Dakimakura Review – Satsuki Sumitomo from Loli & Bondage (NSFW)

Satsuki Sumitomo Dakimakura Review

I give my unqualified assurance that all characters in this post are aged eighteen years or older.

Satsuki Sumitomo Dakimakura Review

This pillowcase is the second Stylus dakimakura cover featured here, the first being the Somei Yoshino pillowcase we looked at a couple of weeks ago. Unlike a lot of dakimakura cover-making circles, Stylus mainly features original characters designed by a number of different artists. Satsuki here was designed by Moto Kouguchi, who is probably most famous for his work on the training eroge Musumaker. Like Somei’s pillowcase and most other doujin pillowcases, this one is 160 centimeters long and 50 centimeters wide and is made of a thick, stretchy spandex material.

Satsuki Sumitomo Dakimakura Review

Satsuki’s dakimakura cover is a bit unconventional in that the “front” side is the one that offers a view of her rear. That may be a bit unusual but it does follow a different convention, where the reverse side depicts the character in a state of embarrassment, discomfort, or distress. Not that Satsuki doesn’t have reason not to be embarrassed on this side, though; she’s collared and leashed and has some rather elaborate spreader bars affixed to her wrists and ankles.

Satsuki Sumitomo Dakimakura Review

The other side depicts Satsuki in a traditional bondage outfit, with leather thigh-high boots and long gloves and a bustier. The kinkiness of her clothing is partially offset by the cute red ribbons attached to her restraints.

Satsuki Sumitomo Dakimakura Review

Satsuki is wearing some unusual panties, which are unzipped and seem to offer no rear coverage.

Satsuki Sumitomo Dakimakura Review

She also has a rather more expressive look on her face, though what emotion she’s conveying is probably open to individual interpretation. The animal-head padlock is also a cute touch. I should note that the bright highlight towards the upper part of the picture is due to the lighting of the photo rather than the quality of the pillowcase’s print.

Satsuki Sumitomo Dakimakura Review

This pillowcase came with this bag, which is a bit flimsy and probably isn’t something I’m going to use to carry or store anything. It’s pretty neat and a little bit suggestive.

I really like this pillowcase a lot, for reasons that are probably obvious. The artist is doing a second pillowcase in this series, this one of a character named Mizuho Makihara. I think I’m going to get that one, too; the bondage theme of both pillowcases is really appealing.

Not that I plan to convert this site into a dakimakura cover review site, but I’ve got a ton more pillowcases to show and while I usually save them for slow days where I don’t feel like taking figure pictures, I think I might do them with more frequency than I have in the past.

Satsuki Sumitomo Dakimakura Review
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40 Responses to Dakimakura Review – Satsuki Sumitomo from Loli & Bondage (NSFW)

  1. Shashin says:

    I was actually really pleased with how this cover turned out. The sample pictures were enough to convince me that I wanted it, but even then I ended up liking it a lot more than I expected that I would. Just like realistically sculpted assholes on figures, dakimakura covers are always better when they have the seemingly rare bondage elements (especially to this degree.) I think I’ll be picking up the second entry as well, along with the new Carnelian cover; I really hope that it goes up for preorder before LoliBondage 2 closes out.

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, I liked it a lot when I saw it and if anything, I like it even more now that I own it. Though personally, I guess if I were empowered to make the call, I’d prefer her wearing her bondage clothes on both sides. It is curious that bondage seems to be a rare thing amongst dakimakura covers; I wonder if that’s a preference on the part of the makers, or if it’s something that makes it more difficult to mass-produce a pillowcase.

      The new Carnelian one is really nice, too; I’m thinking pretty hard about it buying it. It probably takes secondary priority to Mizuho and Adolf, though. It’s a good thing that the next Comiket is still a few months away, though I’m kinda expecting that dakimakura production is going to be dominated by Sword Art Online characters, which is good and bad for me (bad since I’ve not watched the show and don’t have any feel at all for the characters, good since I won’t be needing to spend money on them).

      • Shashin says:

        I would have preferred that too, but I’ll take what I can get. It is definitely unfortunate that there aren’t more covers that have extreme elements to them. Circle covers are almost always more explicit than their company counterparts, but even then they usually stay on fairly tame ground when it comes to what they actually depict. That’s one of the main reasons I love Marks, Anko, and BWStore so much. I do think things have progressed quite a lot in the last few years, though. Some of the recent CranCrownBlack covers have been very promising (being a company, I do expect them to be censored, so while I’m excited I’m also a bit fearful of how they’ll turn out) and I really liked this cover.

        Speaking of Marks, Mandarake added a few covers the other day and was kind enough to take pictures of the “health” certificates, which feature a sample image of the cover. It was a great thing to do, given that Marks/Anko usually don’t post full sample images of their covers unless it’s for a websale.

        All the samples are on image 3:
        My personal favorite.
        Other Sora no Otoshimono character

        Yeah, there are still a ton of current covers I’d like to buy and more coming out all the time. Even with dakimakura cover collecting as my preferred hobby, it’s still tough to keep up with all the releases since they’re so expensive and numerous. I’ll likely watch SAO eventually, but it isn’t a priority. There have been a few Asuna covers I’ve liked, but not with the prices they’ve been fetching. With a few exceptions, I tend to be an artist/circle loyalist more than I buy covers for specific characters, so if Anko decided to do some SAO covers, I’d probably buy them.

        • Tier says:

          Yeah, I’ve got this Yukikaze pillowcase here which I don’t believe is that explicit, though I haven’t taken it out of its bag yet. Sort of funny being that Lilith is a company that doesn’t shy away from niche fetishes, but still not unexpected at all.

          That’s nice of them indeed. The Nymph one is really nice; it’s sort of odd that Nymph is probably my least favorite character in Sora no Otoshimono and yet I find myself buying a lot of her merchandise. Too bad it looks like Grands won’t ever be making a figure of her to go with their Ikaros figure from a couple years ago.

          Yeah, I tend to buy mainly from artists that I like (there are quite a few artists that I’d buy a dakimakura cover based mostly on their artwork). I also buy on themes – bondage probably being the most appealing one, seeing as how tentacles are sort of a rare thing on pillowcases. And I also like to buy pillowcases of characters I like – it’d be really nice if Evening Call or someone did some pillowcases of the Total Eclipse characters, preferably not in swimsuits or their duty uniforms.

          • Shashin says:

            Yukikaze turned out a little better than I expected based off the sample images. It’s still much tamer than some of the other recent Lilith covers, which is most unfortunate, but I was fairly pleased with how it turned out. I really do like the skin-tight suit she’s wearing on the front side, but I really wish they had exposed her breasts, personally.

            One thing about Marks, that’s both really cool and frustrating at the same time, is their tendency to do several versions for most covers. Peace is probably the most extreme example of it in recent memory; she has the two I linked, another two or three event exclusives, and then two mail order covers. It’s great because they usually always do a mail order version of a cover (versus never selling one online) and allows for some variety, but it can be a pain in the ass to figure out which version you’re buying since sample images are so hard to come by… and the really good ones tend to very rare and very expensive.

            That’s going off track, though. I mentioned it because that’s actually the third (or possibly fourth) Nymph they’ve done. I own the other two, and they’re fairly similar. One is fully nude with a similar pose and a happy expression; the one posted above is the “sobbing” version; and my favorite is the tsundere version. I don’t think there was a character I disliked in the series, but Nymph and Mikako were my definite favorites.

            I’d still love a good Rise Kujikawa dakimakura cover.

  2. Asa says:

    Well, this is something that would get you thrown in jail here in Australia. Not only does it sexually depict a minor, but it is done so in a way that would be deemed violent and/or abhorrent by a “reasonable adult” which is illegal for any pornography regardless of age (disregarding the fact it is a drawing and purely fictional, where nobody was harmed or demeaned in the production of it, woo AU!)

    Good thing you’re not here!

    • Tier says:

      Jail :O That is most unfortunate. This isn’t even the most raunchy loli pillowcase I own; that’d probably be the Kobato pillowcase that got sent to Customs for a week (that one depicts an anal insertion). If I ever visit Australia – or Canada – I’m going to have to remember to wipe all hentai pictures off of my laptop.

      • Asa says:

        Yep. Hefty fines at minimum. Been a number of cases now of people being fined in excess of $10,000 for trying to import H manga/anime, and larger cases have resulted in 2-5 year jailterms for some. It’s pretty nuts.

        I get child protection laws (hell I used to work in such a field) but this is a drawing. There are no kids being harmed or scarred for the creation of drawings. Pure fantasy and fiction does not make a crime. It’s insanity. 🙁

        I don’t go for ero stuff, anyway. I’d really like to see more non-ero dakis, in fact; been wanting to get some more recently, but characters I like done in a tasteful manner are scarce.

        • Steve Chen says:

          May I intesert that in Australia, you need a special license to own TomyTakara’s MP-05 Megatron. Go figure! Now thats TOO much BIG government which the right of spectrum Tea Party rants against.
          I’m against child porn too but even in the good old US of A, see how the ero anime Twin Angels got hacked in the edits!

        • Tier says:

          That’s quite a bit of money! That’s a most unfortunate circumstance. For all the flak that the US gets for being a socially conservative country, laws seem to be more liberal regarding permissible content than with many other nations (note: this is about as political as I want to get here).

          Yeah, I think it’s pretty dumb how fictional porn depicting ostensibly underaged characters effectively are protected by law, but characters who die in gruesome manners in video games and film are rightly considered forms of fictional entertainment. I dunno how it is elsewhere in the world, but from what I can tell, the absolute worst things you can do in the US are to abuse a child or to abuse a dog (well, maybe you can get away with the former if you’re a priest).

          I want to see more ero dakimakura covers. As in, more explicit ones. I figure if one is going to make an explicit pillowcase, one ought to not half-ass it.

  3. Ashlotte says:

    I was summoned by the magical words “Loli” “Bondage” and I was not disappointed!

    Sigh if only we could get some more figures like this…

    • Tier says:

      That’d be pretty nice. And if maybe Alter was making them. Since we’re dreaming right now.

      Maybe what I might do is, I think I’m going to order that one figure of Shizuru from Rewrite. What I might be able to do is make some home-made restraints and put them on her … I figure she’s in a decent pose for it and if I screw up and damage her somehow, it’s no big deal since it’s just a BEAT figure.

  4. Aya says:

    cute ^^ I like it, glad it not stuck in customs,
    but hey who on earth believe this character at least 18 years old although that’s written in all ero-games ahahaha

    • Tier says:

      She could be! I mean, she’s a Japanese person with blonde hair and yellow eyes, who is to say that she could not also be eighteen years old? It is within the realm of plausibility!

  5. cipher says:

    where you usually buy dakimakura?

    • Tier says:

      Usually directly from the respective circle’s website, from Toranoana, Doujindou, or Yahoo Japan Auctions (all of those will require using a proxy service), White Canvas (I had to use a proxy service the last time I ordered from them but I think they ship internationally now), and Mandarake. Sometimes I’ll also get pillowcases from Amiami and Hobby Search; Amiami tends to stock more explicit pillowcases than Hobby Search does.

  6. Aaron says:

    I think the art is nice on this dakimakura and it is a great choice of colors, but it kind of creeps me out. I am fine with lolis, but I don’t really care for bondage and bondage lolis I like even less. I can understand why people like it, but it just isn’t my thing.

    As I said, I do think that the artist did a great job with the details especially in the skirt and coat.

    • Tier says:

      Ha! Yeah, I think if I had kids, I might be disturbed by this (well, no, I guess I probably wouldn’t). Some years ago, I’d probably also have been disturbed, but these days, even normal, televised anime seems to go out of its way to throw underaged naked bodies at viewers. It also seems like you can’t go a single season without there being an incest show on TV, and that’s something that disturbs me more than underaged lolis.

  7. Ryan says:

    It’s a very pretty daki… love the colours!

    What’s the new Carnelian cover coming out? Mind giving a link?

  8. Wieselhead says:

    Im glad you weren’t arrested in the process of receiving this pillow cover 😛

    Aww thats a really cute one I want to take her home ^^
    18? … *cough* rather 12, well it’s just a drawn character anyway.
    I like the lineart, well it’s not that I would agree with her being tied up and all. Someone save the loli XD But the face is really pretty and the pink jacket is soo cute.

    I don’t know if this is always the case, but it’s nice that they added a bag matching the style of the Dakimakura, this illustration also looks good.

    • Shashin says:

      Stylus seems to do some pretty cool pack-ins from time to time. The other cover I received with the one (which Tier also purchased) also had a bag that was similar in theme to the case. I also got 4-5 postcards/prints featuring characters from current and upcoming covers. Other covers I ordered from them didn’t come with the bag, so it’s possible that it’s a preorder only bonus that they do for all new covers, but I’m not sure.

    • Tier says:

      She could be 18! It is not outside the realm of possibility; one never knows with Asian people.

      Maybe the loli doesn’t want to be saved :O She could be very happy where she is!

  9. azn0will says:

    Such a cutie-pie!

    Haha! I agree with Aya on the fact that this didn’t get stuck in customs is a good thing.

    I’m glad you were able to review this for us Tier! 😀

    • Tier says:

      She is! Yeah, it’s a good thing they didn’t intercept it; though I did have a pillowcase that got stuck in customs for about a week that depicted an underaged character (Kobato from Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai) which kinda scared me for a while, particularly since the pillowcase depicts her with an object inserted into her anus, but it got delivered to me without any problems.

  10. Tier says:

    >> Shashin
    I’m just glad that they didn’t include the odd markings on her tongue; I really didn’t dig those much in the game CGs. They remind me a lot of branding, and branding is a fetish that I definitely do not like to see (I’m not a big fan of tattoos in real life or in drawn art, either).

    I wouldn’t say that I disliked Nymph, though I probably liked her the least amongst the major female characters. My opinion of her did brighten up after she got roughed up, and I seem to recall that she was pretty cute in the second season, but I’m trying to forget that the second season exists.

  11. Woah, you are a far braver person than I to have such a dakimakura. I’d be terrified of the FBI raiding my home after attempting to import something like this. The character’s pretty cute, though her loli proportions do absolutely nothing for me. I do like the bondage outfit, though.

    • Tier says:

      Hopefully the second Loli & Bondage pillowcase arrives unmolested. Yeah, I think that I’m more fond of her bondage outfit than her body build, as well; I don’t have a huge aversion to loli stuff, but it’s generally not something I seek out and it’s not something that I really like when it’s by itself. Add bondage elements or tentacles or stuff, though, and I can get interested.

  12. anonymous says:

    It looks like it’s sold out now… Are there any other sites I can buy her from?

    • Tier says:

      I think that Mandarake or YJA (most likely) would be your best bets. I think it’s possible they might print more of Satsuki at some point, too; they seemed to do at least a couple of runs of Carnelian’s Somei Yoshino pillowcase, as it went out of stock and then became available again at least once, from what I recall.

  13. Trifecta says:

    Hey ! I’ve been looking all over both the Japanese and English web for this dakimakura and the Mizuho Makihara one but I can’t find any of those anywhere now. I guess it really is too late, but I thought i’d ask you if you had any idea or links where I could find one of them. In anyway, I hope they make a third in this series of dakimakura :<

    • Tier says:

      I think it is indeed too late; your best (and maybe only) hope would be to check Mandarake and Yahoo Japan Auctions, and to check the Stylus page to see if they offer it again. They do very frequently sell older pillowcases in their webstore, so you might have some luck with that route. It would indeed be pretty cool if they do another pillowcase in this line; Kouguchi Moto actually did another dakimakura cover after this one and the other one, but it wasn’t explicit (and wasn’t sold through Stylus’s store).

  14. ALEX says:

    Im a big hentai fan and that pillowcase is awesome could u send me a link to where i can buy that pillowcase and others

  15. help please says:

    hate to sound like an idiot but could someone tell me where this character is from? ive spent an hour looking and cant find her any where

    • Tier says:

      As far as I can tell, it’s an original character so she’s not from anyplace. Much of Kouguchi Moto’s work features the same theme (i.e., lolis in bondage), though; you can take a look at stuff like Musumaker for more of the same.

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