sure if I like her because she is a loli or because she’s a petite girl with nice hips ^^
    I feel its more of the latter. That looks a lot better than Tamaki from Beat, a lot, even though there are some little flaws. Well, aside from that the hair looks quite elaborately done.

    Does her head come off actually?

    The chances are very high that I will be looking for her now.
    Thanks for the great pictures^ ^

    • Tier says:

      I really like her face as well; her cute expression and her impressive twintails were two of the big reasons I got this figure, along with the more obvious motivation. I also agree that her hips are really appealing; I didn’t actually think of her as being too loli, actually, since usually you don’t see younger-looking anime characters with hips as prominent as Shizuru’s. BEAT’s Tamaki figures have been pretty bad, but I’m impressed – and more than a bit surprised, to be honest – that Shizuru turned out pretty well.

      Yeah, her head does come off; that’s how her top is removed, you just unclip it from the back and lift it off of her body, after detaching her head.

  5. BEAT’s still alive? I thought they bit the dust along with fellow under-performers like Toys Planning, Sugar Mint Compex and Piccolo. Oddly enough the one Key character I own, Kamio Misuzu from AIR, was a Toys Planning figure.

    With a bikini like that what’s the point in even wearing anything? Barely even covers her buttcrack. I’m not really digging the weird dainty pose. Kinda reminds me of that White Cat figure of yours. Pose is very similar…hell, even their outfits are close. (Well, close once you take off White Cat’s dress). I do like the hair a lot. Love the way it twirls around itself. If there’s one thing you can count on in Key games, it’s a character with looooooooong pretty hair.

    • Tier says:

      Yep, still alive! Going strong, it seems; they produced a lot of Keumaya’s older Hyper Nurse figures in PVC form; going from my website stats, there’s a lot of interest in those figures, so I wonder how well they sold. And it looks like they’re making more Tamaki figures, but everyone but Alter and GSC makes Tamaki figures.

      Uhh, I guess since some people say that leaving something to the imagination is sexier than letting it all hang out? At least, I’ve heard that suggestion a lot, and I sometimes agree with it, though not all the time. I didn’t think of the similarity to the White Cat, probably since I have the White Cat displayed behind a bunch of taller figures, but now that you mention it, that’s probably a reason why I like both figures, more than I probably otherwise might.

  6. Aaron says:

    I really like her body and her smallish chest, but I just feel that she is rough around the edges, especially the bikini. I am also not really a fan or her pose.

    I do love the hair though. They way that her hair is put into twintails by tying a knot is really interesting. I think that aspect is actually what make the figure so nice. Everything else about her is pretty plain, but those twintails are nice.

    • Tier says:

      That is definitely true; BEAT is not one of the better manufacturers out there, in terms of quality assurance; they’re probably a lot closer to the bottom of the pool than the top, in my view. That said, it’s saying something that this figure is a step up from the two other BEAT figures that I own.

      Yeah, I really like her hair; the twintail style is so ubiquitous – and so commonly associated with blonde loli-type characters like this – that it seems difficult to make a figure’s hairstyle a distinctive and eye-catching part of the design, but they did a really nice job of it here. It’s also kinda hard to make a swimsuit figure look distinctive, and I think giving her such a small bikini was a good step in that direction, but I’d still kinda like to see someone make a figure of her holding those two submachine guns.

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