Sister Misa from Mahou Shoujo (NSFW)

Sister Misa from Mahou Shoujo Figure Review

Native figures are always a treat to receive, and here is the newest one yet. This character is Misae Suzuhara, also called Misa-nee, and she comes from a doujinshi series simply titled “Mahou Shoujo” – no “Mahou Shoujo Misae” or anything like that, just Magical Girl. Most of Native’s figures are labelled as part of the Creator’s Collection, for which they take the work of particular artists and turn their 2D art into 3D sculpts. While most of the figures in this set are of fairly conventional design regardless of the artist, Misae definitely is not.

Sister Misa from Mahou Shoujo Figure Review

Like most of Native’s figures, Misae is sculpted in 1/7 scale, though her atypical proportions make her look a little larger than that. She’s about 12 centimeters tall to the top of her head when lying on her base; overall, she’s about 33 centimeters tall counting the base and her spear. Also like Native’s other figures, she gets the premium packaging treatment in the form of a big silver-colored box with some magical circle graphics on it. An instruction sheet is also provided, though it doesn’t do a great job of explaining how to install her wings, and as the box is devoid of any photos of the figure, you might want to keep the Native website’s URL handy just in case you have problems inserting them into their slots. Finally, she comes with a small postcard with the original artwork, which can also be seen on Native’s product page. Interestingly, the art shows Misae reclining on what looks like a figure base, so presumably the illustration was specifically drawn for Native.

Sister Misa from Mahou Shoujo Figure Review

Misae and the Mahou Shoujo series come from the mind of Raita Honjou, who publishes his work under the circle name Zettai Shoujo. He’s perhaps best known for contributing the character designs and artwork for the well-regarded tactical RPG Valkyria Chronicles, which has gotten a few figures of its own, as well as an anime. Mahou Shoujo, too, has gotten an anime, of sorts: a short OVA was sold at Comiket 82 along with his doujinshi. It features a prominent voice cast, including Mamiko Noto and Rie Tanaka; I thought about getting it but it was sold out at Toranoana when I put in my C82 order, and at any rate, I already spent way too much money on books.

Sister Misa from Mahou Shoujo Figure Review

Mahou Shoujo seems to be about the eponymous group of magical girls who fight sex fiends with the aid of a male hero. Some of the books have been translated into English but I still couldn’t quite figure out what the plot of the series is, and given that it’s most certainly an ero doujinshi series, perhaps it’s best not to make too much of it. The artwork is highly stylized, and if one isn’t enamored by the size of this figure’s bust, it could have been a lot worse, judging by the cover of Mahou Shoujo 9.0. Although I would guess that not everyone is going to admire Raita’s distinctive style, someone at Native must be a big fan because at least three more Mahou Shoujo figures are in the pipeline, including Kotone Sasaki, whose preorder period closes today, I believe.

Sister Misa from Mahou Shoujo Figure Review

Raita’s style is both inimitable and idiosyncratic, and the enormous bust and elongated limbs will play an outsized role in determining Misae’s acceptability. Her legs are extraordinarily long, seemingly twice the length of her torso, and they are tapered to an unusual degree, giving her a spindly, almost insect-like appearance. That comparison extends to her torso, which is also exceptionally long, though its length is perhaps less noticeable due to the colossal size of her breasts.

Sister Misa from Mahou Shoujo Figure Review

I’m not going to dwell too much on her breasts, but I’ll say that though I generally prefer them smaller than this on anime characters, for some reason, I don’t mind them too much here. Perhaps its because her body proportions are already so exaggerated that her chest doesn’t command as much attention as it otherwise might. Indeed, as odd as it may sound regarding a figure like this, I think my gaze is most drawn to her face, which is very expressive, though it’s difficult to guess exactly what Misae is feeling.

Sister Misa from Mahou Shoujo Figure Review

Perhaps the obvious emotions she is displaying are sadness and embarrassment, perhaps induced by her state of near-nudity. Misae’s clothing is particularly well-sculpted, as can be seen in the rents and tears of her dress and in the ribbing of her sleeves. She’s not wearing much but her unusual, almost angelic outfit adds a lot to this figure’s appeal.

Sister Misa from Mahou Shoujo Figure Review

Her seraphic presence is conveyed in a much more direct way, in the form of two sets of wings, the smaller pair sprouting from her hair and the larger pair erupting from her back. The asymmetry of their positioning adds a lot of dynamism to a figure posed in an otherwise sedate manner.

Sister Misa from Mahou Shoujo Figure Review

This wouldn’t be a proper Native figure if Misae’s crotch could not be uncovered. This strapless panty is provided to cover up her genitalia …

Sister Misa from Mahou Shoujo Figure Review

But it can be removed and well … there’s not a whole lot to see there. There’s some folds and reddish areas meant to suggest a vagina but it’s not as detailed as some other figures. Her backside is definitely nicely-sculpted, though.

Sister Misa from Mahou Shoujo Figure Review

As a winged battler of some sort, Misae carries an impressive lance. Two spearheads are provided; I don’t know why this is, but I presume there’s a reason for the different tips. This one’s a bit more elaborate than the other.

Sister Misa from Mahou Shoujo Figure Review

And the other spearhead. Her spear is pretty easy to get into her hand, unlike some other figures I own.

Sister Misa from Mahou Shoujo Figure Review

I have to admit that I had some reservations regarding this figure; I’d skipped Alter’s figure of Selvaria Bles specifically because I didn’t like her stretched limbs – or at least, I didn’t at the time. However, now that I have this figure and I see it in person, I like Misae a lot more than I thought I would. She’s got a lot of elements – like the spindly legs, the massive rack, and a long, narrow head – that I’m not a big fan of, individually, but collectively, they somehow seem to work. I really like her enigmatic expression and the various juxtapositions she represents: that of angelic innocence contrasted with her nudity and the way she’s presenting her body, that of apparent vulnerability contrasted with the violent potential manifested in the way she clutches her weapon, and the mixed feelings of sadness and serenity that she gives off. I’m still more of a fan of conventional anime styling but I will make an exception for Misae, who looks great.

Sister Misa from Mahou Shoujo Figure Review
Sister Misa from Mahou Shoujo Figure Review
Sister Misa from Mahou Shoujo Figure Review
Sister Misa from Mahou Shoujo Figure Review
Sister Misa from Mahou Shoujo Figure Review
Sister Misa from Mahou Shoujo Figure Review
Sister Misa from Mahou Shoujo Figure Review
Sister Misa from Mahou Shoujo Figure Review
Sister Misa from Mahou Shoujo Figure Review
Sister Misa from Mahou Shoujo Figure Review
Sister Misa from Mahou Shoujo Figure Review
Sister Misa from Mahou Shoujo Figure Review
Sister Misa from Mahou Shoujo Figure Review
Sister Misa from Mahou Shoujo Figure Review
Sister Misa from Mahou Shoujo Figure Review
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39 Responses to Sister Misa from Mahou Shoujo (NSFW)

  1. Mike C says:

    Love your photography and posts. Always a joy to read. ๐Ÿ™‚ Unique (and I agree… very busty) figure here. Thanks for sharing! ^_^

  2. bear says:

    My Misa-ne is still in her beautiful silver box, but seeing these photos makes me very glad that I got her. Art is about exaggerating the right things, and I happen to love Raita’s style. I have the white bikini Selvaria Bles and Sasaki is pre-ordered as well. Not too sure if I want the last two in the series, however.

    • Tier says:

      I’m kinda interested in Erika – I think that’s her name, anyway, though I wonder what her sculpt is going to look like. The last girl I’m not sure I’m too enthused about, mainly because her eyebrows have sort of an odd shape that I don’t find too appealing.

      • bear says:

        I’m pretty sure Erika is going to be in a confident, upstanding pose, proudly showing off her ample assets. It’s how she is depicted in Raita’s books and a natural counter point to Misa-ne if you pair them on the basis of titty monstrosity. I’d love to have her if I hadn’t read the books. She’s a prideful wreck and a tsundere, two characteristics that I detest. I might still get her if her sculpt turns out to be perfection, but that’s beyond my expectations.

        Yui is the last girl. Her eyebrows are a bit odd, but I just don’t find her all that memorable.

        • Tier says:

          Yeah, I read through one book where she gets assaulted and, not showing any effects from that, lords her social status over the main guy. That didn’t give me a great impression of the character either, since I loathe the tsundere archetype (well, the tsun part, not the dere part).

  3. Asa says:

    I skipped this one for many of the reasons you pointed out, but mainly the massive tits. Not helped by how gangly she is. But I would quite like a Native figure, and it’s rare they do any with kemono features I typically collect (wings in this case, obviously) — I have an eye on the others, but not sold on any, at least yet.

    • Tier says:

      They have a catgirl figure coming out! I think. I’m sure you know more about it than I, since I haven’t paid too much attention to it; I’m still waiting on the Udon-ya-designed headphones girl.

      • bear says:

        I was quite looking forward to Cat Lap Milk since I’m still missing a maid figure and a lewd figure on all fours, but I lost all interest after seeing her painted. Her face seemed vacant instead of adorable, and her pose seemed even more awkward. I think I would’ve preferred her arms straight (still on all fours) with her breasts dangling instead of squashed, and a bowl of milk neatly place in front of her.

        • Asa says:

          Yep, pretty much. She also has huge tits, even if not visible at normal angles. Her face ended up being rather… “eh”. I was keeping an eye on the proto but with painted previews, I lost interest.

          • BostonBrandon says:

            I’m pretty bummed having just seen the promo shots myself. Though I’ve a had a couple figures who much to my surprise ended up looking better than their promo shots so still kind of on the fence about this one. Also it seems as though I missed out on Sexual Police which I was again hesitant about due to her promo facial expression, but am now kicking myself for having not gone ahead and ordering her anyway. arrg!

          • bear says:

            I actually love big breasts, but her breasts just don’t look that appealing. I was quite disappointed that they messed up something that should’ve been an attraction for me.

  4. andersbac says:

    One to add to my wishing list. Wonderful facial expression of innocence and melancholy. (Somehow makes a lovely contrast to her well developed chest.) And hey รขโ‚ฌโ€œ reddish folds are what vaginas are all about! ;^)

    • Tier says:

      True indeed. I agree that her lavish body proportions make for a really interesting contrast to her face; it sorta seems that in anime, the busty girls are always the loud, confident ones with outsized personalities, so this is a really cool change.

  5. Wieselhead says:

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! she’s an angel. Well, of course she is XD

    I like this one a lot, it looks fantastic, everything about her. I don’t like Raitas look that much, but adapted into 3d Misa is such a beautiful big boob figure. Im glad Native ignored the ribcage in this sculpt. Her face is also really appealing with the small sexy eyes and the overall expression. Don’t worry about her sad look, she’s always looks like that, even when she’s happy ^^

    I watched the short ova and read 8 Volumes of this “Mahou shoujo”, while it’s true that a lot of attention has been put into fleshing out the female characters, it’s sad that there is no real story behind it. in the volumes I’ve read focused mainly on regular sex, maybe after all “angels” have been introduced, it will develop into a real story.

    After Hottori this is the second Native figure I passed on and now I badly regret it. Misa would have been even less daring *damn* Ok, at least I’ve ordered the new Cat Maid ;D

    • Tier says:

      She is! Yeah, from what I could tell – well, I couldn’t tell if there was a real plot or not. I remember there was a book about Erika right after she got boinked, and then there was a book set at the beach where part of it was actually imaginary. I wasn’t even really sure what a sex fiend looks like cuz I don’t think I saw any.

      Yay for new Native figure! They make really great stuff. Most of the time, anyway; there’s a couple figures that I don’t recall that anyone owns, but the rest of their stuff is first-class.

  6. misafanfan says:

    Fuck, regretted that I skipped her.

    • Tier says:

      Maybe you might be able to pick her up in the future; Native figures seem to be reasonably common on the secondary market. Some of them are really easy to purchase in the US but I haven’t seen Misae available at any US store, probably because of the most obvious reason.

  7. Aaron says:

    When I saw that she was going to be released I thought that she looked way too lanky and oddly proportioned, but seeing your review of her has changed my mind.

    She still looks lanky in her legs, torso and face, but I think she looks great and it all works really well. I also agree that her enormous chest doesn’t look nearly as large as it actually is when compared to her body. I really like how this figure turned out.

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, this figure seems to be more than the sum of its parts, particularly being that I don’t care as much for the parts when considered individually. There are a lot of figures with huge breasts or really elongated body builds that I don’t care much for but Misae looks really good. It probably also helps that she’s reclining, but even so, I also like Kotone Sasaki’s look. (Just not her face too much, unfortunately.)

  8. teruyo says:

    I like it but I will probably skip out on the other figures in this series. Two of the other girls are as flat as washboards and I don’t think Raita’s designs translate as well for these (they look anorexic). The twintails girl doesn’t look as graceful as Misa but maybe my mind will change when a prototype gets released.

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, I’m thinking I may do the same, possibly excepting Erika, depending on how she looks. I really want to like Kotone, and some part of me thinks I ought to get her despite my misgivings. I don’t actually dislike her quasi-skeletal look too much, but I’m not too thrilled with her face, which doesn’t seem too attractive to me. Maybe that’s less of a problem since she seems to be designed to be displayed facing sideways, but even so, that was enough to get me to pass on her – though that same part of me might yet convince me otherwise.

  9. Gorgeous girl! I actually had this one on pre-order but had to give it up due to financial woes. I’m saddened that I can’t add her to my collection because she really came out gorgeous. This sort of figure isn’t even my thing. I (mostly) try to avoid obviously explicit figures like Misae but she was just too pretty!

    Maybe one day I can get her…but probably not for an affordable price…

    • Tier says:

      She was definitely premium-priced. I’m glad the USD/JPY exchange rate has improved so much over the last few weeks since it makes it a little easier to take the charge.

      Yeah, although I wouldn’t be surprised to see her available on Mandarake, eBay, YJA, and such, I kinda have the feeling she might be a fairly expensive figure; she doesn’t seem like the sort of figure they’d make a lot of (versus, like, Collet) and she’s distinctive enough that I could see demand for her rising over time.

  10. Aya says:

    Misa looks gorgeous much better than I expect when seeing her promo pictures but I don’t think Something I love to have, I read most of raita’s mahaou shoujo and and found them not only vulgar but also pretty funny despite have no story ^^

    • Tier says:

      Indeed! The beach book was pretty funny, I thought; I didn’t even realize the nonconsensual scene was purely imaginary and after I re-read it, I was like, “Why did he put this in?” … but of course, the answer is probably pretty straightforward.

  11. Jz7662 says:

    Love the figure but i really hate those boots or heels or whatever, why is it like that. its killing me that i love the figure and hate it at the same time

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, I really don’t like the squared-off toes of her shoes; they look like chunky clogs or something. I dislike them enough that I had made a mental note to mention it, but I obviously forgot to do so.

      • Aaron says:

        I didn’t notice them because your sub-conscience must have omitted them in most of the pictures. I had to actually go back to the pictures to see what was being talked about, and even then they aren’t really in focus.

        • TomTheCat says:

          Just to give you an early warning: Sasaki has just the same odd shoe design. This, her anorexic body, and her face which doesn’t look like a proper face at all, are very much putting me off Sasaki. If I just didn’t love her nipples so much, argh!!

  12. John says:

    I was heavily torn on whether to blow money on this figure because it came with a huge pricetag. I actually had to find and read through the doujin series to find out her personality. Ultimately I decided I didn’t really like her character too much and her face didn’t do it for me either, despite the fact that her body is very much within my tastes. I am actually quite a fan of Raita’s designs, though I think they have to be slightly modified to look good in figurine form; I find Kotone’s face not up to par. On the other hand I have Selvaria in her swimsuit and she’s absolutely amazing.

    Personally I am looking forward to seeing Erika and Yui. Their personalities (what little is shown lol) are fine with me and their costumes and body proportions are appealing as well, so now it’s just a matter of seeing how their 3d forms will end up. Part of me hopes I won’t like them though, because these Mahou Shoujo seem to be the highest priced Native figures I’ve seen, and I don’t really feel like spending money these days.

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, this figure cost a bundle of money, and that’s a big thing that deters me from getting Sasaki, in addition to her somewhat goofy-looking face. I’m still sort of surprised that they made this figure at all, since Raita has such a quirky, exaggerated style that doesn’t seem like it would translate well to a figure sculpt (sort of like, say, Hyung Tae-Kim; aside from E2046’s umbrella Saber, I can’t think of any company who has made a figure based on his art). I’m also surprised that they did such a nice job of it.

      I’m going to guess they’ll be just as expensive, though the exchange rate has gotten a lot better in just the last few weeks; it’s great that figures and other hobby goods now cost me around 15% less than what they did not long ago.

      Looking at Native’s website, I’m amazed that M-ko was cheaper than Sasaki. That Sasaki is 2,000 yen more expensive than Misae is also not a good sign, particularly given the proxy market that these figures usually entail.

  13. Accipiter says:

    I dig pretty much all your images for the figures you’ve taken pictures of, however this one just seems a bit overexposed. Along with the statue in the background and the checkboard floor is too distracting from this figure. Just my opinion, but love everything else you’ve done.

    • Tier says:

      The overexposure was intentional, at least in several of the shots; with an angelic figure like this, I feel comfortable with blasting it with light. The statue, though, that was placed back there to make the wall look less empty but yeah, I don’t think it looks that great with this figure. I’m most bothered with the space to the left and the right of the statue; I probably should have put something there to balance it out, or at least make the emptiness less obvious.

  14. azn0will says:

    Nice! Close up of her yum yums! I approve!

  15. Halbred says:

    I’m pretty conflicted here. As you know, I’m a fan of oversized milk ducts. Here, though, they conflict so heavily with Misa’s thin body frame that it’s pretty distracting. Others here have commented on her expression, but I’m not a fan. It looks indecisive to me. I’m not familiar with whatever she’s from at all, but I expect my topless warrior women to exude confidence and a “go on and stare, makes you easier to hit” attitude. I really DO like her wings, sword, armor and base, though. Again, I’m pretty conflicted about her, but overall, if I came across her in a comic shop, I think I’d probably drop the hammer.

    • Tier says:

      I’m not all that familiar with the source material but from what I can tell, it doesn’t deviate much from the varied-archetypes style of characterization that just about every Japanese anime uses (versus American comic books, where it seems like most of the characters are typically cut from the same cloth). Misae is the quiet, painfully shy girl, and there’s also an extremely bossy, overconfident girl, and then there’s two other girls whose characterization I do not know (but I can hazard guesses at).

      There’ve been a number of figures that get the same reaction from me, where I like them a lot, except there’s one or two aspects that I really don’t like. I’m kinda thinking that if there’s something about a figure that I really don’t like, I shouldn’t pick it up, even if I love the rest of it. I can get past some things that I don’t care for (like the bunny ears on FREEing’s 1/4 scale figures), but then there’s some things like the tiny head on Daiki Kougyou’s big Celia figure which I don’t think I can disregard.

  16. Rene says:

    who was the dude grabbing her boobs on the first pic? lol good post though yet another figure I need

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