Dakimakura Review – Nanoha Takamachi from Magical Record Lyrical Nanoha Force (NSFW)

Nanoha Takamachi Dakimakura Review

As I am waiting for the figure of the year to arrive (AKA Daiki Kougyou’s Imari Kurumi), I think now is a good time for pillow case show-and-tell. This day’s pillowcase features Nanoha Takamachi, renowned officer of the Time-Space Administration Bureau, redoubtable friend-maker, and part-time porno extra. It’s the third pillowcase in my collection that is drawn by BRIEST, joining previous acquisitions Fate Testarossa and Vivio and thus keeping the happy family together.

Nanoha Takamachi Dakimakura Review

This pillowcase is distributed by Hold On Pillow and like most doujin dakimakura covers, measures 160 centimeters by 50 centimeters. It’s made of two-way tricot and feels both stretchy and sturdy. This dakimakura cover is the second one I own that depicts Nanoha, and is in fact also the second Nanoha pillowcase I’ve gotten from H・O・P. The first one – by Cyclone – was also made of two-way tricot but the image from the reverse side bled through noticeably when the pillowcase was not stuffed with a pillow. This pillowcase does not seem to have that issue; the fabric feels a bit thicker. This dakimakura cover’s material is also smoother than a lot of officially-licensed pillowcases; I’ve got one such pillowcase I’ll talk about when we celebrate Horizon Ariadust Week later on.

Nanoha Takamachi Dakimakura Review

The front side of this pillowcase shows Nanoha looking rather chipper as she disrobes. It’s cute how her panties are caught up in her genitalia. Incidentally, I’m assuming that this pillowcase comes from Force rather than StrikerS because of Nanoha’s hairstyle; in StrikerS, she appears to keep her twintails while wearing her barrier jacket but in Force, she seems to go to a side ponytail style while working. If I’ve got this wrong – the internet being what it is – I am sure somebody will be by shortly to offer a correction.

Nanoha Takamachi Dakimakura Review

The reverse side shows Nanoha appearing to be more distressed by her circumstances, even as she proffers a good view of her anus. I like the way the artist drew her back; I admit that I have this thing for spandex and Nanoha looks pretty good wearing a tight black shirt.

Nanoha Takamachi Dakimakura Review

Happily, this pillowcase doesn’t have any of the censoring that plagued the artist’s earlier Fate T. Harlaown pillowcase. I wish the artist would make a new Fate dakimakura cover without the mosaicing.

Nanoha Takamachi Dakimakura Review

H・O・P is producing another Nanoha-themed pillowcase by Tetsuya Yatsushima, this one depicting Signum. The preorder period for it has passed and I didn’t order it; being generally unfamiliar with the Nanoha franchise outside of the two main characters, I don’t know much about Signum, and this pillowcase departs from the front-and-back view template of the other pillowcases for a two-front-view configuration, which I don’t prefer. I still wonder if I ought to have ordered it, though, just for collecting purposes, and also because I admire the artist’s style.

Nanoha Takamachi Dakimakura Review

I like this pillowcase quite a bit; Nanoha looks great on both sides and I particularly like her contrasting expressions. I must admit it’s a bit odd that I’ve got two Nanoha pillowcases but only one of Fate, and that one features some rather regrettable censoring. I’m still searching for the perfect Fate pillowcase and I’m not sure if it exists. I’m hoping Evening Call or someone will make a good one of the character.

Nanoha Takamachi Dakimakura Review
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21 Responses to Dakimakura Review – Nanoha Takamachi from Magical Record Lyrical Nanoha Force (NSFW)

  1. w says:

    Nanoha spends pretty much all of StrikerS with her side ponytail, I don’t recall her ever sporting twintails past A’s.

    • Tier says:

      She appears to have twintails when she goes off to battle. Here’s a picture from the OP sequence:

      • nagisa says:

        As far as I know, she only use her twintails in barrier jacket mode. In uniform mode (either the brown or white one), she tends to switch to side ponytail. The one in a daki can be in her exceed mode form (in strikers but still in her ponytails) or some new barrier jacket (in force). The manga seems slow and I haven’t read it thoroughly but from what I heard from 4chan, the story seems worse than strikers. Oh well as long as they could milk them into figure forms and I will be a one happy camper.

        • Tier says:

          That is what I’ve heard as well; I’ve heard some people go so far as to suggest that Force is best ignored. I like how Fate looks with a ponytail though, so I’m still interested in it, even if it might not be very good.

  2. BostonBrandon says:

    Tier, I’m sure you’ll understand that while I have nothing to say about a Nanoha pillow case my words are still of great importance and must be heard by all!!!(or some as I know not all of your commenters are interested in ero figures)!!!!
    Sorry about that, but which of the Kurumi figures did you end up deciding on? As figures like this go I hold to a belief that boundaries should be pushed and find myself torn by a desire to have the ultimate prop(the red version prop) or go with the classic black leather/latex bondage gear which is the most visually pleasing of all three in my opinion.
    My indecisiveness along with her relatively exorbitant price had left me twiddling my thumbs about putting in a pre-order but your above mentioning has reinvigorated my interest. As is the case I was hoping that your superior detective skills had found some uncensored pictures on the world wide web.

    • Shashin says:

      I can’t speak for Tier, but I would guess he pre-ordered the black one. He said he’s waiting for it to arrive now (hence this “filler” review over a figure review), and it’s the only figure of the batch that has released yet. The black version was also the only version up for preorder immediately, and it was at least another month before the other two versions went up. I know he was just as excited as I was about the figure, so I’d guess that he preordered it pretty quickly after it opened up.

      Either way, it is a fairly tough choice. I really like the look of the black one, but the red is really striking as well. Had I not preordered the black one as soon as it opened up, I probably would have gone with the red one myself, because the red prop is infinitely better than the black prop.

      • Tier says:

        Filler indeed! Nobody wants to talk about Nanoha, it seems 🙁 Poor Nanoha. She’s not even the #1 magical girl in the hearts and minds of anime fans anymore.

        Your deduction is impeccable, I did indeed get the black one. I gotta admit that the red one’s prop is, uhh, not quite my thing. Though I have to give Daiki props for including such a thing. (Although as I remember it, one of the Queen’s Blade Revoltechs from a while back had a similar feature.)

        • Shashin says:

          Hey, I was just using your own wording! I don’t know how many others enjoy the dakimakura reviews, but I know at this point they’re where I spend the most time. I remember in the past I’d spam up practically every post with my comments and back and forth conversation, I now keep that to the dakimakura posts. Hell, I personally don’t even comment on most figure reviews you do anymore, even if they’re outstanding, because I just kept repeating the same praise. But I know I have to be in the minority here, and you do primarily review figures.

          As far as Nanoha goes, I know nothing of the series, so I can’t form an opinion on which girl is my favorite! I do know that the from the majority of the art that I have seen, I do lean heavily towards Fate, but in the most recent instance, Nanoha won out. I really liked the Marks Nanoha dakimakura cover I got, but I didn’t really care for the Fate that paired with her.

          Yeah, I think it was the Alice Revoltech that had a urine prop. I’m liking it more and more these days, though I could do with or without it. Just as long as it isn’t scat/blood, I do usually have a thing for fluids. Massive as it is, the prop that comes with the black version just felt really uninspired or something.

          Fairly unrelated, but I found an amusing (and somewhat disturbing) thread that has some (mostly) uncensored pictures of the Drill loli figure. NSFW: http://dat.2chan.net/46/res/544031.htm

          • Tier says:

            Indeed! Though in my view, they are “filler” in the sense that they do not take a great deal of time to do; I don’t regard them any less than I do my figure reviews.

            Having only seen fragments of the series (though I did watch the first movie, which I don’t have a high opinion of), a great deal of my impressions of the Nanoha series’ cast comes from doujinshi. Probably not the most accurate source for me to extrapolate characterization from, but well, that’s the way I do things.

            Ha, there are a lot of really creative people out there. I wish I had some of the prop-making skills of some of those people; this reminds me that I need to build the Machine of Joy for LIW Miku already.

    • Tier says:

      Of course I do not understand! How can you not have anything to say about Nanoha? Especially when she’s smiling so sweetly.

      I went with the black Imari; for that sort of figure, I think black is classic and looks best. Truth be told, I don’t really like the other colors nearly as much just because I think black is so traditional. Kinda like a Ferrari that isn’t red, you know?

      I have indeed found uncensored pictures on the web (and there’s some up on her item profile at Tsuki-board), and there’ll be some uncensored pictures up here shortly.

      • Traditionally, Ferraris are meant to be Yellow, as that is the company colour! Supposedly, their racing cars were red to show that they were italian (so in theory, any italian made racing car from the likes of Alfa Romeo or Lamborghini are also red) but that colour ended up usurping the yellow as the most popular, probably cos it made ppl think that they were closer to the racing cars and, as everyone knows, red makes you go faster!!

        but yeah, bondage gear which isn’t black just doesn’t seem right. Just ask Nana!!

        I guess, people don’t really take to Nanoha as much as Fate because we all know Fate can be docile and has experience in bondage and stuff while Nanoha will just blow you away with a blast of her choice. I think Fate also has the bigger boobs when they’re older too…

        • nagisa says:

          hmmmm maybe we could not deduce much about nanoha’s 3 sizes due to her modest outfits in most of the series (she’s one of the rare long skirted mahou shoujos after all) but I think she has the larger bust while fate has a larger (and shapier) bottom.

          • Tier says:

            What’s that saying, Fate’s ass is a miracle of the universe? I always liked the contrast between Nanoha’s and Fate’s appearances, with their white/blue and black/red color schemes and the huge difference in amount of exposed skin.

        • Tier says:

          That is probably just as well; when I think of a yellow car, I think of something like a Mini Cooper or a Smart car instead.

          Yeah, from what I know of the Nanoha series – which comes from the movie and the first couple of episodes of the first series and StrikerS – Fate seems like the more interesting character, while Nanoha is sort of the baseline good girl character. Plus Fate wears the much more revealing costume, even when she’s nine years old.

  3. Wieselhead says:

    I feel like I’ve seen this pillow cover here, maybe it was my foreshadowing ability ;D.
    Anyway this a good one, Nanoha looks so attractive yet cute, a great dakimakura, on both sides. After I’ve already seen the Vivio and Fate dakimakura I can say that I like the style of BRIEST.

    • Tier says:

      Perhaps! BRIEST’s style is really nice, I wish his doujinshi were easier to get (I’ve never seen them pop up on Mandarake and he doesn’t seem to sell through Toranoana, which is usually where I go if I’m looking to bulk-order doujinshi through a proxy service). It’s curious how there are so many circles – BRIEST, Cyclone, Studio PAL, Plum, among others – who do such a great job drawing the Nanoha characters and have done dakimakura covers before, but I can’t find the perfect Fate pillowcase.

  4. Aaron says:

    This dakimakura is good, but to me it looks too much like the Vivio case. Even though I don’t care for Fate, I think I would have to give that case the top ranking of the three (disregarding censoring of course). I almost feel like there is no, or minimal, genital definition like Fate because the artist (or Circle) didn’t want to have to mosaic the cover like they did on the Fate cover.

    I think the best part is her facial expression on the reverse image, mainly because her anus looks like a bullseye (or at least stands out to me much more than either Fate or Vivio). I am guessing Nanoha might be a little worried about what is going to happen.

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, it does take after it a great deal. I think I’d call Vivio my favorite of the three, since I have this thing for anime girls in tight suits (probably because many of the first anime series I watched were mecha shows).

      Haha, indeed; I really do like the dichotomy between the two sides of both the Vivio and Nanoha pillowcases. If you want happy Nanoha, you look at one side and then you flip it over and see distressed Nanoha.

  5. azn0will says:


    That is all. 😛

  6. TomTheCat says:

    Maybe it’s just me, but her labia on the front view look really chubby. Otherwise, it’s geat.

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, they’re really puffy. It’s a stylistic affectation on the part of the illustrator; it seems to be fairly common these days (so common that there’s a well-populated “fat mons” tag over on Danbooru).

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