Dakimakura Review – Mizuho Makihara from Loli & Bondage (NSFW)

Mizuho Makihara Dakimakura Review

Happy holidays to everyone who celebrates holidays during this time of the year. It’s a busy time, with travel, shopping, and relaxation on everybody’s schedule, so I’m going to sneak in a review of this dakimakura cover while nobody is paying attention. It features an original character named Mizuho Makihara, a young girl who clearly knows how to have a good time.

Mizuho Makihara Dakimakura Review

This pillowcase is made by Stylus, a dakimakura circle that I’m quite fond of, as I have three other pillowcases made by them. This is the second one that I own that features the artwork of Moto Kouguchi; the first was of a character named Satsuki Sumitomo. Both pillowcases are similar to each other and are in keeping with the themes of the artist’s past work.

Mizuho Makihara Dakimakura Review

This dakimakura cover measures 160 centimeters by 50 centimeters in dimension and is made of two-way stretch spandex material. The front side depicts Mizuho wearing a modified bridal outfit; it’s somewhat incongruous with her obvious young age but it still looks great. She looks perhaps as confused as anyone, though she doesn’t seem to be particularly uncomfortable. She also has a nice collar and leash. Instead of panties, she’s wearing an unusual garment that seems to comprise not much more than a waistband. Artistically, the artwork is impressive, particularly in the detail in the lace trim of her garment.

Mizuho Makihara Dakimakura Review

The reverse side shows Mizuho wearing a more conventional sailor-style dress, albeit with the same bondage accessories, including some white-themed restraints and a hint of rope bondage.

Mizuho is fairly short of stature and so she actually only occupies around two-thirds of the pillowcase’s length. I’m not sure if there’s any way around that, but it does leave quite a bit of blank space at the bottom of the cover.

Mizuho Makihara Dakimakura Review

She has a very cute expression, one that seems a bit nervous but not too distressed.

Mizuho Makihara Dakimakura Review

As expected, this dakimakura cover is reasonably explicit.

Mizuho Makihara Dakimakura Review

And probably a bit creepy, I must admit. Maybe more than a bit creepy. Then again, this dakimakura cover is part of a genre where underage characters are the rule rather than the exception and where incest is a highly fetishized activity (to the extent that it forms the core plot element for way too many shows), so creepiness is pretty much the norm for anyone who watches anime or is a fan of the culture. At any rate, I really like this pillowcase a lot. I’m not a big huge lolicon or anything – glancing around my figure collection, I don’t think I have more than a few loli figures, and most of them are Nanoha characters – but this dakimakura cover appeals to a number of my sensibilities. That’s particularly true for the front side, maybe less so for the reverse side. Stylus makes a lot of great stuff and Mizuho’s pillowcase stays true to that standard.

Happy New Year’s Eve Eve to everyone; tomorrow I’ll put up the traditional end-of-year post with my five favorite figures of 2012. I’m still thinking about it, to be honest, and I am not yet sure which figures are going to be on that list.

Mizuho Makihara Dakimakura Review
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20 Responses to Dakimakura Review – Mizuho Makihara from Loli & Bondage (NSFW)

  1. I know she’s a loli design, but that head is WAY too huge!

    Artwork quality’s pretty good on this one, and the design and colors are pleasing. I do like the bridal-inspired outfit. Not so much the schoolgirl dress on the reverse side. And you’re right about the creepy thing. Anime covers a lot of ‘uncomfortable’ things, so it kinda goes with the territory if you’re a fan.

    • Tier says:

      It seems like anime makers love pushing the edge of depictions of underaged characters (I’m interested in watching Vividred Operation, and that seems to be about nothing more than sexualizing underaged girls, which I suppose is pretty much what the show’s creator is all about). As much as I like the naughty stuff, I can’t say that I don’t feel uncomfortable when I watch stuff like that, not just because of the young age of the characters, but also because of the sense that such shows ought to be targeted at children and that I’m too old to be watching that sort of stuff.

  2. azn0will says:

    I saw her on the Stylus site a while back. Didn’t catch my eye though.I have agree with G.K. her head does seem a bit disproportional, but only on the bridal side.

    Her sailor side is cute, along with her expression. To me she’s fine, just a disproportional sized noggin. And you’re definitely right about the creepiness/strangeness thing being the norm among people who watch anime/eroge/etc.

    I have to admit I’m pretty eccentric myself :3 I’m just missing the money to be labeled as that, so I think the correct term now is “special” LOL (no correlation to special-needs)

    • Tier says:

      You are human! We’re all a little (or a lot) weird in some way. I figure that ogling underage cartoon characters is a fuckload better than activities that harm (or potentially harm) people. People who don’t watch anime might be appalled at the sort of subject material that is featured; me, I’m more appalled by the things I read in newspapers.

  3. Wieselhead says:

    So you wanted to end this year with a *boom* ^o^

    As much as I like loli characters in non sexual content, this one looks so wrong that I can’t believe that is is sold officially in Japan and that you weren’t arrested for it in the US *lol*.
    This character appears around a half younger than Satsuki Sumitomo around 4 *omg* ;D

    Anyway the style looks quite elaborate and the kindergarten girl is very cute, the blue dress is also really pretty but I can’t help myself the whole situation she is in is so wrong and on top of that she even seems to like it *shocking*

    Happy New Year for you Tier =) Thx for all your nice reviews this year

    • Tier says:

      No, I wanted to sneak this in while nobody is looking! Heh, I figure that this is probably the most borderline sort of material I will put on this site.

      Actually, this reminds me that I have this one pillowcase of Kobato from Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai; she looks very young and this particular pillowcase is even more explicit, being that it features penetration. It actually went to US Customs – the first time I’ve ever had a package go there, and for a few days I was terrified. Then it got delivered as usual about a week later and it was all good.

      Happy new year to you too! And thanks for your reviews as well, and all your comments. I always feel bad that I don’t respond on your site in a very timely manner (exacerbated in recent weeks by my newfound Warcraft addiction).

      • Aaron says:

        The make pillowcases with penetration? Like tentacles?

      • Wieselhead says:

        Ah ok, hehe heavy bondage and tiny loli are a odd combination.
        The illustrated character looks very nice, but as I said the image of these young characters used in lewd activities feels really awkward.

        Wuah that must have been a weird experience to get a “lewd” item stuck in customs. But it seems that they are more relaxed about drawn characters than I expected. It would have been much “funnier to pick up the item personally, like I have to sometimes XD

        Ah don’t worry about that. You were one of the most active commenters on my blog this year and I appreciate this.

        • Shashin says:

          Luckily in most cases, even when the packages go through customs, they aren’t actually opened for inspection. When a package is held up in customs with material like this though, the worst tends to go through your mind, and it could definitely lead to some bad things happening. But I’ve had maybe 200-300 packages come through customs in the last few years and only one has ever had the documentation (required by our laws) that the contents were inspected by customs officials. I imagine it’s quite a lot different in other countries where they assess duties on a regular basis, but here it just isn’t feasible to open up every package (I believe I remember reading somewhere they they open about 1/5000.)

          @Aaron: Yes, they do have covers that feature penetration, though with varying levels of explicitness, believe it or not. I’ve only seen a few covers feature tentacle penetration, and they were all by eroge companies, and thus fairly tame in comparison to circle covers; the penetration wasn’t explicitly shown but was obvious based on the placement of the tentacles. Penetration in circle covers is a lot more common; it isn’t unusual to see dildos, anal plug tails, pocky (in the case of Kobato), or even the occasional penis.

          • Aaron says:

            I have seen some explicit covers, but don’t think I have seen any with penetration, but then again I haven’t really gone looking either.

            I understand dildos and the like, but I would think more people would be weirded out sleeping next to a bunch of tentacles or a penis on their cover. Maybe not though.

        • Tier says:

          Haha, I would hate to have to go pick up my parcels from the inspecting agency, particularly if they had already been removed from the box XD Though then again, it could be an opportunity for amusement.

          • TomTheCat says:

            I once picked up a GigaPulse figure at the customs office. This particular figure has absolutely no clothing options, so she lay in the box in her birthday suit. The inspector got all excited, I wonder why? 😉

  4. Aaron says:

    Not a fan of this one because I am not into bondage. I do think the front would have been better with a white dress rather than the off-white.

    • Tier says:

      Ha, and I thought most people would be more adverse to the character’s apparent age. This is the last bondage pillowcase I’ve gotten so I think the next couple dakimakura reviews will be of the more conventional sort, and of better-known characters, too.

  5. [Aya] says:

    I think items like this should be forbidden, this pillowcase is really crossing a border – comic or not, it is child pornography.What else should a mother of two kids think of something like this?

    • Tier says:

      I wouldn’t presume to tell you what to think, since it’s none of my business and I’m not inclined to inflict my viewpoints on others. At any rate, you’ve obviously already made up your mind.

  6. Trifecta says:

    Hey ! I’ve been looking all over both the Japanese and English web for this dakimakura and the Satsuki Sumitomo one but I can’t find any of those anywhere now. I guess it really is too late, but I thought i’d ask you if you had any idea or links where I could find one of them. In anyway, I hope they make a third in this series of dakimakura :<

  7. noko says:

    Where abouts do you buy these loli ones from?

    Or any of the explicit ones from for that matter?

    • Tier says:

      These particular ones I bought from the distributing circle; I had to use a Japanese proxy server to buy it, since most doujin circles do not sell to international customers. In general, explicit dakimakura covers can be bought from the circles, from Yahoo Japan Auctions (which also requires a proxy service, since as I understand it, buying anything there almost always requires a Japanese bank account or credit card for payment), from Mandarake, or sometimes from regular retail outlets like Amiami and Hobby Search. Most of the dakimakura covers that those two sell are relatively tame (particularly the ones from big corporate goods manufacturers, like Cospa), but they’ll occasionally sell pillowcases from smaller, individual circles and those often feature full nudity.

  8. Poogie says:

    Erm, i am trying to find any hentai or lewd body pillow cover, can anyone tell me where to buy it ? any website?

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