Kaori Saeki from Bible Black (NSFW)

Kaori Saeki from Bible Black Figure Review

Taking a break from the bikini figures for a bit, we will instead look at an older figure today. I did not plan to review this figure because I did not actually like it very much when I got it. However, my opinion has shifted somewhat with the release of Bible Black protagonist Imari Kurumi. I like Imari’s figure quite a bit; how does Kaori compare to her castmate?

Kaori Saeki from Bible Black Figure Review

Kaori Saeki is a character from the well-known hentai game and anime series Bible Black. She’s sort of like the midboss of the show; she instigates the events that initiate the plot and serves as an initial antagonist, but is swiftly subordinated and controlled by more powerful forces and winds up getting raped quite a bit herself. Curiously, one of the closing shots of Shin Bible Black seems to show Kaori chatting happily with Rika Shiraki, even though she’d raped her rather brutally earlier in the series. Forgive and forget seems to be the motto here.

Kaori Saeki from Bible Black Figure Review

This figure is made by Daiki Kougyou and was released in December of 2010. She’s about 14 centimeters tall and is listed as 1/6 scale, although that’s a grossly optimistic assertion; in terms of body proportions, she’s smaller than even Alter’s 1/7 scale bikini Nanoha. She did come with a base, which I’ve since misplaced, and she also comes wearing her school uniform, which is not featured here. For a long time, I thought that Bible Black had the nicest school uniform designs in anime, and though the uniforms in Horizon on the Middle of Nowhere have since displaced those of the hentai show in my esteem, I still like them a lot.

Kaori Saeki from Bible Black Figure Review

However, Kaori’s uniform is a pain in the ass to handle; it’s difficult to get it back on her and she has some of the worst paint transfer problems I’ve encountered on a PVC figure. In addition, I ripped the sleeve off of her blouse while trying to get all the plastic sheeting off, back when I initially got the figure. So, no uniform here; if you want to see what the uniform looks like, there’s a bunch of publicity photos on the web that you can look for. Besides, is anyone really interested in seeing Kaori clothed?

Kaori Saeki from Bible Black Figure Review

I would think not; most of the interesting stuff about this figure is secreted away under her clothing. Under her uniform, she is completely nude save for her socks and some armbands, which hide the detachment points of her arms. Unlike many figures, even the naughty ones, Kaori does have a realistically-sculpted anus.

Kaori Saeki from Bible Black Figure Review

Switching our attention to her other end, Kaori wears a sultry, seductive expression. Her likeness, however, doesn’t seem all that close to either her anime appearance or Sei Shoujo’s original character design. Whether that is a negative is a matter of individual opinion, but at any rate, her narrowed eyes and feline smile do a good job of conveying her uninhibited promiscuity.

Kaori Saeki from Bible Black Figure Review

The stylistic idiosyncrasies do not end with her face. Moving downwards, Kaori has large breasts, which is true for just about all of the Bible Black girls, but she also has some rather long arms. Her forearms look particularly elongated relative to her upper arms, and her hands seem overly large.

Kaori Saeki from Bible Black Figure Review

However, while her arms and hands seem larger than they ought to be, her torso and legs seem smaller than one might expect. Her ass is rather compact and her legs look shorter and slimmer than her appearance in both the game and anime, where she was more full-figured. Indeed, Sei Shoujo’s later work – in Starless and Lewdness, for instance – displays a strong emphasis on big butts and thick legs, and none of that shows up on this figure.

Kaori Saeki from Bible Black Figure Review

That said, whether those modifications to Kaori’s design are detrimental will again be a matter of opinion. Personally, they do not bother me a great deal, at least not when observing Kaori from the front, which is probably her most ideal viewing angle. The least ideal viewing angle might be while looking at her left side, where her buttocks look strangely uneven.

Kaori Saeki from Bible Black Figure Review

There is not a lot of detail in her back, which is a bit unfortunate, but on the plus side she does have some nicely-sculpted hair; no helmet hair here.

Kaori Saeki from Bible Black Figure Review

My opinion of this figure was not that high when I got it, but my view of Kaori has improved since getting Imari. I think that Kaori looks a lot better in tandem with her fellow rape victim; they present a striking contrast, with Imari showing fear and embarrassment while clad in leather while Kaori is evidently quite comfortable with her nudity. By herself, I don’t think she’s a great figure, particularly considering that she was quite expensive when she was released. Despite that, it’d be nice if Daiki Kougyou keeps making figures of the Bible Black girls; Imari is quite popular, of course, and Kaori seems to be the fan favorite, but I’m hoping that they’ll make one of Yukiko, the older cousin and med school student who enjoys exhibitionism and bondage. One of Aki Ichikawa, the Shin Bible Black protagonist, would be pretty cool, too.

Kaori Saeki from Bible Black Figure Review
Kaori Saeki from Bible Black Figure Review
Kaori Saeki from Bible Black Figure Review
Kaori Saeki from Bible Black Figure Review
Kaori Saeki from Bible Black Figure Review
Kaori Saeki from Bible Black Figure Review
Kaori Saeki from Bible Black Figure Review
Kaori Saeki from Bible Black Figure Review
Kaori Saeki from Bible Black Figure Review
Kaori Saeki from Bible Black Figure Review
Kaori Saeki from Bible Black Figure Review
Kaori Saeki from Bible Black Figure Review
Kaori Saeki from Bible Black Figure Review
Kaori Saeki from Bible Black Figure Review
Kaori Saeki from Bible Black Figure Review
Kaori Saeki from Bible Black Figure Review
Kaori Saeki from Bible Black Figure Review
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56 Responses to Kaori Saeki from Bible Black (NSFW)

  1. azn0will says:

    WOO! The Imari & Kaori combos look freaking awesome!!

    Kudos my friend, kudos!

    By the way Tier, I noticed that you have a Myfigurecollection.net account, and I was wondering if they have a messaging feature on that site. I wanted to contact a User about a dakimakura they had but I don’t want to pay for a account unless I know I can contact other users.

    I know this isn’t the best place to ask this kind of a question but maybe others might be wondering the same thing? >.<

    • Shashin says:

      You don’t have to pay for a Myfigurecollection account to send messages, man. You can PM about as much as you want. The option to pay and become a subscriber is only to unlock some extra features, like being able to post unlimited ads, having a larger inbox, and some other things.

      Finally happy to see this review. She does indeed go very well with Imari and I don’t think any figure that has a realistically sculpted anus could ever be considered bad.

      • azn0will says:

        Thanks Shashin for always answering my questions. >.<

        • Shashin says:

          No worries, I’m always happy to help. Same goes for dakimakura cover related questions; not sure exactly what you wanted to ask about the person you planned on contacting, but I could probably help you find whatever it was if you’re interested. My account name on MFC is the same as it is here if you ever need help with anything dakimakura related. ^^

          • azn0will says:

            The user that I needed to contact on MFC already responded and everything was settled.

            I just needed to verify whether or not my Satellizer El Bridget dakimakura was fading or not. The user I contacted was the only user that posted a picture of the one he had, so I asked that user to send me a picture so I could determine whether or not the color/outline of my daki was fading.

            Thankfully it’s not.

            My MFC account is: exCelia
            I’ll be sure to add you and Tier.

      • Tier says:

        True indeed. It’s a curiously rare feature amongst even nude figures. Though less so with Daiki Kougyou’s stuff, which makes the fact that gangsta lean Saber cannot easily be cast-off even more annoying.

    • Tier says:

      Thanks! I figured the best way to photograph Kaori is with her castmate.

      I think Shashin answered all your questions, but yeah, it’s pretty easy to contact people on MFC. Not me, though, I’m really terrible about returning PMs (and e-mail).

  2. Todd says:

    This one just called for an Obama figure. LOL

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, I thought about bringing him into the shoot, but I figured I already used him with the Imari post and didn’t want to do a similar shot. He could’ve been doing naughty stuff with Saeki but there’s a big size disparity there, even though both are listed as 1/6 scale; I’ve got a couple of Alter’s 1/8 scale figures in front of me and she does not look much larger than them.

  3. Blackimari says:

    YEAH I am so happy you decided to do this one 🙂 BTW what dose he pussy look like upclose from the front and with her upside down?


  4. Geeze, the girls are like night and day. Imari’s got a fantastic body sculpt but her face doesn’t look quite right. Kaori has a decent face but the rest of her body is out of whack, from the overly long arms to the stunted torso. The hands are pretty fat! I’ve always felt that Daiki figures were always way overpriced for what you got in the end. Some of their sculpts look great, but if I’m gonna fork out the kind of money they want I expect top quality.

    Pity…I don’t know much about Bible Black, but I do like Kaori’s design. D:

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, it is odd how the two figures have contrasting issues. They do look relatively decent from a normal viewing distance, though, particularly when they are grouped together. Assuming that these sorts of figures appeals to one’s tastes, that is. Yeah, Kaori’s got some big fat fingers; that was one of the first things I noticed about the figure when it went up for preorder, as I remember.

      I think that that’s a fair assessment; Daiki tends to charge a lot for their stuff and the discounts that they sometimes get makes one wonder how much they’re marking their stuff up relative to other makers. On the other hand, they do a lot of stuff that a lot of other makers aren’t willing to do, such as big-size figures (off the top of my head, I think they may have done more 1/6 scale stuff recently than 1/8 scale), explicit figures, and unusual takes on characters, such as gangsta lean Saber. I do think they’re one of the more inconsistent makers in the business, along with Yamato, but their good stuff can hang with Alter and GSC.

  5. ToyPhotographer says:

    Love your blog and your pics, man! Do you have a Flickr account?

    • Tier says:

      Thanks! Nope, I don’t. Well, okay, I do, but I only use it for browsing the discussion boards there. I’ve had an idea to upload my non-figure pictures there but I don’t actually have any yet.

  6. Aya says:

    wish I bold enough to buy them and display them they are awesome ^^ great review as always where else I can find great ero-figures review 😉
    and very lucky Dog, he steal Mr. President usual spot ^^

    • Tier says:

      He does! The president is busy doing other things. He’ll probably pop up again soon, though; Alter’s Fate figure might be 1/7 scale but she is pretty dang big, and she looks reasonably in scale with a 1/6 scale doll.

  7. Steve Chen says:

    Nearly two years in the making! I keep hitting my head on the fall for missing the opportunity to get her :(‘

    Great shots Tier! (Wish Kaori gets a re-issue treatment in the future.) Especially the nuzzling of Imari’s boobies……..really HOT!

    As you always mention, great that she has all her anatomical parts rendered in detail, from her pudenda to her an@l regions……but then again, Daiki rarely disappoints.

    P.S. Amiami has Daiki Ryomou on 45% off, already ordered and hope it arrives soon.

    • Tier says:

      The scary thing is that I have probably over a dozen figures in their boxes whose reviews have been pending for at least a year. I think gangsta lean Saber’s review has been in the works for over three years now. I’ve got two more Daiki Kougyou figures plus Saber in the review queue; I should probably get to them already; I’ve got ideas for all of them, it’s just a matter of watching less football and doing more work.

      • Steve Chen says:

        Lol! Too much football hehehe At this rate, those replacement referees will BE the end of the NFL lol!

        Anyway, is “gangsta” Saber the lady with the parasol or the Daiki version?

        • Tier says:

          Indeed! Though as a 49ers fan, I can’t complain too much about how they got a couple of extra challenges against the Vikings. And on a certain level, it’s funny as hell watching how the players respond to the replacements. I guess that has come to an end now, though. I’m also feeling reasonably confident about my fantasy team, which is good; I’ve got Brees, Brandon Lloyd, Bowe, All Day, Michael Turner, Gore, Pitta, David Akers, and the San Francisco defense as my starters, and I’ve got Andre Brown and Ben Tate on the bench. I like my team this year a lot better than my team last year, where Daniel Thomas was one of my two starting running backs, and I think Carson Palmer was my quarterback at the end of the year.

          Yeah, gangsta lean Saber is the Daiki Kougyou one. She’s got a hellafied gangsta lean, which seems to be a point of contention amongst a lot of observers.

          • Aaron says:

            As a Vikings fan, I was pretty irate with Harbaugh this last weekend. He is a professional coach in the NFL and he knows the rules. There is no reason that he should try to abuse the system because of people being inexperienced.

            I think the guy is a good coach and is doing a hell of a job with the niners, but he really should have set a good example as a head coach. All of the players complaining about the replacement refs allowing cheap shots and possibly getting hurt were just as bad. Learn some self control. If it is against the rules, don’t do it, whether it is the normal refs or replacement refs.

            It was nice to see the Vikes beat up on the NIners though, especially since the spread was something like 1 million points.

          • Tier says:

            Ha! Yeah, that was hilarious to see. I do not blame Harbaugh at all for exploiting the officials’ lack of knowledge and experience and if the shoe were on the other foot, I’d be more pissed at the referees than the opposing coach. I remember Joe Staley was getting away with false starting against the Lions and one of the ESPN writers said that if he could get away with it, good for him.

            Pretty much the only thing I liked out of that game was seeing Gerhart fumble so much. Being that I own Adrian Peterson in my fantasy league, I’m hoping that kills off any idea that Gerhart and Peterson should share carries.

  8. Aaron says:

    I like the Imari figure way more than Kaori. Kaori’s face looks way too angular for me and I think her eyes look funny. It is really nice to see that she has a sculpted anus though. I still need to try and find some Bible Black again to check out the anal rape scenes (since I don’t remember them), but I don’t remember much of Kaori other than she performed the rituals and instigated raping of some of the girls. I could be mis-remembering though.

    I like the shot with Imari. I was actually surprised to see them as you have talked about the difficulties with shooting multiple figures.

    It is also nice to see a NSFW post on a figure. You haven’t reviewed a NSFW figure in a while, so the recently reviewed sidebar was looking pretty grim.

    • Steve Chen says:

      @ Aaron
      Kaori was “initiated” into servitude by Kitami first, together with her two classmates/ coven members before she instigated the orgy prior to the Walpurgis ceremony. Iirc in the anime, it was around the end of episode one. Saeki yelp androgynous before the great “weaner” insertion lol!

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, I like Imari quite a bit better than Kaori as well. Imari’s face has some oddities in the spacing of her eyes, but I think she still looks quite pretty, while Kaori has an almost insect-like look to her. Not that that’s a bad thing – I’ve seen some styles in older anime shows (like the old Fatal Fury movie) where characters had kind of an insect-like look, but I like Imari better.

      Aww man, Bible Black has great scenes in that vein. Imari and Kitami’s scene was classic; I think that was episode 4 of the original series, and Shin Bible Black has a number of scenes. Including one with a shotgun, which is, well, not quite as appealing, I think.

      Yeah, I figure that since I kept talking about how much I like Kaori in conjunction with Imari, that I ought to show the two of them together. The only one that presented a technical challenge was that first one, with Kaori in front of Imari; I had to blend three shots in Photoshop to get the depth of field I wanted. With the others, the biggest challenge was the amount of dust on Imari, which I had thought I cleaned off. Close-up shots show just how nasty figures can get after a few weeks on display. As much as I whine about shooting multiple figures being too difficult, I’ve actually got an idea for a post which is going to be all about two (or more) figures in each picture (and just in case anyone wants to jump to the obvious conclusion, it’s nothing naughty).

      Indeed I need to do more porno figures … I’ve still got Sasara and Tsuneko in their boxes and I really want to get to them, along with the Sengoku Rance figures. Man I have to get to work on those already.

      • Steve Chen says:

        Don’t call ’em “porno” figs. It makes it sound cheap. lol! Call ’em female figures of erotica or as the PC crowd would like to call them……..unrealistic nude representation of the female body hahaha

        • Tier says:

          I like calling them porno figures! I think there’s a sort of humor there, since pornographic anime tends to euphemized with the genre-specific terms “hentai” or “ero” or “H” rather than porno. I tend to prefer not to treat the topic delicately; I think that my review and writing style is more matter-of-fact than sensitive to societal nuance.

          • Steve Chen says:

            Hahaha! In your face mater of fact style! In as much as I whole heartedly agree with you 100%, try doing that in the presence of a far left feminist liberal, you get World War III with the press jumping on the issue like fleas on the back of a dirty monkey. Just look at what happened to R@pelay.

          • Tier says:

            The funny thing is that that’s already happened; a couple of months ago I ran a search for my site name on Twitter and found a couple of feminists who took exception to the content on this website. Apparently they objected to my objectification of, uhh, objects. I’m not entirely certain how they reached their conclusions but I’m guessing that little thought was involved, and I suppose they preferred to let their emotional reaction supersede a rational consideration of the circumstances. It was pretty funny, all things considered.

  9. JZ7662 says:

    Oh God! i want this figure bad! sadly i got into this hobby late and we were well passed the release date of this figure. If anyone wants to sell this figure, contact me, im sure we can work something out! chances are ill buy it almost immediately.

    • Shashin says:

      I just did a quick search for you, and it has become a surprisingly expensive figure. Mandarake has had a few listings, all of which are now sold out, in the 13k-18k range. Unfortunately, no one has it listed for sale on MFC, which probably would have been the easiest way of acquiring it.

      Unfortunately, YJA (Yahoo Japan Auctions) maybe be your best bet. There is at least one listing with a 10k bid/20k buyout price. If you decided you wanted it that much, you could buy it that way but it would be a bit more expensive than that, as you would have to use a proxy. If it’s a figure you want that much, here’s the listing to the auction:


    • Tier says:

      Yeah, as Shashin says, it is unfortunately somewhat uncommon now. If you didn’t want to have to go through a proxy service, what I’d do is keep an eye on the Tsuki-board entry and see if someone posts a link to a Mandarake entry; there’s usually a few people who do that for figures.

  10. Devil Dan says:

    I really wanted to see how this one looks under that plastic clothing. Not too shabby. Thanks.

    P. S.: Are you planning to get Bishoujo Fem-Shep?

    • Tier says:

      I think so; she looks pretty good, better than most of the Bishoujo figures, which isn’t a series that I’m too enthusiastic about (though I’m still hoping that they make some figures of the Mortal Kombat characters). I still have to play through the games; I’ve got Mass Effect 2 still in its shrinkwrap somewhere here, and I’m thinking I ought to just get the compilation version for the PC in a couple of months.

  11. Steve Chen says:

    I call ’em femi-nazis Tier. So called tolerant preachers who can’t be tolerant to people who don’t acquiesce to their point of view.
    On another related topic. I too also made a boo boo and accidentally tore of a connecting hook off the “gown” from my RuLiLuRa figure (like what happened to your Saeki. What’s worse, its the limited edition version. It’s from this part:

    It’s a transparent PVC (I think) material. Aside from cryo acrylate aka Super glue, do you have any advise on how to rectify my stupid action? 🙁

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, that’s what they seemed to be like. The funny thing is that their political beliefs and mine probably aren’t that far apart on most issues but I like to keep a more open-minded approach to things, and I definitely can separate a person’s viewpoints on fictional characters and real-life situations. I think one of them was a vegetarian or something, too, which kinda cracked me up since it fits the stereotype so well. She’s probably also a big PETA supporter or something, too. Asian people know that it’s better to eat animals than to hug them.

      Uhh, gee … if it can’t be fixed with superglue I am not entirely certain how to fix it. Did the connecting clasp get torn off or something? If you can’t glue it back on, maybe you can improvise something out of some other material, if it’s not going to be visible. (As I remember, that figure is castoff-able, so I’d just keep it naked, personally.)

      • Steve Chen says:

        Lol! The stereotypical tree huggers, are vegetarians and ARE not too liberal to others who don’t 100% agree with them. Hah!

        Now back to my boo boo. Being an exception, I kept this fig fully clothed. I could easily upskirt her anyway hehehe. But seriously, the color started to bleed on her right leg so when I tried to take off her costume to clean off the stain, I tore the clasp(d@mn Megahouse for not putting in a decent manual)……. I tried to glue the peg back but it would break again if I try to undress her……..

        Have you ever attempted to repair those connecting pieces before? Again, superglue is good on pieces that protrude and not take on too much stress. But on those connecting pieces like your Saeki……….
        I was thinking if I can melt some material over the broken part, do you think those glue sticks would suffice? (the ones used on a glue gun) or those silicon sealants used in hardware stores? arrgh!

        Anyway thanks for playing therapist to my OCD………sometimes, when you want to preserve your collections, you end up destroying it………….. :BANG_HEAD:

        • Tier says:

          Yeah, it’s always really strange how people have to have an opinion on everything, and how they feel that they have to tell everyone about it. Me, I don’t have a lot of opinions on a lot of things and I certainly don’t feel like I have to make my voice heard all of the time.

          I don’t recall that I’ve ever damaged a part like that, though it wouldn’t surprise me if I have because I’m really clumsy with connecting clasps (especially the ones that insert into slots … like Kotone Ousaka’s panties, which were a really sucky design, in my opinion). I’ll be honest, if I damage something on one of my figures, the first thing I think of is superglue. Man, I’d be hesitant to melt anything over a figure part, though … plastic deforms and melts really easily. I found this out the hard way while I was trying to remove one of my vmf50 dolls’ hands from its mounting peg. I microwaved some water to get it warm (but not boiling and dipped the hand in it for like a second. That was enough to deform it; it’s not really noticeable but I know the damage was done.

          • Steve Chen says:

            Thanks Tier for lending an ear…….

          • Aaron says:

            How about a hobby cement like you would use with model cars/airplanes?

            I wouldn’t use glue sticks as they are hard to apply and unless you have the right type of glue it will never hold well.

  12. TomTheCat says:

    I’d be careful using a hobby cement as Aaron says. These cements are designed to glue polystyrol (PS). If they are also good to glue polyvinylchloride (PVC), I don’t know. Maybe a chemistry major could shed some light on this.

    But, even if the figure is made of PVC, what is the dress made of? The best bet, in my humble opinion, would still be super glue. I am told that it really does work, although all that I ever managed to glue together with it are my own fingers… Sorry I can’t contribute anything useful.

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, I’d be a little careful of using cement; it’s been a long time since I’ve worked with modeling cement but I recall that it’s rather thick and viscous, which might make it more prone to leaving visible residues if one isn’t careful applying it. In my experience repairing figures (somewhat limited) and building dioramas (somewhat extensive at this point, to a certain extent, anyway), super glue is the only adhesive that is worth a damn, and I try to keep at least one spare bottle at all times, just in case I run out.

  13. Iuri says:

    Good afternoon! Prompt where and how it is possible to buy a figure Kaori Saeki Bible Black NSFW or Reiko Date WingfieldNSFWFault and to deliver to Russia?Or it is possible in version of GK? Thanks! Forgive for bad English!

    • Aaron says:

      You can order Kaori from Amiami in their pre-owned section.

    • Tier says:

      I think you will have to look for preowned sales, since this is an old figure and I do not think anybody is a selling a new copy of Kaori. Kaori Saeki is “佐伯香織” in Japanese, and you might be able to find her on Yahoo Japan, Mandarake, or Rakuten.

      Reiko Date Wingfield is a newer figure but it appears to be sold out at a lot of places. Looking around really fast, Mandarake has one for 9000 yen; I think that they have no problem shipping to Russia.

      And your English is good; it is certainly better than my Russian, or any other language.

  14. Kimera says:

    Saeki not have a school uniform

    as far as I know, she has two different uniform

  15. hohoho says:

    yukiko’s my favorite character. have the miyabiya version, but a 1/6 scale would be nice. also a sleeping ito figure. =D

    • Tier says:

      A Yukiko figure would definitely be great, especially if she came with some of the neat accessories that were applied to her in Bible Black Only. Aki from Shin Bible Black would be great, too, though it looks like Dragon Toy is going through the original characters first.

  16. Souther says:

    I would like to know where I can find the dog on your pictures. And are there multiple points of articulation ? Thx.

    • Tier says:

      It’s called “Obitsu the Dog.” As one might guess, it’s made by Obitsu; Junky Spot still sells them, and I’m guessing other shops that stock Obitsu products may sell them, too.

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