Reiko Date Wingfield from Fault!! (NSFW)

Reiko Date Wingfield from Fault!! figure

We looked at Ai Saeki a few weeks ago; now it is time to look at Reiko Date Wingfield, the half-British, half-Japanese director of the tennis club.

Reiko Date Wingfield Figure Review

Fault!! is an eroge originally published by Ciel and later adapted into a three-volume hentai anime series. It stars male protagonist Shuichi Sugiyama and a variety of prospective female mates. Among them is Reiko, easily the most mature and even-keeled of the girls in Fault!! However, although her cool demeanor differentiates her from her neurotic castmates, she desires Shuichi’s penis just as much as they do, and while they concoct elaborate plans to secure this objective for themselves, the anime shows Reiko simply going out and seizing what she wants.

Her character synopsis suggests that she is a devilish troublemaker, despite her comportment, but we don’t really see much of that side of her in the anime. In fact, we don’t see much of her at all, regrettably, as each episode focuses more on Ai and Mio’s antics. As I recall, Reiko only gots a fairly short sex scene in the second episode.

Reiko Date Wingfield Figure Review

But though her skin time in the anime was limited, collectors who feel deprived can at least in part gain some satisfaction with this figure from Alphamax. Reiko is the second figure Alphamax has made from Fault!! and as far as I know, she is also only the second fully explicit figure that Alphamax has made. Reiko is sculpted in a solid 1/6 scale, standing about 27 centimeters tall. She is listed as being 166 centimeters tall in the game and anime so this is a rare case of a very accurate specified scale size.

Reiko Date Wingfield Figure Review

Fault!! features character designs and artwork from well-regarded artist Tony Taka. However, you might not guess that, looking at the figure; Reiko’s eye shape does have some of Tony’s styling, but she’s missing several of his hallmarks. For instance, she lacks the broad, heart-shaped face and wide-spaced eyes that virtually all of his female characters have; instead, her face is comparatively narrower, her head is more oval-shaped, and her eyes are set relatively close to each other. Looking at this figure and her character artwork, the differences between the respective designs are quite obvious.

Reiko Date Wingfield Figure Review

That is, of course, not necessarily a bad thing; indeed, I’ve sometimes wished that figure sculptors would deviate more often from an official design or piece of artwork and show more of a personal style. However, being that this is a Tony figure and Tony’s style is so recognizable, I think it would’ve been a better idea to replicate his style more faithfully. Further, Tony’s style tends to make it easy to ascribe personality types to his characters; for exmaple, Rika’s wide, upward-sloped eyes give her a youthful, innocent look (which I guess would technically be only half-correct, as Rika is actually the oldest of the game’s cast, but she does have a fairly young personality type). Reiko’s narrow, downward-sloped eyes give her a more mature look, which is correct. The figure has a neutral look which makes it difficult to assess her personality.

Reiko Date Wingfield Figure Review

Reiko’s physique also departs from Tony’s typical style. Tony tends to draw females of average build – by anime standards – but this figure depicts Reiko as being quite tall, with her legs comprising a large chunk of her height. Indeed, it looks like her thighs are as about as long as her torso, which is a bit off-putting when you stare at her. I would’ve been okay if she had been a bit shorter, given that she’s supposed to be a tennis player rather than a power forward.

Reiko Date Wingfield Figure Review

Given Ai’s explicitness, it should come as no surprise that Reiko has a variety of display options, including nearly full nudity. Her basic look has her wearing a warmup jacket, her school blouse – or at least, an abbreviated version of it – and her bra and panties. Each of those elements can be removed so that she can be displayed just the way you want her to be.

Reiko Date Wingfield Figure Review

Here she is with her jacket removed. Her jacket is not fixed in place; it’s held onto her shoulders by her head and hair. That means it can wiggle a bit and I did notice a bit of paint transfer on my figure’s shoulder. Transferred paint seems to be more easily removable on Reiko than it is with Ai; I could remove transferred paint off of Reiko with a Q-tip moistened with isopropyl alcohol, whereas I had no luck doing so with Ai.

Reiko Date Wingfield Figure Review

Here is Reiko with her uniform top removed. Alphamax includes a nicely-illustrated instruction sheet which demonstrates how to remove Reiko’s clothes. I wish more manufacturers would be as thoughtful. I also wish that more makers would be as careful in how they implement castoff systems on their figures; with Reiko, she looks pretty good with or without her clothes. Her clothes aren’t overly bulky nor is her body unusually thin, as is frequently the case with figures with castoff options.

Reiko Date Wingfield Figure Review

Her panties are held up by her left hand. I had some concerns that her underwear might cause paint transfer, given its dark color, but I didn’t notice any issues. Nonetheless, I don’t think I will be keeping her underwear on her.

Reiko Date Wingfield Figure Review

And here she is fully nude. Without her clothes, her leggy body build becomes more obvious, so this isn’t my favorite way to display her. Note the ubiquitous armbands, used by just about every figure to hide the detachment points of her arms.

Reiko Date Wingfield Figure Review

Aside from her elongated proportions, Alphamax did a pretty nice job with her body sculpt. She has appealingly large breasts, a nicely-shaped backside, a narrow waist, and a sexy stomach.

You don’t really see the naked jacket look that often in anime culture (versus the naked apron, naked dress shirt, or even the naked necktie), so I like to display her this way. The jacket adds more visual interest and balances her torso with the long length of her legs.

Reiko Date Wingfield Figure Review

Like Ai, Reiko does indeed have a sculpted vagina, though it is extremely difficult to see from the front. I’m surprised that Alphamax included it at all, and I think they should be accorded respect for having done so.

Reiko Date Wingfield Figure Review

They should also be given some props for how nice Reiko’s ass looks. It really does look great.

Reiko Date Wingfield Figure Review

Of the two Fault!! figures, I think Ai Saeki is superior, but Reiko still looks pretty good. She’s got some odd quirks, being a Tony figure that doesn’t really look like a Tony figure, but she still has a very appealing body, a ton of display options, and of course, full nudity. I really hope that Alphamax keeps making more figures in this vein, not just of Mio, Rika, and Maya but also of characters from other eroge. As nice as Ai and Reiko are – and they are both very nice – what I like even more is that there’s another figure maker doing high quality ero figures, and the fact that their products are sold through normal retail stores only sweetens the deal.

Reiko Date Wingfield Figure Review
Reiko Date Wingfield Figure Review
Reiko Date Wingfield Figure Review
Reiko Date Wingfield Figure Review
Reiko Date Wingfield Figure Review
Reiko Date Wingfield Figure Review
Reiko Date Wingfield Figure Review
Reiko Date Wingfield Figure Review
Reiko Date Wingfield Figure Review
Reiko Date Wingfield Figure Review
Reiko Date Wingfield Figure Review
Reiko Date Wingfield Figure Review
Reiko Date Wingfield Figure Review
Reiko Date Wingfield Figure Review
Reiko Date Wingfield Figure Review
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34 Responses to Reiko Date Wingfield from Fault!! (NSFW)

  1. Shashin says:

    Hmm, I have this figure on the way now, but I’m not sure how I feel about it. I was really pleased with Ai and was expecting to be similarly pleased with Reiko, but something just isn’t doing it for me here. I think she does have an incredible ass, but I think I might just keep her boxed when I receive her and then decide if I want to try to sell her or not.

    The Kobato doll on the other hand… :O

    • Tier says:

      I would categorize my sentiments similarly, though I wouldn’t say that I am unsatisfied by the way Reiko looks. Rather, I like Ai so much that Reiko suffers a bit in comparison. I’ve been thinking about what my five favorite figures of this year are, as I always do at the end of the year, and Ai is surely going to be on that list.

      I should use that Kobato doll more often. I was thinking she could be the president’s running mate, though I need to find a better outfit for her.

    • goldman says:

      Hi my friend, I have a question for you, this dolls doesn´t have real vaginas right? And do you know how tall is it? where did you buy it, I want one of this. Thankyou .

      • TomTheCat says:

        As for the vagina, have a look at picture # 13, there you’ll see what comes with the figure. It is of course not a “real” vagina, it’s the likeness of a vagina sculpted in PVC.

        She’s about 27 centimeters tall, that’s roughly 11 inches.

        I honestly don’t know if any retailer still has her in stock, but I think that she pops up rather frequently on Mandarake. If you have trouble finding her there, join Myfigurecollection, that’s a very friendly community and they will guide you into the right direction.

      • Tier says:

        It certainly doesn’t have a real vagina, being that it’s made of plastic and stands about ten or eleven inches tall. I bought it from Hobby Search, though I’m pretty sure it’s sold out there, and I’m guessing it’s sold out at the other big Japanese retailers, too.

  2. Asa says:

    Yay Obama!

    Can’t really say anything about the figure since I don’t generally care about ero figs one way or the other and have no idea who the character is anyway.

    I like the simple set though, tried and true. The bright background light works nicely. Is there a flash firing through it?

    • Tier says:

      Hoorays! I can use him for four more years. I had gotten some additional accessories a few months ago in preparation for a different review, and I would have felt really dumb had he lost.

      Yeah, there’s a couple of flashes firing back there. Not actually through it, technically speaking; there’s a piece of white foamboard that the lights are firing into. That spreads the light out a bit more to make the light coverage more even.

  3. I got this figure last week – loved the fact it had a flip cover box, I could admire the figure without taking her out. LOL I had a look at her and thought, wow, she came out much bigger than I thought – then again I had forgotten she came in 1/6 scale. She’s worth every penny though, a very beautiful figure.

    I thought about doing her review right away, but there were a few reviews out already. I just knew you’d write a review of her too, so I decided to live vicariously through you.

    When I first ordered her, I didn’t even pay attention whether she was a cast-off or not, I just really liked her outfit and the floating jacket on her back. Her bra/underwear looks more like a swimsuit to me though – so I thought she was running off to the beach or something to that effect. The cast-off nature and “full sculpt” is really just a perk (to me). I’d be content even if she wasn’t cast-offable.

    You said you like how the figure deviated somewhat from the illustration – it’s funny you say that because there are many out there that would go on a rampage whenever a figure has a slight deviation from the source material – as small as a colour tone shift or body angle, etc. Personally I don’t have any gripes with either – I just look at the figure as is and appreciate what’s there. Though most of the time I’m not familiar with the character anyway so maybe that’s why I don’t see this as being an issue.

    I noticed in your pics that Reiko’s right hand isn’t pulling on her “underwear”. Did you forget to attach it to her hand or left it off intentionally for some reason? Also is there a slight mold mark or line on your Reiko’s torso? In the first picture there seems to be a slight line (?) just above her pelvic area … looks like she had a c-section.

    Sweet pics as usual, don’t think that needs any mention though! 🙂

    • Tier says:

      Hoorays for living vicariously! Speaking of that lifestyle, I was going to live vicariously through other people with respect to that bike Saber figure, but I haven’t seen more than a couple of reviews of it (and I think only one of those was in English). How very weird that such a highly-anticipated figure seems to not have gotten a lot of reviewing love.

      Yeah, her underwear does look more like a swimsuit to me as well, particularly since it looks like it is not particularly supportive. I do like that she can still wear her jacket while still being naked; I like naked figures but I also have a thing for sportswear, so this mode of display combines a couple of things that I appreciate.

      I know what you are talking about, and I have to admit that I usually steer clear of discussions like that. In fact, I try not to read any commentary on a figure after it’s been released until I’ve written my own post (though sometimes this is unavoidable, like when I’m trying to figure out how to assemble or castoff a figure that doesn’t come with an instruction sheet). I do like figures that stay close to the source, but I also like certain circles and sculptors who have their own distinctive style, like Toshirou and REFLECT. I got Yamato’s maid Aegis figure not long ago partly because I like the character, but also because I really like the sculptor’s style.

      Uhh, I did not even notice that her other hand could hold up her waistband. Indeed, I was pretty much fixated on getting to the naked shots – I shot the clothed pictures first since I knew I was going to display her naked and I didn’t want to have to put her clothes back on.

      I see the line you are talking about but I am not sure what it is. Shining a flashlight on the figure and examining it from about a foot away, I can’t see it with my own eyes, so it might just be one of those things that you can’t see until you put a powerful light on the figure.

  4. Aaron says:

    I really like how this figure turned out. When I first saw her I was excited because of one thing…her pink jacket. I think it adds a very unique feel to her design when paired with her shirt pulled up over her breasts. I understand this would be very unnatural in real life, but she just looks so good with it.

    I am not normally a fan of the waif waist with large breasts, but I think the sculptor did a great job making her not seem overly large. One thing I never noticed in the promo pictures was the definition on her lower lip which I think looks really good up close.

    I really can’t say there are many things I dislike about this figure, except for maybe the lack of an anus.

    Nice job on the pictures this time. I really like the pictures like 2, 7, 15 and 21. I like the lighting and shadows on her rear.

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, I like the jacket a lot as well. It’s one of those odd things that you don’t see a lot of in anime, even though sportswear is one of the most common types of fashion in real life (sort of like blue jeans – you almost never see blue jeans in anime and I wonder why).

      Looking through the character bios, I was surprised to see that Ai is the one with the largest listed bust size; when a game has a mature blonde girl, she’s usually the one with the biggest breasts, particularly if she is of foreign descent.

      Haha, yeah, a realistically sculpted anus would have given the figure a big boost. It is too bad they left it out; I cannot imagine it would cause the sculptor much more difficulty to put a second hole back there.

  5. Wieselhead says:

    So much love for Fault! from Alphamax. H-Game/anime figures became kinda rare, these Se Kirara figures from Max Factory look nice, but they are too tame to count in that category.

    I wan’t that convinced by the Fault! anime, but I actually found Reiko the most appealing.
    In this figure adaption she looks very good, her face looks beautiful with the style of her eyes and the mouth. Her tilted head is also something I like about this figure, it makes her more alluring. Haha yeah her body also looks very nice, boobs, butt and lower belly appear very convincing.

    She.’s a very pretty figure with quite a few clothes, I like her in this bikini dress the most, the black texture makes a good contrast to the hair and skintone.

    My favorite picture is number 29, Reiko looks sooo nice there (╹◡╹)

    • Tier says:

      The Se Kirara figures are definitely very nice. In fact, we’ll hopefully be looking at them pretty soon. Well, one of them, anyway.

      Yeah, I liked Reiko a lot; I wish she had gotten more screen time. I don’t recall that she even got naked in the anime; I think the most flesh she revealed was while she was sunbathing in the third episode.

      The tilted head and the nice smile are really very appealing. I’m impressed that Alphamax was able to make a figure like this (and Ai) – hopefully they’ll make more. I can think of a ton of eroge whose characters I would love to see figures made of.

  6. bear says:

    I thought about getting this figure for a long time. In the end, I decided to wait and see. She has an absolutely amazing cast-off body, but for some reason her face bugs the hell out of me. It’s nice to hear that she has a sculpted vagoo. Maybe I should get her for headswapping, but I’m not really sure on the detailed qualifications or what I can headswap her with.

    • Tier says:

      I’m hearing this from several people and I’d mostly agree. Apart from not getting a Tony face when I expect a Tony face, I can’t even put into words what bothers me – I guess it might be the narrowness of the face, but her face doesn’t look unnaturally thin to me. At any rate, I think Ai is quite a bit prettier than Reiko.

  7. azn0will says:


    Agh, stupid finals. I will be back! I’ll be sure to make up for my lack of comments during the holidays!

    • Tier says:

      Ahh, finals week. Always a good time. As much as I miss college, I do not miss the end of year grind at all; indeed, I pretty much have the rest of this month off, which I am going to enjoy.

  8. Halbred says:

    See, this figure would be perfect if she kept her pants on. Sculpted ladyparts repel me. I appreciate the attention to detail, but…it’s just not for me. The fact that her bajingo is exposed even when she’s “fully” clothed bothers me, too. I’m in this hobby for the headlights, not what’s under the hood. And it’s a shame, because her headlights are awesome, and her body sculpt is superb. I do have some reservations about her dinnerplate-sized eyeballs, but I can get over that. Great photos, though.

  9. Wolfheinrich says:

    Nice get as usual, I did get Ai but didn’t enter for Reiko; as you said, she had too little time in the anime and I don’t know her as much as I wanted to. Nicely sculpted for sure but I am not sure if I like her face that much, it just doesn’t speak to me and feel a little flat. Perhaps I am just so used to seeing some depth in the eye socket area due to my preferences in DD.

    • Tier says:

      I wish she’d gotten more time; or rather, I wish the anime had more than three volumes, since it was pretty good and could’ve used the additional time to show more of Reiko and Rika. Maybe the anime studio will revisit it someday since the new version of the game came out not too long ago.

  10. Aaron says:

    I swear I am the only person that loves her face…

    • Tier says:

      It seems so! I wonder what people are going to say when I put up pictures of gangsta lean Saber; I’m pretty sure I already know, but then again, one or a few people could surprise me.

  11. nagisa says:

    After watching the anime, she’s the one I’m rooting for. Too bad her scenes are too few. Only at the clubroom? Why not at the beach as well? Oh well I guess we cannot have everything after all, so this figure will suffice our daily reiko fix. Not to mention her glorious castoff and on-spot sculpting. I think her sculptor is better in terms of creating tony taka’s artworks into figures. And I like her face too as well.

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, she needed more scenes; the other girls are really cute as well, but it would have been nice if Reiko had gotten an episode of her own. Maybe they’ll do a follow-on series; I’m not holding my breath but it seems to occasionally happen.

  12. boza says:

    just came across this blog. pretty cool. was wondering if you’ll be getting the trilobite thing from the prometheus movie. pretty tentacle worthy for your figures.

    • Tier says:

      Thanks for visiting! I must admit I have no idea what that is, as I haven’t seen Prometheus yet, but it sounds very, very interesting now.

      (Edit: Having just looked it up, the Trilobite looks pretty awesome and I think it’s definitely something I am interested in now. I wonder how flexible the arms are?)

      • Aaron says:

        I checked it out at Toys R Us and it is quite a bit bigger than I thought it would be. It looks like the tentacles will be pretty flexible too. It is $30 right now but they had probably 15 on the shelf so I wouldn’t be surprised if it goes on clearance in a few months.

        • Tier says:

          Awesome; I will have to look for it, then. Speaking of toy stores; I remember when I was a kid, we didn’t have much in the way of toy stores (being that I basically lived on an army base) so when we went on vacation to the States, I always loved going to Kay-Bee Toys, which was one of my most favorite places in the world. Now, visiting toy stores like Toys R Us is a singularly joyless experience for me, which is sort of sad.

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