diskvision Elsa (NSFW)

diskvision Elsa Figure by Dragon Toy

Nearly three years after releasing Eve, Daiki Kougyou has finally gotten around to releasing the second of diskvision‘s original nude figure sculpts. This character is named Elsa, and she is going to be released in three different color formats. This particular figure features blonde hair and pale skin and is the first version to hit stores.

Elsa Figure Review

Diskvision’s main – and, from what I can tell, only – sculptor goes by the handle D-zou and though he doesn’t seem to be all that well-known, his style is easily recognizable. His figures tend towards glamorous proportions and realistic faces with prominent eyelashes, rather than the child-like bodies and oversized heads present on a huge number of anime figures. His Iroha figure – adapted for PVC production by Yamato – is one of my favorite figures, and even if Diskvision isn’t that famous, for some reason that review of Eve is by far the most popular post on this site. I’ve never been able to figure out why. Another thing that surprises me is that D-zou did the sculpt for FREEing’s upcoming figure of Rias Gremory; it’s a nice-looking figure but there’s nothing there that evokes his trademark style, which is curious.

Elsa Figure Review

Elsa is nominally manufactured under the label “Dragon Toy” – not to be confused with the maker of 1/6 scale military-themed dolls. She’s still listed on Daiki Kougyou’s homepage, though, and I’m not sure why they produced this figure under a new brand name. While Eve was sculpted in an unusual 1/5.5 scale, Elsa is 1/5 scale, measuring about 33 centimeters to the top of her head and 38 centimeters tall to the tip of her hair.

Elsa Figure Review

Like Eve, Elsa is sculpted in a pose reminiscent of a fashion model, with her head tilted and her arms raised up. It tells you straight away that the sculptor wanted to create a sexy woman striking a sexy pose, and that’s an objective that is met quite successfully, I think. Being that Elsa is nearly nude, there isn’t a great deal of visual complexity to the sculpt, but there is still an impressive amount of evident detail, particularly in her stomach musculature and also her throat, which isn’t something I’ve ever noticed in a figure before.

Elsa Figure Review

One thing that the sculptor didn’t have to model are her stockings. Instead, like FREEing’s bunnygirl figures, Elsa wears real fishnet stockings. They look great; they cling tightly to her body and they considerably enhance this figure’s realism. The pink bands are part of the sculpt, though, as are the cute pink ribbons on the reverse side.

Elsa Figure Review

Speaking of those ribbons, I really like how they look, and though they probably won’t be obvious from a normal viewing angle, they do a nice job of complementing her backside.

Elsa Figure Review

And speaking of her backside, her ass looks fantastic.

Elsa Figure Review

I also like her shoes, although they look a bit painful to walk about in. However, I have to admit that I prefer the clothing colors of the other two Elsa figures – there’s another blonde version of Elsa with tanned skin and white clothing and a black-haired Elsa with black clothing, and I think the black and white clothes are a bit less overpowering than the bright pink.

Elsa Figure Review

One of my concerns regarding this figure was that despite the superb sculpting and the realism of her body build – lengthy legs aside – I expected her to have a Barbie doll-style crotch. Eve didn’t have any genitalia, and none of the photos I saw of Elsa showed off any sort of realism there. Happily, Elsa actually does have genitals; they’re not very obvious, but they’re there.

Elsa Figure Review

Elsa’s expression is fairly blank, which works pretty well with her pose. It does give her more of a mannequin-like look than Eve or Iroha, though. One thing I would’ve preferred would’ve been to make the whites of her eyes brighter and whiter, as they look to be about the same color as her skin, which is a little off-putting. It’s not too noticeable from a normal viewing distance but it’s more evident upon close inspection.

Elsa Figure Review

At any rate, I’ve been waiting for this figure for a long time, and I’m very pleased with how Elsa turned out. This is a fairly straightforward figure but one that looks great. I also prefer larger figures, and Elsa definitely satisfies that criterion. Hopefully Daiki/Dragon Toy will also make a PVC version of diskvision’s Angelica, and hopefully it won’t take them two more years to roll it out.

Elsa Figure Review
Elsa Figure Review
Elsa Figure Review
Elsa Figure Review
Elsa Figure Review

Here’s Elsa with Eve; Eve is noticeably shorter, though she’s barefoot while Elsa is wearing stiletto heels. Eve’s base is on top of Elsa’s base in this picture but it doesn’t make a big difference as Eve’s base is very thin.

Elsa Figure Review
Elsa Figure Review
Elsa Figure Review
Elsa Figure Review
Elsa Figure Review
Elsa Figure Review
Elsa Figure Review
Elsa Figure Review
Elsa Figure Review
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31 Responses to diskvision Elsa (NSFW)

  1. azn0will says:

    Hmm. Something’s off about her.

    I like Eve more than Elsa. I think it’s something about Elsa’s face or hair is what bothers me.
    Her facial expression seems odd to me, maybe it’s her eye lashes? And her hair is more gold than blonde to me. I see blonde as a yellowish and goldish hue, Elsa’s hair is straight up gold.
    But don’t get me wrong, her body is great! Still great shots Tier, especially of her inner-thigh and yum yum areas. 😀

    P.S. I won’t be posting for a while, but I’ll still continue to stalk your page 😛 School and family business has taken over my life :'( No free time to browse the web anymore :'(

    • Tier says:

      I like Elsa quite a bit more than Eve, I think, mainly because of Eve’s thigh-wings, which always bothered the hell out of me. I still have no idea what they are supposed to be or why they’re even there. Elsa definitely has more of a stylized look, though, with the big lashes and the lack of a smile.

      Real life is always more important than internet life. Sometimes real life can suck and the internet can seem like a more inviting place, but at least in real life people know your real name.

      • MJ says:

        I just discovered these figures and am waiting to receive my Eve. I also don’t like the thigh wings but I will kit bash the figure and remove the wings possibly with a view to tacking them onto her back over future holiday periods where she will become my beautiful ‘fairy atop the tree’, the rest of the year she will be a stunning figurine to enjoy and admire. I’m coveting an Elsa too but I shall have to wait until the price is right for me.

  2. Wieselhead says:

    Oh a figure of Jessica Alba 😀 Well, I think she looks a bit like her in terms of face.

    Hmm she’s pretty nude and has a rather simple pose, which is not a bad thing from time to time.
    Jessica/Elsa is actually quite enchanting. Overall the PVC adaption looks a lot more appealing in my eyes than the E2046 Garage Kit. Her realistic natural Pin Up look is so nice in the orange background pictures.

    • Tier says:

      Ha, you know, I hadn’t even though about whether Elsa might look like a real person, but now that you mention it, there’s definitely a resemblance there. Yeah, I can appreciate a simply-posed figure, particularly when it is sculpted this well and especially when it is this large – though honestly, I’d love to see Alter do one of their extraordinarily elaborate, action-oriented figures in 1/4 scale, even if it would be wildly impractical and prohibitively expensive.

  3. bear says:

    I passed on Elsa mainly due to her size. I have limited display space and she would just be an overwhelming presence. There were other issues but I might’ve still bought her if I had the money and room.

    1. I strongly prefer blonde hair, but her hair sculpt was not specifically designed for light coloring. The deep grooves in her hair are much better suited to darker hair. That and her pretty Asian face make her blonde version look like she’s wearing an obvious wig.

    2. The realism of her face and choice details creates an uncanny valley effect that makes me instinctively reject her overall proportion as fake because it’s “too perfect.” Although realism is part of her appeal, I would’ve preferred something more stylized.

    3. The hot pink is awful. I wanted her in white instead.

    Also, her hair doesn’t look as shiny in your photos as in the promo shots. Is that a difference in lighting or final paint choice?

    • Tier says:

      I got this version since I ordered it before the tanned skin and black haired versions were listed but with the benefit of hindsight, I’m not sure I’d have gone with the first figure. Personally, I think I like the black-haired version best, but since I’m hoping that Daiki Kougyou will make Angelica at some point, I think the blonde version works best for collection purposes since I’ll have brunette Eve, blonde Elsa, and black-haired Angelica if that happens.

      Yeah, I would’ve liked black or white accents instead of the pink; the pink is pretty loud. It doesn’t bother me, but I think a more sedate color would’ve been more appropriate.

      Her hair does have sort of a glossy sheen to it, so I’d say it’s more of a lighting effect. It definitely has a different tone than her skin, which is noticeably more matte.

      • bear says:

        I’m not a huge fan of Angelica myself. I like Erika’s blonde hair most of all, but Elsa seems to have a better body. Elsa’s butt looks especially good, although I would still like to see somewhat bigger breasts on her. (It’s a fantasy afterall.) Elsa’s pose does also give her body a sexy twist.

        Too bad we’ll never see a figure with Erika’s face and hair on Elsa’s body with bigger breasts.

  4. Wooooo nice! I was just finishing up my Elsa comparison review. Thought I would finish last night but I fell asleep after putting the kid to sleep as well. LOL

    It’s interesting that this Elsa is slightly smaller than the GK version, roughly 1cm shorter, sounds small but visually significant. If there’s a downside to this Elsa, I would say it’s the glittering hair, looks a little odd, but still something I can live with. She’s so photogenic, can’t seem to take a bad photo of this figure. Love the way lighting makes her body details pop and your photos here shows that very well. I also like the blurred blackish background in the first couple of pics. 🙂

    • Tier says:

      Hmm, that is interesting, I would’ve thought that they would’ve just taken the garage kit and made the PVC figure directly from that. I wonder if they shrunk her down a bit to put her size more in line with Eve?

      I definitely agree, even though I didn’t use a complicated background, she’s still a lot of fun to photograph, particularly when you start seeing the details of her sculpt that aren’t too obvious under normal, flat room lighting. There have been a few figures that I struggle to photograph, where it seems like I can’t get a good shot no matter what I do, but Elsa was really easy to photograph. I think I only took like 90 shots of her total and I was happy with most of them, versus the 150 or so that I usually need to take of other figures.

  5. Aaron says:

    That is an absolutely amazing sculpt especially when looking at her from the rear. She just has the best proportions and I really like the pink with the blonde hair. It is also nice to see that she has some genital definition.

    Nice review Tier.

    • Tier says:

      Thanks! It’s definitely one of the best nude PVC figures I’ve seen, in terms of evident sculpting skill. I really hope that Daiki Kougyou keeps making PVC figures of diskvision’s work.

  6. Otomo says:

    Actually Elsa is not the second figure from the works of Diskvision released by Daiki Kougyou.

    Other than Eve, there’s Ryomo Shimei figure (in kneeling position with hand-cuffed) released by Daiki.

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, I know; that’s why I qualified it with “original nude figures.” Off the top of my head I know that diskvision also made a figure of Kanu Unchou before creating Elsa, and Iroha, of course.

  7. Pingback: Dragon Toy: Elsa (Comparison Review)

  8. Adrian says:

    I’ve just got mine arrived yesterday. That’s really a magnificent figure, what I see is her erected nipples seems quite fragile. I don’t even dare to touch them, scare I’ll break them.

    That’s a very nice review you have, I wish I could do the same but I’m just lacking of time and space. Anyway, I’ve ordered the black hair version as well (Skipped the tanned version coz she seems seriously sunburned)

    I hoped that Daiki will release more of this diskvision figure as well. 🙂

    • Tier says:

      A good choice, I like the black-haired version a lot as well. If they’d all gone up for order at the same time, I think it’s the one I would’ve gone with. The tanned one does look a bit off but I kinda have this thing for dark-skinned girls with blonde hair … at least fictional characters, anyway. That sort of style looks pretty bizarre to me in real life (though I would guess that that’s the point of it).

  9. Tian says:

    I really liked your photos! It’s always the naked ones that are the most fun to shoot IMO. The only thing I’m not big on is the noodly hair. They remind me of hand-pulled noodles you can get at some Chinese restaurants. Diskvision did a fantastic job with her backside – not just the butt, but her actual back as well.

    BTW hope you caught the Bulls/Celtics overtime nail biter tonight. I don’t like to cheer for guys getting hurt, but Rondo got his comeuppance for punching Brad Miller in the face and throwing Kirk Hinrich into the scorer’s table in 2009!

    • Tier says:

      Indeed! Also, the ones that aren’t fiddly and don’t require a lot of assembly or disassembly. I really appreciate a figure that I can pull out of the box, stick it on the desk, and go snapping away. If I see an instruction sheet, I just groan.

      Speaking of Chinese restaurants, back when I was in school, there was this Chinese joint literally like a 60 second walk from my apartment. Their lunch special was like $4.25 and had enough food for two meals. Man I miss that place.

      Hahaha, that is hilarious. I did watch that game, or part of it, anyway. As much as I like the Celtics, man it’s painful to watch them play sometimes; these days, I’m amazed if any of them manage to score more than 20 in a game (and I was amused that it took overtime for either team to get to 90). They used to have a level of chemistry and crispness that reminded me of the early 2000s Kings (still my favorite basketball team to watch), but that is all gone now.

  10. Oooooh maaaaaaaan, Diskvision. LOVE this circle. Or rather, uh, guy. I’m not sure if there’s more than one member of the group either. Anyway, D-zou! I personally don’t own any of his sculpts but I’ve always enjoyed their more realistic looks. Sure proportions are still elongated/sexualized but they look less like silly anime statues and more like sexy arthouse sculptures or something.

    I love the pink on Elsa. It’s actually the thing I found most appealing. I could never wear such an obnoxiously bright pink myself, but Elsa manages to sport it well. (Guess the pink appeals to the girly girl deep within me.)

    Here’s hoping Angelica gets a PVC release. DAY ONE PURCHASE for me, regardless of price.

    • Tier says:

      Indeed! Slightly off-topic, but I wonder if D-zou is Chinese or Japanese … the handle sounds sorta Chinese to me. Not that I speak Japanese or any Chinese dialects.

      Haha, yeah, Elsa does pull it off well, and though I think I’d still prefer black (I’m a big fan of black when it comes to scantily-clad women), I do like how the pink frames all the important parts of her body.

      I’ve definitely got my fingers crossed that Angelica, or any other of the girls in this series, gets a PVC figure. Diskvision is one of those sculptors where I will buy his stuff because I’m a big fan of his style. I think REFLECT is the only other circle I can say the same thing about.

      • REFLECT is great, and I’m sad that I don’t own one of those sculpts. If money allows, I’ll pick up the Sylvia Christel and Shunya Yamashita designed Asuka that REFLECT/Yamato did a while back. I’d love get Poison as well, but the pink-haired version was going for silly amounts of cash when I last checked.

        Apparently Yoshizawa Mitsumasa is doing a Bayonetta figure for Yamato. I will be all over that when it goes up for pre-order.

        • Tier says:

          Yeah, I’m a big fan of REFLECT; Mitsumasa sculpted one of the first figures I bought (Kaiyodo’s Cammy), and it was one of the figures that really got me into this hobby. It’s such a good figure that even one of my friends bought it, though he got the one with the pale skin and black outfit.

  11. shmen says:

    I love the review and the awesome shots. Where can I order this statue (can you please give me a weblink)?


    • Tier says:

      Thanks for the kind words. I would check Hobby Search or Amiami; just search for “elsa” and you ought to be able to find it. Or others like it; I think this specific version is sold out at both stores, but the tanned version and the black-haired version may still be open for ordering.

      • shmen says:

        Sweet thanks for the links!

        Btw, is this statue pvc or resin?

        Did you get your statue from one of those websites?

        I’ve never ordered from the ones you suggested, and I’m just wondering if they are trustworthy…

        • TomTheCat says:

          This figure is made of PVC. Where Tier got his from I don’t know, but I got mine from Amiami. They are definitely trustworthy. Can’t say anything bad about them, never had a problem. Never bought from Hobby Search though, so can’t rate them.

  12. Alex says:


    I love the photoshoots you do, but this one really shines with the subtlety. I actually bought the black-haired version of Elsa and it’s nice, but I’m noticing some “stains”; it actually looks like the paint is dissolving or something. Has this happened to any of your figures at all (particularly this one)?

    I had the first one on display for about a week and a half and I didn’t notice til I turned her around one day. I was so miffed I bought a second one thinking the first was a defect but now it’s appearing on the second figure. None of my other figures have this issue. She hasn’t been displayed in direct sunlight near chemicals or anything…

    • Tier says:

      Hmm, nope, that is really, really peculiar. My figure seems to be doing okay; I don’t notice anything unusual about it. I’m at a loss to explain what’s happening to your figure; I’ve never heard anything like that before.

  13. Alex says:

    Ah, well thanks for checking anyways. I’m chalking it up to either the light bleeding through the blinds, or heat coming from the monitor beneath it. Neither seems significant but eh…

    I wish it’d be a different figure; this one is so nicely done that any imperfections really stand out.

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