Dakimakura Review – Nozomi Yuuki from Slave Bride (NSFW)

Nozomi Yuuki Dakimakura Header

A recent failed attempt at building a set and an ill-timed touch of the flu means that we’ll be looking at another pillowcase instead of a figure. This one is from the same circle and features a similar theme as Satsuki, but those who prefer anime characters to look a little more mature will probably appreciate this one more than the other.

Nozomi Yuuki Dakimakura - Full Front

This pillowcase comes from the circle Stylus and features artwork by Hiroshi Aizawa of the circle High Risk Revolution. The artist is perhaps best-known for a long-running series of doujinshi featuring Shiori Fujisaki of Tokimeki Memorial, the famous visual novel series recently parodied in an early episode of Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai. Like most doujin pillowcases, it’s 160 centimeters long and 50 centimeters wide.

Nozomi shares Shiori’s red hair but is nonetheless an original character. She’s dressed in naked apron fashion but has a collar wrapped around her neck, adding a little bit of an edge to what would otherwise be a fairly sedate image. She’s narrow-waisted with full hips and a rather large rack that dominates her torso.

Nozomi Yuuki Dakimakura - Front Middle

Her apron is thoughtfully flipped up, making this pillowcase explicit.

Nozomi Yuuki Dakimakura - Legs

Nozomi’s legs are drawn well, with nicely rendered feet. I’ve noticed a number of dakimakura covers – just about all of the official Horizon on the Middle of Nowhere ones, for instance – have really strangely-drawn lower legs and feet, but Nozomi’s feet look fine.

Nozomi Yuuki Dakimakura - Full Rear Side

The reverse side provides another front view of Nozomi, still wearing her slave collar but dressed up in a wedding dress. Her dress has clearly seen better times, and she seems rather distraught on her big day.

Nozomi Yuuki Dakimakura Rear Middle

Curiously, she seems to not be wearing a garter belt even though her stockings are being held up by garters. I suppose it could theoretically be under the tattered parts of her dress.

Nozomi Yuuki Dakimakura Review

I really like Nozomi’s expression on this side; it fits pretty well with the overall theme of this pillowcase. Bridal bondage is always cool, and it’s a big reason why I like Stylus’s upcoming Mizuho Makihara pillowcase so much. Of the three Stylus pillowcases I have, I think Nozomi might be my favorite, although it’s a really difficult judgment to make and I think all three are superb. I really like the expressiveness of her face and I appreciate that she’s a bit older looking than Satsuki.

Like Satsuki, Nozomi’s pillowcase comes with a bag, which is fairly tame in comparison. She’s missing her collar but she still looks very nice.

Here’s a couple of doujinshi that I own, depicting Shiori from Tokimeki Memorial. The doujinshi depict similar themes of bondage and good stuff. The most recent book is volume 19, released at Comiket 82 just a month and a half ago. The explicitness of the cover is a bit surprising, since most of the doujinshi I’ve seen tend to not go further than showing bare breasts.

Nozomi Yuuki Dakimakura Review
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31 Responses to Dakimakura Review – Nozomi Yuuki from Slave Bride (NSFW)

  1. Asa says:

    She’s pretty. I dig it. Though as I have made abundantly clear, I’m not in to ero dakis (or figures) so it’s not something I’d buy.

    I do have to agree with the feet thing, though. The feet on my Horo daki are really weird. I should probably get a photo some day. My others seem fine, though.

    • Tier says:

      I’ve got the official Horizon Ariadust pillowcase and her feet look a bit off. I was thinking of getting the Kimi Aoi one but her feet were really bad, and looking at the Mary Stuart one that went up for order at Amiami and HS a week or so ago, her feet and lower legs are drawn even worse. The drawing style reminds me a bit of 1990s comics, when artists like Jim Lee and Andy Kubert drew comic book women with pouty scowls, huge breasts, and really bad feet.

  2. azn0will says:

    AHH TIER!!! When I was just about to go to bed I noticed you posted another review…I have class in early morn tomorrows 🙁

    But staying up a little longer to check out your review was worth it!

    She’s so pretty, and so well presented! And I do have to say, she does have very seductive expressions.

    I wouldn’t mind have her around 😀

    I haven’t heard/seen the doujinshi yet. Is it good?

    • azn0will says:

      Now that I’ve examined the breasts more, the nipples seem weird to me. -_-

      • Shashin says:

        The nipples were the one thing I thought was a bit weird about the cover; they seem a little oddly placed. But it’s not something I really have a problem with, just the first thing my attention was drawn to when I pulled it out of the bag.

    • Tier says:

      Ahh! You should definitely prioritize classwork, even over my site. Education is important. Unless you’re majoring in liberal arts or something … then I guess it doesn’t really matter …

      The doujinshi series seems pretty good; it’s basically about Shiori (and I should say I know nothing about Tokimeki Memorial) being turned into a sex slave and getting raped a bunch. There’s a lot of BDSM stuff, which is good, and there seems to be some NTR stuff too, which I’m kinda ambivalent about but I know a lot of people really don’t dig that sort of thing.

      Yeah, her nipples kinda seem to be pointing independently of each other. You ought to see this one vmf50 doll I’ve got, if you want to see nipples pointing in unexpected directions …

      • azn0will says:

        It’s fine I’m a humanities major, but I plan on switching to Econ or dual majoring in both.

        I really don’t like NTR, as a matter of fact I hate it. But for some odd reason, all the hot girls are in them, which disappoints me >.>

        I’ve always wondered what ever happened to happy/consensual orgies or 1 on1 sexy times. Why they no do thems anymores?!?!?
        I see more NTR and mind break/rape than anything else, why is that?

        • Shashin says:

          Don’t get me wrong, I love my tentacle rape, bondage, stomach inflation, anal, and so on but I don’t particularly care for NTR myself. I do agree with the unfortunate assessment that quite a lot of NTR hentai happens to have great animation and character design; the main chick from Hitou Meguri Kakure Yu, Triangle Blue, pretty much anything from Poro – they all have excellent animation and great looking chicks. But it just doesn’t really appeal to me otherwise.

          I have to say the trend that pisses me off most about h-anime these days is the animation. I see so many repeated frames that it just really isn’t watchable, no matter how good looking the chicks are.

          • Aaron says:

            what is NTR?

          • Tier says:

            Yeah, it was too bad that Brain Jacker’s second episode must have gotten no budget at all. I guess I’d say I still liked it, being that it features monster rape and bondage, but the production values were really bad.

            One trend I don’t really like is how the girl characters keep jabbering away while having sex; the constant squeaky-voiced blathering about how it’s so big/how it’s hitting her womb/etc. gets pretty grating after a while.

        • Tier says:

          I like ribbing liberal arts majors XD I studied engineering purely because I wanted to get a job out of school, though if I had known I would flunk out of school so many times, I’d probably have stuck to my initial plan and majored in history instead.

          I’m not really sure if the doujinshi features NTR or not … it doesn’t seem to be so much NTR as much as Shiori gets enslaved and so doesn’t really have much of a choice, I think. There does seem to be a male character who I think is supposed to be her romantic interest (I assume this character might be the protagonist of the visual novel) but he seems to be ambivalent about rescuing her.

          I’m really not sure where all this NTR stuff came from; I really don’t remember seeing a lot of it in hentai anime until maybe just a year or two ago. The happy shows seem to be a bit rare, as are monster and tentacle rape shows (and, strangely enough, lesbian shows; I can’t recall more than a handful of yuri shows that’ve come out in the last few years). I’ve seen a few that I liked, though; Anejiru is pretty cool, Swing Out Sisters was really well-done, and Please Rape Me! was a fun combination of comedy and, uhh, rape.

          • azn0will says:

            But if you got your history major, you wouldn’t have made as much monies!!

            And more dakis yay!!!

          • Tier says:

            Indeed! Going into electrical engineering was a wise move in the end. Even if it did take me twice as long as it should have to graduate.

            I should post on the other bondage pillowcase I’ve got … I’ve actually got another in the queue.

        • Tier says:

          NTR is netorare, a Japanese term for cuckoldry, or something like that. Basically it’s when some dude takes some other dude’s girl (usually forcibly or through blackmail) and then she decides she likes this new dude better, usually because his sexual performance is superior, and ditches her original boyfriend or husband. Usually the new boyfriend is a slimy rapist, and the ditched boyfriend is usually a wimp, and the girl usually becomes a nymphomaniacal slut, which makes it pretty hard to like any of the involved characters.

  3. MoltenPanda says:

    I’m just wondering what site you ordered this from. Thanks.

  4. Aaron says:

    I like this dakimakura much more than the loli bondage one. The collar is a nice addition as it makes me think it is more of a choker than a collar. I do think that the bride side is the better of the two sides, but then again I am biased towards brides as a fetish when compared to maids. I love the ribbon on her ankle on the maid side though.

    My only real complaints are that there are two front images and it isn’t very explicit.

    • Tier says:

      I think I like the maid side a bit better since I like the way her legs are squeezed together, but I definitely agree that brides are better than maids. Especially bondage-themed brides. I’m definitely looking forward to that Orchid Seed figure of Ignis. Though there’s a maid figure out there that I’m kinda wanting to get now.

      Yeah, front and rear is the best configuration. I’ve got a few more pillowcases I need to review – actually, I’ve got at least nine pillowcases in the review queue – and most of them are front and back. One of them is even front and rear with two different characters.

  5. Wieselhead says:

    I actually liked the loli, well the situation slave bride is in looks less forced ^^
    This one looks nice as well, the red hair looks beautiful and goes well with the blue eyes.
    The quality of the illustrations looks great in both cases.

    Fight the flu and get well soon.

    • Tier says:

      Indeed! Though she does seem to be crying on the back. Well, it’s her big day so it’s natural for her to be a little emotional.

      Thanks! I’m feeling better now, though I’m now worried that I might’ve had some early allergies instead of the flu. I think I’d rather have the flu because I can get over illness in a few days, but allergies will put me down for a month. April and October have been miserable months for me, lately.

  6. Kanchi says:

    Stylus really has began to stand out lately to me with some of their latest covers, but I’ve never actually ordered from their site directly. Mostly it’s been really relying on the luck of the draw on Mandarake, but seeing as how covers tend to be marked up anyways, I figured I’d pick up the new Carnelian cover. Is there any proxy in particular you’d recommend Tier and what are the rates of it like?

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, I hadn’t noticed some of their older stuff, but their newer stuff is really great. I really like that new Carnelian cover a lot; I might pick it up, too. I usually use Yokatta as my proxy service, and I’ve also used Shopping Mall Japan in the past. There are a few others that are highly recommended; there are some resources over at MyFigureCollection that might be helpful, if you’re shopping around for a service. Yokatta charges 700 yen + 10% of auction value for YJA auctions, and 700 yen for web orders. They also ask that you use the Personal Payments option for Paypal, so if you wanted to use the normal Paypal payment method (which, admittedly, gives you buyer protection), I think you’d have to eat the 3% Paypal fee yourself.

  7. nagisa says:

    Another great cover to stare at. Now where can I track those doujins, hehehe. You daki reviews are getting more interesting than ever, just like your figure reviews. Do you think younger audience also browse your site as well?

    • Tier says:

      I am not certain; I would guess that they do since if I had broadband while I was a kid, I’d definitely be looking for porn. I had to wait until I got to college to get high-speed internet, though. Truly it was glorious going from 56k to a T3 line.

      I usually get my doujinshi from Mandarake or from Toranoana; I typically wait until after Comiket to make bulk doujinshi orders.

  8. Wolfheinrich says:

    Bridal bondage is always well appreciated! I am a tad surprised that High Risk Revolution has kept that Shiori story running for so long, it’s freaking long! I can definitely see traces of Shiori in this character though. Nice get for sure.

    • Tier says:

      It is! Yeah, I can’t think of any other doujinshi circle who has kept a story going on for so long. Even Makino Jimushi seems to have moved on from Lovers. Not that I have a problem with HRR drawing Shiori books, nor would I have a problem if Lovers were to get more books.

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